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GEE 007


I.) True or False:

1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
6. True
7. False
8. False
9. True
10. True
II.) Enumeration:
1. Male
2. Female
1. Qualitative Approach
2. Quantitative Approach
1. Childhood
2. Adolescence
3. Adulthood
4. Old age
1. Testes
2. Ovaries
1. Vagina
2. Cervix
3. Uterus
4. Fallopian Tube
5. Ovaries
1. Testes
2. Vas Deferens
3. Seminal Vesicles
4. Ejaculatory Ducts
5. Urethra
III.) Essay Question: (Five Points Each)
1. Cite some disadvantages of a teenage pregnancy. Explain
- Based on American Pregnancy Association, there is a chance to have low birth
weight/premature birth, anemia, a higher rate of infant mortality (death), a higher
rate of infant mortality (death). Therefore, for some instances there is possibility to
have critical maybe on the baby or the mom, also in the future there is history of
problem in their health, the baby got abnormality or disability when the baby grow.
- Other than that, the mother probably has a problem in her healthy. Some of
these reason because of being a young to be pregnant because the younger version
of being pregnancy was not applicable and normally it is not fully developing of the
reproductive of a young person.
2. How important health and hygiene in sexual life?
- We all know that health and hygiene was very important in our life to avoid
some body odor and some problems in our health. Therefore, it is important the
way to avoid the infections in our sexual health and it prevents for some causes to
have a physical problem or disease especially in our genital part.
- For instance, it prevents to have a HIV, when person have this it can cause to
spread in numerous person and can other to the next generation. Therefore, health
and hygiene in sexual life was very significant to prevent a problem in our mental,
physical, and social well-being. also, to maintain a cleanliness.
3. Explain the term, Sex, Gender and Sexuality?
- The term sex is being recognized by the genital organ in which examined it. Sex
was biological dimension. For example, you can Identify the person male or female
in chromosomes or in ultrasound and maybe it can identify through birth when
person has a penis normally it is men and when the person has a vagina
automatically female. While gender it signifies of behavior you can be socialize, it
can determine by social norms in which person acted masculine and feminine to be
- Also, Gender is the way you act or express being feminine or masculine.
Normally, it is the behavior you could be. Lastly, the sexuality is the part of your
feelings, behavior, preferences, and orientation. Basically, it is the totality of gender
and sex of how we experience it, and it is to describe our understanding of our
bodies and interpersonal relationships.

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