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1. Physical Development
2. Secondary Sex Characteristics
3. What Makes Woman Physically Attractive
4. Keeping Men Physically Attractive
5. Body Self-Image and Self-Esteem
6. How to Improve Body Image?


This module is designed to help you identify and understand different changes
that will take place in the physical body of an individual particularly in the stage of
puberty. This also explains how self-image, self-esteem, and perceptions of physical
attractiveness are being influenced by these physical changes. Further, this module
introduces some guides and tips on how to develop and improve healthy/positive
body image which is crucial to self-confidence, self-acceptance, and self-worth.

Study Guide

To get the most out of this module, you are highly encouraged to take it as an
opportunity to explore, know, and appreciate your physical body. Read thoroughly its
content, do the worksheet/activity, participate in the forum discussion, reflect, and
relate it to yourself. You are expected to complete this module in a week. It would be
your advantage if you answer and complete the worksheet/activity and self-report
surveys that are included in this module. For your questions and clarifications, you
may reach your instructor through google classroom, Gmail, or any platform utilized
in your class.


Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, you will be able to:

1. Understand the physical changes that takes place with the development of
the primary and secondary sex characteristics.
2. Enhance oneself to be physical attractive
3. Improve body image and enhance self-esteem

Topic Presentation

The Human Body in Creating the Sense of Self

“Everywhere in the world, self-starts with the body.” (BAUMEISTER, 1999, p.
2, The self in social psychology, Psychology Press). According to this
statement, our own body is not only an essential requirement for daily
interaction with the outside world but is also included in the notion of self. The
world can only be experienced and felt through our physical body and with
these experiences we make sense of ourselves.

Body is the main device of self-realization and interaction with world, and the
key is to perceive the total self, because emotions and health despite our ability
to think and talk are also expressed through our body (Stackeová, 2007). The
body provides the vehicle through which we interface with life. Through
embodiment, we explore, learn, present ourselves, and express our sexuality;
and through its appearance, the physical self becomes a central element of the
whole self. Our perceptions of our physical selves therefore provide a key to
understanding the constitution of our identities, the basis of our self-esteem,
and many of our behaviour patterns (Fox, 1998. p.295)


Physical Self is the concrete dimension, the tangible aspect of the person that
can be directly observed and examined. This includes all the physical
characteristics that we have, including physical development and
attractiveness. Physical characteristics can include a variety of things. This
includes such hairstyles, facial features and body size and shape play a big
role, but aren't the main ones. Physical characteristics are what you see with
the naked eye and these are defining traits or features about your body and
aspects that are visually apparent.


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Physical development refers to the physical and biological changes that occur
in humans between birth and adolescence. This development is divided into
two areas , growth and development. Growth is the physical changes of, the
increase in size, height and weight. Development is how children gain control
over their physical actions to do complicated and difficult activities more skilfully
and easily. Growth and development are linked because the development and
improvement of physical skills depends on the size of the child and their
muscular strength.


Puberty and adolescence are two terms interlinked to each other representing
certain changes and period of such changes. Puberty refers to the physical
changes leading to sexual maturity in a boy or a girl. Adolescence refers to the
transition period when psychological and social changes take place in a boy
or girl.

Puberty is the name for the time when your body begins to develop and
change as you move from kid to adult. Puberty is the time in life when a boy
or girl becomes sexually mature. It is a process that usually happens between
ages 10 and 14 for girls and ages 12 and 16 for boys. It causes physical
changes, and affects boys and girls differently.


As a part of growth and maturity, the body undergoes many changes both in
men and women. Especially during adolescence, development is at a faster
rate. For the purpose of reproduction, there are some different physical
changes which can be observed in boys and girls. Two types of physical
changes that occur during puberty: a) changes to primary sex characteristics
and b) changes to secondary sex characteristics. Secondary sex

1. Primary sexual characteristics are present at birth and comprise the

external and internal genitalia. This refer to the reproductive organs themselves
and are specifically needed for reproduction (e.g., the penis and testes in
males and the vagina and ovaries in females).

2. Secondary sexual characteristics are those that emerge during the

prepubescent through postpubescent phases. This refer to other
characteristic indicators of adult male and female bodies and are physical
signs of sexual maturation that do not directly involve sex organs and other
visible changes that mark adult maturation. This is due to the different
hormones released by them. Testosterone hormones produced in the testis of


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males and estrogens released in ovaries of females are responsible for these
changes in the males and females respectively. Growth of pubic hair, facial hair
and under the armpit, increase in height, sweating, etc. are some of the
secondary sexual characteristics.


A. Primary Sex Characteristics

Primary sex characteristic changes for boys include the enlargement of the
testes, penis, prostate gland, and seminal vesicles. These changes normally
begin to occur between the ages of 9 and 14 years. Their growth is generally
completed between ages 12 and 16 years.

The most significant and noticeable puberty-related change for young men is
sperm arche, or the first ejaculation. Sperm Arche generally occurs between
the ages of 12 and 16. The sperm arche indicates a boy is now producing
sperm and could fertilize a female egg through sexual activity, resulting in
female pregnancy. This first ejaculation often occurs during sleep; it is often
referred to as a "wet dream."

B. Secondary Sex Characteristics

⮚ Boys develop the heavier muscular body, wide shoulders, and narrow
⮚ Enlargement of the voice box leads to a much deeper voice.
⮚ Maturation of testis and starts to produce sperms.
⮚ Enlargement of Adam’s apple.
⮚ Growth of body hair, including underarm, abdominal, chest hair and
pubic hair.
⮚ Increased stature; adult males are taller than adult females, on average.
⮚ Increased muscle mass and strength.
⮚ Increased secretions of oil and sweat glands.


A. Primary Sex Characteristics

The primary sex characteristic changes for girls includes the uterus starting to
build a lining that will later be shed through the process of menstruation, and
the vagina beginning to produce a mucus-like discharge. This mucus-like
discharge is not actual menstruation but rather an early form of vaginal
lubrication. As the young woman matures, she can produce this lubrication


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when she becomes sexually aroused, but she will also produce it in various
quantities even when she's not sexually aroused.

The most significant and noticeable primary sex change for young women is
menarche, or the first menstrual period. This occurs when the uterus -- the
organ that will later carry and nurture a baby -- sheds its first lining of tissue
and blood. Menarche alone does not mean that a girl is able to become
pregnant. In some cases, pregnancy may occur prior to menarche, while in
others it may not be possible for months after menarche. Some girls will not
begin releasing eggs from their ovaries for up to 12 to 18 months after they
begin their periods. Other girls will have begun releasing mature eggs prior to
their first period. For this reason, young women need to be taught that it is
possible (even if not common) for them to get pregnant before they have their
first period if they should become sexually active.

B. Secondary Sex Characteristics

⮚ Rounded hips and breast development.

⮚ Matured ovaries start to release a mature ovum.
⮚ Ovulation and menstruation initiate.
⮚ Mammary gland enlargement.
⮚ Enlargement of breasts and erection of nipples.
⮚ Growth of body hair, most prominently underarm and pubic hair.
⮚ Widening of hips, lower waist to hip ratio than adult males.

These sudden and rapid physical changes that adolescents go through make
adolescents very self-conscious. They are sensitive, and worried about their
own body changes. They may make painful comparisons about themselves
with their peers. With these, time spent seeking the mirror for answers and
examining one's reflection in critical detail absorbs increasing amounts of time.
Question like “How do I look?” is definitely one that painfully preoccupies
young adolescents, particularly after puberty has begun, thus physical
appearance and attractiveness have become the focus during this stage.


Physical attractiveness is the degree to which a person's physical features

are considered aesthetically pleasing or beautiful. The term often implies
sexual attractiveness or desirability, but can also be distinct from either.

Men, on average, tend to be attracted to women who have a youthful

appearance and exhibit features such as a symmetrical face, full breasts, full
lips, and a low waist-hip ratio. Women, on average, tend to be attracted to
men who are taller than they are and who display a high degree of facial


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symmetry, masculine facial dimorphism, upper body strength, broad

shoulders, a relatively narrow waist, and a V-shaped torso.


1. Symmetry – Across culture, men tend to be more attracted to woman who

exhibit features such as symmetrical face and has youthful appearance.

2. Waist -to-hip ratio – Men become more attracted to women with low waist
to hip body ratio.

3.Weight – Both male and female are attracted to an individual with normal
weight and found them more healthy and more attractive and looks better as
he is compared with unhealthy person.

4. Height – Majority of women prefer men who are taller than them. On
the average, men tend to be attracted to women who are shorter than they

5. Facial Features – Men prefer women with feminine facial features while
woman is more attracted to men with more masculine features and display a
high degree of facial symmetry.

6. Body Built – Women on the average tend to be attracted to men with

broad shoulder, narrow waist and a V- shape turso.

7. Body Scent – Both male and female are attracted to the natural scent
of facially attractive individuals.

8. Feet size – Most men prefer women with small feet.

9. Hair - Most men are more attracted to long-haired women.

10. Movement Patterns – Women are more attractive when they walked
with hip swaying, men are more attractive when they moved with considerable


(According to survey conducted by Brightside)

1. Figure - when a man sees a woman, he is subconsciously thinking whether

he can have babies with her or not. That's why the male brain is searching for
a woman with larger hips and a smaller waist. The woman needs to look
healthy and fertile.


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2. Smile - an obvious attractive feature of women for men. A smile is

something that can catch any male's attraction. Men also look at women's
teeth. It is also connected to the fact that good-looking teeth are an indicator
of good health and good genetics.

3. Facial symmetry - Facial symmetry is one of the most attractive physical

traits. It is explained by the fact that our brains visually process symmetrical
faces faster than a less symmetrical one.

4. Lips - any man will be drawn to a woman with lips desirable to kiss. What
do "kissable lips" mean? Despite the tendency of using different methods to
make lips bigger among women, survey has shown that men prefer thin to
medium-sized lips. A study from the Manchester University found out that men
can stare at women with red lips for seven seconds!

5. Eyes - Men prefer to look at large eyes and there is a reason! When a person
is falling in love with a person he is looking at, his eyes unconsciously dilate
and become larger. That's why a person with larger eyes seems happier and
more appealing.

6. Eyebrows - eyebrows are clearly an important feature in our appearance.

They help express our feelings and emotions. Well-shaped eyebrows can
make you look gorgeous. They make men feel lost in your eyes.

7. Posture - your posture can say a lot about you. Usually, people with poor
posture have socializing problems. They are shy and not open to new
acquaintances. People with good body posture tend to be more confident and

8. Color - The color of your skin as well as your clothing can affect your
attractiveness a lot. It was found that the color red is the most attractive to
men because it's associated with love and passion.


(According to survey conducted by Brightside)

1. Thick eyebrows - Thick natural eyebrows (of course, if they are neat and
aren't joined above the nose) can add more drama and expressiveness to a
man's look. Such eyebrows are associated with rough, yet magnetic male

2. Bristle - An image of a man shaving before an important event became a

part of our culture long ago. Clean-shaven cheeks are considered a sign of
orderliness and accuracy.


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3. Full lips - Full lips seem attractive if only they don't talk nonsense. In any
other case, their owner looks like a kind and open-hearted person.

4. High cheekbones - High cheekbones add some carnivorous looks to their

owner, especially if he has a serious facial expression and his head is tilted
forward. This look tells a woman that this man is confident and strong.

5. Veins - Veins on hands become visible after hard physical work. That's why
they are associated with strength and stamina. Tensed arms look sexy to many
women also because veins add texture to a male body.

6. A toned stomach - Many women like exactly this flat and toned stomach,
not a six-pack. A healthy body shows that he pays attention to the way he
looks and doesn't have any unhealthy habits.

7.Scent - A man's natural smell drives a woman crazy. Of course, we don't

mean the odor after a tough workout, but, rather, the body's natural scent. If
two people like the smell of each other, they both will feel attraction. By the
way, many girls like men's perfume.

8. A smile - Men with a cheerful disposition and a good sense of humor are
always in demand. A sincere smile and laughing eyes can help to start a
conversation, break the ice, and become a powerful weapon for seduction. It
works with many women.


People often struggle with their self-esteem and body image when they begin
puberty because it’s a time when the body goes through many changes. These
changes, combined with wanting to feel accepted by friends, means it can be
tempting to compare oneself with others.

Is the perception that a person has of their physical self and the thoughts and
feelings that result from that perception. (National Eating Disorders

As this definition shows, body image isn’t just one unidimensional construct.
It’s made up of four aspects:

Perceptual body image: how you see your body

Affective body image: how you feel about your body
Cognitive body image: how you think about your body


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Behavioral body image: the way you behave as a result of your perceptual,
affective, and cognitive body image (NEDC, 2017)

When your body image is positive, you are able to accept, appreciate, and
respect your body (NEDC, n.d.). You won’t necessarily avoid feeling any
insecurities or think your body is perfect, but you will be able to acknowledge
any insecurities for what they are and believe that your body is perfect for you.

When you don’t like your body, you may not feel good about yourself or take
care of yourself. This can mean not eating or sleeping enough, staying away
from your friends and family, or turning down chances to do things you would
otherwise enjoy. Having a healthy body image means recognizing the qualities
and strengths that make you feel good about yourself.


Self-esteem is how you value and respect yourself as a person. Self-esteem

affects how you take care of yourself, emotionally, physically and spiritually. It
is all about how much you feel you are worth — and how much you feel other
people value you. Self-esteem is important because feeling good about
yourself can affect your mental health and how you behave.

People with high self-esteem know themselves well. They’re realistic and find
friends that like and appreciate them for who they are. People with high self-
esteem usually feel more in control of their lives and know their own strengths
and weaknesses.

REMEMBER THIS!! Body image and self-esteem directly influence one

another. When you have healthy body image, you feel comfortable about your
body and know how to care for it. A positive environment where friends and
family are supportive of each other and accept each other's appearance is
essential to self-esteem and body image.


You don't need a perfect body to have a good body image. When you like your
body as it is, right now, you boost your body image and your self-esteem too.


⮚ Nobody's perfect. Everybody wants to be liked and accepted just as
they are. That's true for every BODY, too! See your body the way it is.
Be less of a critic. Be more of a friend.
⮚ Don't body-shame yourself. When you make harsh comments about
your own body, it hurts your self-esteem. That's true whether you say it


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out loud or think it to yourself. It hurts just as much as if someone else

said it. Be kind. Respect yourself, even if you have things to work on.
⮚ Build a better habit. Do you have a habit of putting your body down?
To break that bad habit, build a good one in its place. Tell yourself what
you like instead of what you don't. Keep doing it until it is a habit.


⮚ Find things to like about your looks. Maybe you like your hair, face,
or hands. What about your shape, shoulders, or legs? Your eyes or your
smile? Tell yourself what you like and why. If you get stuck, think of what
your good friends like about how you look. Accept those things. Know
that there's lots to like about you. Let yourself feel good.
⮚ Focus on what your body can DO. There's more to your body than
your looks. When you play a sport, walk, run, dance, swim — that's your
body in action. Your body is there for you when you stretch, reach,
climb, or jump for joy. When you carry things, build things, or give
someone a hug. Be amazed. Be thankful.
⮚ Be aware of your body. Don't ignore your body as you go through the
day. Learn to breathe slowly and calmly as you move and stretch. Learn
to tell when your body needs food or rest. Enjoy the way your body feels
when you walk, run, and play.


⮚ Eat healthy foods. Learn what foods are good for you, and how much
is the right amount. Take your time when you eat. Really taste your food.
Enjoy it. Eating right helps you look your best. It gives you the energy
you need. And it boosts your body image. When you treat your body
right, you feel good about yourself.
⮚ Get good sleep. Learn how much sleep you need for your age. Get to
bed on time. Turn off screens hours before bedtime so you can sleep
⮚ Be active every day. Your body needs to move to be strong, fit, and
healthy. You can be active by playing a sport. You can run, walk, work
out, do yoga, swim, or dance. Pick activities you like. Enjoy the fun you
can have.
⮚ Keep to a healthy weight. Being a healthy weight is good for you. And
it helps you feel good about your body. But don't try to diet on your
own. Always talk to your parent or doctor. Your doctor can suggest
ways you can keep to a weight that's right for you.


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Tomas, R.D, Sanchez, M.T., Paragas, E.T., Perez, N.S>, Marasigan, J. B., Miranda,
M.B.,… Espiritu, A. F. (2018). Understanding The Self. Malabon City: Mutya
Publishing House, Inc.
Fox, K. R. (2000). Self-esteem, self-perceptions and exercise. International Journal
of Sport Psychology, p. 228 – 248.
Stackeová, D. (2007). Tělesné sebepojetí v kontextu psychosomatiky a možnosti
jeho 102 ovlivnění. Retrieved January 03, 2008.


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