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‘There was something ineffably about Cleopatre’s personality that drew many to her ~ extant coins, bearing the Egyptian queen's visage, however, have led many to believe ‘that this attribute did not extend to her physiognomy. “_End Practice and See Results _ Question 1 of 133 Cattractive D diminutive overbearing winsome Di optimistic Di spirited Submit Answer Next Question For one undertaking such a complex dissertation, Marcus gave Oi facile 2 remarkably response when the committee asked him a probing question, thereby creating the impression that CO cebonair he had only @ superficial knowledge of the subject. Csmug Oshallow Cerudite Chistrionie | End Practice and See Results Question 2 of 133, Submit Answer | Next Question ‘That Alexander Solzhenitsyn languished for many years in a bleak Siberian prison camp can perhaps account for the __ tone of many of his novels. sentimental Teogent U sanguine O persistent Dorim trac cccapdcontenlial Question 3 f 139 | submit answer |Next Question ‘The recent spate of quality television dramas—while clearly Flwondrous indebted ta the cinematic idiom of the 1970's—represents a(n) achievement: never before has any video medium been called on to sustain a narrative for 100 plus hours. incalculable unambiguous unprecedented CO spotty: 1D groundbreaking ‘The chairman of the board, sensing that any effort was futile, became the company’s plight, and only shrugged his shoulders when the shareholders notified him that the corporation was insolvent. wary of U apathetic to Ti irascible towards T hopeless regarding 1 pugnacious towards indifferent to Whereas Henry James preferred urban settings to spin his Intricate studies on the human psyche, Thomas Hardy preferred backdrops to explore the workings of the mind. Cnustic [A successful space shuttle launch is ‘such @ great number of factors--any of which can sabotage a lift-off--that spectators should not chafe at the slightest sign of delay. unrelated to Ci relevant to Tcontingent upon Ui dependent on Oi peripheral to coterminous with ‘The professor began to work on various. research projects—though never to the point that she failed to attend to her classes, since whether she received tenure was ‘determined not only by published research but also, to some extent, by student recommendations. O periodically O sporadically Ci monotonously Diindustriously Ddtigently Di rruittutty For triathletes to remain even alter a large meal is: Ci responsive unsurprising, given that their training regimens require them to burn thousands of calories each day. Oi sated voracious Ci reticent alert Ci ravenous Yielding to increased pressure from the international ‘community, the nation of Himeria consented to a large sswathe of land it had formerly captured. Ceonvert restore Ocede Dnnex surrender dismiss Eschewing the acerbic tone used in his previous reviews of forthright Kingley's works, Clorke was far more in his latest article, balancing the curmudgeonly with the avancilar. C equitable CT ingenuous Clevenhanded TD demonstrative ambivalent ‘A tantalizing paradox in the field of number theory—especially for the neophyte—is that even one with litte training can pose 2 legitimate question that can expert. ‘a seasoned impress Obaffie undermine confound Deonvince Ui discourage ‘A tantalizing paradox in the field of number theory—especially for the neophyte—is that even one with litte training can pose 2 legitimate question that can expert. ‘a seasoned impress Obaffie undermine confound Deonvince Ui discourage Only 2 hundred years ago, most doctors were sometimes traveling as many as a hundred miles to deliver a baby. inexperienced. Oi peripatetic. Oi penurious. D gregarious. Ditinerant. Di dismissive. Though many are apt to believe that the bones from a recent Doble discovery are those of a direct ancestor of modern humans, some scientists are skeptical, and contend that the remains, Dunviable while suggesting a common ancestor, are but 2 vestige of one of evolution’s many experiments. intuitive Dunsuccessful archaic ingenious ‘Once news of the scandal broke, the executive found himself facing penury; even the firm who had coveted him the most its offer. Duansferred Qundermined rescinded Ceurtailed lambasted retracted Montreaux, initially as the forerunner to the Cidentified evolving 20th century cinematic idiom, experienced a decline ‘that was as precipitous as his rise was meteoric. O snubbed Ohrailed Dunseated Diauded rejected Pearson's prose has become increasingly even those who once extolled his intricate metaphors now believe that the excessive use of such language only serves to undermine any semblance of narrative unguarded ornate embellished Oi vague lucie CO truculent Ignoring the crowd's entreaties for the judge remained implacable, meting out a punishment that was as harsh as it was arbitrary. Djustice UO mercy Di demency Ti appeasement condemnation D partiality Max was so that he never could be caught Jn an outright lie his duplicity worked its seductive spell ‘through 2 calculated mix of half-truths and disingenuousness. obtuse Owity Duneanny Dundiscerning Deratty Dartiess Martha was those whom she had only met a wary of | few times, expressing her misgivings with folded arms and furrowed brow. haughty towards smitten with, Di inarticulate towards Di conciliatory of suspicious of When sketching, Pablo Picasso moved with a that made his creations all the more astonishing ~ he could finish ‘an entire work in the time many artists took to arrange their implements. purity Deelerity CO fecklessness Oi semblance O detberation Ci swiftness: Unlike many poets, who are inspired by ___ settings, Harrison relied on urban backdrops to summon his muse, Di unpopulated D pastoral CD wpicat unknown O rustic Di sentimental Attempting to quell the unrest, the mayor, addressing the gathering mob, highlighted the very grievances that had initialy inflamed people's temper, thereby provoking the collective wrath. unwittingly Chatrectly CD decisively inadvertently Cisubely noticeably Despite being lionized for her uncanny ability to inhabit almost any role and, when necessary, inject it with genuine pathos, the actress, perhaps a bit too self-effacingly, chalked her ‘success up to nothing more than a series of ominous Duntimety fortuitous CD toreseeable Dchance predictable Most nascent memories are evanescent ~ unless the brain has sufficient time to make sense of them, they will Oi dissipate Tevalesce O persist Fi perish triumph Ccohere ‘The idea that the human mind is a blank slate, able to be innate ‘molded at will, has been challenged by Tennenbaum, whose ‘esearch shows that not only do infants display certain hard-wired predilections but also that these preferences may well be Tindiscernible D circumscribed pervasive malleable ‘The neighborhood French Bistro, though typically unpretentious, has had to contend with the common perception that any eatery with the word 'French” appended to its name must connote something _. Dunrefines Cetegant Duncammon Ci modest Dehie Dultramodern After a bout of the flu, Sue was unable to between certain foods, with many flavors taking on a bland note. opt O settle D discriminate adjudicate D delineate D differentiate Though the CEO was notin accordance with the board's Clow wees EB bearute workers their compensation Baeny Tiindulge Cigrant Dentrust She had been her termination was as imminent as it was justified. even in her fundamental duties and thus Oremiss Dadamant Citempestuous stringent Ddoting Daegligent As the salesman became increasingly glib, promising that there was nothing the warranty would not cover, Xavier sensed that the entire operation was a(n) walked out. ‘and quickly Disk CD distraction Ofraud enterprise racket success Winston ___ researched prospective universities, listing both the positive and negative attributes of each school, before choosing the one that suited him best. Dethically Ci naphazardly Ui sedulously U sporadically Oi scrupulously inadvertently The hill was marked with a(n) abject poverty huddled at its base. U diversity Ci candidness hostility Oi splendor Ditemerity opulence Surely more then his predecessor, Malcolm nonetheless should not be expacted to display unbounded magnanimity, especially to those subordinates whose actions clearly run afoul of propriety Ddemanding Di equitable evenhanded Deritical uncompromising Daustere Notwithstanding her tendency to when Journalists’ questions blatantly pried into her personal life, the senator always spoke directly and candidly on issues relating to her public rote. Ceower O bristle Ci speak evasively O vacilate Ol prevaricate C elaborate In the last few decades, technological progress has proceeded Dtentative at such a dizzying rate that, beyond the obvious advantages 3 given technology confers on the user, the non-specialist Cbewildered becomes ‘when pressed to explain how anything really works. Ti confident Ci nonplussed F complacent belligerent [As the job fair neared to an end, the recent college graduate became ever more desperately trying to befriend prospective employers he had earlier nat even deigned to give ‘50 much as a cursory glance. Ciingratiating Ci fawning withdrawn Di volatile 1D vociferous direct “Though she was too. to actually speak in front of a large crowd, such timidity did not carry over to the speeches she had written, which resounded with confidence and purpose. underwhelmed meek immobile plucky Deitident Ti disenchanted ‘An inherent flaw in the university system is that faculty and students often have ___ aims: professors constantly strive to gain tenure at the expense of pedagogy, while most students earnestly seek to obtain the best education possible. Uselfish 1D distinguishable irreconcilable Oi disparate 1D virtuous: Ci divergent Brutus is often held up as the embodiment of. while itis true that he deceived his friend, Julius Caesar, one ‘must not forget that Caesar had become both @ danger to himself and the Republic. ~yet, Caitwtt O parsimony CDrreachery selflessness Operfidy Ceowardice Stranded north of the Arctic Circle and with few remaining ‘supplies, the expedition was in a position Dennobles O stutttying precarious spurious Dunexposed Dicey While young elephants are typically given some. D discharge mothers will often keep young calves in their line of vision to ensure that an adult elephant is always nearby. CD tatitude Cincentive independence Dehastening direction While young elephants are typically given some. D discharge mothers will often keep young calves in their line of vision to ensure that an adult elephant is always nearby. CD tatitude Cincentive independence Dehastening direction While the dense brush can make for tough going, the state park features a wilderness that is virtually ; some will gladly trade their comfort for a chance to behold fauna few others ever have. empty Dendangered Dluntouched A pristine secluded Ci imperiled Rarely in her duties as a member of the city’s environmental committee, she quickly garnered accolades from both citizens and government workers. O punetitious OD celeritous remiss Degligent perfunctory Dmyopic Hoping for a(n) the committee was unable to dedicate ‘enough time to read Mary's entire 200-page dissertation. U synopsis O inclusion O rehesh Ui manifesto 1 cetraction Oi précis The poet, snubbed by all the major houses, went out of his way to make __ comments during public readings, going so far as to call other writers second-rate. hasty CO simpering D snide U affable O provocative Ci derogative ‘The increased number entering the labor force has only diminish served to an already ailing job market. O strain underscore tex bolster Dtrounce ‘Those cognitive psychologists who focus on the way in which the brain processes text are, for the most part, not fully, swayed by the traditionalist rhetoric that we learn more while Immersed in the pages of a book than in the virtual pages of an e-reader, and believe that a(n) assessment will require more rigorous testing. D unequivocat Daear unenlightened 1 pending U professional erudite Despite creating the impression that his replies are ungoverned by any forethought, the mayor—even in his most seemingly impassioned moments—is plainly in his responses to the media. Ci measurea Oi studied Ceandid forthcoming Ci crtical outspoken Requiring split-second decisions, the career of an investment. CO tomardness banker is clearly not @ viable one for those prone to CO hesitation Ddithering O prevarication (CO wastefulness Dobstinacy Saintliness has become so closely linked with many assume that for 9 person to be spiritual he or she has to renounce all worldly pleasures. that Di salvation Dasceticism Tbenightedness Dinsularity beatification austerity Corporations that do not rely in some way on governmental tend to be better off when their respective ‘government's coffers are empty. interventions Oi subsidies Ceutbacks largesse limitations Dstrictures ‘Once across the Western plains, the buffalo has seriously diminished in number. Usperse eradicated innumerable immutable Oegion Ti thoroughgoing “The two writers were of equal talent—indeed Mikhail may have been the more gifted-yet it was his ‘that led him to switch careers, whereas Dimitri was able ta rely on his skills of self-promotion to thrive in a competitive marketplace. Ci naivete Oi persistence Di diffidence complacency O pride Dumidity a(n) procrastinator, Stephen found himself unable to recall a time when he did not put off doing 2 major assignment. insatiable DC habituat Dederetict erratic inveterate Duntiring ‘The space mission to deploy a probe to Uranus, while greeted with much enthusiasm by those in the scientific and lay community alike, has been not so much by the technical challenges of launching @ probe into such a distant orbit as by the lack of funding. hobbled Dinformed Dattered hamstrung Denhanced CD scrapped by a swarm of tabloid reporters, their camera flashes ‘reating an incessant whir, the celebrity made a quick escape into a limousine with tinted windows. CiIndulged Orarried CMoliified CiBesieged ODisbarred OFeted Te was not for a(n) of effort that Emerson found himself near the middle of the class; after all, he was attending one of the most competitive law programs in the country. diminution D wane O surge excess Diack lessening ‘The judge admonished the counsel to keep closing arguments and thus refrain from citing evidence tangential to the proceed ings: Obriet Climpartial Ol germane Tlunbiased O pertinent insolent ‘As soon as his slightest whim was nat met, the actor became snapping even at those not involved in the filming of ‘the scene. grim fastidious Clquerulous Csutten D chivalrous Ci petulant ‘The game between the two powerhouses became 4 strugale; two overtimes forced some players to spend more than four hours on the field. Ui perenniat U protracted Oi lachrymose Consistent Oi penurious Oi prolonged To the . the music of Bach, at once intensely Dinspired personal because of the simplicity of its melodies and inaccessible because of contrapuntal complexity, can seem the Ci narrow-minded product of two distinct composers. uninitiated Tunschooled Cenlightened O precipitate With an emphasis placed on calculus and the algebra necessary to understand it, the modern high school mathematics curriculum has forced traditional courses such as spherical geometry to ground to those subjects that underpin a conceptual understanding of calculus. banish Oeede Dotter Orelinquish Ogrant promise Corrupted by handshakes and sly winks, the government was run by a leader who cared only for his for his languishing people. and nothing contemporaries adversaries Ceronies relations chums legacy To readers of V.S. Neipaul--especially those who are familiar Ddespairing with the latter half of his ceuvre-the author‘s claim that he started off as @ comic writer will in itself seem comical ~ so Dacerbic Is the tone of most of his novels. Dambivalent sanguine Douanced D pessimistic ‘The skirmish between the two beleaguered armies occurred respites. ‘ith each side taking much needed rest during the C retroactively O spasmodically C invasively Clincessantly O spuriously CO irregularly ‘The marriage between the duke and the duchess was a(n) affair, one that quickly devolved inte public altercations ‘operatic in scope, Ui protracted notable Ci lengthy Ui international Ti unseemty Oi sordid For all the orchestra's brio, the conductor moved his baton moving about in labored strokes. O casually sporadically Cl eumbrousty C capriciously O ponderously Ci fluidly Any successful trivia game must be aware of both its Dedlectic audiences’ and players’ range of knowledge ~ as soon as any topic becomes too ‘most quickly lose interest. obscure Ci recondite ephemeral Oi prosaic Ui topical Her potential unrealized, Martha was ultimately a victim of her Oi stultified environment, bby those around her who insisted that she forsake her artistic dreams for a routine, but predictable Tessuaged me hampered O motivated Ol spurmed galvanized Despite the concerted efforts of her supporters, the mayor's actions were clearly ___, rendering even the most impassioned pleas superfluous. Oindefensible unimpeachable deceitful ‘untenable selfish aboveboard valor Imperilled by excessive logging activity, the Canadian snow goose is unusually sensitive to any encroachments into its Oi pugnacity territory, displaying a(n) _____rare amongst waterto D arrogance T haughtiness T eeueulence Li benignity ‘The heckler, hiding amongst the amorphous crowd, is the epitome of ~ as soon as he has been identified, he ‘goes scuttling off, head down, grumbling to himself i stealthiness Doutspokenness Di shyness: aloofness Deravenness Di spinelessness Despite its veneer of pearly-toothed smiles and amicable D schmoozing handshakes, the world of politics is one of constant in which everyone is always jockeying for a more estimable TD machinating position. hobnebbing Ui scheming CO muckraking Dintermingling While she had the talent to be a professional comedian, her stage fright precluded any such forays into this demanding necessary O minimal Ci requisite inestimable O paucity of excess of ‘While the kitchen may be free of the toxins polluting the Crancid ‘outdoors, certain cooking implements, when heated at high temperatures, can release vapors. noxious evanescent Ctargeted Tl unerthodox: Oi dangerous. ‘A____wit, Noe! Coward could elicit laughs in a variety of \ways- through his musical compositions, theater plays, and numerous acting roles. somber Ci besotted Oi secular D versatile D uniform Oi protean After years of assiduously cultivating an image of integrity, the mayor was acutely aware that just one scandal could forever his reputation in the public’ eyes. bolster Dbesmirch Ctarnish 1D promulgate Oimotity Disolieity j not brash only did he belabor his every point, but he underscored each utterance with the pounding of the gavel. Di forthright ‘The judge's closing remarks were nothing if not Dtherough Deandia audacious exhaustive Hardly one to fault others, Thaddeus surprised his colleagues when he began even their most trivial mistakes. Deaviting at doting over Doloating at take offense at Dearping at Doroveting at Hardly one to fault others, Thaddeus surprised his colleagues when he began even their most trivial mistakes. Deaviting at doting over Doloating at take offense at Dearping at Doroveting at Akknack for , it can be argued, allows one access to 3 whole range of careers, many of which require one to forsake direct, honest speech. eloquence Cprevarication Dequivocation abbreviation discernment openness Akknack for , it can be argued, allows one access to 3 whole range of careers, many of which require one to forsake direct, honest speech. eloquence Cprevarication Dequivocation abbreviation discernment openness Oncologists struggle to determine the long-term carcinogenic effects of basic household products, as these effects, whatever they may be, are those resulting from the miasma of toxins we breathe once we leave our homes. exacerbated by T confounded with Tattenuated by Dobscured by Di displaced by Ui subjected to Oncologists struggle to determine the long-term carcinogenic effects of basic household products, as these effects, whatever they may be, are those resulting from the miasma of toxins we breathe once we leave our homes. exacerbated by T confounded with Tattenuated by Dobscured by Di displaced by Ui subjected to During interrogation, the suspect affected a frightened persona, hoping that such a display of cravenness would deflect the authorities’ suspicion, as they were looking for someone who had pulled aff several very heinous audacious brazen U foothardy obvious: D conspicuous During interrogation, the suspect affected a frightened persona, hoping that such a display of cravenness would deflect the authorities’ suspicion, as they were looking for someone who had pulled aff several very heinous audacious brazen U foothardy obvious: D conspicuous Yet another creation in line with the D plodaing melodramas the director is so well known for, the latest effort 1s hike to have a similar effect: a tiny subset of the U convoluted population will extol the deliberate pacing, while the majority tn dismiss the fim as soporific drive Dexacting OD sadistic O tedious Di shocking ‘Augustine's sylvan sketches evoke a in the viewer that D weariness echoes the very repose during which the artist himself rendered these woodland scenes. Ci contemplativeness Dtranquility mistrust Ci serenity UI skepticism ‘Augustine's sylvan sketches evoke a in the viewer that D weariness echoes the very repose during which the artist himself rendered these woodland scenes. Ci contemplativeness Dtranquility mistrust Ci serenity UI skepticism If good taste has the vampire genre tired Orouna and trite, the entertainment industry surely is not listening: for every bloodsucker baring fangs there is hack baring Odeemed some seript. Cexpected Daiscoveres Cdemeaned Donticipated If good taste has the vampire genre tired Orouna and trite, the entertainment industry surely is not listening: for every bloodsucker baring fangs there is hack baring Odeemed some seript. Cexpected Daiscoveres Cdemeaned Donticipated ‘The computer modeling of weather has, since its inception, ascendancy been fraught with difficulties, yet the fact that it has only had to improve on what, to some, amounts to nothing more than Ddemise voodoo science made its all but assured. Cindlusion primacy dismissal retraction ‘Compared to the rococo flourishes typical of Thomas Oi banal Chippendale’s creations, Matthew Taylor's armoires were positively ___- austere otherworldly Ciintricate Dl humdrum Oi spartan Unlike typical literary celebrities, who are ever so eager to sullen promote their work, even at the expense of coming across as contrived, Chase was __ and made no effort to be genuine expensive. Di disarming Ci reserved apathetic Ci retiring ‘Though the recent row between the much loved prime oat ‘minister and the ambassador from the erstwhile colonial Bild power wil, in all bkebhood, not foment outright protests--the peshause ‘way an incursion by this same foreign power into the country’s Bias airspace did~surely such discord will only serve to further 2 people long since wary of foreign Ddetase influence. oeba Drankie Cmarginalize With the scandal tamishing his reputation, the judge was forced to give up jurisprudence. Clunfairly Cl remotely Tirrevocably Dequivocally C permanently Oi peripherally ‘The plucky election campaign has managed to ‘support from the most unlikely cormers--even typically derelict voters are eyaing the voting booth with more than indifference. CO push away Orite up CD hoodwink Orepet Deorrat round up The nation was marked by ‘every aspect of life: there was litle that had not fallen prey to corruption. which intruded upon i jingoism Oi stigmatization 1D venatity. Oi probity 1D volubitty Ci grafe ‘As we age, our political leanings tend to become less the once dyed-in-wool conservative can betray liberal leanings, and the staunch progressive may suddenly embrace conservative policies. CO demanding Oi subtle Oi pronounced Obiased T conspicuous cohesive Not merely curious, the new manager was often and ‘would only cease to needlessly interfere in employees work if ‘one of her superiors was present. Devasive S oresrious Diinrusive Fimetiesome Oprving Dobstreperous by nature, Roland could always be found amidst 2 ‘group of people, laughing and smiling. Expansive 1 Facetious C colleguiat O tiring 1D Gregarious Ci petty ‘The proliferation of cell phones with multi-pixel digit cameras has enabled even the most us to become citizen journalists, photographers amongst Cedepe intrepid Cunseasoned Distilled Dl emateur stereotypical Whether bottled water is healthier than non-bottled water is Covert ‘moot from an ecological standpoint - the hazard discarded plastic bottles pose to the environment clearly suggests we Oblase should be less ‘about our unbridled consumption. Deavalier OD militant OD disingenuous Ovigitane [At one time versatile, responding to the community’ needs in Cantedated very litte time, the environmental management bureau has long since become ‘and largely unresponsive to O pallor even its own intemal needs. Daderotic invigorated Ceompromised Dossified ‘To most, the word ‘architecture’ connotes a grandeur typically associated with the Old World--flying buttresses, Doric columns, baroque flourishes, byzantine arabesques--and thus many of the more structures, especially those not obviously inspired by neoclassicalism, are often thought to bbe cobbled together haphazardly instead of following some prescribed architectural idiom. Cmodest secular Dunassuming dilapidated CO ramshackle sedate ‘The exuberance of Karevolotski’s narrator breaks the mold in Russian literature, which heretofore has featured a(n) ‘protagonist, who, grumbling about myriad perceived injustices, braces himself against an oppressive word. gloomy ebullient rebellious Oi saturnine Ol sanguine unruly Movie marketing works in 3 highly predictable, and obnoxious, © patronized fashion: the more we are assaulted with images of intergalactic battles, or a pouty heroine hoping to regain her See lost love, the greater likelihood that the movie is one best Heoeted Ui steered clear of Oi mullleé over Ceelebrated Collaboration between students, while promising—students who work together rarely are in the bottom half of the class—does not tend to account for the success of students at the very top of the class, students who work Tautonemously Oi sporadically Di diligently. Diindependently Defficaciousty without interruptions After the botched elections, the country descended into with many of the stronger taking advantage of the weaker ‘amidst the lawlessness, turmoil antipathy exclusivity corruption Oindifference Ochaes Journalists writing under oppressive regimes face a Dinformed challenging dilemma: uncovering incriminating facts is rarely from the standpoint of sel-preservation, but ignoring CO prudent the dictates of conscience compromises the ideals of objective reporting, Diiiberating O politic Dunwise profitable In the last few decades, technological progress has proceeded at such a dizzying rate that, beyond the obvious advantages a ‘given technology confers on the user, the non-specialist becomes really works. when pressed to explain how anything Delegiec Abeligerent Deonfident O baffies complacent Ci perplexed “To think that Socrates’ original words have remained free of| is strikingly naive: the only extant words we have of Socrates are not actualy those of the philosopher himself, but were attributed to him by Plato, in many of the latter's writing (2 transcription that itself has, in the past two millennia, Lndergone countless translations and revisions). O bias Di corruption eensorship Dartifice C bastardization Texpression For such a propitious candidate to be 0 early in the election cycle underscores the fickle affection of the voter. Clionizes Clstandered Clousted marginalized O sidelined O glorified Unless the government can dispense with the heretofore remedies it has used to confront the recent economic downturn, the population will continue to suffer, both physically and under the delusion that the government actually endeavored to handle the crisis in an innovative fashion. Cuntested O spurious CO transitory O leeting Oi prosaic Oi pedestrian Tentative, fearful even, his first forays into the theatrical arts were hardly __. unheralded Ci auspicious Ceommendable unpropitious Ci satisfactory Dfevorable Every bit the crusader as she was the shrewd implacable organizer, Emmeline Pankhurst resorted to militancy to achieve equal rights for women, rallying har "army" despite O sedulous the constant onslaught of opposition from both the police and anti-Sutfragists. Citustrieus inexorable Di incorrigible TD magnanimous Contrary to her claims of fiscal clairvoyance, she had nary U predilection a(n) ‘that the market would take such an inauspicious tumble. Dinkling Cimterest U presentiment OD quaim Ci reservation ‘She was far less concerned with the work at hand than with the opportunity to ascend the proverbial corporate ladder, even if doing so entailed resorting to Machiavellian schemes. ‘or other such mimicry Dlartitice Clespionage Siealumny Ci subterfuge Oftattery CCouching her response in legal-ese, the judge, in reaching @ Clitrevocably decision, would typically ose her audience, who would only regain focus once she had delivered the Cunequivacally verdict. Teryptically Teategorically tentatively Oi magisterially CCouching her response in legal-ese, the judge, in reaching @ Clitrevocably decision, would typically ose her audience, who would only regain focus once she had delivered the Cunequivacally verdict. Teryptically Teategorically tentatively Oi magisterially Poctaster, who at the outset believed one only needed time to Bunworthy white a great novel, was constantly assailed by misgivings, and before completing even one chapter, he abandoned what idealistic hhe had come to deem a (n) enterprise, Cittusory notable Ci-foted Dauixotic ‘The market continued to be shifting on @ moment's notice. unpredictable volatile Dascendane Duninterrupted Dopen Operous. Academics, when locking rhetorical horns, can toss off the most pointed barbs by deploying nothing more than an understated phrase, so it should come as no surprise that they are also prone to seeing ---- where none exist. CO slignts Cl conspiracies Cl misinterpretations Clrwvalnies O misperceptions Oi snubs With university lecture halls rivaling small-concert venues in terms of the number of those in attendance, it incoming freshmen—most long coddled in {an intimate learning environment--to become adept at navigating the treacherous waters of anonymity. implicates Dis incumbent upon Dbehooves Ciremoves the onus for Cis unfair for benefits Now that even the most unenlightened citizen can create 2 popular news blog, we must be __ when relying on news sources that do not fall under the rubric of traditional media. Dideatistic O skeptical Owary Dopen-minded inflexible forgiving The audience members! remarks were , as they added nothing to the debate and seemed generally uncalled for. Dunnecessary Dtentative Digratuitous Ti superaiious U pregmatic Dunderstated ‘The rise of amateur writers online has brought with it an interesting corollary: since much of what used to be read passed under the scrupulous eye of a publishing house, the O forgivable Dflagrane: uncommon Datypical egregious Di apparent Water experts predict that unless the coming year’s rainfall Deurtait will be significantly above average, the city’s denizens, regardless of any protestations, will have to their water intensify usage. administer D denote Di disseminate Chimie Through mere vignettes of a childhood spent living in two divergent cultures, is able to communicate far more cogently about alienation and ‘belonging than those of her contemporaries who believe ‘verbosity is tantamount to profundity. IHirasaki, in her delightful Li suggestion Dartfulness intimation Cittumination D contrivance abbreviation The recent discovery of the existence of a far greater number ‘of planets than had previously been thought only undergirds the argument for intelligent Iifeforms; such an argument depends on more than a mere tally of planets, for only those planets that can form a viable atmosphere can host the conditions necessary for Ife. subtly minimally Dobtiquely retroactively CD aiscursively indirectly ‘The travel writer must invite i few, f any travelogues, have ever been inspired by a languorous afternoon poolside, O travail tribulations excitement Oi scandal tranquility O serenity History has known few as as the Irish wit Oscar Wilde: on his inaugural trip to America, when asked by customs officials if he had anything to declare, Wilde replied: “The only thing I have to declare is my genius.” arch Di narcissistic Ci successful U misanthropic Oi puckish accomplished Anticipating a dry, hot fal, city officials are Citizens to rake up any leaves on their respective property many radio shows have slotted 15-second spots warning listeners about the heightened possibility offre should sufficient underbrush collect in untended parts of residents’ premises. reminding Dexhorting C petitioning Clenlisting counseling enjoining Though she would at a mere peccadillo, she would, with nary more than a wagging finger, condone far ‘more untenable behavior. Obridte U quibble Cristie beam Ui chortle Ui outfaw ‘That art wields political power is not an incontrovertible Ddemurely position—if itis even true at all: Picasso’s Guernica, a painting capturing the wanton plundering of a Spanish village, hangs D grotesquely almost in the Guggenheim, framed by a soft light best befitting 2 seaside idyll. Daskew O selt-effacingly D peacefully D trvotously ‘As those around him soon came to learn, he was an arrant prone to finding some perceived quirk or political predilection with which to use as a basis for shunning even those he had once considered part of his inner circle, Cochauvinist Degotist Dlickspittle CO charlatan Detiist O braggadocio ‘The city council was notorious for voting down any measure that would restrict its ability to wield power, so that it a bill aimed to narrow the ambie ofits Jurisdiction was surprising only to the small few who had come to believe that the council would pull an about-face. CO championed took exception to Cidiscarded was in favor of Ctabied objected to

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