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Computer Site Ins. Inc.

#15 Sto. Niño, City Of San Pedro, Laguna

IS101 - Intelligent Systems

Task Sheet # 1


Date of Submission

Learning Outcome

Write your answers in the answer sheet. Upload your answer sheets in

Intelligent Systems
• Facebook
• Youtube
• Wikipedia

Choose a system from the listed fields above. I want you to research and create an
Intelligent Experience with Data. Make sure to implement the principles discussed in
the module. Your Intelligent Experience with Data should include the following:

I. Data Utilized
- For an intelligent experience to occur, users should be able to get the
data that is most relevant to them as easily as possible. This process has to
be automated so they’re not searching for it and wasting time. When the
right data is available, this empowers users to focus on what matters. The
data platform is auto-prioritizing what to focus on for the user.

II. Insights Infused into the Business Process

- Intelligent experiences help guide the users to making better business
decisions. So, instead of simple yes/no questions in an approval process, intelligent
experiences provide needed context so that a manager can make an informed
decision. There’s a difference between this and normal advanced analytics. “The
intelligence is being delivered within the business process.

III. Narrative Explanations, Explaining Data in Story Form

- An intelligent experience goes beyond populating a dashboard or
spreadsheet with data and actually helps to contextualize insights in real language.
The narrative element of an intelligent experience is crucial for ensuring a wide range
of users can benefit from the data, and that the insights are fully understood.
Analytics cannot just be a number or a score in an intelligent experience. That is
required, but it is not enough.

IV. Completion
- It refers to the final stage of an intelligent experience as “complete.” By this,
he means the user walks away with the knowledge of what happened, why it
happened, what will happen, and what they should do about it. In technical terms,
this boils down to descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive analytics.
Context plus guidance, when delivered as narrative explanations infused in the
Answer Sheet
business process such that data finds you, is equal to an intelligent experience.


Criteria Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Focus (5 pts)
(The single controlling point made with an awareness of task about a specific
Content (5 pts)
(The presence of ideas developed through facts, examples, details, opinions,
Reasons and/or explanations)

Conventions (5 pts)
(Grammar, spelling, usage and sentence formation and neatness)

Score: / 60

Midterms Page 2
Answer Sheet

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