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English Academic Purpose

From the text, it explains education in the premise of family life where parents
guide and encourage children to create a good personality. Parents are mothers
and fathers who have a shared role to be educators for their children. A mother
is the most important educator in the family. Especially in physical and mental
health. However, there are many incidents that happen when a mother neglects
her child, not guiding her but instead being ignored and neglected.
Even though the mother is the main factor in the formation of the character of a
child, the existence of the mother beside the child has improved the mental
health of the child by always supporting the child. Likewise with the role of a
father, a father who has an equally important role in managing good household
development and how to be responsible. There is a lot of research that says
Many verses today want to do better the things they have experienced in their
lives. However, not a few left their responsibilities.
The role of parents is very important in educating children, but in the era of the
21st century, education choices are based on sophisticated technological
developments. Millennial children who have the wrong relationship will be very
difficult to educate, therefore the role of parents must be increased. Do not only
think about material needs but also love the needs of love and attention. Family
education carried out by parents at this time is so that children can freely choose
their life goals, as well as guide children so as not to get lost and inspire
children to achieve their goals.
Family education is very important not only for mothers but also fathers who
must provide education for their children. So, family education will not be
carried out if all family members do not fulfill their role. When compared to the
past, it will certainly be more difficult today, for anyone who will become
parents because technology will continue to develop.

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