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Greetings from Bucharest!

I am writing to update you on the life of

our church plant as we continue the word and sacrament ministry
among Romanians. We strongly believe the Gospel will bring
comfort and hope in an age of a threatening war, energy crisis and
much uncertainty. Therefore, in these extraordinary times, we
continue our very ordinary ministry
The end of summer marks the beginning of a new season of
outreach. At the end of August we had the baptism of a covenant
child born to one of the young families of our church. This was a
great reminder that all the work we are doing now is not only for
the present, but also for the generations to come.
I was also busy organizing our European Reformed church 8/28/2022 The baptism of Ivan, our youngest member
planters retreat in Romania: 16 men from Italy, Germany,
Hungary, Turkey, Poland and Romania have come together to
fellowship, brainstorm and seek advice in overcoming the
challenges of our church planting work. This year we have made
progress in our plans for cooperation in three areas: ecumenical
relations, theological education and book publishing projects.
I am also thankful for the annual oversight visit from our
overseeing church in Santee, CA. Rev. William Godfrey spent two
Lords Days with us and he provided encouragement and advice
both for myself and for Claudiu, our local elder.
I am currently preaching a series on the book of Genesis and
also teaching a series on Apologetics for our Sunday School class. 10/3/2022 The annual retreat in Romania.
We pray the Lord would make His Word effective in the minds
and hearts of those who hear it preached and taught.
Please join us in prayer for:
- online and TV outreach
- our new visitors, so they would grow in faith
- our members so they would grow in sanctification
- the financial needs of the church plant for this year
Thank you all for your love and support! I am greatly encouraged
to know that you have been praying for our mission work.
Warmly in Christ,
Rev. Mihai Corcea 10/9/2022 Rev. Bill Godfrey, oversight visit

10/27/2022 start of new season of TV show

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