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1. Draw the water cycle and describe/ define any 3 processes which take place in it.

2. Explain the part played by each of the following in the water cycle: a) mountains, b) soil, c)
animals, d) the sea.
3. Name all the processes involved in the nitrogen cycle, include which organism is responsible
for each process, what occurs during the process and where the process takes place.
4. Name one possible bad effect of nitrates.
5 complete the carbon cycle diagram (a CO2 in air, b. eating, c. animals d. decay, e. combustion)
6. Define global warming, name 3 factors which contribute to global warming (define/ describe 2
of them) and suggest 2 ways in which global warming can be reduced.
7. Name the components of soil.

2. The man responsible for the modern day binomial classification of organism (Carl Linneaus)
The father of evolution (Chalres Darwin)/ The creator of the telescope Gailieo Gailieo

3. A device which refracts light (lense)

A push or a pull that causes a change in motion of an object (force)

4. The movement of heat in the form of waves (radiation)

The apparatus that should be used when heating liquids (round bottom flask)

5. The change in position of a living organism by its own power (movement)

The boundary formed when a mass of cold air meets and replaces a mass of warm air (cold front)

6. air, water , humus, sand, silt, clay, mineral salts and organism (soil profile/ composition)
The plumule and radical (embryo)

7. the movement of water from the roots of a plant through to the leaves (transpiration)
A form of precipitation formed on the earth’s surface (dew)

8. A carpenter’s tool or an essential component of hearing (hammer)

A precious metal, Ag (silver)

9. the time it takes Earth to complete it’s orbit (365 ¼ days)

The time it takes the moon to orbit the earth, 28 days (lunar month)

10. the category a species at risk of dying out is placed in (endangered)

The cutting down of trees altering the landscape (deforestation)

11. the blue hole at turtle cove and the organisms in it (community)
The main herbivorus animal on LI (sheep)

12. the class of organism which begin life as tadpoles (amphibians)

The class of organisms which sit on their eggs before they hatch (birds)

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