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Noble Peace Price Acceptance Speech

By: Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist that supports the educational right of every
female all over the world. She is also the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Award.
Her works encourage all world leaders to provide quality education for children. She
uses her voice to speak about the needs of millions of girls that are deprived of

          In her speech, she stated that “I am not a lone voice, I am many, I am those 66
million girls who are deprived of education”. This line gives light to the problems of
millions of girls who were not allowed to have a quality education because of the
situations that they are facing, from getting married at a very early age to being
prohibited from going to school. She also talked about how wars affect the education of
children in different countries. Also, Malala talks about the importance of getting a
quality education for every child all over the world and encourages all government
administrations to act and to provide free quality education in their country so that there
are no children who are left behind. Malala becomes the symbols of those girls that do
not have the power to tell their stories and speak to the educational rights that they

          To sum it all up, Malala’s speech tells us the importance of education and it is our
rights to have a quality education. Her foundation helps other child’s to have an
education because she dedicates it to building a school for the children that don’t have
a quality education. She also inspire many people to speak up for their educational
rights and tell the world leaders to provide education for their people.

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