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The Beauty

and the Beast

Naiomy L. Negrón Díaz



Movie genre and


Genre: Musical/Fantasy

Explain: In this film they sing a

lot, and it is very imaginative and
focuses on things that are clearly
not real.
Brief description

of the movie

Bella is a beautiful young woman who uses reading

as an escape valve from her routine life. When her
father is imprisoned in a mysterious castle, Bella
goes in search of him and agrees to take his place.
The castle is owned by a tormented Beast who, as
Beauty will see in time, turns out to be a young
prince under the influence of a spell. Only when he
knows love can the prince return to his true body.
Little by little, and thanks to the help of the Beast's
servants, who have been turned into household
objects, Bella will discover that beauty is hidden

Setting: The setting takes place in a small town in

France and in the castle of the beast.

Characters: Bella, The Beast, Gaston, Maurice (Bella’s

dad), Lefou, The servants of the beast.

First problem: Bella's father, lost in the forest and chased

by wolves, chooses to seek refuge and comes across the
castle of the beast.
Rising Action

Rising action: Bella takes her father's place as

the prisoner of the Beast and stays in the
Beast's castle. At this point in the movie the
relationship between Beauty and the Beast
begins, which is central to the story, begins
to take shape.

Climax: The Climax is revealed

when the beast falls in love with
Bella. Bella also discovered that
she fell in love with the Beast
even though she did not know
that he was a handsome prince.
The ending is when Bella
confessed her love to him, then
the spell ended and the beast
returned to her original
appearance, a handsome prince.
The Falling action

Falling action: The fall action occurs after the Beast's

castle fight and after the Beast turns human. He realizes
that Belle has saved him with her love, and then all the
other characters who were affected by the enchantment
slowly return to their human form.

Resolution: The resolution of

Beauty and the Beast is when the
prince (the beast) and Beauty
dance in the ballroom.
Thanks for

your attention!

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