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Cardinal Theology

Theory of Cardinal World, a book written by Alex Williams, young genius mathematician from Boston,
United States that started his career from when his age is only 14 years old.

In his book, he stated that this world was made out of mathematic algorithm, number and logic. And
because of that he became the most hated person in the world.

Because of his ideology, people often roasted him and hate him because he deviated from his religious beliefs.

“I cannot believe what people do to me, they often throw an egg to me! Like, what did i do wrong?” said
Alex to his partner Rudy.

“Alex, maybe you should clarify and apologize to everyone.” Rudy giving statement to Alex.

But Alex did not accept that. “Rudy, what did i do wrong? It is a freedom speech, I share my opinion with
people, but why don't people accept it? It is beyond human right!” said Alex with anger to Rudy.

“Alex, i know you're frustrated. But right know, you have to think about how your career is going onーI
don't think you will succeed as a mathematician if you don't apologize!”

Hearing Rudy opinion, Alex did not hesitate to refute his argument. “Alright Rudy, i don't even care about
my careerーi just want to be a writer! Why won't you listen to me? If you want me to stop as a
mathematician, i'll stop for sure! But please let me be a writer.”

“Alright, you can be a writer. But please, you need to take back your theory about mathematics world.”

“No, i will not! It is my right as a human to share my opinion and write it as a book so that everyone can
read my theory! Because you don't agree with me, i will quit my job and i will not contact you or even see
you again.” said Alex that dissapointed with Rudy.

“Hey Alex! Listen to me!” shouted Rudy to Alex

“This guy won't listen to me, so i have to end his career right now. So that there's no one that can stop me.”

Rudy with his knife is coming towards Alex that is going to leave his workplace, Rudy then stabbed Alex in
the back with his knife. Alex that got stabbed trying to fight back, but since he already lost so much blood,
his stamina is going low time-by-time.
“RUDY! Why did you do this to me? I absolutely did nothing wrong!” said Alex that dissapointed.

“Alex, you are too innocent. You don't deserve a good career or even live as a human being in this worldー
Time to say goodbye to you!”

“RUDYYYY!!!!ー” Alex shouted to Rudy.

After that tragedy, police is going through Rudy house and trying to catch him because of murdering
attempt to Alex Williams.

Rudy is going to jail for atleast 15 years because of murdering Alex Williams. And because of that, the news
about Alex Williams dead has spread through out the entire world.

Some people are happy with that, and some people are mad and sad because they lost Alex Williams,
especially his wife and his parents.

ー 15 years has passed.

Mary Williams has a son named Michael Williams, named it after his father Alex Williams dead. Michael
has no information about who is his father, how his father, and what is his father.

He lives with his mother Mary Williams, Michael lives well, he has almost everything he needs to live.
Because his mother has a company business.

Everytime Michael asks to his mother who is his father, his mother will just stood and say to Michael “Your
dad passed away long time ago, he was part of an important people to ever lived, your dad is a

And because of that, Michael goals is to be a great mathematician, and find all the information he needs to
exposed his father.

He don't know anything about his father like his name, his age, how he acts. That made him imagining
about his father.

And to be a great mathematician, he needs to be smart enough to understand mathematics concept.

So what he did, he is going to one of the biggest library in Boston. “The Library of Mind” has almost every
book in the world, even some infamous book is displayed in there.

Michael going through the library, and find all the book he needs and read it. Especially mathematics,
physics, and astronomy.
He read all the books one by one, and understanding almost every book he reads.

He finished reading all the books, and now he is going to search for one more book. From what he knows,
his father written a book called “Theory of Cardinal World” that explains about how is our world was made
out of mathematics.

And because he is interested to this book, hes trying to find one in the library. Hes going through so many
bookshelf trying to find one book.

And after many attempt of searching, he finally found the book he wants. “Theory of Cardinal World”

He sees that this book was made by Alex Williams, he has the same name as Michael and his mother.

After years of years, he finally know his own father name. And now it is the time for Michael to read and
learn the book.

Michael was confused about the inside of this book, because he has absolutely zero experience about
quantum mechanism, physics and other theoritical mindset.

One thing that he understand is this sentence from the book.

“This world was made out of mathematics, there is a God that is the representation of mathematics itself, it
is called the Extended Modal Realismーhe created world from mathematics, algorithm and logic. Extended
Modal Realism is the embodiment of the world itself.

This world was made out of cardinality, Aleph and infinite amount of numbers. And because of that, this
world was theoritically larger than all set of cardinality and Aleph.

This made infinite amount of possibilites happen in this world. Space-and-time are a part of mathematicsー
timeline, paradox its all happen because of mathematics.

All the mathematician was responsible for creating this world, for example the concept of Berkeley cardinal
which is the largest set of cardinal suggested by Hugh Woodin in a seminar at University of California.

All the mathematicians that participated in the process of creating the world is called The Great Knowledge.

The Great Knowledge member are Hugh Woodin, Alex Williams, Georg Cantor, John Wallis, Rudy
Kurpetsky, and William Fordman.

They call this world the Cardinal Theology, which was made from element of mathematics.
The Great Knowledge their job is to balance and hold the universe under Extended Modal Realism


After Michael read the book, he says that this is beyond human logic. Michael don't think anyone would
trust this book because this makes nonsense to everyone.

“What is this book? Its nonsense!ーWho will trust this book if this doesn't make any sense.” says Michael.
“I do, i trust the book.”

“You're shocking me! Who are you?” Michael says to some old man. “Im an old man that loves reading book
and mathematics.” says the old man to Michael. “Wow! Really? if you trust this book, could you explain to
me who is Alex Williams?” Michael ask to the old man.

“Sure, Alex Williams is a mathematician that lives in Boston, born in 1979. When he was a little kid he
already know the Quantum Mechanism, expert mathematics, physics and astronomy. And because of that,
made him the youngest scientist and mathematician at the age of 14. But one day, he was murdered by his
own partner, Rudy Kurpetsky.”

“Rudy Kurpetsky? Is he still alive?ーincase if he still alive, i wanna know the truth about this book.” says
Michael to the old man.

“Yes, he is still alive. Oh and before that let me introduce myself.”

“Ok, who are you?” Michael ask the old man.

“William Fordman, one of The Great Knowledge member.” says the old man to Michael.

To Be Continue


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