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Major project Report
In partial fulfillment
For the award of the Degree of
Bachelor of I. T. sem 6th

Aaryana Gaumat (CA13441813329)

Under the supervision of

Department of Computer Application

Suresh Gyan Vihar University


Candidate’s Declaration
Pet Care

I , Aaryana Gaumat hereby declare that the work presented in this

Industrial Project report entitled “Pet Care” in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of Degree of Bachelor of Computer
Application, submitted in the Department of Computer Application at
Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, is an authentic record of my
own seminar work.

Your Name: Aaryana Gaumat (CA13441813329)


Keywords: Android, Activity, XML, Intent, Application Framework,

Linux Kernel, Android Runtime

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Table of Contents

Candidate’s Declaration ................................................................................................ii

Application Framework………………………………………………………………vi
XML in Android…………………………………………………………………..…vii

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Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google. It is based on

a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open source software,
and is designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such
as smartphones and tablets. In addition, Google has further
developed Android TV for televisions, Android Auto for cars, and Wear
OS for wrist watches, each with a specialized user interface. Variants of

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Android are also used on game consoles, digital cameras, PCs and other

Initially developed by Android Inc., which Google bought in 2005,

Android was unveiled in 2007, with the first commercial Android
device launched in September 2008. The operating system has since gone
through multiple major releases, with the current version being 9 "Pie",
released in August 2018. The core Android source code is known as
Android Open Source Project (AOSP), and is primarily licensed under
the Apache License.

Android is also associated with a suite of proprietary software developed

by Google, called Google Mobile Services(GMS) that very frequently
comes pre-installed in devices, which usually includes the Google
Chrome web browser and Google Search and always includes core apps
for services such as Gmail, as well as the application store and digital
distribution platform Google Play, and associated development platform.
These apps are licensed by manufacturers of Android devices certified
under standards imposed by Google, but AOSP has been used as the basis
of competing Android ecosystems, such as's Fire OS, which
use their own equivalents to GMS.

Android has been the best-selling OS worldwide on smartphones since

2011 and on tablets since 2013. As of May 2017, it has over two
billion monthly active users, the largest installed base of any operating
system, and as of June 2018, the Google Play store features over
3.3 million apps.

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• Application frame work

Linux kernel:
The android uses the powerful Linux kernel and it supports wide range of
hardware drivers. The kernel is the heart of the operating system that
manages input and output requests from software. This provides basic
system functionalities like process management, memory management,
device management like camera, keypad, display etc the kernel handles
all the things. The Linux is really good at networking and it is not
necessary to interface it to the peripheral hardware. The kernel itself does
not interact directly with the user but rather interacts with the shell and
other programs as well as with the hard ware devices on the system.

The on top of a Linux kennel there is a set of libraries including open
source web browser such as webkit, library libc. These libraries are used
to play and record audio and video. The SQLite is a data base which is
useful for storage and sharing of application data. The SSL libraries are
responsible for internet security etc.

Android Runtime:
The android runtime provides a key component called Dalvik Virtual
Machine which is a kind of java virtual machine. It is specially designed
and optimized for android. The Dalvik VM is the process virtual machine
in the android operating system. It is a software that runs apps on android

The Dalvik VM makes use of Linux core features like memory

management and multithreading which is in a java language. The Dalvik
VM enables every android application to run it own process. The Dalvik
VM executes the files in the .dex format.

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XML in Android

XML stands for Extensible Mark-up Language. XML is a markup

language much like HTML used to describe data. XML tags are not
predefined in XML. We must define our own Tags. Xml as itself is well
readable both by human and machine. Also, it is scalable and simple to
develop. In Android we use xml for designing our layouts because xml is
lightweight language so it doesn’t make our layout heavy.

The whole concept of Android User Interface is defined using the

hierarchy of View and ViewGroup objects. A ViewGroup is an invisible
container that organizes child views. These child views are other widgets
which are used to make the different parts of UI.

One ViewGroup can have another ViewGroup as an child element as

shown in the figure given below:

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Here in above Diagram ViewGroup (Linear Layout) contains one

ViewGroup (i.e. Relative Layout)and two View(Button and TextView).
Further two more View (i.e. 2 EditText ) are nested inside Relative
LayoutViewGroup. It is important to note that one layout can be nested in
another layout.

Different Type of XML Files used in Android

In Android there are several xml files used for several different purposes.
Below we define each and every one.

1. Layout XML Files: Layout xml files are used to define the actual
UI(User interface) of our application. It holds all the
elements(views) or the tools that we want to use in our application.
Like the TextView’s, Button’s and other UI elements.

2. Manifest xml File(Mainfest.xml): This xml is used to define all

the components of our application. It includes the names of our
application packages, our Activities, receivers, services and the
permissions that our application needs.

3. Strings xml File(strings.xml): This xml file is used to replace the

Hard-coded strings with a single string. We define all the strings in
this xml file and then access them in our app(Activity or
in Layout XML files) from this file. This file enhance the
reusability of the code.

4. Styles xml File(styles.xml): This xml is used to define different

styles and looks for the UI(User Interface) of application. We
define our custom themes and styles in this file.

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5. Drawable xml Files: These are those xml files that are used to
provide various graphics to the elements or views of application.
When we need to create a custom UI we use drawable xml files.
Suppose if we need to define a gradient color in the background
of Button or any custom shape for a view then we create a
Drawable xml file and set it in the background of View.

6. Color xml File (colors.xml): This file is used to define the color
codes that we used in our app. We simply define the color’s in this
file and used them in our app from this file.

7. Dimension xml File(dimens.xml): This xml file is used to define

the dimensions of the View’s. Suppose we need a Button with
50dp(density pixel) height then we define the value 50dp in
dimens.xml file and then use it in our app from this file.

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An intent is an abstract description of an operation to be performed. It is

a way of ‘Message passing between two or more than two components of
android’. Different activities interact with each other with the help of
intent in Android.

Navigation is the must for any apps as smart phones or tablets provide
rich set of data in multiple pages and hence navigation is essentially

Generally speacking, we can say two kinds of intent

Implicit Intent

Implicit Intent is something which is sent from one activity to inbuilt

android activity in android. When we work with implicit intents, we
generally specify the action which we want to perform and optionally
some data required for that action.

Data is typically expressed as a Uri which can represent an image in the

gallery or person in the contacts database.

The amount of application that can be done using implicit intents are
many. Some of the examples are as follows:

• Call
• Dialpad
• Contact
• Browser
• Call Log
• Gallery
• Camera

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Example code :

1. findViewById(
View.OnClickListener() {
3. //perform Gallery open action
4. @Override
5. public void onClick(View v) {
7. Intent i = new Intent();
8. i.setAction(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
9. i.setData(Uri.parse("content://media/external/images/media/"));
10. startActivity(i);
11. }
12. });

Explicit Intent

An explicit intent is most commonly used when launching an activity

(from another one) within the same application. With them
the component name is generally specified to which the intent has to be
delivered. Without the component name Android decides which
component (of which app) should receive the intent based on the intent
information (especially action and data) passed, in which case it becomes
an implicit intent that we’ll cover in a bit. Let’s see an example of an
explicit intent right away:

1. // Currently in MainActivity
3. Intent intent = new Intent(this, LoginActivity.class);
4. startActivity(intent);

Instead of specifying the component name directly in

the Intent constructor.

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Main Activity.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<ScrollView xmlns:android=""
android:src="@drawable/ku" />

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android:src="@drawable/bili" />
android:src="@drawable/bird" />

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android:src="@drawable/fish" />



package com.example.aryan.petcare;

import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;

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import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

public void onBackPressed() {
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
builder.setMessage("Do You Want To Exit??");
builder.setNegativeButton("No", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {
builder.setPositiveButton("Yes", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {

AlertDialog alertDialog=builder.create();;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

public void onclick (View view) {

Intent i = new Intent(this, Activityonedog.class);
Toast.makeText(this, "Welcome to know about Dogs", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

public void onclick2(View view) {

Intent i = new Intent(this, Activitytwo.class);
Toast.makeText(this, "Welcome to know about Cats", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

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public void onclick3(View view) {

Intent i = new Intent(this, Activitythree.class);
Toast.makeText(this, "Welcome to know about Birds", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

public void onclick4(View view) {

Intent i = new Intent(this, Activityfour.class);
Toast.makeText(this, "Welcome to know about Fish", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

public void onclick5(View view) {

Intent i = new Intent(this, Activityfive.class);
Toast.makeText(this, "Welcome to know about Rabbits", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

public void onclick6(View view) {

Intent i = new Intent(this, Activitysix.class);
Toast.makeText(this, "Welcome to know about Horce", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

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Activity_ Splashscreen

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



android:text="Pet Care"
android:textSize="60sp" />

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



android:text=" The smartest dog breeds might surprise you. These
top ten canine Einsteins all share two qualities: the ability to quickly learn
new commands, and the obedience to perform them 95% of the time or
better. While not every dog fits on this list, recent research, such as that
by Dr. Brian Hare, shows that most dogs are much smarter than we ever

Is your dog a smartypants? Read on!

You May Also Like: 4 Ways to Test Dog Intelligence

For quick reference, here are the top 10 smartest dog breeds as reported in
Dr. Stanley Coren’s groundbreaking book ‘The Intelligence of Dogs.’
Some of these dog breeds are the greatest guard dogs, working dogs,
therapy dogs, and police dogs.

Border collie

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German shepherd
Golden retriever
Doberman pinscher
Shetland sheepdog
Labrador retriever
Australian cattle dog
Let’s meet these masterminds of the dog world!

The top 10 smartest dog breeds

10. Australian Cattle Dog

Australian Cattle Dog Breed

There’s a reason that people are devoted to this breed! These beautiful
dogs are a unique crossbreed of blue merle shepherds imported from
England and the native Australian dingo. High energy and hard-working,
these smart dogs thrive in an active home doing intensive sports like
agility, rally obedience, herding trials, and flyball.

9. Rottweiler
Rottweiler Top 10 Smartest Dog Breeds

Ancient Roman cattle herders, cart pullers, and guardians, rottweilers are
renowned for gentleness with family and friends, and strength and
bravery in defending them. Thorough training and socialization is an
absolute must for puppies to mature into solid canine citizens.

8. Papillon
papillon top 10 smartest dog breeds

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The papillon is named for its graceful feathered ears. Royal portraiture
shows small spaniels resembling the papillon as far back as the 16th
century! This toy breed is active, companionable, and highly trainable—
the smartest of the toy dog breeds.

7. Labrador Retriever
Labrador Retriever - Top 10 Smartest Dog Breeds

The most popular dog breed in the U.S., the Labrador retriever is named
for the cold waters off Newfoundland where they were first bred. A short
thick coat, webbed feet, and a heavy tail help this intelligent dog swim
long distances in cold water.

In addition to their hunting prowess, Labs are popular favorites for canine
water rescue, therapy work, and assistance dog training. Labs excel in the
canine sport of dock jumping.

6. Shetland Sheepdog
Shetland Sheepdog - Smartest Dog Breeds

The Shetland sheepdog may look just like a miniature collie, but they
started out as a local variant of the Icelandic sheepdog found in the
Shetland Islands. These small dogs were then bred to rough collies to
create this unique breed. Playful and energetic, the sheltie is equally at
home working on the farm or in the ‘burbs, showing off in agility, flyball,
and obedience.

5. Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman pinscher was originally bred by a German tax collector

for protection on his rounds. Modern Dobermans are far less aggressive

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and make wonderful family dogs that love to play and are extremely

4. Golden Retriever

Originally hailing from Scotland, this popular dog breed was started in
1865 from a lone yellow pup in a litter of black wavy-coated retrievers,
crossbred with a local water spaniel by Lord Tweedmouth of Guisachan.
This gorgeous, friendly dog still excels in retrieving, as well as agility and
obedience, and as service dogs. But they’re favorite job is being the
family pet.

3. German Shepherd

The German shepherd was standardized by breeder Captain Max von

Stephanitz in 1889 with a goal of “utility and intelligence.”

As Germany modernized and the need for herding dogs declined, von
Stephanitz worked with police and dog clubs to develop a set of
protection and obedience tests known as Schutzhund.

2. Poodle

More than just a foofoo haircut, poodles consistently land on the list of
smartest dog breeds. This intelligent dog was originally bred in Germany
for bird hunting and water retrieving.

Their storied history includes many occupations and locales, from

herding sheep to crossing the battlefield to bring supplies to the wounded
to the performing arts. These hunting dogs are remarkable for their loving
nature, trainable intelligence, and sense of humor.

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1. Border Collie
Border Collie - Smartest Dog Breeds

And finally, no list of smartest dog breeds would be complete without a

mention of this handsome dog. Originally known as the “Scotch
sheepdog,” the border collie hails from the highland border of England
and Scotland.

Bred to think independently and at long distances from human shepherds,

they have the problem-solving intelligence and strong working drive to
maintain control of the flock. Chaser, the dog who knows 1,022 toys by
name, is an amazing example of her breed."
android:layout_height="wrap_content" />


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



android:text="1. Cockatiels
Of all the surveys we received, the bird that rated No. 1 was the cockatiel,
with 23 percent of the votes. This bird was a favorite with both beginning
bird owners and experienced birdkeepers who still could not resist their

First-time bird owner Danielle Aamodt of Virginia voted for cockatiels

because of the affection her cockatiel, Angel, gives her. “She will snuggle
up to me when I’m tired, she likes to give me kisses on the nose, she’ll
whistle to me every time I pass the doorway of our dining room where
her cage is and she loves to play with my hair and tickle my ear,” she

Cathy and Sandy Giancarlo agree with the assessment that cockatiels are
very affectionate pets. Although they also own a lovebird, a budgie, a
crimson rosella, a red lory, a rosy Bourke’s parakeet, Gouldian finches
and a canary, they chose a cockatiel as the best pet bird. “Aladdin likes to
be scratched behind her head and wants to stay with me the whole time
she is out of her aviary,” stated Cathy.

Another aspect that encouraged people to choose cockatiels as the best

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bird is the fact that they are a relatively inexpensive and easy species to
maintain. “My cockatiel is not expensive to care for because the cage is
not huge, his toys are small, and he does not destroy them, either,” wrote
Therese Heise of Illinois about her cockatiel Mr. Beeker.

Cathy Giancarlo mentioned this benefit as well. “Cockatiels eat such a

small amount that I wouldn’t consider them expensive to feed. The only
part of keeping a cockatiel that I would consider to be expensive is
regular veterinary annual exams. Caring for cockatiels doesn’t take much
time or effort, but they do appreciate time spent socializing with them

However, Billie Archer of Tennessee, who is the proud owner of

cockatiels Bonnie and Clyde, summed up cockatiel ownership in one
sentence: “I don’t know how it was before I had my birds.”

2. African Grey Parrots

The second-place winner was African greys, with 20 percent of the vote.
The African grey’s intelligence, sensitivity and quiet nature were some of
the traits readers named as the reasons why they are the favored bird.

There are two subspecies of African grey parrot: the timneh African grey
and the Congo African grey (pictured above).

Ricky Lowrimore of Texas loves the way his African grey is both
affectionate and independent. “Irma can astound me sometimes by
answering my questions, then other times she can be like a baby and
wants her way. But, I love her best because she knows when I’m sad and
she will come to me and cuddle.”

Another benefit of grey ownership is the size of the bird. “It isn’t too
large for a bird, yet it is a great size to handle,” wrote Beverly A.
Remington of New York.

Another thing potential African grey owners need to keep in mind is the
cost of the bird and its cage. However, this expense is not indicative of
what the bird will cost over time. As Aditi Czarnomski of Minnesota, the

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proud owner of a grey named Jasmine, put it, “The initial investment in a
bird and their supplies can be pricey, but after that the expense is
minimal. I spend more on my dog per month than on Jasmine. Toys can
add up in expense and so can high-quality pellets, but that goes along
with the territory.”

3. Budgerigars
Budgerigars, also known as budgies or parakeets, took home 8 percent of
the total vote, placing them third out of the top 10 birds. The fans of these
birds remarked on their playfulness, their affectionate nature and that they
were easy to maintain and cost much less than other birds.

On the practical side, many voters mentioned their small size, and the
benefits that accompany that, as one of the major advantages of the
species. “Their size fits into most any home. Their noise level is low, they
do not damage furniture and their toys are not destroyed as fast,” wrote
Sue Dial of Michigan, who owns budgie Gina.

However, although owners may think that their budgies take up very little
space, their pets frequently believe differently. As Californian Ifsha
Rahman, owner of budgie Junior, stated, “Space requirements are not too
much: a large cage, ladder and a play pen — although my budgie thinks
he owns the place and walks over to dance in front of a full-length

Budgies are also loved because of their charm and talking ability. Dial
wrote that they are “good talkers, affectionate and energetic,” while Sarah
Stern of Florida remarked that, “Budgies are very easy to care for and
they make great company — they love to show off when they play.”

4. Cockatoos
Cockatoos also took 8 percent of the total votes. The species that got the
most votes within the cockatoo category was the umbrella cockatoo, with
38 percent.

Owners of umbrella cockatoos raved about their bird’s pet qualities.

Michigan resident Sandra Wood’s comments about her umbrella

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cockatoo are just a few examples of the qualities owners love about their
pets. “Joey is the nicest bird I have ever seen. She is gentle, loving and
extremely intelligent. She talks but doesn’t have a large vocabulary yet.
She knows three tricks — play catch, play basketball and roller skates —
and she also knows verbal commands: go to sleep; be quiet; go to your

Some readers preferred certain sexes of umbrella cockatoos. One such

reader is Jennifer Bethke of Connecticut who owns an umbrella cockatoo
named Charlie Girl and a Moluccan cockatoo named Squeakie. “I think
female umbrella cockatoos make the best pets. They are sweet, love to
cuddle and are not quite as noisy or demanding as the other cockatoos —
either that or I’ve got the pick of the clutch. They are neither so small as
to lose them, nor are they so large that they need a room to themselves. In
my humble opinion they are the perfect bird.”

Umbrella cockatoos are one of the larger birds, and umbrella cockatoo
owners reaffirmed that taking care of their fair feathered friends comes
with the territory. Bethke wrote, “My cockatoos have the largest Prevue-
Hendrix cage made to share. They also have many homemade perches
and T-stands. They are expensive — I think most of my grocery bill goes
to them not — including pellets — and they just love destroying those
expensive toys. They don’t really take any more time than a young child

5. Conures
Conures received 7 percent of the total vote. Among the conures, green-
cheeked conures were the favored bird with 25 percent of the vote.

“Green cheeks are really great, especially for the first-time bird owner
who wants a little more interaction than is usually possible with a
cockatiel. Ninety-nine percent are naturally gentle, usually quiet —
except for alarm calls — and can speak a few words. They are also very
loyal. They aren’t extremely messy and they don’t destroy their toys,”
wrote Michigan resident Rae Owen, owner of Cheeky, a green cheek.

Another reader agreed with the belief that green cheeks are the best: “I

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think the best pet is my green cheek because she is the most affectionate,
lovable, sweet and smart bird ever. You can teach her anything and she
picks it up immediately. In the past two months she has learned 12 tricks,
and she got them down in less than 15 minutes each. She loves to snuggle
under my bathrobe at night and she follows me wherever I go around the
house,” stated Rose Adler of Massachusetts, owner of green cheek


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