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Julie Mae M.

Tandog March 4, 2022

GA 12-B Mrs. Milgray Merida

Reaction Paper on the Eight Strategies for First-Rate Studying

Reading is also an important aspect of our life. We began by watching the morning news and
reading the headlines, then moved on to reading the newspaper, reading road signs, and so on.
Reading is essential because it allows us to learn something; if we only read and do not learn, we
are just wasting our time. Reading is beneficial in a variety of ways, not just when we're
reviewing courses for an impending quiz. Listening and understanding are as important as
deciphering what is written on the page when learning to read. This helps students expand their
vocabulary and increase their listening comprehension, which is important when they begin to

The eight strategies for first-rate studying. First, is “Read thoughtfully” you must clear your
mind in-order to comprehend what you are reading. Second “Read repeatedly” Students who are
having trouble understanding what they are reading will benefit from repetitive reading. For
students with learning difficulties, read repeatedly was found to have potentially favorable
benefits on reading comprehension but no noticeable effects on alphabetics, reading fluency, or
general reading achievement. Repeated reading is a technique used in academia to improve oral
reading fluency. Third “Read patiently” It is more beneficial to read slowly and patiently so that
our minds can think clearly, and we may learn anything from what we read. Fourth “Read
selectively” rather of rushing through a text that may or may not be useful or appealing to you.
Reading with a goal- entails reading only those texts that contain relevant information. Next
“Read imaginatively” Reading imaginatively can help you think more deeply about what you're
reading. And, thanks to your imaginations, you appear to be transported to a scene from the book
you're reading. “Read purposely” Setting a reading goal keeps you focused and engaged while
you read, as well as providing a mission to reinforce comprehension. Reading with a purpose
stimulates and assists students who tend to rush through their reading by encouraging them to
take their time and not skip over important parts of the book. Next “Read acquisitively and Read
telescopically” in this case you need to read, in my opinion, necessitates a genuine desire to learn
and acquire the content being read.

Reading is beneficial since it expands your mind and provides you with a wealth of information
and life lessons. It allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the world around you. It
stimulates your creativity and keeps your mind engaged. Communication Skills: Reading
expands your vocabulary and improves your communication abilities.

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