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1. Match the questions and answers.

Where were you born? Two years ago.
What do you do Twice a week.
Are you married? Because I need it for my job.
Why are you learning English? I’m an engineer.
When did you start learning English? No, I am single.
How often do you have English classes? In Cirebon.

2. Ask and answer questions with partner.

3. Complete the text with the words in the box.

Has Call Come Cuisine Doesn’t work

Live Hobbies Went Paediatrician ‘m going to continue

Hi, my name’s Alfarabi. My friends (1)

call me Abi. I’m a student at Universitas
Muhammadiyah Cirebon, the faculty of
Medicine. I (2) come from Kuningan,
West Java. I (3) live with
my parents and two sisters. My father (4) has a business, but my mother (5) Doesn`t work
My brother (6)went to work in Surabaya last year.
My (7)hobbies. are cooking and painting. I love cooking, especially Sundanese (8)cuisine .
After I graduate, I (9) `m goin to continue my study to be (10) paediatrician

Is playing Company Spending

Leisure Was born Moved

Senandung is from Bandung. She (1) was born in Surabaya,

but her family (2) moved to Bandung since she was three
years old. In the picture, she (3) is playing archery. She likes
(4) spending her (5) leisuretime to play archery with her
family. Senandung is an interior designer. She has her
own (6) company

4. Choosing the correct form.
Choose the correct form of the verb.
a. Ferdian : Where does Luki come / Luki come / is Luki coming
from? Aldi: He’s from East Kalimantan.
b. Linda : what means this word / does mean this word / does this
word mean?
Suzie : I don’t know, open your dictionary.
c. Yulia : Do you want a chocolate?
Karin : No, thanks. I don’t eat sweet / am not eat sweet / no eat sweet.
d. Ben : What you d o / do you do / are you doing tonight?
Jess : I’m going to the cinema?
e. Mika : Where’s your sister?
Atta : She has / ‘s having / have lunch with mum.
f. Last Tuesday I buy / bought / ‘m buying a new camera.
g. The weekend was boring. I don’t / was not / didn’t do anything.
h. Do you / were you / did you at home last night?
i. Afika is my best friend. She is speaking / speak / speaks three languages.
j. Dilan : I’m going to take my master degree next year.
Bekti : What are you going to / you going to / do you

1. Find examples of present, past, and future tenses in part 4.
2. Which tenses are the two verb forms in these sentences?
What is the difference between them?
Aghnia lives with her parents.
She’s living with an Australian family for two months.
3. Match the question words and answers.
What … ? Because she need it.
Who … ? On Monday
Where … ? Rp. 100.000;
When … ? Nasi Jamblang
Why … ? By plane
How many …? In the classroom
How much … ? Akbar
How … ? The green one
Whose … ? Ten
Which … ? It’s mine.

Talking About You
5. Ask and answer questions with a partner.
a. Where … live?
b. When … born?
c. … have any brothers or sisters?
d. What … like doing at the weekend?
e. … your favourite sport?
f. Where … go for your last holiday?
Make more questions. And fill the answer on table below:
Yo Your Friend:
Where do you live? I live in depok
Where were you born? I was born on 26 September r 2001
Do you have any brothers or sisters? Have a brothers & sisters
What do you like doig at the weekend? On weekends usually work
What`s your favorite sport? Pencak silat
Where did you go for your last holiday? Go to Surabaya

6. In groups, ask and answer the questions.

a. Do you like watching movie? NoIdon't like watching Movie
b. What sort of movie do you like? I likemovue movies about history andwar
c. What are you wearing? I`m wearing a shirt suit
d. What is your lecturer wearing? Official uniform
e. What did you do last night? I`m doing hang out with my frinds
f. What are you doing after the class end? I`ll go to lunch
7. Write a paragraph about you, use the text about Alfarabi to help you.

Hi, my full name is Didin Hafidudin Amir , my nickmame Didia, I wash born is Waruroyom

My hobby is Futsals, I want to be a soldier the way I do sports

Negatives and Pronunciation
8. Write the correct sentences.
a. Goats eat meat. : Goats do not eat meat. They eat grass.
b. The sun rises in the west. :The sun rises do not in the west, The sun
rises in the east.
c. Borobudur temple is in Yogyakarta.: Borobudur do not temple is in
Yogyakarta,Borobudur temple is inMagelang
d. We are studying French.: We are do not studying French,we are
studying English
e. Bill Gates started his career at computer software at very young age: Bill Gates do
not started his career at computer software at very young
age, Bill Gates started his career at computer soft ware at very old age
f. Eiffel Tower was built by the Chinese: :Eiffel Tower was built do not by
the Chinese,Eiffel Tower was built by the French

9. What are these words? Write noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, or
past tense.
sandwich noun at adverb wrote past
polite adjective always above
adjective adverb
drive verb sang past tense stay adverb
fast adjective news adverb goose noun

10. These words have more than one meaning. Write two sentences that
show different meanings. Use your dictionary.
Word Sentence Sentence 2
s 1
Ca She can run faster than me. She drink the water from the
n can.
I just bought a toy train
Tra Rudi play vollyball I can`t not train with you
The theatre group performed the new
in Corla`s mother bought a ring play
Rudi reading a book Phone rudi
Rudi is kid Bring someone to book
Rin You are so mean
g Rudi reads all kinds of books

Boo The house is flat to the ground I mean you should go flat

k The earth is flat


11. What are the everyday objects that you always bring, mention them.
………….. ………….. …………..
Introduction ………….. ………….. …………..
………….. ………….. …………..

Tell your class and


Tell your new

12. Writing an informal letter

Tell your


You can end a

letter to a friend
with Best wishes
or Regards, or
Love, if you know
them well.

Write a similar letter to your best friend, and write about these things:
▪ Your class
▪ Your new friends
▪ Your favourite subjects
▪ The lecturers
▪ How you go to campus
▪ What student association you choose

11.What are the every day objects that you always bring,mention them.
Mobile Phone Power Bank Shoes
Motorcyle Socks Bag
Trousers Pen White Shirt
Notebooks Charnge Phone Belt

a. sandwich noun
b. past tense polite adjective
c. adjective above


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