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T. P.4042

i\BSIRACr sure decline and water influx of a Although most applications of the
A stltdy has been made to deter- water drive field would change as a reservoir analyzer"" have been to the
mille how the behavior of a water function of the rate of fluid with- study of specific field performance,
dril'e reservoir changes as a function drawals, as a function of the per- it is intended to use the analyzer
of the permeability of the formation meability of the formation, and as a here to help understand how various
({lid as ({ function of the size of the function of the size of the aquifer. reservoir characteristics effect the
aqlli/er, The effect of pressure main- The effect of pressure maintenance final performance of the field and
tnwllce programs on the rate of nat- programs on the rate of natural to see under what conditions water
IIral water infiux is also studied, as water influx was also studied as injection will be of benefit and to
well a,l' the influence on the influx \Vas the position of water injection what extent.
of the position of water lIl]ectioll wells with reference to the oil-water Within the oil industry the per-
\\'ells with reference to the oil-water contact. formance of water-drive reservoirs
contact, The information has been deter- was first described analytically by W.
The results are determined by the mined by the use of an electrical Hurst' and M. Muskat' for certain
lise of an electrical reservoir analyzer reservoir analyzer" sometimes re- types of boundary conditions. The
(I/l(l are plotted as families of curves ferred to as a Carter type analyzer. solutions of the equations developed
of preSSllre, natural water influx, and This instrument is an analog type involved products of exponential
lI'ater injection vs time or cumulative computer which can be set up to functions and Bessel functions. Later
production. Two size aquifers are represent a water-drive oil field. It pUblications by Hurst' and van Ever-
Itlldied. One is limited with a 36- can reproduce the past performance dingen" and the books of Muskat",
lIIile radius, and the other approx- of the field in terms of analogous gave further information on reser-
imate,l' an infinite reservoir. The field electrical quantities when the proper voirs with other boundary conditions.
remains the same in all respects for circuit analog of resistors and con- They also presented rather extensive
the complete study except that the densers has been determined, also, it curves and tables to help evaluate thc
permeability is changed to agree with can determine the future behavior analytical expressions involved. A re-
that assllmed for the aquifer, for any method of production which cent series of publications by Chatas',
may be selected, or permit the com- based on the work of Hurst and van
INTRODUCTION parison among several different
This study was undertaken In Everdingen, gives quite complete
methods. charts and tables of data to evaluate
(. rder to determine how the pres-
Discussion of this and all fullowing techni- the pressure decline or water influx
This paper is a condensation of the au- cal papers is invited. Discu.ssion in writing- in infinite or limited radial reservoirs
Lhor's Masters thesis at the University of' (3 copies) may be sent to the offices of the
Pittsburgh. Journal of Petroleum Technology. Any di::;- and in linear reservoirs.
Manuscript received in Petroleum Branch eussion offered after Dec. 31. 1955, should 1w
office on Aug. 2. 1954. Paper presented at in the form of a new paper. The curves in all of these publica-
Petroleum Bran('h Fall Meeting' in Ran An- IReferenC"{'s Hrp gi\'(-'n at thl~ l'nd of th(·
tonio. Oct, 17-20. 19;;1, paper. tions are given in dimensionless form
SPE 412-0
homogeneous porosity and permea- pressure has dropped to a specified
bility and uniform thickness out to value and at a rate just sufficient to
a distance, in one case, of 36 miles maintain the field pressure constant
in all directions from the center of thereafter. An attempt is made to
the field. In a second series of tests evaluate the optimum pressure to be
the aquifer was represented to be as maintained. The injection is assumed
nearly infinite in lateral extent as to be into a ring of wells completely
was possible to represent on the an- around the edge of the field so that
alyzer. This actually corresponded to a uniform water front will be main-
an aquifer extent of about 100 miles tained as closely as possible. The ef-
in all directions with the pressure at fect on the natural water influx of
the outer boundary remaining con- moving these injection wells to some
stant at a value equal to the initial distance from the oil field is also
reservoir pressure. The difference in studied.
pressure decline between this repre- It should be emphasized that in a
FIG. 1 - HYPOTHETICAL OIL FIELD sentation and an infinite aquifer is theoretical study of this type a num-
WITH NINE WELLS AND A PART OF shown by MuskaI' to be appreciable ber of simplifying assumptions must
ITS ASSOCIATED AQUIFER. THE LIM- after a considerable length of time be made. Uniform porosity and per-
ITED AQUIFER WITH A 36 MILE RA- when the limited aquifer has an outer meability seldom exist, although uni-
DIUS CONSISTED OF 13 SUCH ZONES. radius only 6.3 times the inner ra- formity must usually be assumed for
dius. In this study the outer radius the analyzer setup. Most sand reser-
which has certain advantages. How- is 50 times the inner radius and it is voirs have permeability stratification 11
ever, they make it more difficult for expected that the pressure decline resulting from the way in which the
the average reservoir engineer to vis- curves would follow that for the infi- rock material was originally depos-
ualize the effects due to changes in nite aquifer quite closely. For con- ited, or they may have directional
production rates, permeability, size venience the larger aquifer will be permeability differences. Such condi-
of aquifer, etc. It is felt, therefore, referred to as "infinite." tions have been neglected in this
that the presentation of results for The porosity was assumed con- study. Channeling of water and by-
specific (although idealized) reser- stant and uniform at a value of 16.3 passing of oil by water always exist
voirs in terms of pressure drop in per cent giving a total pore volume to some extent, but this too has been
pounds per square inch and time in for the oil reservoir of 1,017 X 10' neglected. The problem of water con-
years or production in barrels would bbl. The permeability was chosen to ing may give trouble in the actual
be quite helpful in relating reservoir be 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1,600 md field production of water free oil or
characteristics to reservoir behavior. for different tests to show the effect in maintaining low water-oil ratios.
This latter method of presenting in- that the permeability has on pressures It is necessary in such an analyzer
formation requires many more curves and water influx. The fluid viscosities
to cover the same range of variables study to assume uniform water en
of both water and oil were assumed croachment. It is also assumed that
to allow quantitative application of to be 1 cp for convenience in setting
the results. However, it is not in- no other producing field lies within
up the problem. The compressibility
tended to give results here that per- of the oil with its dissolved gas was the same formation to cause pressure
mit more than a semi-quantitative assumed constant from 500 psig to interference.",13
solution to the behavior of a partic- 1,500 psig at a value of 12 X 1O- 6 /psi
ular total water-drive field. with its saturation pressure at 500 DISCUSSlON OF RESULTS FOR
AND TESTS was taken to be 3 X 10- 61 psi, and
For this study a very idealized res- the compressibility of rock was neg- The solid pressure decline curves
ervoir was assumed. The oil zone was lected. The connate water was also given in Fig. 2 show an initial tran-
chosen to be circular with a radius neglected, as its only real significance sient followed by a straight line de-
of 2 miles and uniformly 100 ft in in this study would be to decrease cline for a given constant production
thickness. Since the reservoir ana- the volume of oil in place. rate. The slope of the straight line
lyzer has only nine production con- The initial reservoir pressure was portion is directly proportional to the
trol units, it was necessary to limit represented at 1,500 psig with de- magnitUde of the withdrawals. The
the actual analog representation to clines considered to a minimum pres-
nine producing locations, such as sure of 500 psig. The total with-
shown in Fig. 1. This gives a well drawal rates from the field were con-
spacing of 640 acres per well. How- sidered constant with time but were
ever, this representation can be inter·, varied from 6,000 to 60,000 reservoir
preted to mean that each producing 81 D for different tests. The break-
location in the analog corresponds down of this production between oil
to a number of wells whose total and water was not considered, and
production is equivalent to that taken the rates always refer to total fluids.
from one point in the analog circuit. The effect of water injection into
Therefore, the results for the be- the reservoir at the edge of the field
havior of the aquifer will apply to maintain pressure is studied with FIG. 2-PRESSURE DECLINE VS TIME
equally well to a field of any well special view to the change resulting WITH No INJECTION.
density. in the magnitUde of the natural water Solid curves are for the limited aquifer;
It is assumed that the producing influx. Such water injection is always dashed curves for the "infinite" aquifer. Per-
meability is 400 md; X denotes total fluirl
formation is continuous and with assumed to be started when the field production of 1,017 X 10' reservoir bbl.

decreased to as low a value as eco-
. - '
I I ~ :
nomically possible before abandon-
ing the field.
It can be noted from Figs. 3 and 4
that the water influx follows very
closely the production rate or cumu-
lative production. The slight differ-
ence is of course due to the expan-
sion of the oil in place which ac-
counts for just over 2 per cent of the FIG. 5 - SOLID CURVES GIVE CUMU-
WHEN INJECTiNG WATER, AS SHOWN at 1,000 psig were studied for pro- INJECTION (CUMULATiVE VALUE
BY DASHED CURVES, TO MAINTAIN duction rates of 60,000, 45,000, 30,- SHOWN BY DASHED CURVES) TO
1,000 PSIG AT THE CENTER OF THE 000 and 18,000 BID. In Fig. 3 are MAINTAIN 1,000 PSIG.
FIELD. shown by dashed curves the rates of Permeability is 400 md; X denotes total
water injection which were required fluid production of 1,017 X 10 6 reservoir bhl
Perme~bility is 400 md; X denotes total or volume of original oil in place.
nui<i production of 1,017 X 10" reservoir bbl. to maintain the pressure at 1,000
psig at the center of the field when
length of time for the transient por~ producing at the various rates shown. of the formation. The permeability
tion is independent of the withdraw- It can be seen that the tendency is was represented in turn to be 100,
al rate but is, of course, much steeper for the injection rate to increase un- 200, 400, 800 and 1,600 md. The
as the production rate increases. This til it reaches the same value as the pressure decline curves for the va-
initial steep portion is typical of total pIOduction rate. Fig. 3 also shows by rious permeabilities are given by the
water-drive fields. The decline in the solid curves how the natural solid curves in Fig. 6 for a constant
pressure to 500 psig in slightly less water influx declines after injection production rate of 30,000 BID. It
than 18 years for a production rate has begun. The crosses on the vari- becomes quite apparent that the per-
of 60,000 BID does not mean that ous curves indicate the point at meability is extremely important. At
the field could not produce consider- which the cumulative liquid produc- this low rate of production it will
ably more oil at decreasing rates. tion equals the initial volume of oil take 75 years to recover fluids equal
The effect of such variable produc- in place. to 80 per cent of the initial reservoir
tion rates with time has not been In Fig. 5 the solid curves give the oil volume. However, Fig. 6 shows
considered specifically, since the pos- cumulative natural water influx vs that this iimited aquifer could only
,ible variations are too numerous. cumulative liquid production volumes support this rate of withdrawal for
However, theoretical considerations when the pressure is maintained at about four years if it had a permea-
would indicate that if the production 1,000 psig by water injection. These bility of 100 md. An eight-fold in-
rate were decreased, say from 60,000 curves show an advantage for the crease in permeability to 800 md
BID at the time 500 psi was reached lower rates of production in that a would allow the aquifer to maintain
so as to maintain that pressure, the greater volume of natural water in- the same production rate for 73
final total fluid recovery would be the flux is realized for the same total years, or nearly long enough to pro-
same when a lower production rate production. The explanation for this duce fluids equal to 80 per cent of
was reached, such as 45,000 BID, as lies in the fact that a pressure of the oil.
would be recovered by producing at 1,000 psig has been imposed at the The solid curves of Fig, 6 show an
that lower rate from the beginning. center of the field while injecting initial period of time during which
However, the total time wO\1ld be water at the edge of the oil zone. The the rate of pressure decline decreases
greater for the constant lower rate larger production rates require pro~ until an ultimate constant rate of
which might be a disadvantage. The portionately larger pressure gradients decline results which is the same for
cumulative water influx curves of between the edge of the field and the any value of permeability. The dura-
Fig. 4 show that considerable reser- well locations. This means that the tion of the initial transient pressure
voir energy would not be used if the injection pressures will be higher as decline varies inversely with the per-
total field withdrawal rate were not the production rate increases, and the meability, as does its magnitUde.
decline in pressure of the aquifer
will be lower, resulting in a lower
cumulative water influx. An obvious

, conclusion from these results is to

~! locate the water injection wells as

close to the water-oil boundary as

possible and still maintain effective
flooding of the oil with a fairly uni-
form flood front. The values of the
cumulative water injection for the
same condition are given by the
NATURAL WATER INFLUX VS TIME Another factor which was studied WITH No INJECTION.
FOR THE LIMITED AQUIFER. to determine its effect on pressure Solid curves are for the limited aquifer;
Permeability is 400 md; and no water in- tlashed curves for the "infinite" aquifer. Pro-
jection is represented. and water influx is the permeability (luction rate is 30,000 reservoir BID.

VOL. 204, 1955 75

LIll1eS of natural water influx as the
permeability increases from 100 md
to 400 md. However, the gain in
water influx as the permeability in- )0--
.... O~~

creases above 400 md is noticeably

less, and the gain above 1,600 md
would be little indeed. /
." f-·-·
A factor which has a very impor- • f -.r;, ~s,~
tant bearing on the magnitude of the OJ , '0

water influx supplied by the aquifer

(called the natural water influx in FIG. ') - - SOLlD CURVES (JIVE NAT-
this report) is the pressure at which
the field is maintained during an in-
jection program. Figs. 9 and 10 give
results for the assumed reservoir
when injecting water at the edge of
Production rate iR 30,000 reservoir BID. the field to maintain various mini-
mum pressures varying from 1,400 Permeability i:.; 400 md; production j::-.
psi to 750 psi at the center of the ;JO,OOO reservoir BID.
The rate of water influx for these field. These curves apply to the lim-
conditions is given by the solid curves ited aquifer with a permeability of
of Fig. 7 (not including the segments DISCUSSION OF RESULTS FOR
400 md and a constant production
which decline in value with time) THE "INFINITE" AQUIFER
rate of 30,000 BID. Fig. 9 gives the
which increase to a maximum of rates of natural water influx and
29,000 BID. The rates for the vari- When using an analog circuit rep-
water injection, for minimum pres- resenting the "infinite" aquifer pre-
ous permeabilities differ only during
the initial transient period. Therefore, sures of 1,400, 1,250, 1,000 and 750 viously described, a part of the initial
the cumulative water influx is not sig- psig, as a function of time. The pressure transient is the same as for
nificantly affected by the value of curves in Fig. 10 give the cumulative the limited aquifer. This can be seen
permeability in the reservoir. values of the natural water influx vs in Fig. 2 where the dashed curves
A further comparison was made time. These curves indicate that are for the "infinite" aquifer. How-
for the same conditions, except that nearly 100 million bbl of water will ever, instead of ending in constant
a pressure maintenance program was come into the field to replace pro- rates of pressure decline, the tran-
represented which injected water at duced liquid for each 100 psi that sient continues until a final pressure
the edge of the field to maintain the the field pressure is allowed to de- is reached which remains constant
pressure at 1,000 psig at the center cline. This corresponds to about 10 for the steady-state period. The value
of the field. The rates of water influx per cent of the initial pore space in of this steady-state pressure depends
from the aquifer after injection com- the oil zone. It obviously follows that
mences are given by that portion of both on the rate of production and
the pressure should be permitted to the permeability of the formation.
the solid curves of Fig. 7 which ex-
decline as far as possible until other
hibit a decline in value with time. The pressures at the center of the
factors such as pumping costs nullify
The corresponding rates of water in- field with a permeability of 400 md
jection required to maintain this the advantage to be gained.
are given in Fig. 2, for varying pro-
1,000 psig minimum are given by the The effect of placing the injection duction rates from 6,000 to 60,000
dashed curves in the same figure. wells farther from the oil zone for
BI D. The pressure differences from
The solid curves of Fig. 8 show a conditions of high permeability
considerable increase in the final vol- the center to edge of the field for
(1,600 md) and low producing rates
these rates vary from 17 to 170 psi.
(18,000 BID) is shown in Fig. II.
It can be noted that the length of
The loss in cumulative water influx
is about 9 million bbl for a distance
of 1.5 miles from edge of field to in-
jection wells, and 15 million bbl for
a separation of 4.8 miles when com-
pared to injection at the edge of the
field. For a permeability of 400 md,
which was used in obtaining curves
in Figs. 2 to 5, the loss in natural
water influx for a production rate of
FIG. 8- SOLID CURVES GIVE CUMU- 18,000 BI D would be about four
LATIVE NATURAL WATER I!'IFLUX VS times as great or 35 million bbl for FIG. 10 - CUMULATIVE NATURAL
CURVES) TO MAINTAIN 1,000 PSIG IN edge of the field. Similarly, a differ- fAIN THE FIELD PRESSURES SHOWN.
CENTER OF FIELD. ence of 60 million bbl would result Permeability is 400 md: production ratei:-;
Production rate is 30,000 reservoir BID: :~O.OOO reservoir BID; :tn'ows indicate start
arrows show start of water injection. for a separation of 4.8 miles. of water injection.


permitted across the aquifer, and
~ tnn . ~i;1~-
emphasizes that the field pressure Q"!II!?' i ;
should be permitted to decline as far
as practical in order to achieve maxi-
mum benefit from the aquifer.
The initial part of the pressure de-
cline curve for this "infinite" aquifer
with a constant production of 30,000
i ':i(~::~~==~~~;:2~
o , '0 ., '0 " '0 t:!( ::Y(:~ to " eo ., 70 TS ""

HI D and various values for permea- FIG, 14 - SOLID CURVES GIVE NAT-
bility, is the same as for the limited URAL WATER INFLUX VS TIME FOR
aquifer, as shown in Fig. 6. How-
FIG. II - CURVES SHOWING CFI-EC I ever, for the "infinite" aquifer the
OF INJECTION LOCATION ON THE rate of pressure decline continues to The dashed curves give water injection
NATURAL WATER INFLUX (SOLID decrease as indicated by the dashed rates to maintain a pressure of 1,000 psig
LINES). curves. It eventually becomes zero (or 1,100 psig) in the field. Production "ate
Dashed lines give water injection to n1ain- is 30,000 reservoir BID.
lain pressure of 1,250 psig in the field. Per- where the pressur.:: is constant with
meability is 1,600 md, limited aquifer, and time, unless the production rate ex-
pJooduction rate is 18,000 reservoir BID.
ceeds the maximum valuc which the
aquifer will support. This latter situa-
tion is shown to exist by the curve
time for the transient part of the for 100 md in Fig. 6.
curve is, for a given permeability, Fig. 14 shows, as solid curves, the
nearly independent of the production rates of natural water influx plotted
rate. against time for these same values of
permeability. These curves differ dur-

Fig. 12 presents by the solid curves 100

the variation of the natural water in- ing the initial pressure transient pc- ! ,oof· .~~:itt:;t::~'S.
o~ o.on 'Q """"
flux rates with time for various with- riod, but soon approach the same Tn.,( , .. YU","

drawal rates. These curves rapidly water influx rate. The dot-dash curve FIG. 15 - CUMULATIVE NATURAL
approach the rate of production and is an extrapolation of the 100 md \VATER INFLUX VS TIME FOR THE
finally becomc constant at this value. "INFINITE" AQUIFER WITH WATER
The curves giving cumulative natural IN.JECTION TO MAINTAIN 1,000 PSIG
water influx vs time would be nearly
~ ",-----------------, (OR 1,100 PSIG) IN THE FIELD.
identical to those in Fig. 4 except i Production rate is 30,000 reservoir Bill
,~ ~--~-----~~~--~~~
that they would not terminate be-
cause of the field pressure dropping
to 500 psig. If the cumulative natural
;~ _------------------~-----c-~::::~: and arrows indicate start of water illjeC'tion.

water influx were plotted against results since the pressure had de-
cumulative production instead of
clined to 500 psi in less than five
time, the curves for all production
rates would fall nearly on the same years. The cumulative natural water
curve. This curve would be approxi- influx would be nearly equal for each
mately a straight line, This indicates value of permeability and would, of
that therc is no advantage of one rate FIG, 12 - SOLID CURVES GIVE NAT- course, vary directly with time after
over another for this "infinite" URAL WATER INFLUX RATES VS TIME the short initial transient.
aquifer as far as cumulative water FOR THE "INFINITE" AQUIFER WITH For a production rate of 30,000
influx is concerned. There, of course, No INJECTION. BI D th~ pressure declined only 250
Dashed curves give the water injection
would be a certain maximum rate of rates to maintain a pressure of 1,250 psig in psi for a permeability of 800 md, so
withdrawal which the aquifer could the field. Permeability is 400 md; X denotes
that no water injection results are
total fluid production of 1.017 X lOG 1'(>se1'-
maintain for any appreciable length voil' bbl. given for the 800 md and 1,600 md
of time. cxamples. Water injection results are
Although there would be little rea- given in Figs. 14 and 15 for permea-
son for starting a pressure mainte- bilities of 100 md and 200 md with
nance program for the conditions the pressure maintained at 1,000 psig
outlined here, it is instructive to con- 700 -------------•. --
at the center of the field and for 400
sider the behavior of the reservoir ~ .0< - ---~~ ___ ~- .. _--

under such a method of operation. ;'00 ~-

md with the pressure maintained at
Figs. 12 and 13 give results for water ,•
!lOGe --.--- ~--~~-:"'.':"(j~"' 1,100 psig. Fig. 15 indicates that
even though an extremely large
injection at the edge of the field to ~
~ l~
maintain a pressure of 1,250 psig at i3 'oC ---
source of water may be in communi-
the center of the field. This higher cation with a field, the permeability
pressure was selected because the may be so low that very little energy
pressure does not decline to 1,000 FIG. 13 - CUMULATIVE NATURAL from this source will be available to
psig except for production rates WATER INFLUX VS CUMULATIVE produce the field at an economic rate.
greater than 33,000 BID. Fig. 13 FLUID PRODUCTION FOR THE "INFI- For the field assumed here and a per-
shows that considerably less natural NITE" AQUIFER WITH WATER INJEC- meability of 100 md, the limited
water influx is realized for the higher aquifer of 36 miles radius provides as
Permeability is 400 md; X denotes total
production rates. This is due entirely fluid production equal to original oil in place. much energy to produce the oil as
Dashed curves are extrapolation of analyzer
to the very small pressure differential I'esults. the "infinite" aquifer does.

\'01.. 20·1,~ 1955 77

SUMMARY OF RESULIS 6. If the permeability of a fairly ~ l--lufst, Williarll, and van Ever-
large or "infinite" aquifer is quite dingen, A. F.: 'The Application
The following general summariz-
low, such as 100 md for the one of the LaPlace Transformation
ing statements may be made from
considered here, only a compara- to Flow Problems in Reservoirs,"
the results presented in this study.
tively small part will be effective Trans. AIME (1949) 186, 305.
1. Total water-drive reservoirs toward producing oil at economic
have in general an initial transient ri. Muskat, Morris: The Flow of
rates Homogeneous Fluids Through
pressure decline which may be ex-
tremely steep at first, followed by a Porolls Media, 1. W. Edwards,
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I nc., Sec. Pr. (194ri) Chapters
steady-state straight line portion
whose slope depends on the produc- III, IV, X.
The author is indebted to Morris
tion rate and the extent of the Muskat of the Gulf Oil Corp. for 7. Muskat, Morris: Physical Prill-
aquifer. The straight line portion has suggesting this problem and to H. G. ciples of Oil Production, Mc-
a slope of zero for the "infinite" Botset of the University of Pittsburgh Graw-Hill Book Co., N. Y.,
aquifer used here. The transient pe- under whose direction the work was ( 1949) Chapters V, IX, XI.
riod may be of long duration in tight conducted in partial fulfillment of the X. Chatas, Angelos F.: "A Practi-
formations with the pressure becom- requirements for the degree of Mas- cal Treatment of Nonsteady-
ing more dependent on fluid expan- ter of Science. The author also State Flow Problems in Reser-
sion within the oil reservoir. wishes to express his appreciation to voir Systems," Pet. Engr. (May
2. "Infinite" or large aquifers may Blaine B. Wescott, executive vice- 1953) Part 1, B-42; (June 1953)
easily produce all of the oil from a president of the Gulf Research & De- Part 2, B-38; (Aug. 1953) Part
field which is possible by the water velopment Co. for permission to use 3, B-44.
encroachment process without resort this project and the reservoir analyzer 9. Bruce, W. A.: "Pressure Predic-
to pressure maintenance. However, it for the thesis and to publish the re- tions for Oil Reservoirs," Trans.
may be necessary to return the pro- sults. AIME (1943) 151, 73.
duced water, especially when the 10. Muskat, Morris, and Wyckoff,
water-oil ratios become high toward REFERENCES R. D.: "An Approximate Theory
the end of the life of the field. of Water-Coning in Oil Produc-
I. Bruce, W_ A.: "An Electrical
3. A greater total water influx can tion," Trans. AI ME (1935) 114,
Device for Analyzing Oil Reser-
be obtained from a limited aquifer 144.
voir Behavior," Trans. AIME
without pressure maintenance when II. Muskat, Morris: "Effect of Per-
(1943) 151, 112.
the producing rates are low at aban- meability Stratification in Com-
Hurst, William: "Unsteady Flow
donment. plete Water-Drive Systems,"
of Fluids in Oil Reservoir,"
4. When a pressure maintenance Physics (Jan., 1934) 5, 20. Trans. AIME (1950) 189, 349.
program is started, the lower the _'. Muskat, Morris: "The Flow of I 2. Rumble, R. C., Spain, H. H.,
value of the pressure being main- Compressible Fluids Through and Stamm, H. E. nI: "A Res-
tained the greater will be the energy Porous Media and Some Prob- ervoir Analyzer Study of the
received from the natural aquifer. lems in Heat Conduction," Woodbine Basin," Trans. AIME
5. When water injection is used to Physics (March, 1934) 5, 7l. (1951) 192, 331.
aid the natural water influx, the in- 4. Hurst, William: "Water Influx 13. Moore, W. D., and Truby, L. G.,
jection wells should be placed as Into a Reservoir and Its Appli- Jr.: "The Pressure Performance
near the oil-water contact as possible cation to the Equation of Volu- of Five Fields Completed in a
and still maintain a fairly uniform metric Balance," Trans. AIME Common Aquifer," Trans.
flood front. (1943) 151, 57. AIME (1952) 195, 297. ***

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