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WRITER Jeremy Jones

In the fall of 20202, Halloween night arrives, Trey and a group of friends want to take a
trip to their first highschool party, but Trey’s parents do not approve. Trey decides to take matters
into his own hands and attend the party anyway. Little does he know his friends will turn to
enemies, causing Trey to experience the fight for his own life.
It is a beautiful fall day, with Trey attending a regular day of school. He can over hear his
peers talking about a party. He then checks his phone which shows the party invite from one of
his friends. Trey then heads home to ask his parents for permission to go to the party but his
parents will not allow such thing. Trey proceeds to go on and rant about how strict his parents
were to his friends on social media. Trey also tells his friends about how he is going to wait for
his parents to fall asleep and sneak out to their party.
As the day comes to an end, it is time for Trey to make his move. He then stuff his bed
with pillows to make it appear as if he is still in bed sleeping, and hopes that his parents are
gullible enough to believe it. Trey then proceeds to sneak out to his friends party, which is
walking distance from his home.When Trey arrives at the party he is approached by his
“friends”, T.O and sham, and they offer him a drink. They take him to the area where the party is
and they leave him there while they go and prepare his drink. This drink was not onlycontained
alcohol but Trey’s “friends” have put something mysterious inside of Trey’s drink. The drink
didn’t kill Trey but did put him to sleep for a long period of time. Enough time for the T.O and
sham to make their next move.
Trey has now been asleep for a while now after being gave the drugged drink. But
nobody at the party appears to notice, they think he is just drunk and asleep, and that is when T.O
and sham move trey to the back room of the home, where there is a back exit. Outside of the
back exit awaits a SUV, all black and tinted, you couldn’t even see inside of it. T.O and sham
proceed to carry Trey and place him in the trunk of the vehicle, but they dont get into the car,
they just watch it leave with grins on their faces.
This movie takes place in the city of Woonsocket, the first scene is at the school, then the
main character goes homes, heads to his friends house then is kidnapped. This movie is about 2
kids that work and deliver kids for a killer as a ritual. The mains characters are Trey
(protagonist), T.O and Sham (antagonists). T.O and sham are delivering human sacrifices to the
man in the black coat as a ritual, in return the man supposedly grants them eternal life, but he
doesn’t really have any powers, he just scares the 2 teens. The tone of this movie is to keep the
audience anxious and horrified.
Trey is now in highschool and wants to experience the typical highschooler life, he believe him
attending this party will show him a little taste of what it is like. His friends encourage him, but
that is just a cover up to get him to go, little does Trey know his friends were plotting against him
this whole time. T.O and sham want eternal life as promised by the man in the black coat. Little
do T.O and sham know it is all a lie, the man in the black coat is plotting to kill all three of them,
this is jus his little trap to lur all three of them. The man in the black coat believes that Trey’s
parents bullied him when he was a teenager and now he wants revenge.
After T.O and sham deliver Trey to the man in the black coat, They both become very ill.
The man in the black coat takes Trey to his chamber for torturing and interogation. The next
morning T.O and sham were found dead, in the basement of the party home. This was all apart of
the man’s plan, he couldn’t leave no traces so he killed the only witness, they too were drugged.
The man in the black coat proceeds to interogate Trey, asking him questions like,”Who are your
parents?, Where are you from?, Where do your parents live?, what car do your parents drive?”
But Trey doesn’t give the man not one hint, that is when the torturing begins. Trey is beaten with
a bat, hit multiple times until he is knocked unconsious. The man now leaves Trey alone as he is
unconscious and locked up in his chamber. Trey is now having visions, and all he can hear is
“get up, get up, get up.” It isn’t a person telling him to get up it is his own conscious. Trey
awakens and tries to find a way to escape but it is dark and he cannot see a way out. Trey now
thinks to himself, no matter how injured he is he now must attack the man in the black coat and
attempt to ecscape. A couple hours later, Trey hears steps walking down to the chamber door. He
prepares himself and takes out the man in the black coat tackling him. But Trey is too injured to
walk upstairs, as he has been beaten very badly. So he grabs a weapon and starts beating the man
in the black coat until he is unconcious, then attempts to scream for help. Both of the characters
bleed out on the seen as they have been beaten eachother so badly. Nobody ever found the

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