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Boyz n the

By: Jayden Addante

End violence,
create peace
Tre, a young boy, is sent to live in South Central Los Angeles with his father, Furious Styles.
Despite his difficult father teaching correct morals and respect in him, and his religious
girlfriend Brandi teaching him about faith, Tre's buddies Doughboy and Ricky are dragged
into the neighbourhood's thriving drug and gang culture, with increasingly tragic results.
Theme 1 ~ Family
~ Tre’s father teaches him responsibility, human morals, how to become a man and how to
go the right way in life
~ Family provides shelter, love and support where friends provide us with a sense of
belonging and self-esteem, which "buffer against".
~ His father teaches him that if he doesn't follow his rules he will end up like his friends,
getting wasted everyday or in jail
Theme 2 ~ Community and belonging
~ The community, mainly the black community, supports one another by always being there. They are
considered “brothers” to each other and they would do anything for each other and protect each other.
~ They all eat together at barbecues which show friendship between each other
~ Education does play an important role because Tre tries to lead his friends down the right path instead of
jail or on the streets.
~ When Ricky got shot they were all there for him and his family. They picked him up and brought him home.
They all came together to help and Tre made sure he was his brother and that he will always be there for
~ Education plays a role in this because after Ricky got shot Tre went home and got a gun to go shoot the
Blood’s and his dad walked in and talked to him about it saying he isn't tough and that he is going to end up
like his friends if he does this and in jail. After that they shared an emotional hug which Tre really needed.
Theme 3 ~ Racism and human rights
~ As a kid, he witnesses a Black police officer dismissing his father, Furious, when he reports
a house break-in; when Tre is older, the same cop draws a pistol on him during a routine
traffic check. He quickly realises that the officers are not there to protect or assist him or
his neighbours.
~ The issue never resolved with this black cop as he pulled a gun on Tre for no reason.
Theme 4 ~ Social justice and awareness
~ The characters in the film seek justice because they are tired of all the racism and want to
be treated like white people. Specifically Tre, he is the person who gets picked on by the
police the most in this movie.
~ Age plays a big role in this movie too. When The blood’s comes to Doughboy’s house they eye
him and dough shrugs his shoulders and says “What? These Motherf****** are older than us
and still on us”
~ They got their justice by Tre snuck out of his dad's house and got in the car with his friends
and after riding for a bit he jumped out but his friends kept driving to find the people who
killed Ricky and when they did they turned off their headlights and Monster shot 3 of them.
Dough got out of the car and finished the one who was still alive, moving on the ground.
Connection to text
I can relate Boyz n the hood back to The Hate U Give because they revolve around the same
issues. 3 similarities would be Both the movies have revolved around people in the hood or
ghetto, people get shot in both movies, and there was racism in both movies.
3 differences I noticed were in The Hate U Give there weren't many black people were to The
Boyz N The Hood everyone was black, both movies handled justice in different ways and that
when the black people were pulled over to cops or talked to cops they would stand up for
themselves were in Boyz n the hood they didn't really do that.

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