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Elaiza Garcia

Oct /13/22
Mr . Cruz

Logline: In the early 2000s, wannabe crime partners living out of their mom's basement,
make plans to take on their biggest strike yet, hoping to leave their old life behind but their
conscience gets in the way.

Treatment: This movie is about two partners in crime who have been hitmen for as long as

they could remember but it suddenly strikes them when they both agree to leave that life

behind because of an incident that was not planned and it caught them off guard. Main

characters are yet to be knownThey want to be able to live freely not as jobs that they are not

too comfortable with after they have done it for so long The tone is The set up

They have always thought about what they do and the crimes that they have committed, but

neither of them has said anything out loud in fear of disappointing each other from leaving

something that they have always done. They needed equipment for one of their jobs. So they go

over to this house for the equipment they put their masks on while having a shootout with the

other guards from the house. They come in after they are done outside and they accidentally

traumatize the owner's kid or the owner of the house. (character 1 male) says WHY WOULD

YOU WEAR THAT MASK and (character 2 female) says WHAT DO YOU MEAN. Turns out the

mask was actually Michael Myers mask and (character 2 female) did not notice. After,

(character 1 male) said he is tired of their life and the way that they live. (character 2 female)
Agrees to what he says but she also mentions the last mission they were going to do which was

the biggest one of them all.

They know they want to finish their mission but are uncertain how they would do it. Now they

had been planning that for months and this was the time ? This was the right time to do it and

the last time. Although they have been planning this for months, they start disagreeing and

their plans don’t work out.

They worked out all their plans, one being bringing down the stripper posters in the basement

that they kept sense they were in middle school. They know they want to take down the gang

but everytime they do so they fail. So this night was special. The plan was working

fantastically with earpieces working, guns loaded , and a mom mini van.

At the end, they are both done with the mission but they did not really notice the bullet that

went through (character 1 male) his stomach. He was dying on the floor and the partner

apologizes for everything (character 2 ) that he has ever done to him but he does not not see

the plot twist that came.

Those scenes were all executed to see if (character 1 Male ) actually the whole story was not

true. Everything that happened that day between the gang and (character 1 male) getting shot

was all planned to see if (character 2 ) would actually care about him.

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