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BAED-RSCH2120-2016S Practical Research

1st Quarter Exam
Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that research has a vital role
in business?

A: An aid to business success and job search

Why experimental research is considered to be true experimental?

A: Because uses valid results

This is a method in writing the bibliography in author's name wherein it will full surname
first then followed by first name and optional initial of the middle name.

A: MLA System

Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Belchez, Romana F.

A: MLA System

This is the another tips for writing an introduction of the research paper that a thesis
statement or research paper is the main point of your paper; it is narrow, focused, and

A: What's your point?

Which of the following is not the function of the related literature?

A: It helps you to disregard your research findings into the existing body of knowledge.

Research that focuses more on statistical tests for analysis of data.

A: Quantitative research

Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Dela Gracia, Jonel T.

A: MLA System

Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: San Joseph, K.L.

A: APA System

Classify the following material: Private Offices

A: Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that research has to reveal
lies or truths involving personal affairs contributes in either making a relationship work or in
breaking away from a dysfunctional one?

A: A way to prove lies and to support truths

This is the another tips for writing an introduction of the research paper that you must
provide your readers with a little background or basic information about the topic you are

A: Be general before you're specific

Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that television shows and
movies ooze with research - both on the part of the writers and the actors?

A: Means to understand various issues

This is a method in writing the bibliography in the copyright date that it will written only
author's name.

A: APA System

Why is it quantitative research is important across the field?

A: Because it is more reliable and objective

Which of the following you need to keep in mind in choosing your own topic that the reader
will find it interesting too?

A: Choose a topic that interests you

This is a method in writing the bibliography in the title of the reading material wherein it will
italicized title with only the beginning word capitalized.

A: APA System

Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Almario, B.N.

A: APA System

Which of the following is not the a good research title?

A: Create a research with lengthy pages

This is a method in writing the bibliography in the title of the reading material wherein it will
underlined or italicized title with all content words capitalized
A: MLA System

What guideline in choosing a research topic is being described in the example: Writing a
research that suits your hobby or passion?

A: Choose a topic that interests you

Referencing style that gives the full surname of the author along with his/her complete first
name and optional middle name.

A: Modern Language Association (MLA)

It provides an outline of how the researcher plans to conduct the research or the study for
the thesis.

A: Research Plan

Classify the following material: Books

A: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that doing research
encourage people to explore possibilities, to understand existing issues, and to disclose
truths and fabricated ones?

A: Nourishment and exercise for the mind

This is the a way of making any phenomenon or any sensory experience clearer or more
meaningful by gathering and examining facts and information about such person, thing,
place, or event appealing to your senses

A: Research

Part of the research paper where a concise summary of the issues and problems that lead
the researcher to conduct a study is presented.

A: Statement of the Problem

This is also known as blueprint.

A: Conceptual Framework

Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that research is required not
just for students but for all professionals?

A: A tool for building knowledge and efficient learning

Classify the following material: Periodicals

A: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Which of the following is not example of Non-Experimental Quantitative Research?

A: Quasi-experimental Research

Which of the following is not the features in characteristics of a research.?

A: Using marginalized in the society

It is a variable whose value depends on another variable.

A: Dependent Variable

Two of the most used referencing styles in writing a research paper.

A: Modern Language Association and American Psychological Association

Which of the following that the literature review can help in many ways in relation to the

A: Contextualized the recommendations

It is referring or citing the authors within the main body of the research paper.

A: Citation

This is the basic tips in keeping mind in writing the title that the other lesser-known or
specific abbreviations and jargon that would not be immediately familiar to the readers
should be left out.

A: Avoids abbreviations and j argon

This is the another tips for writing an introduction of the research paper that after providing
your readers with some background, use essay introduction to outline what you are going to

A: Lay it on 'em

Classify the following material: Encyclopedias

A: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Which of the following you need to keep in mind in choosing your own topic or ask yourself
if it can lead to a reasonable research?

A: Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss or analyze

This is the base word of the variable.

A: Vary

Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Richard, T.A.

A: APA System

This kind of quantitative research is best for survey method.

A: Non-Experimental Research

This is a method in writing the bibliography in the copyright date that it will written after the
publisher's name.

A: MLA System

Classify the following material: Unpublished Dissertations

A: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Classify the following material: Government Libraries

A: Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

This is the basic tips in keeping mind in writing the title that the primary function of a title is
to provide a precise summary of the paper's content.

A: Keep it simple, brief and attractive

True or False: Conducting a research study should not be done in an inconsistent manner.

A: True

Which of the following you need to keep in mind in choosing your own topic that make sure
you select a subject that you can develop with sufficient details?

A: Choose a topic on which you can find material

This is all about the dynamic process of being open to wonder and puzzlement and coming
to know and understand the world.

A: Inquiry

Which of the following is not the range of research topics in the area of inquiry?

A: Lecture method

This is a method in writing the bibliography in author's name wherein it will full surname
first then followed by initials of first and middle name.
A: APA System

In what manner that the researcher need to consider in conducting proper research?

A: Cannot be done in a haphazard manner.

Which of the following is not the features in characteristics of a research.?

A: Using marginalized in the society

The following are the sources of materials that a researcher can consider in providing
related studies except for:
A: None. All are correct.

True or False: The aim of the research is to present ways of studying things and propose an
approach in solving a problem.

A: True

This is the tips in writing the significance of the study that by looking into the general
contribution of your study.

A: Write from general to specific

Classify the following material: Private Libraries

A: Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Referencing style where the copyright date is written after the author’s name.

A: American Psychological Association (APA)

Classify the following material: Reports from seminar

A: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Classify the following material: School records

A: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Why do we need to the clarify the research questions in selecting, citing and synthesizing
the related literature?

A: So that there will be no problem in the conduct of the study

It is a series of steps wherein the researcher must have different capabilities like correct
planning and organizing in order to produce a research.

A: Research Process
Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Dimaano, Richard B.

A: MLA System

Which of the following you need to keep in mind in choosing your own topic that students
open pick topics that are too broad to be adequately covered?

A: Chose a topic that's appropriate to the length of your paper

Classify the following material: Unpublished Theses

A: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

This is a process wherein you need to have different skills like planning, organizing and the
like in order to come up good research.

A: Research process

Classify the following material: National Library

A: Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

It is a theoretical variable that is used to explain a connection between independent and

dependent variables.

A: Intervening Variable

Classify the following material: School document

A: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

The following are the factors to consider in choosing a topic except for:

A: Making sure that the topic is unethical to study.

Referring or citing the authors at the end of the research paper.

A: Bibliography

This research used a scale, range and verbal interpretation in conducting the research.

A: Descriptive Research

What basic guideline in writing a title is being considered when the researcher should not
use any unfamiliar and hard to understand words to avoid confusion to the readers.

A: Avoid abbreviations and jargon

Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that research entails both
reading and writing?

A: A Seed to love reading, writing analyzing and sharing valuable information

Why the importance of the quantitative research relies on realty of the productions of

A: Because it reflect precise measurement and in-depth analysis of data

Classify the following material: Government Offices

A: Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Classify the following material: Reports from educational workshops

A: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Classify the following material: Almanacs

A: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

EXAM: 49/50

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