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The development of distributive justice and reward allocation in


Article  in  Japanese Psychological Research · December 1990

DOI: 10.4992/psycholres1954.32.165

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1 author:

Yayoi Watanabe
Hosei University


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Japanese Psychological Research
1990, Vol.32, No.4, 165-171

The development of distributive justice and reward

allocation in children1
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education,Shizuoka University,Oaya, Shizuoka 422

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the interaction between the distributive
justice development and social context which could influence reward allocation. Subjects (N=
150) ranged from kindergartner to third graders . Each subject was administered a positive-
justice interview to assess the level of his/her reasoning about distributive justice. Then the
subject was told that he/she would help to make badges as many as he/she could , and worked
on a task with a fictitious partner whose performance was superior , equal, or inferior to his/her
own. The subject was then given rewards to divide between the partner. Results indicated
that the distributive justice levels did not directly determine developmental trends in the re-
ward allocation and also that the interaction of distributive justice levels with performance
was one of the substantial determinants of the reward allocation.

Key words: reward allocation, distributive justice, development, social context, performance.

In developmental psychology, the first maturity of children's reasoning about

major theory of the development of dis- moral dilemmas is closely related to their
tributive justice was proposed by Piaget cognitive development. He found that
(1965). He found that young children six levels of distributive justice reasoning
accepted equal treatment as fair. But were strongly related to age in a cross
he did not attempt to investigate directly sectional study. Table 1 taken from
the antecedents of developmental changes Damon presents brief descriptions of con-
in fairness judgement. During the 1970's, ception of positive-justice.
there was a revival of interest in children's In Japan, Watanabe (1986a) inves-
judgements about distributive justice. tigated the cross-cultural generality of
The new interest in distributive justice distributive justice construction. Da-
had two sources. mon's method of distributive justice inter-
First, Kohlberg's (1969) theory of view was translated into Japanese with
stages in moral reasoning provoked a minimal modification. The reward was
general concern with qualitative changes changed from money to ice cream, be-
in thinking about justice. Damon (1975, cause it was felt to be a more suitable
1977, 1980) studied distributive justice reward for young children in Japan.
most extensively. Damon's model of the And also the description of one character,
development of reasoning about distribu- ' the poor boy' was removed, because
tive justice is similar to Kohlberg's general most Japanese think they belong to the
model of moral development. He as- middle class. It was administered to 227
sumed that children pass through stages children from four through nine years old.
in an invariant sequence and that the The results indicated that the stage pro-
gression had been validated in Japan as
well as in the U.S.A.
A brief version of this paper was presented at
But there were some differences, that
the XXIV International Congress of Psychology,
is, there were fewer children at the 1-B
Sydney, Australia, 1988.
I would like to thank Professors Seijyun Ta-
level and many more children at the 1-A
kano, and Kazuaki Sugihara for their critical level in Japan as opposed to the U.S.A.
reading and editing an ealier version of this paper. The Japanese often used the expression
166 Y. Watanabe

Table 1
Brief description of early positive-justice levels (Damon, 1980)

Level 0-A
Positive-justice choices derive from wish that an act occur. Reasons simply assert the wishes
rather than attempting to justify them ("I should get it because I want to have it").
Level 0-B
Choices still reflect desires but are now justified on the basis of external, observable re-
alities such as size, sex, or other physical characteristics of persons (e.g., we should get
the most because we are girls). Such justifications, however, arc invoked in a fluctuating,
after-the-fact manner and arc self-serving in the end.
Level 1-A:
Positive-justice choices derive from notions of strict equality in actions (i.e., that everyone
should get the same). Equality is seen as preventing complaining, fighting, "fussing,"
or other types of conflict.
Level 1-B:
Positive-justice choices derive from a notion of reciprocity in actions: that persons should
be paid back in kind for doing good or bad things, Notions of merit and deserving
Level 2-A:
A moral relativity develops out of the understanding that different persons can have dif-
ferent, yet equally valid, justifications for their claims to justice. The claims of persons
with special needs (e.g., the poor) are weighted heavily. Choices attempt quantitative
compromises between competing claims.
Level 2-B:
Considerations of equality and reciprocity are coordinated such that choices take into
account the claims of various persons and the demands of the specific situation. Choices
are firm and clear-cut, yet justifications reflect the recognition that all persons should be
given their due (though, in many situations, this does not mean equal treatment).

allocating the same rewards to each dren. They have brought out the in-
person is best, because we don't want to fluence of the social context on fairness
get into fights" or "Dividing the rewards judgements and behavior. Most studies
equally is good." In comparison, more in this area have focused on the distinc-
Americans used the expression, "I get tion between the equality and equity
much more, because I worked harder" principles (Leventhal & Anderson, 1970),
or "I have the right to get more rewards, not on the cognitive development in-
because I was more competent." vestigated by Piaget, Kohlberg etc. They
Also, the Japanese used more affec- were interested in how an individual who
tionate expressions, compared to the distributes rewards to other persons fol-
Americans. These differences result from lows one of two norms of justice. Some
the Japanese tendency to put emphasis on social psychologists (Lane & Messe, 1971
maintaining good interpersonal relation- etc.) suggested the equity model (Adams,
ships, whereas the Americans tend to put 1963). Some (Lane & Coon, 1972 etc.)
emphasis on performance and individu- suggested an equality norm. Similar stu-
ality. Japanese also often have a strong dies with young children have produced
sense of traditional duty and humanity. contradictory results.
Second, social psychologists investigated Watanabe (1986b) indicated that the
principles of justice. Occasionally the children's allocation behavior does change
principles first investigated in research with age in the children who were told
with adults were later studied with chil- their performance was inferior to that of
Development of distributive justice and reward allocation 167

Table 2
Frequency distribution of positive-justice levels across ages and sexes

their partners. Younger children tended Also their distribution was investigated,
to distribute rewards with more self-in- broken down, not by distributive justice
terest, regardless of their own performance. level, but by age group. Another pur-
And children between the ages of four pose of the present study was to inves-
and seven prefered to divide rewards tigate the relation between distributive
equally rather than follow an equity justice and "social condition" which
norm, whereas this preference was re- would have an influence on reward al-
versed in eight-year-old children. location behavior.
The models for the development of Specifically, it was predicted that; (a)
these two traditions are very different. children with lower levels (0-A or 0-B)
Developmental psychologists have not would act more self-interestedly when al-
weighed the actual reward allocation be- locating rewards in any "social condi-
havior investigated by manipulating" so- tion" than others; (b) children at 1-A
cial condition." They have focused sole- whose justice derived from notions of
ly on the relation between subjects' age strict equality principle would employ the
and their conceptions of distributive jus- equality principle in any "social condi-
tice. On the other hand, social psychol- tion"; (c) children at 1-B whose justice
ogists have not investigated this outside derived from notions of reciprocity would
the laboratory, ignoring the moral de- employ the equity principle in any" so-
velopment of justice. Children's distribu- cial condition"; (d) children at 2-A would
tive justice should be considered from act differently according to "social condi-
these two points of view. tion."
The purpose of the present author's
study was to clarify the cognitive process Method
before deciding which principle of reward
allocation should be selected. Damon Subjects
The subjects were 150 children drawn
(1981) tried to answer the question of
how cognition about justice relates to from kindergarten, elder kindergarten,
children's social conduct during real-life, and from the first, second, and third
peer-group situations on problems of grades of an elementary school.
fairness. The results showed that chil- Twenty-five subjects were dismissed be-
dren's hypothetical reasoning about jus- cause two raters did not agree on judging
tice is indeed related to their social be- levels, and six subjects were also dismissed
havior in actual justice situations. But because they indicated that during the
Damon examined only whether children experiment they had realized the experi-
would distribute rewards equally or une- menter were giving them false informa-
tion about their fictitous partner (Table
qually, and did not refer to some other 2).
principles (for example, "equity").
168 Y. Watanabe

Procedure is the best way to share equal-
First, half of the subjects were given a ly? "and so on.
standard version of the positive-justice in- These stories and questions were ad-
terview (Watanabe, 1986a). This inter- ministered with considerable flexibility,
view posed to subjects a hypothetical varying to fit the pattern of the individual
problem in distributive justice which was subjects' responses. The stage score was
encountered by a group of school chil- determined for each subject from his/her
dren and asked them to reason out issues responses according to a scoring guide.
of fairness embedded in this problem. Next, each child was taken to another
This interview contained two stories. room one at a time by a female experi-
Each story was administered to children menter and was asked to help make as
with a picture to help them understand many badges as he/she could. The ex-
it. The sex of the subject determined the perimenter indicated that another child
sex of the characters in the stories. Girls was helping to make badges for the same
encountered girls. Boys encountered length of time in another room. Chil-
boys. dren worked on this task with their ficti-
In the case of boys, the first story was tious partner.
this: Three kinds of experimental conditions
All of these boys were in the same were set. Subjects were tested at ran-
class together. One sunny day their dom, with 50 subjects for each experi-
teacher took them for a picnic in a mental condition. For example, in the
‘superior' condition
nearby garden. After having lunch, , the subject was
they spent the whole afternoon draw- stopped after making seven badges. Then
ing pictures. the experimenter stated she had to find
Akio drew the most, he drew three out the number of badges the other child
pictures. had made, and left the room.
Kazuo played and neglected to paint, Alter returning, she told the subject
so he drew two pictures. that the other child had made three
Satoshi drew only one picture because badges. She laid the two work sheets
he had a headache. side by side, and called the subject's at-
Takeshi drew two pictures, and his tention to them. Other conditions were
pictures were the most beautiful. ,' in which the subject and the
And then a man taking a walk saw hypothetical partner both made five
them, and said, "I want these pictures. badges, and `inferior,' in which the sub-
They gave him their pictures. He was ject made three badges and the partner
very pleased and gave them eight ice made seven badges. The subjects were
cream cones in exchange. The second then given 10 rewards and were told to
one was also used. divide them between themselves and
After reading each story, the subject their partners. The experimenter strong-
was given card board cut-out repre- ly emphasized that the child could divide
senting the rewards and was asked as them in whatever way he wished. This
follows (after the first story): "What procedure was followed as in Watanabe
do you think they should do with these? (1986b). The other half of the subjects
How would you distribute these ice were first given the experiments and were
cream cones?","Akio drew the most then interviewed.
pictures. Should he get the most ice
cream?","Kazuo was lazy, he didn't Results
draw very much in comparison to
the others. What about him?", and Table 3 presents the mean of rewards
Development of distributive justice and reward allocation 169

Table 3
Mean of rewards taken by subjects in each condition

Note: Numbers in parentheses indicate the SDs .

Table 4
Frequency of subjects sharing rewards with their fictitious
partner in differing allocation strategies
Inferior condition

Equal condition

Superior condition

Note: Numbers in parentheses indicate the percentages.

"Compromise" presents percentage of subjects who received the numbers of rewards between
equality and equity.
Numbers are shown as above in "Equal condition," because we could not distinguish among
equality, equity, and compromise when input was equal.

subjects allocated to themselves in each =6.52, p<.01, and F(6,107)=2.32, p<.05.

positive-justice level and "social condi- At each level the relation between the
tion" (superior, equal, inferior). To ex- reward allocation norms and" social
amine the effects of the two variables on condition" was tested via an analysis of
reward allocation, these data were analy- variance. As can be seen from Table 3,
zed via a two-way analysis of variance. the tests indicated that there were signif-
Results indicated that the main effect icant effects at 1-B and 2-A levels (F(2,26)
of the "social condition" and the inter- =4.29, p<.05; F(2,27)=5.07, p<.01).
action of positive-justice levels with "so- This result suggested that children at 1-B
cial condition" were significant, F(2,107) and 2-A gave themselves more rewards
170 Y. Watanabe

according to "social condition." allocated rewards equally. Their shar-

Table 4 shows the relation between ing behavior was very mechanical and
positive-justice levels and the norm of without thinking. Their habitual ways
reward allocation. Twenty percent of of sharing at home should be defined to
lower level subjects (at 0-A, 0-B level) comprehend their sharing behavior.
distributed rewards selfishly in inferior It was predicted that subjects at 1-A
condition. But it was suprising that most employed the equality principle in all the
of them employed the equality norm. conditions. But 40% of the subjects at
As predicted, subjects at 1-A tended to 1-A in the superior condition did not al-
employ the equality norm when distribut- locate rewards equally. Although more
ing rewards, compared to other levels' subjects at 1-B preferred the equity al-
subjects. Subjects at 1-B, 2-A tended to location than those at 0-A, 0-B, and 1-A,
employ the equity norm, compared to there were few as a whole, contrary to
others, but seemed to be quite confused the prediction. Subjects at the 2-A level
in deciding which norm they should em- were able to reason that both the equity
ploy. and equality principles have their merits.
Thus, it was evident on the whole that As a result, they preferred the equity
positive-justice levels did not determine norm. However, this may be largely an
developmental trends in reward alloca- abstract concept judging from the results
tion directly. The percentage of the of this study. Therefore the subjects
norm of equality was higher at every would be quite confused as to which
positive-justice level than had been ex- principles they should select in the three
pected. However, as had been predicted, conditions. Individual personality traits
the proportion of reward allocation by may also influence the selection, not just
the norm of equity was seen to increase distributive justice levels.
gradually according to level, although it It is possible to conclude that these dif-
was less than the norm of equality. ferences between the prediction and these
results of the present study at each level
Discussion arose from the effects of self-interest in
reward allocation. Most subjects seemed
This study investigated the relations of to favor themselves in a real situation
distributive justice levels to the reward al- rather than in the hypothetical one be-
location. The results of the present study cause of getting the `real' rewards. Es-
are consistent with the conclusion that the pecially, it could be concluded that sub-
child's cognition process should not be jects at 0-A, 0-B, and 1-B had the right to
inferred solely from reward allocation be- get more rewards as if they were following
havior. Furthermore, the distributive jus- the norm of equality in inferior condition.
tice levels did not directly determine the Also, subjects at 1-A tried to maximize
norm of reward allocation. "Social con- their rewards as if they employed the
dition" (difference of the amounts of norm of equity in superior condition.
work) had a stronger effect on deciding Otherwise, 1-B level subjects should em-
the behavior of sharing. There were also ploy the equity norm and 1-A level sub-
specific predictable interaction effects be- jects should employ the equality norm
tween distributive justice levels and "so- regardless "social condition."
cial condition." Therefore, both distributive justice de-
Children at 0-A, 0-B distributed more velopment and situational factors should
to themselves than did children at other be considered on self-interest in order to
reasoning levels in `inferior' condition, comprehend the cognitive process of chil-
as had been predicted. But 60% of them dren. Especially, in the experimental
Developnient of distributive justice and reward allocation 171

situation, subjects were both the alloca- ogy, 67, 422-436.

tors and recipients of allocated rewards. Damon, W. 1975 Early conceptions of positive
But in the hypothetical situation, they justice as related to the development of opera-
tional reasoning. Child Development, 46, 301-
played only the role of allocator. Selfish 312.
motives may influence different modes of
Damon, W. 1977 The social world of the child.
reasoning in different conditions, as in
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Damon's studies (1981). Damon, W. 1980 Patterns of change in chil-
Future research should focus on the dren's social reasoning: A two-year longitu-
question of what causes change in both dinal study. Child Dcuelspawnl,51, 1010-1017.
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behavior. We can predict that "con- and self-interest during childhood. In M. J.
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should obey, or "conflict" between be- in social behavior. New York: Plenum Press.
Kohlberg, L. 1969 Stage and sequence: The
having self-interestedly and obeying the
cognitive developmental approach to socializa-
norm, would play the most important
tion. In D. A. Goslin (Ed.), Handbook of socia-
role in both distributive justice levels and
lization theory and rescarch. Chicago: Rand
the mode of distribution employed. Pia- McNally.
get (1932) has shown that peer interac- Lane, I. M., & Coon, R. 1972 Reward alloca-
tions which posed cognitive conflicts for tion in preschool children. Child Development,
children would be most effective in facil- 43, 1382-1389.
itating change. It would be noteworthy Lane, I. NI., & Messe, L. A. 1971 Equity and
to use peer debate situations in order to the distribution of rewards. Journal of Personality
clarify children's cognitive process when and Social Psychology,20, 1-17.
Leventhal, G. S., & Anderson, D. 1970 Self
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they preferred the norm. Piaget, J. 1965 The moral judgement of the child.
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References (Received Dec. 26, 1988; accepted March 17, 1990)

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inequity. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychol-

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