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chain hotels

In my opinion, the treatment and service of this type of hotel is the best, but in general, because it
is a means of alliances, this influences its price. In general, these types of hotels are very expensive
compared to others with the same or better quality, but I cannot leave aside the good treatment
that this type of hotel offers


In my opinion I have nothing to highlight about this type of hotel since I have not visited any but I
could say that their discretion and confidentiality is what matters most in them apart from their
good service for which they are generally used

Touristic centers

They are one of my favorite types of hotels because, in addition to providing quality service, you
have a lot of fun in them, since they are one of the most commercial and visited in general.

The one thing that criticizes would be his ability to rest, I think he is one of the best to share a
discreet family space, in addition to the fact that I am very diverse and pleasant.

all suites

In my opinion it is something basic and inconspicuous but very elegant I cannot highlight so much
of this type of hotel it does not attract my attention so much
Conference/Convention Center Hotels

They are very elegant hotels, they seem very nice to me, although they are used for very few
functions to highlight their capacity and I find them very interesting in general.

Extended Stay Hotels

One of my favorites for its good treatment and organization one of the best options to choose and
stay in addition to having very good and varied service in general

Hotels with charm

In my opinion they are nice their capacity is excellent I did not visit them, but according to their
concept I like their description

Of the types of hotels, it is the one that least attracts my attention, they seem very crowded and
not at all pleasant, I am not a fan of what is practiced, so I do not think I visit them for pleasure

bed and breakfast

Just knowing their concept calls my attention and I would visit them without a doubt they seem
very nice and I am a fan of the variety of foods and I think they are the best in concept
Eco hotels

My favorite above all I have not visited any but I love the environmental concept and learning
from your visit would be the best experiences is something new and the best option for the planet

Casino hotels

No llama para nada mi atención tampoco me gustaría visitarlo es muy concurrido y llamativo nada
privado y tampoco de mi agrado

Pop-up hotels

No soy fan de lo que se practica dentro de ellos para resaltar de ellos seria el prestigio y el buen
gusto si me gustaría visitarlo
Pet-friendly hotels

Me parece interesante y requerido por algunos amantes de las mascotas no me incomoda y me

parece bien el concepto de estos lo visitaría pero no es mi favorito


Me parecen muy clandestinos y poca calidad no me llama para nada la atención pero no esta mal
el concepto solo que no es de mi agrado

Of the best concepts in the types of hotel and of those that I would undoubtedly always visit, they
seem pleasant to me in every way one of my favorites

micro hotels

They are innovative hotels, I prefer another type but they are striking and of the best quality, a
good concept and if I would visit you for pleasure

heritage hotels

Hotels of the best concepts are necessary to leave a cultural mark for tourism and it is the best
concept behind the ecological one that is necessary in the top types of hotels

Very necessary in every sense of the best solutions in an emergency, very good and comfortable,
the best thing is how accessible they are

Unique concept hotels

Very good concept if I would visit them for pleasure I find them very interesting and out of the
ordinary it draws a lot of attention and highlights the fun and excitement

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