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1) Corrosion is a chemical process caused by the direct chemical reaction or electrochemical
reaction of the metal with its surroundings.
2) Corrosion is the disintegration or deterioration or destruction of a metal due to the effect of the
surrounding medium.
Metal gets converted into unwanted material by the chemical attack of environment. The corrosion
affects all metals and the alloys.


1. Most of the metals (except noble metals like Au, Ag and Pt) exists in nature as their compounds
in the form of oxides, carbonates, chlorides, silicates, sulphides, sulphates etc. These
compounds are known as ores or minerals.
2. These minerals and ores are reduced into metals during extraction process. During extraction
metals receives large amount of energy and goes to the excited state of instability.
3. The pure metals are having natural tendency to go back into their original combined state by
forming compounds again. Because of this tendency they are always trying to react with their
surrounding medium, such as gases like oxygen, sulphur, carbon dioxide, chlorine etc, moisture,
liquids etc.
4. When the pure metal reacts with surroundings, their energy decreases and they become more
stable. This process by which the metals have tendency to back into their natural state is
called as corrosion.
5. According to the modern definition corrosion is the deterioration of properties of metals by
chemical or electrochemical reaction with surroundings. Corrosion is the wastage of metal by
gradual transformation into the combined or compound state.

Corrosion of the metal occurs by the attack of surrounding medium on it. According to the type of
attack, corrosion has following two types,

Atmospheric corrosion/ Dry

corrosion/ Direct chemical
Electrochemical corrosion/
Wet corrosion/ Immersed

1. Dry corrosion means the high temperature oxidation and it occurs at gas-metal interface. In this
type of corrosion, reaction is the chemical combination between metal and oxidizing component
of its environment.
2. Wet corrosion, which is also known as immersed corrosion and occurs at metal-solution
interface. This type of corrosion is the result of electrochemical or chemical reaction between a
metal and its surroundings.
3. In both cases the basic reaction is the electrochemical oxidation by the removal of one or more
electrons from the metal with the formation of positive ions. These reactions take place at the
interfaces and the rates of reactions are depending on the properties of corrosion products.

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1. DEFINITION: “The loss of metal due to the effect of atmospheric gases such as O2, CO2,
halogens, hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen, moisture etc. at low or high
temperature is called as atmospheric (Dry) corrosion”.
2. In this type of corrosion metal gets converted into respective compounds like oxides,
carbonates, halides, sulphides, sulphates, nitrates, hydrides etc.
3. The products of the reaction deposits over the surface or sometimes they dissolves in the
surrounding medium.
4. The extent of corrosion depends on nature of the product obtained in corrosion. If product
deposits on same metal then rate of further corrosion decreases but when it dissolves in
surrounding medium then corrosion of metal continues.


atmospheric corrosion.
1. DEFINITION: “The corrosion due to direct chemical attack of oxygen over the metal at low or
high temperature is called as oxidation corrosion.
2. When a metallic surface is exposed to an air it undergoes oxidation by using oxygen to form metal
oxide as,

2M + O2 2MO

Where, M stands for the metal.

3. EXAMPLES: The alkali metals like lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium etc. and alkaline earth
metals like beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, etc. gets corroded by oxygen at ordinary or
low temperature.
4. At high temperature almost all metals except silver, gold and platinum are attacked by oxygen to
form their oxides.
The mechanism of oxidation corrosion can be given as,

M M2+ + 2e- Loss of electrons or oxidation

½ O2 + 2e- O2- Gain of electrons or reduction
M + ½ O2 M2+ + O2- Metal oxide (MO)

6. Rate of Oxidation Corrosion: It depends on nature of oxide product (Oxide film) obtained.
Sometimes the oxide dissolves in surrounding medium or it deposits on same metal. If oxide
deposits on same metal then rate of further corrosion is less but if it dissolves in surrounding
medium then rate of further corrosion is more.
7. NATURE (TYPES) OF OXIDE FILMS: The rate of oxidation corrosion also depends on nature
of oxide film deposited on metal. There are 4 types of oxide films as follows:
a) When oxide film is stable and porous then corrosion continues. The alkali metals (like Li, K,
Na etc.) and alkaline earth metals (like Ca, Sr, Mg) forms the stable and porous oxide film
therefore undergoes continuous corrosion.
b) When oxide film is stable and non porous then further corrosion stops completely. For
example, the metals like aluminium forms stable and non-porous oxide (Al2O3) film which
stops the further corrosion.
c) When oxide film is unstable it decomposes back into the metal and oxygen as soon as it is
formed. Therefore, oxidation corrosion is not possible in such a case. The examples of this
type of metals are silver, gold, platinum etc.
d) When oxide film is volatile then it vaporizes as soon as it is formed. Hence, the fresh metal
surface is exposed continuously to atmospheric oxygen and corrosion continues, e.g.

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molybdenum oxide (MoO3) and stannic chloride (SnCl4) in the presence of dry chlorine forms
the volatile films.

1. DEFINITION: “This type of corrosion occurs when metal is surrounded the solution or the
aqueous medium, i.e. is by the formation of electrochemical cell.
2. For example, zinc when zinc metal rod immersed in a solution of zinc sulphate then it dissolves
in zinc sulphate with formation of Zn++ ions by the loss of electrons.
3. Electrochemical corrosion is different for different metals. If the metal is placed below
hydrogen in electrochemical series then it has less corrosion effect but if it is combined with a
metal above hydrogen in series, then metal above hydrogen becomes the anode and gets
corroded while there is no corrosion of cathodic metal.
4. For example, in Daniel or galvanic cell zinc acts as an anode and undergoes corrosion and
cathodic copper gets protected.
Electrochemical corrosion involves the two types of mechanisms, e.g. hydrogen evolution
and oxygen evolution mechanism. If a metal is surrounded by acidic medium then there is
electrochemical corrosion with hydrogen evolution but if it is surrounded with oxygen rich medium
then there is oxygen absorption.


1. CONDITION: This type of corrosion occurs in acidic environment, like industrial waste and acidic
solutions or when concentration of dissolved oxygen is low.
2. REACTIONS: At anode metal dissolves by forming ions and liberating electrons.

M M+ + e-

3. These electrons migrate towards cathode and combines with acidic H+ ions to eliminate hydrogen

2H+ + 2e- H2 

The overall reaction is,

M + 2H+ M+ + H2 
4. Thus, there is displacement Solution Cathodic
+ -
of H+ ions from the acidic 2H + 2e H2 reaction
solution by the metal ions. Fe Anodic
This shows that all the ++
Fe + 2e
- ++
Fe + 2e
metals, which are above
hydrogen in electrochemical Large e
- e

series, have a tendency to anodic Steel tank

corrode with hydrogen area Small cathodic area
evolution mechanism.
5. In this type of corrosion Hydrogen evolution mechanisms
anodic area is very large as
compared with cathodic area. Hence rate (speed) of corrosion is slower.
6. For example, consider a steel tank containing acidic industrial wastewater and a small piece of
copper scrap is in contact with tank. Then, there is corrosion of steel tank by hydrogen evolution
7. The chemical reactions in this process are,

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Fe Fe ++ + 2e- Oxidation at anode
2H+ + 2e- H2 Reduction at cathode.

The overall reaction is,

Fe + 2H+ Fe++ + H2

1. CONDITION: This type of corrosion occurs when the concentration of dissolved oxygen in
surrounding medium is high.
2. For example, if the iron is in contact with aqueous salt solution and atmospheric oxygen, the iron
gets corroded with oxygen absorption.
3. Consider a steel plate, coated with oxide film and exposed to the moist atmosphere. If the oxide
film of steel plate is having some cracks, then anodic areas are created on the surface and the
coated metal becomes cathode.
4. A drop of water collected over cracks and rust, will act as an electrolyte. At anode, iron metal
dissolves to form its ions with elimination of electrons,

Fe Fe++ + 2e- Oxidation

5. These electrons migrates form anode to the cathode, where they combines with water and oxygen to
form hydroxyl ions.

2H2O + O2 + 4e- 4OH- Reduction

6. The Fe++ ions at anode combines with OH- ions to form ferrous hydroxide precipitate called as rust
having brown colour.

Fe++ + 2OH- Fe(OH)2

(Ferrous hydroxide)
O2 + 4e + 2H2O 4OH-
7. If there is enough oxygen, ferrous
hydroxide Fe(OH)2 gets easily Water droplet
oxidized to ferric hydroxide Rust
Fe(OH)3 as yellow rust.
4Fe(OH)2 + O2 + 2H2O e -
e - cathodic
Steel Small anodic area
plate Fe Fe2+ + 2e-
8. If there is not enough oxygen,
corrosion product will be black
anhydrous magnetite, Fe3O4.
Oxygen absorption mechanism


The rate and extent of corrosion depends on:

1. Oxidation potential or electrode potential: The extent of corrosion depends on the relative
position of the metal in electrochemical series. When the two dissimilar metals are in contact with
an electrolyte, then the metal at higher position in electrochemical series has greater tendency to go
into solution and gets corroded.
On the other hand the metal at the bottom position has little tendency to go into solution and
hence they are not corroding. Similarly, if the two metals are much apart in electrochemical series
then corrosion of anodic metal is greater or faster.
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2. Relative areas of cathode and anode: The rate of corrosion is affected by the relative anodic and
cathodic areas. If the anodic area is very small and the cathodic area is large, then rate of corrosion
3. Purity of the metal: If metal is associated with Impurities then it forms the galvanic cell in
aqueous medium. If the impurity element is at lower position in electrochemical series then it acts
as a cathode and metal gets corroded. Thus, the rate of electrochemical corrosion depends on purity
of metal.

4. Physical state of the metal: If the metal has smaller grain size, then rate of corrosion is faster. For
example, the grain size of mild steel is small as compared with cast iron therefore it corrodes at
faster rate.

5. Nature of oxide film: Metals on oxidation forms an oxide which forms the coating over same
metal surface. Nature of this oxide film affects the rate of further corrosion. If oxide film is stable
and non-porous then there is no further corrosion, but if the film is unstable, porous or volatile then
the corrosion continues.

6. Solubility of the products: If the corrosion product is soluble then corrosion of metal is at faster
rate and if the corrosion product is insoluble then it forms stable protective coating and retards the
further corrosion.

7. pH value of corroding medium: The corrosion of metal is affected by the pH value of the
surrounding medium. For example the rate of corrosion of zinc is slow in alkaline medium and rate
of corrosion of aluminium is slow in acidic medium. The rate of corrosion is much faster in acidic
solutions than in alkaline and neutral solutions.

a) BY PROPER MATERIAL SELECTION AND DESIGN: This is the general method of
protecting the metals from corrosion. In this method metals are prevented form corrosion by
proper design and material selection.
i) The selection of the metal can be made on the basis of chemical properties of the material
and its environment. Most of the noble metals are non-corrosive but they are not
economical. Therefore, it is required to select purest metals for their applications. This
prevents the metal form corrosion.
ii) The corrosion resistance and the strength of the metal can be increased by alloying it with
other metals and non-metals, e.g. Stainless Steel containing small amount of chromium is
the best example of corrosion resistance material.
iii) Corrosion depends on stresses and strains inside the metal therefore it can be reduced by
carrying out the heat treatment like annealing over the metal.
iv) To prevent the corrosion of active metals they can be coated with less active cathodic
v) If the two metals are to be Rivet or
combined, then they can be bolt Insulat
selected on the basis of little or
difference between their
electrode potential values. Poor
vi) If two metals are to be Better
combined, then inactive metal
(cathodic) should have
smaller area as compared Nylon insulator and
Best sleeve
with area of active metal
(anodic). Protection of corrosion by proper design

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vii) The contact of moisture should be avoided. If moisture is present suitable inhibitors should
be used.
viii) As the corrosion depends upon pH of the surrounding medium it can be controlled by
adjusting the pH at 7.
ix) When the two dissimilar metals are in contact then suitable insulator should be inserted
between them to reduce the flow of current.
x) When a structure
consists of two
dissimilar metals,
then it is beneficial
to use a more active Poor
third metal in
contact. So, that the
third metal should
undergo corrosion Better Best
and will save the
Protection of corrosion by proper design
base metals.
xi) The equipment
should be designed in such a manner that it should avoid localized stresses, sharp bends,
baffles and lap joints.
xii) Tanks and pipelines should be free from obstructions. The bolts and rivets should be
replaced by proper welding. The metal washers should be replaced with rubber or plastic

b) CATHODIC PROTECTION: The principle involved in this method is to force the metal to
be protected to behave like a cathode. So, that corrosion does not occur.
There are two types of cathodic protections,

I) Sacrificial Anodic or Galvanic Protection:

1) In this protection method, the metal to be protected is connected by a wire to a more anodic
metal so that all the corrosion is concentrated at this more active metal.
2) The more active metal itself gets corroded slowly and the main structure gets protected. The
more active metal used is called as sacrificial anode.
3) The corroded sacrificial anode is required to replace with fresh one when consumes completely.
4) The metals commonly used as Sacrificial Anode are Magnesium, Zinc, Aluminium and their

Insulated Cu wire
Pipe to be Current

Soil Sacrificial Anode (Mg,Zn,Al)

5) Example- Sacrificial anodic protection is applied to buried pipelines, underground cables,

marine structures, ship hulls, water tanks, piers etc.

II) Impressed Current Cathodic Protection:

1) In this method an impressed current is applied in opposite direction to nullify the corrosion
current and convert the corroding metal from anode to cathode.
2) The impressed current is supplied by using direct current batteries.
3) In this case the anode is made from graphite, high silica iron, scrap iron, stainless steel, platinum,
etc. Direct current is supplied to the buried insoluble anode, which is connected to the main
structure i.e. to be protected.
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4) To increase the electrical contact of soil with anode, anode is surrounded by backfill i.e. is by
coke or gypsum.
5) This type of cathodic D. C. Current
protection is applied
to the open water
coolers, water tanks,
buried oil and water Insulated Cu wire
pipelines, Pipe to be
condensers, Current Backfill
transmission line Sacrificial Anode (Steel, High
towers, marine pipes, Soil silica iron)
ships etc.

Application of metallic coatings:

c) Hot dipping: The corrosion of a metal is prevented by applying metallic coatings over it. Hot
dipping is the process which metals with low melting points such as zinc (419 0C) and tin (232 0C) are
coated over base metal like iron to protect it from corrosion.
The base metal has relatively higher meting point. There are two types of hot dipping processes,
galvanizing and tinning.

1. Galvanizing is the process in which iron or steel sheets, pipes or wires are coated with a thin
film of zinc metal to prevent them from corrosion.
2. The iron or steel articles to be coated with zinc are cleaned by using dilute H2SO4 for 15-20
minutes at 60-90 0C. This treatment is called as pickling. Pickling removes scales, oxide layers
and impurities.
3. Article is then washed with water and dried. The article is dipped in a bath of molten zinc at
about 425 to 430 0C temperature. The surface of the bath is always covered with a flux of
ammonium chloride to prevent oxidation of zinc metal. The article is gets coated with a thin
layer of zinc.
4. It is then passed through a pair of hot rollers to remove any excess of zinc.
5. Finally, the zinc coating is annealed at a temperature of 650 0C and cooled slowly.

Uses of galvanizing:

1) Galvanizing is used for protection of iron roofing sheets, wires, pipes, nails, bolts, screws,
buckets, tubes, etc. from atmospheric corrosion.
2) Steel rods used in RCC structures are also galvanized to protect them from corrosion.
3) Zinc coating dissolves in dilute acids to form highly toxic or poisonous compounds. Hence,
galvanized utensils cannot be used for preparing and storing food stuffs which are acidic in

1) This method is similar with galvanizing method. Tinning is the process in which mild steel
plates are coated with tin metal. Tin coating has good resistance towards action of organic acids
and water.
2) The steel sheet to be coated is first cleaned by using dilute sulphuric acid (pickling) to remove
any oxide and other impurities.
3) Then it is passed through a bath of molten zinc chloride. The zinc chloride helps the molten
metal to stick to the metal sheet.

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4) After coating the sheet is passed through Tinned
another bath containing molten tin. sheet
Finally, it is dipped in a vegetable oil to sheet
Pair of
protect it from oxidation. rollers
5) Then, it is passed though a series of hot
Steel Palm
rollers to remove excess of tin. If tin oil
coating is broken during its use, then sheet
there is rapid corrosion of iron, because
the iron is more anodic than tin. chloride Molten
Uses of tinning:
Tinning process
1) Tin has good resistance against organic
acids and atmosphere. It is also non-toxic in nature, therefore used for manufacturing containers
for storing foodstuffs, ghee, oil, pickles, biscuits, kerosene, medicines and packing food
2) Tinning is widely used for coating the steel, copper and brass sheets.
3) Tinned copper sheets are used for making cooking utensils and refrigeration equipments.
4) Tin coated steel sheets are used for making trunks, boxes, roofing, vessels etc.
5) Copper wires are tinned to facilitate soldering. The copper wires before coating with rubber are
coated with tin metal to avoid sulphur attack from rubber.

c) Metal Spraying:
1) Spraying is the modern method of protecting metals from corrosion. In this process base metal is
protected from corrosion by application of more or less active metallic coating with the help of spraying
gun. Cone of
2) The coating metal is Compressed air oxyacetylene
flame Sprayed metal
in molten state and the
metal to be protected is Melting
having rough surface. Gas nozzle wire
3) The roughness of
surface is filled with a
spray of coating metal
which sticks tightly with
it. Wire Atomized
PROCESS: nozzle spray
1. In spraying process Air envelope
the surface of the base Air cap Base material
metal is made rough
Metal spraying gun
with the help of polish
papers and by spraying
with sharp sand blast for 1-3 hours.
2. The spraying gun consists of a duct for compressed air and it is fitted with oxy-acetylene flame. The
metal in the form of wire is fed into a gun.
3. Metal wire melts at higher temperature of flame and comes out in the form of a spray by compressed air.
The spray is applied over the surface to be coated.
4. The metal particle interlocks in the irregularities of surface and forms the smooth coating layer.
The initial cost of spray coating is more but its maintenance cost is nil. The metals like zinc, lead, tin and
aluminium are used for coating over the other metals.

1) The spraying technique is useful for applying the coatings over fabricated structure.
2) The spraying technique is used to coat large and irregularly shaped articles.

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3) The spraying is also useful for coating the non-metallic materials such as glass, wood,
plastic, etc.
d) Electroplating: Electroplating is the process of depositing one superior or non-corrosive
metal over another inferior or base metal with the help of electrolysis.
Electroplating is useful for changing surface properties and to improve its appearance. It also
protects the metal from corrosion and chemical attack.
The article to be electroplated is first cleaned thoroughly by treating with organic solvent like tetra-
chloroethylene to remove oils, greases, dirt etc., and then it is made free from surface scales, oxides, etc. by
treating with dilute HCL or H2SO4.
Electroplating is carried out in an electrolytic cell. The cleaned article is connected to cathode wire
of an electrolytic cell. The anode is either the coating metal itself or an inert material of good electrical
conductivity (like graphite).
The anode and cathode are dipped in the
electrolyte of a soluble salt of the coating metal. When + -
direct current is passed, coating metal ions migrate to
the cathode and get deposited there, thus a thin layer of
coating metal is obtained on the article made as
The metals like copper, nickel, chromium, etc.
are used for electroplating.
For brighter and smooth deposits low Anode Article
temperature, high current density and high metal ion ()
concentration are maintained. If CuSO4 solution is used
as an electrolyte, it ionizes as, Electrolyte
2+ --
CuSO4 Cu + SO4
If the potential difference is applied the Cu2+ Electroplating with Copper
ions migrate to the cathode and deposits on cathodic

Cu2+ + 2e- Cu(s) : Reduction

The free sulphate ions migrate towards the copper anode and dissolve an equivalent amount of
copper to form copper sulphate.

Cu + SO4-- CuSO4 + 2e- : Oxidation

The copper sulphate thus formed dissolves in the electrolytic solution and replaces continuously the
electrolytic salt during electrolysis.

1) Electroplating is used for depositing zinc, nickel, chromium and copper coatings against
corrosion of iron and steel articles.
2) Electroplating is used to increase commercial and decorative value of base metals, which are
electroplated with gold, silver, nickel, chromium, etc.
3) Electroplating is used over non-metals like wood, glass for decoration, preservation, to
increase strength and for making the surface conductive.

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Introduction- The concept of green chemistry was coined by Paul Anestas of America. He gave 12
principles of Green chemistry in 1994 towards ideal synthetic methods to save natural resources.

DEFINITION: Green chemistry is use of chemistry for pollution prevention by environmentally conscious
design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous
Goals of Green Chemistry-
1) To reduce adverse environmental impacts by appropriate and innovative choice of materials and their
chemical transformations.
2) To develop processes based on renewable (plant based) rather than non-renewable (fossil-carbon-
derived) raw materials.
3) To develop process those are less prone to obnoxious chemical release, fires and explosions.
4) To minimize byproducts in chemical transformations through redesign of reactions and reaction
Formula weight of the product
% Atom economy = -------------------------------------------------------------x 100
(Sum of formula weights of all the reactants)
5) To develop product that material are less toxic or which require less toxic raw material.
6) To develop product that degrade more readily in the environment than the current products.
7) To reduce the requirement for hazardous solvents in the chemical processes.
8) To improve energy efficiency by developing low temperature and low pressure processes by using new
9) To develop efficient and reliable methods to monitor processes for improved control.
Significance of Green Chemistry:
The chemical industry releases about 5billion tons of chemical wastes annually to the environment. It also
spends over 300 billion dollars annually for treatment, control and disposal of these chemical wastes. The
following are the main significance of green chemistry:
- To keep our environment clean.
- Enhances the quality of our life and hence the life on planet.
- Safety in handling chemicals, hardware demands, energy profile and ease of product workup and
- Green chemistry is a powerful tool that can be used to evaluate the environmental impact of various
developments, also of nanotechnology.


The major research efforts in green chemistry may be broadly classified into following areas
1) Alternate feedstock or starting materials- Use feed stocks and reagents that are less hazardous to
human health and the environment. Use renewable feedstock
2) Alternate reagents-.Green chemistry recommends the design of synthesis to use and generate
substances with little or no toxicity to humans and the environment.
3) Alternate reaction conditions- Use safer solvents and reaction conditions. Avoid carcinogenic
solvents such as benzene, acetone, ether use water as solvent as it is ecofriendly.
4) Alternative final products or target molecules.-Green chemistry emphasizes to design chemical
products to be fully effective, yet have little or no toxicity.
5) Prevention of waste-Green chemistry involved to design chemical synthesis in such a way that the
process involves pathway to give products, leaving no waste to treat or clean up.
6) Maximize atom economy –Green chemistry requires that new processes should be designed such
that the most of the starting material gets converted into product. This is called as Maximizing atom

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The 12 Principles of Green Chemistry

1. Prevention of Waste:
It is better to prevent waste than to treat or clean up waste after it has been created.

2. Maximize Atom Economy: Synthetic methods should be designed to maximize the incorporation
of all materials used in the process into the final product.

3. Non-Hazardous Chemical Synthesis: Wherever practicable, synthetic methods should be

designed to use and generate substances that possess little or no toxicity to human health and the

4. Designing Safer Chemicals and Products: Chemical products should be designed to effect their
desired function while minimizing their toxicity.

5. Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries: The use of auxiliary substances (e.g., solvents, separation agents,
etc.) should be made unnecessary wherever possible and innocuous when used.

6. Design for Energy Efficiency: Energy requirements of chemical processes should be recognized
for their environmental and economic impacts and should be minimized. If possible, synthetic methods
should be conducted at ambient temperature and pressure.

7. Use of Renewable Feedstocks: A raw material or feedstock should be renewable rather than
depleting whenever technically and economically practicable.

8. Reduce Derivatives: Unnecessary derivatization (use of blocking groups, protection/ deprotection,

temporary modification of physical/chemical processes) should be minimized or avoided if possible,
because such steps require additional reagents and can generate waste.

9. Catalysis: Catalytic reagents (as selective as possible) are superior to stoichiometric reagents.

10. Design for Degradation: Chemical products should be designed so that at the end of their function
they break down into innocuous degradation products and do not persist in the environment.

11. Real-time analysis for Pollution Prevention: Analytical methodologies need to be further
developed to allow for real-time, in-process monitoring and control prior to the formation of hazardous

12. Inherently Safer Chemistry for Accident Prevention: Substances and the form of a substance
used in a chemical process should be chosen to minimize the potential for chemical accidents, including
releases, explosions, and fires.

Green chemistry finding wider applications in the industries. The technology is prominently applied
in the extraction and fractionation of fats, oils, pigments, pharmaceuticals and chemicals. Applications have
also been extended to many other areas such as chemical synthesis. For example-
1. Insecticides-DDT when used as pesticides, it remains in soil for many years causing pollution. The
alternative to this is biological insecticides.

2. Polymer-The packing material such as plastic or polystyrene are non non biodegrable and cause
solid waste. The alternative to this the biodegrable plastics containing cellulose and the packing
pellets made of starch are used.

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3. Biodiesel synthesis-Replace ethylene glycol by propylene glycol ,which is more toxic

4. Dry cleaning-For Dry cleaning the fabrics, the toxic solvent like perchloroethylene was used,
which is replaced recent years by liquid CO2.

5. Green solvents- Avoid using carcinogenic solvents such as acetone, benzene, ether being highly
inflammable instead use water as a good medium as well as ecofriendly solvents.(green solvent)

6. Synthesis of adipic acid-A new method is developed to prepare adipic acid from glucose obtained
from corn starch or cellulose this is green process because it replaces benzene as starting material
for production of same product. Benzene is known as carcinogen.

Q-01) What is corrosion? Explain hydrogen evolution mechanism of electrochemical corrosion.
Q-02) What is corrosion? Explain oxygen absorption mechanism in electrochemical corrosion.
Q-03) What is corrosion? Explain mechanism of oxidation corrosion.
Q-04) Give two methods of cathodic protection
Q-05) Explain the process of Tinning with schematic diagram.
(Q-06)What is hot dipping ? Explain process of galvanizing with schematic diagram.
Q-07) Explain the process of galvanizing in corrosion prevention.
Q-08) Explain the electroplating process in corrosion prevention.
Q-09) Explain role of oxide coatings in phenomenon of corrosion.
Q-10) What is electrochemical corrosion? Explain the mechanism of H2 evolution corrosion.
Q-11) Write short note on-
a) Electroplating.
b) Cathodic protection.
c) Tinning
d) Atmospheric corrosion.
e) Factor influencing corrosion.

Q-12) Explain proper material material selection and designing for prevention of corrosion?
Q-13) Define Green Chemistry. Explain the 12 principles of Green Chemistry.
Q-14) Define Green Chemistry. Discuss the applications of Green Chemistry.

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