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I think US is losing its grip on its hegemony.

One of the main reasons

is due to the rise of China. China is asserting its dominance over the
low- or middle-income countries with the help of China’s Debt Trap
Diplomacy. Sri Lanka can be seen as a recent victim of this policy of
China. Sri Lanka was forced to hand over control of the Hambantota
Port project to China for 99 years as it owed massive debt to Beijing.
This allowed China control over a key port positioned at the
doorstep of its regional rival India, and a strategic foothold along a
key commercial and military waterway. In exchange for relief,
China constructed its first military base in Djibouti. Whereas
Angola is replaying multibillion-dollar debt to China with crude
oil, creating major problems for its economy. I do not think US is
able to assert its dominance like it used to do it earlier. The US
President called Pakistan one of the most dangerous nations of the
world as the country has nuclear weapons without any cohesion and
still, they are keen to provide USD 450 million F-16 sustainment
package to Pakistan despite India’s objections. US warned India
for buying gas from Russia so that it would not undo the sanctions,
despite US warnings India bought the gas from Russia. US refused
to deploy military in Ukraine after Russia’s invasion but US
President said US forces would defend Taiwan in the event of a
Chinese Invasion. The National Defence Strategy (NDS), released on
Thursday, said the People’s Republic of China (PRC) remains the
United States’ most “consequential strategic competitor for the coming

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