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In every beat of the rhythm expresses every feelings that is hidden behind.

every sound that was being created heals a mourning cry. The deafening
silence will be broken through accompanying pleasant music that could
relaxed the well-being of a person. Thus, music is already intertwined in every
soul of man.

We do have differences in terms of our language, culture and tradition,

however, it is but when the harmony, melody, rhythm, and expression will
arise unity will automatically be in place. Also, through music it squeezes out
emotions, experiences and feelings that could somehow lighten the load of an
individual. During dark times, we commonly run to our playlist in order to voice
out our failures in life. We could use music to release all the pressure felt
during our battles in different fields. Overtime, it became a language and
symbolism as a trademark of every individual whether in hardships or in
success. Additionally, music serves as another way to to serve and praise our
Almighty Savior which is a practice by most of the religions nowadays. Music
could also tighten a bond, it can be a bridge that connects the heart and soul
of the people.

Moreover, music is also a safe place of the people who were in a wrestle of
curing themselves against mental/physical ills. The help-meet in calming
themselves during an attack which is essential to relieve their anxiety,
depressive symptoms, and other illnesses. This has been the proportionate
for them to be able to win against their severely destructive enemy.

Furthermore, music has a powerful influence on people. It can improve your

memory, task endurance, mood, reduce anxiety and depression, prevent
fatigue, improve your pain response, and help you work out more effectively.
Music is all around us, intertwining our lives, regulating our moods, and
uplifting those who listen. As the famous line goes, “Music is the universal
language of mankind”, it is indeed, since regardless of tempo, tune, or style,
music speaks to something deep within our humanity, evoking strong
emotions, inspiring awe, and transcending language to provide unique
opportunities for cross-cultural connections.

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