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Department of Education

Region XI
Division of Panabo City
Gredu, Panabo City



Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________ Score________

General Instructions: Read the following questions and provide the CAPITAL letter of your answer
before the number.

_____1. Why food must be masticated or chewed before swallowing?

i. To prepare for digestion
ii. To make it easier to absorb nutrient
iii. To allow a more efficient breakdown by enzymes

A. i and ii only C. i and iii only

B. ii and iii only D. i, ii, and iii

_____ 2. Why saliva plays an important role in the 4 stages of digestion?

A. It moistens and lubricates the food
B. It allows the chemical digestion of starches to begin
C. It allows food from the mouth to move into the esophagus
D. These fluids help to lubricate the partially digested food to emulsify fats and oil

_____ 3. Food poisoning is caused by eating contaminated food. How can it be prevented?
A. Putting the food in a container with the presence of Salmonella
B. Keep raw foods in the same storage.
C. Cooking meat and poultry thoroughly
D. Eat fruits and vegetables unwashed to get the necessary nutrients

_____ 4. Which of the following describes to help prevent digestive diseases?

A. Consume foods high in fats and sugar
B. Avoid high-fiber foods
C. Drink alcohol occasionally
D. Avoid foods that trigger heartburn or reflux

_____ 5. Which part of the digestive system can we find the incisors?
A. Mouth C. Esophagus
B. Small Intestine D. Large Intestine

_____ 6. How do you define mitosis?

A. Mitosis produces two genetically identical daughter cells and meiosis proves four
unique daughter cell
B. . Mitosis produces unique daughter cells and meiosis produces identical daughter
C. They both produce genetically identical daughter cells
D. They both produce unique daughter cells
_____ 7. What is the importance of meiosis in chromosome numbers?
A. Produces two identical daughter cells that contain the same number of
chromosomes as their parent cell
B. Make the number of chromosomes not remain constant in a species across
C. Maintains a constant number of chromosomes by dividing
D. Disables organisms to reproduce effectively by sexual reproduction.

_____ 8. Based on the Punnett square below, a pure red-colored daisy is crossed with a pure white-
colored daisy, and the first three offspring reveal beautiful pink-colored daisies. What will be the trait of
the other offspring?

W RW ?


_____ 9. Which is true about the biological concept of a species?

A. It emphasizes the ability of a species to produce offspring.
B. It explains the species’ vulnerability to diseases.
C. It emphasizes the ability of a species to survive.
D. It refers to the variety of life in the area.

_____ 10. Which of the following shows a correct order of categories based on the taxonomic system
of an organism?
A. Earthworms: Animalia, Annelida, Clitellata, Haplotaxida, Lubricidae, Terrestris,
B. Humans: Animalia, Chordata, Mammalia, Primates, Hominidae, Homo, Homo
C. Dog: Animalia, Mammalia, Chordata, Carnivora, Carnidae, Canis, Canis Lupus
D. Plants: Anthophyta, Plantae, Poales, Commelinids, Poaceae, Oryza, O. Sativa

_____ 11. What is the main advantage of high biodiversity in maintaining the stability of an ecosystem?
A. Creates balance
B. Increases total biomass
C. The resilience of communities and ecosystem
D. Reduces a natural’s system ability to function.

_____ 12. What do you think will happen if the ecosystem is unstable?
A. All endangered species will go extinct
B. The ecosystem will no longer function
C. The ecosystem will automatically recover after disturbance
D. The ecosystem will unable to adjust to environmental changes

_____ 13. What is the other term for the consumer?

A. Autotrophs
B. Dependent
C. Independent
D. Heterotrophs
_____ 14. At what trophic level does the primary consumer belong?
A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 4th

_____ 15. How is energy pass from one trophic level to another?
A. When an organism gets energy from the sun and produces its own food in the form
of glucose
B. When organic molecules from an organism’s body are eaten by another organism
C. When an organism eats healthy foods
D. Through lights and oxidation.

_____ 16. What is the correct order of energy transfer?

1. Primary consumer 3. Producer

2. Tertiary consumer 4. Secondary consumer

A. 3,2,1,4 B. 1,2,3,4 C. 3,1,4,2 D. 4,2,3,1

_____ 17. How can you describe decomposition?

A. It has levels of carbon dioxide that may contribute to global warming
B. It produces a single substance from multiple reactants.
C. It breaks down decaying plants, animals, and waste
D. It is the process of not breaking down dead tissues

_____ 18. What do you think could when water makes it through the water cycle?
A. The water has finished that and moves onto a different cycle
B. The water stays in the stage at which it is finished.
C. The water starts to cycle all over again.
D. The water disappears

_____ 19. What is the difference between absorption and assimilation in terms of digesting food in the
A. Absorption is simply absorbing the food in the body, while assimilation is breaking
down the food.
B. Absorption is the movement of food into the cell, while assimilation is making food
part of the cell.
C. Absorption is the same as assimilation, in which they make food move to the cell
D. Absorption and assimilation do the digestion of food and secreting of waste

_____ 20. Absorption and assimilation are biological processes that support life. What are the
requirements needed for assimilation but not for absorption?
A. Enzymes synthesize new molecules.
B. Dissolved nutrients
C. Blood capillaries
D. Microvilli
_____ 21. After surgery, most patients do not eat solid food yet, but they are fed glucose or simple
sugar solution by injecting it through the veins. Which of the following reasons does NOT support the
A. Injecting glucose is highly recommended by doctors to provide energy to their cells
and body.
B. Injecting glucose is orally given to the patient to supply the energy that has been
taken away during surgery
C. Injecting glucose is encouraged in order to avoid indigestion and other
gastrointestinal-related complications
D. Injecting glucose is given to the patient, it takes some time for the digestive system
to recover and return to its normal functioning after surgery

_____ 22. Sometimes a person can suffer from gallstones, which are crystals of minerals and salts that
form in bile. Why do you think this digestive problem happens?

A. This happens because of a very low intake of calories

B. This happens because of drinking dairy milk products and coffee
C. This happens because of eating contaminated raw fish and meats.
D. This happens because of eating high-contained fats, like fish and olive

_____ 23. Analyn sometimes forgets to eat until she felt pain and discomfort in the lower part of her
stomach. It turns out to be an ulcer. What should she do during ulcer attacks?

A. Eat lean meats C. Eat high-fiber food

B. Drink plenty of water D. Eat food with probiotics

_____ 24. Jaysar cannot move his bowels and have difficulty moving them out so he consulted a doctor.
It turns out to be constipation. What do you think the doctor would advise him?

A. Avoid overeating C. Drink enough water

B. Chew his food slowly D. Brush his teeth three times a day

_____ 25. Amore eats too much and too quickly. While eating, she felt discomfort in the upper part of
the abdomen. She had indigestion. What should she do to avoid indigestion?

A. Chew food slowly C. Eat fibrous food

B. Drink plenty of water D. Eat food with probiotics

_____ 26. Florante felt discomfort and belching in his abdomen, it is because he is eating quickly and
swallowing large chunks of food without properly chewing. It turns out to be flatulence, what should he
do to avoid flatulence?
A. Exercise daily C. Eat probiotics
B. Drink plenty of water D. Eat meals and snacks slowly and carefully

_____ 27. A mouse has a mutation whose sister chromatid cannot separate during cell division. What
phase of mitosis should researchers target to alleviate the condition using drug therapy?
A. Anaphase
B. Metaphase
C. Prophase
D. Telophase
_____ 28. Mitosis and meiosis are processes by which animal and plant cells divide. Which statement
best describes the difference between mitosis and meiosis?
A. Meiosis is a multi-step process
B. Mitosis occurs only in eukaryotic cells
C. Meiosis is used in the repair
D. Mitosis produces genetically identical daughter cells

_____ 29. The homologous chromosomes are positioned in the center of the cell, facing opposite poles,
during metaphase I. This is crucial in determining the genes carried by a gamete. How does the
orientation of homologous chromosomes metaphase I of meiosis contribute to greater variation in
A. During metaphase I, homologous chromosomes separate from the spindle fibers
and travel randomly to the daughter cells.
B. During metaphase I, the homologous chromosomes are closely paired and
undergo crossover as the synaptonemal complex develops a lattice around them
C. Because the homologous chromosomes are not joined at their centromeres,
recombination of maternal and paternal chromosomes occurs in metaphase I
D. The random alignment of homologous chromosomes at the metaphase plate
ensures that the chromosomes in the daughter cells have a random destination

_____ 30. What inference can you make when the number of chromosomes would experience a two-
fold increase in each generation?
A. Increased possibility of having a twin
B. There is the endangerment of species
C. Health problems may occur
D. High chance of successful pregnancy

_____ 31. The significance of meiosis is that it brings about a reduction in the chromosome number
from a diploid condition to a haploid condition. What is the main difference between haploid and diploid?
A. Diploid contain only one complete chromosome set while haploid has a complete
B. Diploid refers to the number of complete chromosomes set while haploid contains
only one
C. Haploids refer to two complete sets while diploid has one.
D. Diploid and haploid cells contain two complete sets

_____ 32. Janmer with AB blood type mates with Darlene with BO blood type. Which of the following
is NOT a possible phenotype for their offspring?

A. A
B. B
D. O

_____ 33. Perform a dihybrid cross for two individuals. The male has normal blood clotting, but the
female is a heterozygote for hemophilia. Both males and females are heterozygous for nose size. Which
of the following is the correct ratio for the females: “normal with the large nose: carrier with the large
nose; normal with the small nose: carrier with the small nose”?

A. 16:8:4:1 C. 1:1:1:1
B. 9:3:3:1 D. 1:2:1:2
_____ 34. A homozygous dominant male with a cleft chin (AA) and bushy eyebrows (aa) has children
with a woman who is heterozygous for both traits. What would be the expected phenotypic ratio of their
children for these traits?
A. 25% cleft chin with bushy eyebrows; 75% cleft chin with fine eyebrow
B. 50% cleft chin with bushy eyebrows; 50% without cleft with fine eyebrows
C. 50% cleft chin with bushy eyebrows; 50% cleft chin with fine eyebrows
D. 100% cleft chin with bushy eyebrows

_____ 35. Why is having a way of defining species and distinguishing between them important for the
study of evolution?
A. In the study of evolution, the species is the unit over which change is measured.
B. To know the group of distinct species because divergence can only occur at the
species level.
C. A distinction between species allows scientists to understand the common origin
of all species.
D. A common definition of species allows scientists to agree on all aspects of the
theory of evolution

_____ 36. In what situation will hybrid reproduction result in the fusion of two species?
A. Separate species cannot interbreed, so hybrid reproduction does not occur in
B. If two species occupy the same niche in the same area, they can either compete
or collaborate and reproduce with each other, eventually fusing into a single
C. Two species that have recently diverged from each other can reproduce with each
other, creating hybrid individuals that belong to the species of the parents’ common
D. If the hybrid offspring are more fit than the parents, reproduction would likely
continue between both species and the hybrids, eventually bringing all organisms
under the umbrella of one species

_____ 37. In a forest, you notice a flying animal. You also notice that it spends daylight hours hanging
from a cave and has a thin layer of hair. What order of animal is it?
A. Bird B. Fish C. Mammals D. Reptiles

_____ 38. A student discovered a spider with a segmented abdomen, long legs, and no sting. He used
the dichotomous key below. What kind of arachnid did discover?

a) Segmented Abdomen …………. go to 2

Not segmented Abdomen …. …. go to 4
b) Abdomen with tail ……………… go to 3
Abdomen without tail ………….. go to 5
a) Tail with sting ………………….. Scorpion
Tail without sting ………………. Whip Scorpion
b) Legs longer than body ………… Daddy Long
Body longer than legs …………. Wind Scorpion
a) With Spines …………………….. Mite
b) Few Spines …………………….. Tick

A. Scorpion B. Wind Scorpion C. Whip Scorpion D. Daddy Long Legs

_____ 39. If you were to find a new primate species, you would name it after the family and then after
the species taxon. What is the error in the sentence?

A. Primate C. Species
B. Family D. No error

_____ 40. Tyrannosaurus rex is the scientific name for a giant dinosaur. What is the name of the genus
that this dinosaur belongs to?

A. Animal C. rex
B. Dinosaur D. Tyrannosaurus

_____ 41. It has been demonstrated that an area’s biodiversity has a significant impact on the
ecosystem stability of the location. What do areas with a lot of species and genetic variety?
A. Cause of the spread of disease
B. Excess of wild animals can harm the humans
C. A more complex ecosystem with a wider range of food webs and biotic interactions
D. More animals and plants, hence, the population and living humans can be

_____ 42. Which of the following is an example of respiration?

A. The burning of fossil fuels.
B. Dead plant transfers carbon to the soil.
C. The ocean surface removes carbon from
D. Plants use glucose for food, and carbon is released back

_____ 43. What is the difference between the phosphorous cycle and from water, carbon, and nitrogen
A. It is not a cycle
B. It is not needed by organisms
C. The atmosphere is not involved in the cycle
D. It is not as important as from water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles

_____ 44. Human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, move carbon through the carbon cycle.
Which other processes also precipitate in the carbon cycle?
i. Chemical process
ii. Biological
iii. Geochemical process

A. i and ii only C. i and iii only

B. ii and iii only D. i, ii, and iii
_____ 45. Temperature controls the rate of respiration and changes the amount of organic matter stored
in the soil. Based on your knowledge about respiration, would you expect to find more carbon stored in
the soil in a cool or warm climate?
A. Cool, because there is less sunlight available which reduces the rate of
B. Cool, because microbes in the soil are less active as evidenced by lower rates of
C. Warm, because microbes in the soil have higher rates of respiration which releases
more carbon into the soil.
D. Warm, because sunlight is readily available which means plants increase their rate
of photosynthesis, leading to more carbon produced

_____ 46. In minimizing the human impact on the environment, which of the following should humans
A. Plant trees C. Burn plastic
B. Throw wastes in the ocean D. Support deforestation

_____ 47. Which of the following human activity would be most likely to have a positive impact on the
A. Planting trees to control soil erosion.
B. Throwing of waste chemicals products to open seas.
C. Using high-energy consuming appliances and light bulb
D. Clearing forests to make room for urban and suburban development

_____ 48. Why do you think human’s negative impact on the environment should be minimized?
A. It should be minimized to avoid flash floods.
B. It should be minimized because if not, we will all die.
C. It should be minimized to regulate the circulation of the ecosystem to its
D. It should be minimized to prevent the world’s increasing temperature and will
improve the essential quality of life.

_____ 49. Which among the choices below provides the respective pair of relationships of the given
Ingestion: Taking food into the mouth;
Absorption: ____________________
Assimilation: ____________________
Excretion: _______________________

A. Diffusion of food from the small intestine into the blood; Using digested nutrients to
make new material; Removal of undigested water material.
B. Diffusion of food from the small intestine into the blood; Removal of undigested waste
material; Using digested nutrients to make new material
C. Using digested nutrients to make new material; Diffusion of food from the small
intestine into the blood; Removal of undigested waste material.
D. Using digested nutrients to make new material; Removal of undigested waste material;
Diffusion of food from the small intestine into the blood.
_____ 50. Who among the following does NOT show the proper practice to avoid having peptic ulcer
A. Iris washes her hands regularly and consumes foods that have been cooked
B. Aiza avoids eating food that can irritate her stomach.
C. Daryl avoids smoking cigarettes and other tobacco use.
D. Clint Roy regularly uses certain pain medications

_____ 51. Can the cell cycle continue if a cell does not copy DNA chromosomes before it divides?
A. Yes, because it will not activate the S phase cycling but the cell can progress to
the G2 phase.
B. Yes, because it can continue but grow uncontrolled which can eventually lead to
tumor formation and cancer
C. No, because the cell may enter a resting state but may resume if dividing conditions
D. No, because if the cell has not properly copied its chromosomes, the cell cycle will
not proceed to the next phase and the cell will undergo cell death.

_____ 52. Is it possible for crossing-over not to occur during meiosis?

A. No, because crossing-over allows the daughter cells of meiosis to be genetically
unique from one another
B. No, because it replicated non-sex cells needed for growth and development
C. Yes, because crossing-over is a biological occurrence that happens during mitosis
D. Yes, because if chromosomes pair up, there is no chance of crossing-over

_____ 53. Is it possible that the genotypes of the children will not be seen using a Punnett

A. Yes, because it only allows people to see inheritance patterns throughout their
family history
B. Yes, because it simply uses symbols to represent family members
C. No, because a Punnett square depicts how the alleles of the parents could mix in
D. No, because the data from a Punnett square may be used to identify how specific
alleles are inherited

_____ 54. Typically, a baby is born with 46 chromosomes. As a doctor, how will you best explain to
your apprentice why the newly born baby in your hospital has Down syndrome? Babies with Down
syndrome have 47 chromosomes

A. This error occurs in meiosis when both parents have 24 chromosomes each and
are reduced by one chromosome during fertilization.
B. This error occurs in mitosis by which an extra copy of chromosome 21 is contained
in the offspring.
C. This error occurs in meiosis by which an extra copy of chromosome 21 is contained
in the offspring
D. This error occurs when both parents have 23 chromosomes during fertilization.
_____ 55. Is it possible for biodiversity to maintain stability without human intervention?
A. A. No, because with proper education, and demanding that governments make
decisions to preserve biodiversity, the human population can actually able to
B. No, because biodiversity is a result of human influence.
C. Yes, because nature can often be surprisingly resilient without the need for human
interventions just by letting nature take its course
D. Yes, because humans are just polluting to maintain stability

_____ 56. Species are groups of potentially interbreeding populations that are reproductively isolated
from other such groups. Some of it is facing a very high risk of extinction. As a human what can you do
to safeguard the lives of endangered animals?

A. Protect wildlife habitat

B. Create a backyard wildlife habitat.
C. Pet and bring it into your house to preserve its specie
D. Use the advancement of technology to produce more endangered animal species.

_____ 57. “An ecosystem with a high biodiversity can sustain other organisms as it makes them stable
for the next generation.” Is the statement true?
A. Yes, because the larger the number of plant species in the ecosystem, the greater
the variety of crops that can be consumed.
B. Yes, because when there is a greater number of predators than the prey, the more
the predator can control the population of prey
C. No, because the stability of the ecosystem does not depend on how high the
biodiversity is.
D. No, because a greater number of species in the ecosystem will only lead to
overpopulation and ecological imbalance

_____ 58. FACT: Material cycles in the ecosystem play important roles in all biotic factors of the
environment. Which of the following statements does NOT support the fact?
A. Carbon dioxide in the air or dissolved in water is used by photosynthesizing plants,
algae, and bacteria as a raw material to build
B. During precipitation in the water cycle, some of the seeps into the Earth’s surface
and become part of the groundwater
C. For the light-dependent reactions in photosynthesis, phosphorus provides the main
source of energy for plants
D. The nitrogen cycle provides nitrogen to the ecosystem from the atmosphere,
ground, and oceans

_____59. Plants and animals need each other to survive in the ecosystem. Which of the following
statements does NOT support the statement?
A. Animals release carbon dioxide that plants need in photosynthesis
B. Animals consume plants for food as a source of oxygen and nitro
C. Plants absorb carbon from animals to release another carbon for animals to inhale.
D. Plants contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen in a form of protein in food
to provide energy for animals
_____ 60. Humans have a variety of effects on the physical environment, including pollution, the use
of fossil fuels, and deforestation. As a citizen, how could you be able to minimize these impacts on the
A. Join an organization that promotes nurturing nature
B. Use chemical fertilizers rather than organic fertilizers
C. Throwing garbage in the river
D. Burning plastic kinds of cellophane.



Prepared by: Group 1

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