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A Note

This is based entirely on a fictional event that has happened after Voixer’s disappearance. This
is not Adventure Forward: Crown of Shadows. Some of the characters are made and are not
real in the official Adventure Forward universe. There may be swearing and inappropriate
content. Reader discretion is advised.
Chapter One: Ixol’s Dark Side
May 12, Friday

“Signol! Wake up!”

“What?” Said Signol, who was lying on her bed in her room, realising that Ulipse was calling.
“You do realise that it is Anshine’s birthday tomorrow, do you not?”
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Said Signol, giggling under her blanket. When she got dressed
and went out onto the main hall, she didn’t see anyone else there. It was just her and Ulipse.
Not even Arrolin was there. He would always go out onto the main hall to practice his Kung Fu
really early in the morning every day, and he would wake up everyone by just saying “HYAH”
while breaking apart a piece of wood. All there was was wood uncleaned wood chunks from the
day before.
“Where is everyone?” Ulipse whispered into Signol’s ear, not wanting to wake up or
disturb anyone.
“Who was that?”
Some giggling came from the third floor of the Sky Emporium. And of course, the giggling
suddenly turned into a laugh within seconds.
“Guys, why do you do this to me? I did nothing.”
“We think it’s funny, Ixol. You’ll get used to it eventually. I thought you liked the pranks.”
“Welp. He bullied me. So I wouldn’t really care if they bullied him.” Said Ulipse, sounding
a bit sarcastic.
“Don’t say that to him, he has feelings too, you know.”
Signol cut her off and got a bit too excited. She started bouncing up and down, wanting
to say something, but stammered when she started to say it. “Weren’t you, uhh... dating Ixol? I
umm... thought you two were uh, how should I say this... dating.”
“No, it’s more or less like the opposite. We are like ‘frenemies’, I guess you can say.
What makes you think that we are?”
“I just thought, you know, Ixol and you always find a way to sit either next to or across
each other in the mess hall. And I’ve always heard footsteps on some days on the second floor.
What’s up with that?”
Ulipse blushed, her looking a bit ashamed, and her symbol started to shake a bit.
“Well...” Ulipse didn’t want to admit or lie about dating or not dating Ixol. Whenever she walked
down the halls with Ixol, she pretended that Ixol wasn’t even there. So would Ixol occasionally,
but he would sometimes just jump behind Ulipse and shout in her ear, or wake her up by
constantly shaking her bed in the middle of the night. “Signol, today is Friday right?”
“Yes, why?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be on music duty?”
“Fuck! I’m late! See you later!” Ulipse chuckled and started to walk towards the balcony,
observing the beautiful blue sky. At this height, you could even see the stars during the day. The
closest star to them, Nexus, was 95.2 Million miles away, it still shined brightly like you were
staring straight at an LED light.
“RING DING DING! IT’S TIME TO EAT BREAKFAST!” Arrolin was screaming from the
second floor balcony, and the floors of the Sky Emporium started to shake. Everyone came
pouring into the mess hall all at once, while Arrolin was talking with Signol to change the music.
“First, I’ll let this song end. Then I'll let you play this, alright? And second, it’s brunch, not
“Well how long is that song? Like 10 minutes?”
“There’s like 40 seconds left.”
“Thank you. Gotta go! Hope you like the soundtrack.”
When the previous song (requested by Yawgate) ended, Arrolin’s song played. It was
apparently the opening soundtrack for his World: Mad Dragon Festival. When the song started
playing, everyone seemed pretty pleased with it, except for Ulipse. She doesn’t seem happy too
often, because of what she likes to call “Ixol’s cry for the hospital”. Ixol usually sits alone most of
the time, but the day is now just around the corner.
“I am so excited to meet my... shall I say, family.”
“What do you mean?”
A black colored tear dropped from Ixol’s symbol, him struggling to keep himself together.
“500 years ago... We were, back then, normal people, like everyone else here. Then...”
“I can’t do this. All I can say... Is that... They one day...”
Ixol’s symbol started to form an eye. Staring dead straight into Ulipse’s symbol.
“V A N I S H E D W I T H O U T A S I N G L E T R A C E .”
Ulipse looked nervous, trying to comfort Ixol, but it was all in vain. The music that Arrolin
had requested ended the moment Ixol started to break down. Everyone started to look at Ulipse
and Ixol, whispering in each other’s ears. However, it was not teasing them. Everyone was in
fact, seriously worried about Ixol. It has been a long time since Ixol has used his True Form for
his friends, especially Ulipse. Then Ulipse whispered something in his ear that surprised Ixol.
“Don’t worry. Ido and Elva are fine.”

Chapter Two: Happy Anshine?

May 12, Friday

“Wait. You what?!”

“Ha! I just caught you and Ulipse hanging out!”
Ixol completely ignored the fact that Signol was there. He looked at Ulipse in amazement
and disbelief. “Hmm?” Asked Anshine, who was on the other side of the mess hall. And then
everyone started to talk and form questions around Ixol’s current motive.
“Ixol appears to not have the vocabulary size to describe his current state of emotion.”
Said Mino, who was still exactly the same as their past self before Celesteal had been defeated.
“I am... Out of words.”
“Ha. Called it again. Twice in a row.”
“Wait, did Mino just play themselves by reusing the same quote to Anshine when we first
met Strato?”
“Well, one could argue that I technically did reuse my quote but on a different subject
and on a different background. So you can’t technically say that I copied myself 39 days in the
Everyone continued to talk in the mess hall, and left the fact that Ixol was talking to
Ulipse. And then one by one, everyone left the table. Ulipse was slowly walking with Ixol, going
to their rooms with everyone else, but Ixol said this. “Ulipse, would you mind if we hang out a bit
after dinner, you know, think of some way to celebrate Daddy Anshine’s birthday?”
“Yes, and I think instead of giving him something good, let’s prank him. I’ll go get Signol,
and we will make a plan.”
“Sure! I’ll do my own stuff for now, meet after dinner.”
They left to go do their separate things, except for Mino, who has to clean the mess hall.
As Mino was down at the mess hall, Ulipse had snuck into Signol’s room.
“Psst! Signol! You wanna work with me and Ixol to prank Anshine tomorrow?”
“Hell yeah! When are we discussing?”
“‘After dinner’, he said.”
“Alright! See you later!”

May 12, Friday, 5:00 PM

“So we are still going with the plan right?”
“What plan?” Asked Compale, looking very puzzled and seemingly nervous. His hands
were fidgeting under that table of the mess hall. “Oh uhh… It’s nothing. Sorry. Ixol is just thinking
out loud.”
“Welp, I’m full. Ixol? You coming?”
“Sure. See you later, Compale!”
Signol, alongside Ulipse and Ixol, climbed up the quartz stairs leading up to the 4th floor.
“Who is that?”
Whoever that was, they successfully made Signol and her friends freeze. Not having any
time to think, they had quickly dashed up all of the steps, draining out their energy, and Ulipse
didn’t even have enough time to say “RUN!”
“Signol? Ulipse? Ixol? I know you’re up there!” It was Shallare, the engineer and one of
the designers of the Sky Emporium decorations. He had an incredible skill of seeing from a far
away. He quickly chased them up the stairs and found that they had dashed and jumped out of
the balcony and flew (they can all fly) back into the second floor through an open window. But
they had just realised something. They had gone into the portal room, who was only authorised
to Yawgate, Stratosfear, Morward, and Pasless. They needed to get out of there and fast. The
window closed behind them, and they were stuck in there unless they opened the (loud and
very creaky) window. Signol then came up with a plan. “We can try to find my friend’s brother,
Pasless, and use him to help take us back into the past, and into the mess hall, and we can try
to wait until everyone’s gone.”
“That is a good plan, but... Signol, look behind you.”
“Hello. So I saw that you tried to prank Anshine for his birthday... Correct?” Said
Morward. She is Pasless’ older sister. She is a vessel of a time changer, and so is her little
brother Pasless. Morward can see the future, and take others there. and as for Pasless, he can
observe the past and bring other points or people into the past.
“Yes, but Morward, can you please call Pasless to us?”
“I am afraid I cannot help you for that, and if I help you, it will change the future.”
“And why does that matter to you?”
“I have found a remnant of Voixer.”

Chapter Three: Below The Sky

May 12, Friday

“This is very important. Especially for you, Ixol.”

“Really? What is it?”
“I can help you find your twin brother, sister, and some old friends.”
Ixol started to get excited. He wanted to say something, but Morward cut him off.
“And with them, defeat Voixer. But I have some bad news for you. Really bad news.”
“Hmm? What is it?”
“I can’t tell you now. If I do, I am afraid something even worse can happen. You don’t
want to know. It is a heavy burden to carry knowing all of this information.”
There was a long silence and then, down the hall, the door started to open a little, and
some yellow started to shine into the room.
‘Who’s there? Morward? Where are you?”
“Quick! We have to go! Stand still!”
There was a woosh, and then they disappeared from the hall. They appeared back onto
the first floor of Sky Emporium, but it seems that they went to a time where Ixol would cherish
the most.

May 15, Monday

“Well, I have to go. Yawgate needs me.” Beside Morward, there was a flash. Pasless
had teleported next to her. “Why do you just teleport me to you when I am in the middle of
eating? Chill!”
“Yawgate needs us. We have to go.”
“Fine. We’ll go back. When was it? Oh yeah. May 12, Friday, 5:15 PM.”
Pasless threw his half-eaten pizza away, and in a flash, they both disappeared once
“Alright guys. It is time for the big event. Ixol, I think it would be best if you introduced
your friends to us before we go in, for... common sense reasons, I guess.”
“Wait, so this is all about me and my friends and my brother and sister?”
“Umm... Yeah...?”
Ixol was jumping up and down frantically beside Ulipse, who whispered in Signol’s ear
“This guy is an absolute asshole.”
Yawgate guided everyone to the portal room on the second floor of the second building
of the emporium, where they found Morward, Pasless and Stratosfear in front of a portal. It had
6 symbols on it. The only one most of the points recognized was Ixol’s symbol, but Ulipse said
something that caught everyone’s attention.
“Ixol, aren’t these two symbols your siblings? This one is my friends. I heard that she
was the guardian of the creator.” She pointed to the brown crescent, pink down-facing arrow,
and a symbol with Morward-and-Pasless’-symbols-facing-away-from-each-other. She didn’t
point out the cyan upside-down droplet however.
“Even though you called me an asshole, yeah. Pretty much. How do you know?”
“Think back 500 years ago. You remember that day? I was eating with you, your bro,
your sis, and my friend Utida. You remember that?”
Ixol stared at Ulipse straight in the eyes (or symbol, I guess). He sighed and turned
around, and spoke. “Yawgate.”
“How do we activate this portal?”
“Do you know how to speak Wingdings?”
“I said, do you know how to speak Wingdings?”
“Good. Now just sing that one song in Wingdings to the portal.”

“⧫︎♓︎♍︎🙵 ☟︎♏︎●︎●︎□︎ ♎︎♋︎❒︎🙵■︎♏︎⬧︎⬧︎ ❍︎ ⍓︎ □︎●︎♎︎ ♐︎❒︎♓︎♏︎■︎♎︎ ”
Ixol gave a long hard pause and took a deep breath. “Wait a second...”
Ulipse burst into laughter. Around 130 years ago, she had learned and memorized the
entire language of Wingdings with Ixol. “WHAT THE HELL DUDE?!! HOW IS THAT GOING TO-”
“No... It’s working!” While Ulipse was crying of laughter, a loud crackle was heard
amongst the points. The portal revealed a black wavy image. On the other side were some new
points, waving for Ixol and Ulipse. “Elva! Utida! It’s been sooooooo fucking long! 500 years...”
Ulipse ran into Elva’s arms, giving her a warm hug. Ixol came in next, greeting everyone with the
greatest amount of respect ever in his life.
“Ido! Elva!!! I haven’t seen you in so long! How was life? Was it boring?” Ixol gave his
brother and sister a wink. They all laughed and Ido was wheezing.
“That’s cute.” Said Signol. Her feet were tapping the ground to a complicated beat.
Everyone else started talking about Ixol and Ulipse’s friends.
“At least they’re having fun.”
“Hey, Ixol. Looks like your guests are getting impatient. Why don’t you introduce them to
Ixol gave all of his friends a wave, signaling them to go through the portal.
“Guys, these are my friends. Their names are Shallare, Signol, Compale, Ploque,
Anshine, Ulipse you already know, Arrolin, Mino, Yawgate, Morward, Pasless, and Stratosfear.”
He pointed to everyone and said each of their names, so did he when he was introducing his
friends and family.
“Everyone, these are my friends and family. His name is Ido,” as he pointed towards the
brown crescent symbol, “Elva,” as he pointed to the pink down-arrow point, “Cyfe,” as he
pointed to the cyan upside-down droplet, “and Utida.” Pointing to the green diamond point. “Ido
and Elva are my brother and sister, and Cyfe and Utida are two of my old friends.”
“What’s up?”
“Oh, hello there!”
“So what is the main reason you’re here for? Invite us to a tea party?” Elva asked. Her
symbol twitched around a bit, and nudged Ido in the elbow by a little.
“Much more than that. We are inviting you to our home, Sky Emporium. We can make
room for you guys to stay in if you would like.”
“An actual place to live in, you mean.”
“Well, yes.”
“I’m sold. When is it going to be ready?”
“We promise in a week. Oh yeah, do you want to live in the same room as Ixol?”
“Sure.” “I really don’t care.” Ido and Elva agreed, though Elva sounded sarcastic, but
also excited, as she hasn’t seen Ixol in a really long time.

Chapter Four: The Underworld

May 22, Monday

Before they all left the Underworld, Stratosfear suggested something.

“Before we close the portal, do you mind showing us the Underworld one last time?”
“‘One last time’? I’m sorry, what?”
“Oh, was I not supposed to say that? Sorry...”
“Our creator lives there. Not Cyalm. X created Cyalm and all of you. He made the
narrative, but he had no control over Cyalm, and he created a narrative. All of you were created
by him. He was given powers from X. He made his own dimension, and took all of you with him.
We used to all be together 500 years ago, maybe not in the same place, but we did. From the
same creator.”
“When you say ‘X’, who do you mean by that?” Signol asked from behind.
“We, well, at least us, we are suggested not to say his name in front of visitors, but since
you guys aren’t visitors, we could say his real name I suppose, but we are just being safe. We
still have to be careful though. He could be listening...”
“Do you still want the tour around? We hate this place... Being here for 500 years really
changes a lot of things, right?”
There was a long pause. No one spoke, and all was heard was the gurgling of lava and
gears turning.
“I suppose, but seeing this place, I would rather stay a bit behind. I am getting really
paranoid, eh?” Said Shallare, who breathed heavily. Looking up, he saw an unstable pipe above
that seemed to say something quite shocking.
“Ixol. You do not want to see what this says.” Ixol ignored him. He was busy talking to
Ido and Elva. No one noticed the note, so he decided to keep himself quiet to keep Ixol safer. As
they walked around the Underworld, people looked around and followed Utida. They were all
extremely paranoid, except for Ido, Elva, Ixol and Ulipse who were talking about how life was
and Ulipse was also sharing the stupid things that Ixol did in the Sky Emporium. Cyfe was
talking to Mino, sharing the things that happened here, like how once Ido went so crazy he
broke the door to his room in half because of why Cyfe won’t share his donut with Ido. Looking
at Ido’s door, it wasn’t surprising that his door is now made of steel and graphene.
“I almost stepped in some shit. Do you guys clean this place ever? Like what even was
that???” Asked Anshine in a funny, yet also serious voice at the same time. He just then
realised he had almost stepped in some dark colorful water. “I hate this place. Can I go back
“If he’s going back, I want to go back too.”
“Alright, let’s go back. Keep the portal though, so if you wanna visit this terrible place
again, you can.”
“What was that sound?”
A loud “clank” echoed from the portal. The unstable pipe had fallen, spilling all of it’s
green, slimy contents, and the text on it could be clearly read.
“Oh no.”
“Come look at this, Signol.”
“Dear god.”
“‘Goodbye, Ixol.’”

Chapter Five: Reunion

May 30, Tuesday

“So this is the Sky Emporium, huh?” Elva wondered, as she gaped in amazement. She
had never seen something like it before in 500 years. Everyone else that came after her was
also really genuinely surprised.
“It looks really nice! Did you guys build this by yourselves?”
“Not by ourselves. Cyalm built this, and we helped him do it before we found out that he
was a god damn fraud.” Signol spoke under her frustrated voice, showing the shining Sky
Emporium quartz walls and floor. The Sky Emporium was constructed of five floors, and two
sub-buildings with three floors each, and a triangular bridge to connect them. She took the
guests into the Main Hall, and showed them the staircases up to their rooms. Ido and Elva
moved into Ixol’s new expanded room, while Cyfe and Utida moved into their own. Ido took the
first step into his first new (maybe?) room in 500 years. Elva followed suit, and she closed the
door behind her.
After sending the new guests to their rooms, Signol went into Ulipse’s room and found
her missing.
“Psst! Signol! Down here. Push away the sand in the corner.” Ulipse called from what
was heard as below the floor. Signol pushed away the sand in the corner of the room on the
opposite side of Ulipse’s closet, and saw a hole leading down into a room made of mirrors and
“How the hell? What is this place, and why is Morward here?” Signol sounded extremely
curious and nervous. She felt as if something bad is about to happen. Morward nodded sadly.
“We found... That in around a couple of weeks... Ixol will be die with Ulipse nearby. We
suspect it is Voixer, but we are not sure. He is still erased from the timeline, so we can’t track
him down.” Morward said in a depressing and emotional tone. She was very serious about this,
and she knew that if it really was true, Ulipse would be inconsolable and filled with grief. Ulipse
had hated Ixol for his constant annoyance and tease, but she didn’t want anyone to die. She still
had care in everyone, even if it was only a little bit.
“No. You’re lying.” Signol gasped in disbelief and mistrust. Morward tried to say
something, but Ulipse cut her off.
“We’ve SEEN it. We’ve WENT there. We SAW it happen. He killed himself to save us. I
won’t let it happen… Even if it means that I have to put my life at risk.” Ulipse said. Some tears
came out of her symbol, and wracked with depression, she flew up the hole and started
“I know, if this was a casual conversation, I would be making fun of Ulipse for simping for
Ixol, but it is true. Don’t tell anyone, please.” Morward started to speak, and Signol was looking
around, acting like she was actually starting to lose her own mind.
“I’m sorry. Give me a moment.” Signol looked away from Morward, and when she looked
back through a mirror, Morward had disappeared. Now it was only her, and without hesitation,
flew out of the room and covered up the hole. She left the room and saw Ulipse on the first floor
“I know you’re watching, Signol. Don’t even try cheering me up. You can’t stop the
inevitable.” Ulipse said to Signol, sulking as she observed at the sunset. “But I know, even in the
darkest times, there is still hope. Not this time. I am deeply sorry that it has come to this. There
is no other way.”
“Ulipse. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to run away, but you just need to learn to have faith.”
“Ulipse... I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to fight you. There is hope.”
Ulipse drew her sword out and started to gear up with metallic wristbands and shin
guards made out of pure diamond and amethyst.
“I said it to the Star Savior, and I will say it to you again. If this is what you want, so be it.
I must be the one to dig your grave for you.”
Signol drew her sword as well in a defensive position, backing off and getting ready to
pounce. She was shaking and trembling.
“Ulipse! What happened to you?! You know what happens if you kill me?! You get
nowhere from doing this! If you desperately want to kill me, then you can! I don’t care if you kill
me or not! Killing me is futile, and you know it!” Signol shouted at Ulipse, on the other side of the
hall. She was also armed with her own gear. Ulipse considered it for a moment, and lowered her
“Signol, I am so sorry of what I have become, but often... knowing what happens? It’s
terrifying sometimes.” Ulipse was breaking down. She started to twitch in place, and fell to her
knees. She had been overcome by depression, and she couldn't take it anymore. Tears came
pouring down out of her symbol like a waterfall, and attempted to stand up. She collapsed to the
ground with a purple hue flowing across the floors of the emporium. Signol helped her up and
escorted her to her room.
“I hope you get better soon, and goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Signol.”
Signol turned around and turned off the lights and closed the door behind her. Ulipse could hear
Signol’s footsteps as she walked down the balcony (the hallway is the balcony) to her room, and
the lights turned off.

Chapter Six: Oblivion

June 8, Thursday

“Anshine! Wake up! This is important!”

“Alright! Alright! I’m up! Why is the sky purple?”
Anshine looked out of his window (his room is one of the only rooms that had a window.
Cyalm was too lazy putting windows everywhere.) and saw that the sky had turned into an eerie
purple, with cracks forming on the balcony windows. A loud crack was heard, followed by Ulipse
screaming. It had turned out that the mirrors in her secret room broke, revealing another secret
pipe with a message on it.
“Ixol. Don’t come down here.”
“Why not? I wanna see!”
“Ixol. Trust me. You do NOT want to see this.
“Why does it say ‘It is inevitable’?”
“Ixol, just leave me alone. Please.”
“Why, you gonna cry now? What for? I’m here to comfort you. I’ve given up being the
regular Ixol. Just tell me what that means.”
“Okay, fine. If you need me, just go to my room, okay? No need to shout.”
Ixol left the room and Ulipse thought about it for a little bit. Is this real or not? She wanted
to tell Ixol and make him aware of what is going to happen, but at the same time, if Ixol knows
about this information, he will think that the world will end and go insane. Ulipse flew up the
hole, turned off the lights in her room and sat on the bed. She wanted to calm herself down, but
she knew she couldn’t. She was filled with anxiety and she was shaking with real fear. A chill
went down her spine as the thought of the consequences of Ixol’s inevitable death.
“Ploque... Do you know what has happened to me?”
Ploque was standing at the open door behind Ulipse, whose back was facing her.
“Ulipse, I...”
“Do you want to make me happier? That’s fine. I don’t need anyone.”
“It’s about Ixol, right? He’s been going to your room almost every night and now you're
worried about him because he is going to inevitably die.”
“Ploque... There is something I want you to know.”
“What is it?” Ploque was standing at the door, hands trembling, readying herself for
something to happen.
“If you’re gonna stop me from being myself, fine. After all...”
“I... Ulipse...”
“Who would want to be my friend anyways?”
“Ulipse! Stop it! Stop making me take pity on you, ‘cause you’re just looking for attention
my being depressed! It’s not funny when you do that, and we’re here to HELP you, not make it
“Well... Is it my problem that I can’t stop the inevitable? You want to call Morward? Cyfe?
You can’t stop the inevitable. I know what I must do.”
Ploque stood there, shocked. She knew what Ulipse was thinking of, and She couldn’t
stop her. Ulipse’s fear and rage had taken over her, she wanted no other point to die. She would
sacrifice herself for any point, even the most hated ones.
“No. I won’t allow you to. There has to be a better way with no harm. You know X is up
there. He is watching and he will help. I promise.”
“Then I guess you hate Ixol as much as everyone else then. Not me. If that makes me
Ulipse’s hand formed a fist and changed into her True Form. The room descended into
darkness, with the only object lighting it was Ulipse’s purple symbol.
Ulipse had disintegrated into a floating purple essence and flew out of the room,
appearing in the Grand Hall. She had transformed Cyalm’s symbol on the ground into her True
Form symbol, making purple lights go all around the Emporium. Utida got out of her room and
started shouting at Ulipse.
Faint images of unknown points surrounded Ulipse, as she stood in an empty darkness.
She found that she was standing on a structure that made the appearance of Voixer’s symbol,
with four points floating around it. She tried to touch the points, but any sort of action played
towards them garnered no response. And then, one by one, they started talking to Ulipse.
“Hello. My name is Axum. I am a representation of the past of Cyalm. You are here for a
“My name is Izso. I am one of the true builders of the Sky Emporium. This is the endless
void and abyss, or Zyro’s world, The Other Side. This place may seem dark, it is due to your
darkest moments. And every sin you have committed leads up to this very moment.”
“My name is Zyro. I am a god of reality and the timeline you are in. Tomorrow, every sin
committed, including your own, will be counted up to a counter. It is right now at 665. If one
more sin would be committed, it would go up to 666, reviving Voixer. This event is held
tomorrow and tomorrow only. Be careful with your every move.”
“And my name is Astra. I am a vessel of the infinity. We are not evil. This is a calling, or a
warning, if you will. Committing one more sin puts the universe and possibly the multiverse at
risk by reviving Voixer. We know it is inevitable, but changing the future isn’t. You need to be
aware of this and take action. If this were to happen, just remember...”
Ulipse returned to the Sky Emporium in a flash, trying to comprehend what had
happened. The symbol on the ground had gone flashing from Cyalm to Voixer’s symbol,
warning Ulipse of the crime that not only her, but all other points had committed. If one more sin
is made before tomorrow midnight, the world can possibly end.
Chapter Seven: Reality Thorn
June 9, Friday

“Ixol? Where are you?”

Ulipse ran around the Emporium, keeping her hallucination yesterday in mind. She didn’t
want to let anyone die. She won’t let anyone die. She must not let anyone die. All she needed to
do was to not screw up at all.
“Yeah? What do you want?” Ixol whispered quietly but Ulipse still heard Ixol’s calling.
She climbed up the stairs and opened the door. Ixol and Ido were chatting on their beds, while
Elva was sleeping.
“Yeah, my brother has a girlfriend, nice. Ixol? Do you mind... NOT WAKING UP ELVA?”
“Sure... fine. Ulipse, let’s go outside.”
Ixol and Ulipse went out of the room and closed the door behind them. Ulipse was
standing there nervously, hands crossed behind her back.
“What do you want?”
“Ixol... I...”
“I... I lied to you.”
“Wait, what’s that again?”
“I lied to you. I told you that Ido and Elva were going to be alright around a month ago,
right? That’s not quite the case... In fact, everyone is in trouble because... because...”
“I’m sorry Ixol. Please forgive me.”
“No... don’t cry, please... I don’t deal well with people who cry.”
Reality was shattering. All of the light in the Sky Emporium faded into darkness, getting
dark, darker, and even darker. The sky turned into a shadow black, so dark that nothing else
was visible. The next thing they knew was that they were standing on nothing. They saw nothing
other than each other. Ulipse shook her head at Ixol with fear and guilt. The four points that
Ulipse saw before were blinking invisible, and they nodded sadly at Ulipse and Ixol. They had
committed the 666th sin in the universe, and white text surrounded them and the four points
disappeared within a blink of an eye.

Chapter Eight: Sacrifice


Ixol and Ulipse stood alone in the empty darkness, worried and wracked with fear,
desperately trying to move. They couldn’t move out of the spot that they were in, and then were
locked in place. Their arms tied to their bodies and their legs tied together by chains that
seemed to come out of rocks with holes and cracks. and they were unable to move. They tried
to break the chains with force and magic, but another force stopped them. Then, the lights
turned on. They were in a purple and indigo sphere of shards, but no other point was in sight.
Then, a light broke the darkness. A voice emerged and started to speak.
“Hahaha... You’ve let Celesteal free, and now you’re going to pay the consequences for
your actions.”
“Voixer?! I thought you’ve erased yourself from existence and the timeline entirely!
How?...” Ulipse screamed in pure agony, the chained were extremely tight, while Ixol struggled
to speak and continued to try and pull himself out of the chains by force
“Well, it was quite simple. I have gathered another vessel for Celesteal’s soul to thrive in,
Voixer laughed incomprehensibly, while Ixol and Ulipse struggled to move out of the
“What are you even here for, you bastard?!”
“I am here to finish what Celesteal started. I will kill the Star Savior, but first, I have to
remove their source of encouragement, you 23 points all together, and especially Yawgate. He
has trapped me in the godforsaken place for TOO LONG. I AM NOT HAVING IT.”
“Then why are we stuck in separate chains? You would’ve just killed us.”
“No, no... I prefer to kill you guys with a little twist. So you know, the others that will read
this little ‘Diary’ of the Sky Emporium, huh? I will let THEM decide who to save and who to kill.”
“But why?”
“For my amusement and for my goal. To gain maximum power I need to kill the six major
points: Xeron, Axum, Izso, Zyro, Astra and...”
“And who?”
“Hahixamasen. They are the very core of this Universe. If I get the strength to kill them, I
will reign supreme. Now looking at some statistics here…”
Voixer brought up a screen that appeared from an airborne rock, and it showed two bars
that said: “SAVE IXOL” and “SAVE ULIPSE”. Ixol and Ulipse looked at each other, and they
were the ones on the line. They shook in fear, trying to figure out a way to escape from the
chains. Then, a loud siren noise broke the daunting silence. All of the other points appeared in
view, but stuck inside of an inescapable and invisible box.
“Ulipse, now your friends will watch you. They will look at you inevitably die in the abyss.
Any last words?”
“Wait. Give me a second to talk to Morward.”
Morward was the first one to talk. She was incredibly shocked and in disbelief. She
pounded on the invisible walls of the box, crying.
“Ulipse! Why did you do that?!”
“It’s because I care for him! I care for everyone! even though they might hate me! I’ve
wanted to do this! I have no regrets. I sabotaged the vote. I sabotaged the vote even though
some of them also did as well. Well, now? Life was fun.”
Ixol started to interfere, and he was trying to cut Ulipse’s chains to let her to the ground
and to safety.
Voixer listened and cut Ixol’s chain, bringing himself down to safety with everyone else
now free from the box. They tried to fly up to save Ulipse, but there was a big black explosion
that shattered the sphere. They weren’t on the Sky Emporium anymore, but in a mountain area.
And the only thing that was left of her was some purple essence. It looked like it was all over.
It wasn’t.

Chapter Nine: Easy Come, Easy Go


Ixol was kneeling on the ground, sulking. Ido and Elva tried to help him but there was no
response. Signol and Ploque sat down on a rock, incredibly silent. Ixol eventually got up on his
feet and got angry. He looked at Ulipse’s dust and gazed towards Pasless. Ixol walked over to
him, and Ido and Elva already knew what was going on. They tried to pull him back but Ixol
threatened to kill himself in front of them, so Ulipse’s death would be in vain.
“Pasless. I think you know what to do.”
“But I don’t think he will.” Cyfe was standing beside Pasless. Cyfe is a being of the
present, which is how time flows. “And I think Morward also knows that if you travel to the past,
you will sacrifice yourself for Ulipse. I see no flaw, but what would Ido and Elva do without you?
What do you think they’ll do? Deal with it? We can’t MAKE another Ixol out of thin air.”
“I know. And I don’t care about the cost. I want to bring her back. PLEASE. IF IT IS THE
Ixol jumped at Pasless forcing him to time travel back to when Ixol and Ulipse were stuck
on chains. Ixol crashed through the screen and got hold of Pasless once again when they were
in the empty darkness. He let go of Pasless, and then Ixol didn’t feel the chains locking him in
place that time. He saw Ulipse again, but they were on a platform with an invisible box boxing
them in. Voixer went through the same procedure, but Ixol said something that surprised Ulipse.
“Voixer. Kill me.”
“I said, Voixer, kill me.”
“So, you have willingly chosen death.”
“That would be correct. Now free Ulipse.”
“Well then. Goodbye, Ixol.”
“Wait. I want to say something to Ulipse.”
“Alright. You have ten seconds. Don’t waste our time. Hehehe…”
“Ulipse? I want you to remember something.”
“What is it?”
Ulipse looked up at Ixol’s face, and said nothing else. Ixol walked towards Ulipse and
gave her a warm hug.
“I am always next to U on the keyboard. See you up there.”
Ixol gave Ulipse a kiss and the bottom of the box opened. Ulipse fell down to all of the
other points and started floating upwards to try and get Ixol. Ixol had already escaped the box,
and his symbol was gleaming with color. He got behind Voixer, and curled up into a ball, and
before anyone could say anything, he exploded into a million fragments, bringing Voixer down
with him. His symbol shattered and Ixol was dead. Ulipse was inconsolable and Ido and Elva
were crying. They were back on the Sky Emporium, but it felt so empty inside.
“He did that for us... It was going to be me… His death will not be in vain... I will
remember you forever.”
Ulipse picked the flower from her jacket on a picture of Ixol’s family photo. Ido grabbed
another photo of Ixol, Elva and himself. Elva came over as well and continued crying. Black
tears dropped onto the photo, and Elva’s symbol turned black. She was filled with guilt, regret
and anger. But now, Ixol was up there, watching them from above, as a ghost.

Chapter Ten: A New Beginning

June 10, Saturday

All of the points were outside on the main platform of the Sky Emporium. Yawgate was
digging the grave for Ixol. He put Ixol’s symbol into the hole, with a gravestone that read:
“The Best Among All of Us”
Yawgate saluted in front of the grave, and everyone else followed suit. Ido and Elva came
forward and started to whisper some incomprehensible words to the grave. Some air wooshed
around them and a holographic image of Ixol showed up. But it turned out it wasn’t even a
hologram. It was Ghost Ixol, or otherwise known as Gixol.
“Ixol? Is that you?”
“Yeah. What did you expect, Ulipse? I told you I would always be next to you. HA HA
Ixol was floating around the points, and then came up with an idea.
This was the first time he had ever said Xeron’s name. He responded.
“Can you draw me and Ulipse together? As a memory?”
“Don’t leave me out.”
“Me too.”
Ido and Elva wanted to go into the picture as well, and Xeron gladly nodded his head.
Things went perfectly normal. And they all lived happily ever after. Or did they?


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