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Advice the importance for meditation:

Dear Salma,
I am writing this letter because I have heard many complains from mom
and dad that you are not listening to what they say, you also get angry
quickly and you don’t get good marks because of the homework
Firstly, I want to mention that there are some benefits of meditation for
destress like: it can give you a sense of calm, peace, and balance in your
life. Meditation is a good thing to do in free time as it can give more focus
and inner peace. Furthermore, it can benefit your emotional well-being
and overall health.
Another point is that you should try to use time efficiently when doing you
homework, you should try not to do homework for a long time as it could
cause you to have depression and sickness.
Moreover, if you be happy in doing sports all the anger issues will just go
in a snap of a finger.
In conclusion, I think that if you do meditation when you are free,
everything will be better in your life, and you will get great marks
because of the marks. So, I hope to have no complains from mom and
dad, study hard and stay safe.
Ahmed Suhail.

Check my comments and rewrite this one. Read the notes

provided and discussed in detail in class for writing to advice.

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