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Letter Writing

Planning Letter Writing Exemplar

To provide information, give a message, ask for something to be done, report on a
situation. Letters are written to communicate with someone. There are two categories of
letters, formal and informal.

Formal Letter
123 Letter Way
28 April 2022
Prime Minister
Freepost Parliament
Private Bag 18 888
Parliament Buildings
Wellington 6160
Tēnā koe Prime Minister,
My name is Harriet. I am a Year 6 student at Writington School. I am writing to
you because our yearly Book Week celebrations will be taking place in Week 7 next
term. I am part of the student committee helping to organise the celebrations. We will be
having guest readers, a sausage sizzle and our school Readathon that week.
I would like to invite you to be one of our guest readers during Book Week. We have
scheduled reading slots throughout the week for leaders in our community to come in and
read their favourite book to us. I understand that you are very busy, so we decided to
reach out to you first to give you the top pick of times, and hopefully one suits you.

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Letter Writing
Writington School would love to have you come and read your favourite book to us, but
in case you are unable to come in, we had some other ideas for how you could be a
part of our Book Week:
• You could record a video telling us about your favourite book
• You could live-stream in, so that you can still read to us in person
• You could give us a Top 10 list of your favourite books
• You could send another minister to represent you
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I look forward to hearing back
from you soon.
Ngā mihi nui,

Your task -
Your school is planning a science exhibition and you wish to invite a famous scientist as a chief guest.
Write a letter to your Principal giving details of the. Plan your task before you begin and write 250 -300
words. You must include -
1. How the event will be organised (which classes will participate, venue, date, time etc)

2. What will be displayed at the exhibition.

3. How this event will help students
Attach your planning sheet with the response.

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Letter Writing
Planning Letter Writing Exemplar

To provide information, give a message, ask for something to be done, report on a
situation. Letters are written to communicate with someone. There are two categories of
letters, formal and informal.

Informal Letter
123 Letter Way
28 April 2022
Great Aunt May
456 June Way,
Dear Aunt May,
I hope you are well. I’m writing to you because I want to know how your flower
competition went! I have been doing some gardening with Mum, and she said you entered
your baskets into a competition. I hope you won!
I was wondering if you had any good tips for growing swan plants? Mine is looking a
bit sad and keeps drooping even though I give it loads of water and it gets heaps of
sunshine! I want to get lots of monarch butterflies into the garden this year, and your
swan plants always bring so many butterflies into your garden! What is your secret?
Recently at school, there was a colouring competition for Matariki, and I won it! We had
to colour in a picture of the seven kites, and I used my colouring pencils you gave me
for my birthday. I made all the kites super colourful and drew patterns on them all.
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Letter Writing
I think that’s what did it! The prize was a book voucher and a kite. I’ll have to come
round and fly the kite with you sometime.
I hope we can visit you soon; I’m excited to feed the chickens with you again!
Kia pai tō rā,

Your task :
Write a letter to your friend in England telling him about a festival that is celebrated in your country.
Give details of it and invite him / her to attend the same this year. (250 - 280 words)

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