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3 Signs of children with high intellectual

Children with High intellectual capacities (AACC) are those that have a superior
level of intellectual performance in a broad spectrum of subjects, and learn quickly
and easily in a large number of areas.

However, there is currently some controversy surrounding the concept of"high

capacities"and their differences from Giftedness .

Traditionally, the definition of giftedness is directly related to the I.Q (IC), thus
describing children scoring from 130 on standardized intelligence tests.

For the AACC there is no consensus definition at international level, and even in the
same Spanish territory there are differences in the use of the term, depending on
each Autonomous Community.

For example, in other terminologies the concept of gifted person has been used for
the one that scored more than 130 in standardized tests of intelligence and person
with high capacities for those that without reaching this number they scored
beyond the 120.

However, the most common definition in Spain is also related to an IC of 130, so in

this article, and given the terminological ambiguity, we will use both concepts

Despite the fact that people with AACC are usually placed in an IQ around the
above figures, we must understand that the differences with the average student
are qualitative rather than quantitative: that is, these children have a different way
of coping And solve a certain task.

Thus, authors such as Renzulli Have attempted to approach the AACC definition

from a performance perspective.

The model of the three rings, carried out by this author in 1978, establishes three
complex variables that would define the subject with giftedness: superior
intelligence to the average, creativity and commitment or motivation for the task.
These three factors are what would help us, in a simple way, to define the difficult
concept of AACC. According to Renzulli, intelligence, being a multiple and non-
unitary factor, would not be sufficient to explain the high capacities.

13 key signals for the detection of high

intellectual capacities
Children with AACC are a very heterogeneous population, so elaborating a series of
characteristics that define them is a rather complex task.

As we said, these children are not only characterized by a high intellectual quotient,
but also to emphasize in other aspects such as creativity , Flexibility, involvement in
the task, etc.

Next, I will present 13 signs that may indicate that you are facing a child with high
capacities, as well as give you guidelines to manage and promote the different
characteristics of gifted children.

1- They learn quickly and easily whenever they are

Children with high abilities have faster learning as well as greater ease in this as
long as specific conditions are met.

As we have seen before, one of the myths is that gifted children learn always faster
on any subject and this is not true.

This aspect is directly related to motivation, which as in any other student, is key to

However, we can observe a very high level of performance in these students as long
as their interests and needs are heard and answered, finding out what they like,
what aspects interest them the most, etc.

2- They present an advanced vocabulary for their

age, using complex linguistic structures from early
Perhaps the topic of language is one of the most striking aspects of detecting a
child with high capacities early.

Children with high skills have a much richer vocabulary and language than children
their age.

Therefore it is important that we adapt to their level in the conversations and that
we respond based on their level of expression and understanding, avoiding the
simplification of language only because it is a child.

3- Understand abstract and complex ideas in an

exceptional way
Its level of manipulation in symbology and abstraction also includes the handling of
relationships between people, events and ideas.

It is important to provide sources of information on various topics and give them

opportunities to explain their reasoning through school work, dialogues, debates,

4- Its generalization capacity of learning is high,

being good formulating common principles in
diverse subjects
In the school environment, it is important that, as far as possible, the student is
allowed to manage the subjects from a global perspective, so that he can elaborate
these generalizations with freedom.

The teacher must be accessible and interested in these discoveries.

5- They present high levels of creativity and

flexibility in the production of ideas, objects and
Therefore, it is necessary that the structuring of school activities be as flexible as
possible, allowing the student to reach the same solution in different ways,
diversifying the means of learning and leaving space for them to explore their
creative possibilities at different levels.
6- They have a deep and sometimes passionate
interest in a particular area
We need to make room in the curriculum, especially in the case of children with
giftedness, to learn different subjects through a center of interest.

If such an especially motivating area is, for example, outer space, we can design
activities or learning guides with that theme to make the child feel more motivated.

7- Present high levels in working memory

They can maintain many elements and are good at storing sets of answers to solve

As we have said, it is appropriate to propose Complex tasks In which the solution

depends on a considerable number of elements, inviting them to reason and

8- Great ability to analyze reality sensitivity to

social problems
He stands out for his maturity in reasoning about the facts of life and his proactive
attitude to eliminate injustices and social problems.

For this reason it can be very stimulating for them to approach ethical dilemmas,
debates about different social aspects, etc.

9- Children with high abilities exhibit high

communicative skills
High abilities are not limited to their great verbal ability, but also in the ease with
which they express ideas through writing, images, sounds or gestures.

It may be a good idea to raise Games and activities In which different means of
communication and expression are involved.

10- Present great perfectionism and pursuit of

Children with high abilities usually want to perform in a brilliant way the tasks and
to emphasize, in a general way, with respect to the rest of the classmates.

We must Promote healthy competitiveness With himself and in turn make him
gradually understand the value of teamwork and what each person can contribute
with their different abilities.

11- Prefer the company of older people

At times, dyssynchrony with respect to their classmates may make the child with
high abilities seek to interact with people who are best suited to their intellectual

We can encourage communication between students of different courses through

cooperative activities so that the gifted child diversifies their relationships.

12- They are natural leaders

In general, children with high leadership , And their communicative skills help them
influence others.

It is appropriate to manage this capacity well to make it a factor conducive to its

development, giving it the possibility of directing projects, tutoring other colleagues,
etc., as long as it is combined with cooperative activities.

13- They are responsible, self-critical and reflective

Children with giftedness have a great ability to question and evaluate their own and
others' actions.

When resolving conflicts or talking about some inappropriate behavior on his part,
giving space to this reflexive capacity, allowing him to give his reasons and to reach
conclusions about his way of acting, is necessary to promote a healthy
development in these children.

As we can see, there are many signs that can indicate that we are facing a child with
high capacities.

These characteristics should form our roadmap for proper identification and
intervention at school, family, social, etc., whose ultimate goal is the child's
harmonious development.
Thus, the evaluation of gifted children should not only focus on determining their
intellectual level, but on identifying their strengths and weaknesses, which
guarantees not only high levels of academic achievement, but an adequate degree
of adaptation in the multiple areas developmental.

Usually, when talking about Special Education, it refers to students who have
serious difficulties in accessing the learning of the school curriculum, and it is
assumed that gifted students, due to their superior skills, do not need attention.

However, students with AACC need special attention for an adequate management
of their abilities and potentialities, which, in most cases, is not carried out correctly.

Knowledge, awareness, resource endowment and training of educational agents is

vital to ensure that gifted children grow up healthy and happy.

What are the high capacities? Let's talk

about precocity, talent and genius
It is worth noting that on numerous occasions we find people who stand out in
some way and who in a colloquial way can be defined as gifted.

However, in order to correctly identify the high capacities, it is necessary to have

clear other related concepts.

Precocity, technically, is not an intellectual but an evolutionary phenomenon. This

term refers to children who are more advanced in their appearance and

Although some children are often precocious in some specific evolutionary area,
this is not always the case, and not all early children present all the characteristics
that define AACC (for example, creativity).

Talent, on the other hand, refers to people who stand out in some particular area,
for example, the arts or mathematics. However, talented people are in the average
in the other areas.

Genius, finally, is the person who performs a"genius work", which carries out
something that is innovative for the benefit of humanity. Thus, not all gifted people
are Geniuses , Although geniuses are usually gifted.
Myths about high capabilities and
expectations to avoid detection
When describing gifted children in order to correctly identify them, we must base
ourselves on scientific guidelines, avoiding the popular beliefs that exist about this

Therefore, before addressing the common characteristics that will help us to detect
a student with giftedness, we must clarify the following points:

 We should not assume that children with high skills will excel in all areas
of development, that they will be emotionally mature, present Self-
control And attempts to please his teacher.
 Nor should we expect them to excel in all areas of the school curriculum.
Too often, these children are expected to perform"brilliant"jobs in all
 Finally, not all children with high abilities have a strong motivation to
excel in school, as they are often children who are"bored"and who do
not take academic activities as challenge, being able to go through vague
or rebellious students.
As we said, these myths all they can do is hinder our evaluation, so it is convenient
to know them and, as far as possible, to avoid them.

Street Violinist's anecdote

Particularly in the school environment, discovering the high intellectual abilities in
children is especially important, since we are talking about children in their early
stages of development, which lay the foundation for later adult life.

However, despite their relevance, the identification of children with high intellectual
performance is not done correctly or at the right time, and too often their needs
are not well met.

One January morning, an anonymous violinist began playing at a subway station in

Washington. During the next 45 minutes, the man interpreted 6 complete works of
Most of the passers-by rushed to catch the next train, and those who stopped to
listen, they did for a short time, once they had looked at their watches surprised.
The total collection for the day was $ 32.

None of the people who passed by while he played realized that the musician
was Joshua Bell , One of the best violinists in the world, and who two days before
had acted, full capacity, in a theater in Boston. It had all been part of a social
experiment organized by The Washington Post.

The anecdote of the violinist makes us wonder if we are truly capable of recognizing
exceptional abilities in unexpected contexts.

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