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Colegio San Antonio

Isabela Puerto Rico

Should Homework be Eliminated?

Alexa Méndez Rodriguez

8th Grade
Pérez Pérez

Nobody likes homework and they probably ask “why did homework exist?” Well, after a

heavy day at school for over 7 to 8 hours, we have homework which is basically extra work.So in

my opinion homework is wasted time, because either we understand the topic or we don’t

understand at all, so teachers would be wasting their time on us.

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Australian reaserchers have come to a conclusion that homework can actually lower test

scores. According to Richard Walker an educational phycologistat Sydney university “Data

shows that the more time is spent on homework, students score lower a standardized test”. So

according to this homework can be harmful and in my opinion it should be eliminated.

Reaserchers also came to a conclusion that “Inundating children with homework each night is

detrimental, the research suggests while an hour or two per week usually does not impact others

in any way or another.

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Homewor in the matter of fact can be good in some ways. If children spend an hour or

two per week doing homework does not affect any test scores in any way. It can actually help but

if homework is exceeded it can be very bad for you and your grades. Homework can also be very

tiring and since students also have stuff to do at home it is very exhausting.
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An Italian teacher named Roberto Nevilis invented homework in 1905. He invented

homework as a punishment for his students because of bad behavior. So if homework was

originally a punishment, are we being punished for no reason? Are we being punished, and that’s

why we get homework every day? I need answers


In conclusion homework can be productive in some way but in some other ways it can be

very bad for you. If homework is exceeded grades can easily go down. And I really think that

homework should be eliminated, not just because I don’t like it but because we have been in

school all day 5 days a week for about seven hours and teachers just give extra work for us to do

at home and I don’t think its fair because students have responsibilities other than school plus the

pressure of other classes just doesn’t seem fair. If teachers could lower the homework for at least

one day a week would help. Thank you for reading





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