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Name: Rahma Maulina

NIM: H2A022064

What is Tonsillitis

Assalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Good Morning everyone let me introduce

myself my name is Rahma Maulina. Today we will talking about ‘What is Tonsillitis’ so let’s get

Tonsils are round objects that are behind the left and right sides of the throat. These are
organs that play a role in the body's defense system because they contain special cells that can
catch and kill bacteria or viruses that enter the mouth or throat. Inflammation of the tonsils can
occur only occasionally but can also recur. The function of tonsils, which play a role in fighting
viruses or bacteria that enter through the mouth and nose, is also susceptible to infections that
attack these organs.

Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils that commonly occurs in children. The cause of
tonsillitis is due to virus or bacterial infection. Symptoms of tonsillitis include swollen or red
tonsils, sore throat, fever, painful swallowing, hoarseness, white or yellow patches on the tonsils,
and ear pain. Complications of tonsillitis include the following namely, sleep disturbances or
sleep apnea, swollen airways, and infections that can cause pus behind the tonsils. 

To confirm the suspicion that a patient has tonsillitis, doctors generally will perform
several diagnostic steps, such as a physical examination, rapid strep test, or throat swab culture
by gently wiping the back of your throat, to laboratory tests. This disease is a common disease
with more than 150,000 cases per year.

When I was a child, I had that disease. In more or less 5 years I often suffer from this
disease again and again. At that time I was advised by the doctor not to consume cold food or
drinks, like ice cream. I, who was in kindergarten at that time, felt jealous and sad when I saw
my friends eat ice cream while I was forbidden to eat ice cream. Maybe it's because when I was a
child my immune system wasn't strong enough so I often got sick. Over time the disease slowly
healed accompanied by my immune system which became stronger.

The method of treatment for tonsillitis is that you can do treatment at home, such as
getting enough rest, gargling with salt water, and drinking enough water. In addition, it can also
be given drugs or antibiotics. Antibiotics used to treat sore tonsillitis include amoxicillin or
penicillin, cefadroxil, erythromycin, and azithromycin. Then surgery can also be done when the
tonsillitis is chronic. How to prevent tonsillitis caused by infection with tonsillitis by not
contacting people who have active tonsillitis, paying attention to environmental hygiene such as
washing hands, and covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing.

Tonsillitis is sometimes considered a trivial disease or not classified as a serious disease,

but if it shows chronic indications then immediately consult a doctor. That's information about
tonsillitis, starting from the definition, causes, symptoms, treatment, and how to prevent it.
Hopefully, it can help and increase your knowledge. Thank you very much. Wassalamu’alaikum
warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Goodbye

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