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D&D Mythology (Homebrew)

Primodial Beings
1. Xandar, The One Above All
2. Erebos, The Night Eternal

1. Tempus - God of Time
2. Aether - God of Space
3. Sol, The Primodial Celestial Dragon
4. Gaia, Mother Nature, Goddess of The Land
5. Eesis - God of The Seas and Tide
6. The Voidborne, Harbinger of Darkness

1. Aegor, Ruler of Arcana (tiefling)
2. Tamrith, Bringer of Life (fairy)
3. Uren, Harbinger of Death and Shadows(undead)
4. Suldis - God of Light (elemental)

1. Xeona - Goddess of Magic (elemental)
2. Deimos - God of Divination (elf)
3. Irelia - Goddess of Humans and Trickery
4. Bhalnam - God of Dwarves, God of Smithery
5. Kobris - God of Halflings, God of Thievery
6. Oberon - God of Elves, God of Knowledge and Wisdom
7. Nogok - God of Orcs, God of War, God of Rage
8. Yelana - Goddess of Forest, Goddess of Fertility (fairy winged elf)
9. Osmanthia - Goddess of Wine, Music, Festivity and Joy (Satyr)
10. Grok - God of Order, Laws, Justice, Honesty (Tortle)
11. Krimaris - Goddess of Ice and Resentment (human)
12. Eterno - God of Sleep, Contracts, and Commitments (Djinn)
13. Ydione - Goddess of Dreams, Beauty, Love, Charm and Illusions (“Ara-Ara” elf)
14. Rogmis - God of Nightmares and Despair (undead)
15. Luna - Goddess of Seasons and Luck (elf)
16. Adonna – Goddess of Elements (Human)
17. Guoba, The Food Panda – The God of Food and Success (Celestial Panda)

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