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It is the fact that in some countries foreign language is taught at primary school.

While this trend would

introduce certain benefits, several drawbacks and obstacles may also take place as a consequence.
Some people believe that there are many negative sides of educating students with foreign language.
However, I believe that the positive sides of learning new language would outweigh the drawbacks this
trend has.

On one hand, there are several drawbacks of learning new language at primary school. One problem is
that, when students are able to speak foreign language, they wish to go abroad for job or say for
education. This trend makes people far from their close ones. In addition, while being far from family, if
they are unable to handle their problems, they suffer from depression. The other drawbacks is that, in
modern times, while students are taught new language at the primary level, they tend to forget or say
even neglect the national language. Consequently, if this trend goes on, culture and tradition would
vanish in future. Hence, these are problems that can arise while students are taught new language at
primary level.

On the other hand, I strongly argue that positive sides of learning new language outweigh the negative
sides. Firstly, it helps student to pursue higher education in foreign countries. For instance, when
students are taught English language at primary schools, then after completion of their schools, they
won’t have difficulties in taking language classes such as ILETS and TOFELS. They might be able to meet
the language requirement. Hence, they can be admitted in foreign colleges for higher education. This
not only help students to pursue further studies, indeed it also helps them to explore new places and
learn new technology. In addition, they will get better job opportunities in future with better payment.
Secondly, learning new language helps them to communicate well with the foreigners and helps to make
the bond stronger. Hence, people would be able to learn different cultures and develop a mutual
understanding with foreigners.

In conclusion, it is true that learning new language can make people far from their loved ones, also can
lead to serious problems such as depression. However, several benefits such as people being able to
uplift their standards, learning new cultures, exploring new places and also being able to use new
technology cannot be neglected. Hence, for this reason, the advantages of learning new language
overweigh the disadvantages this trend has.

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