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- Teste Completo -

A2 / B1

Level A2 / B1


Grammar: There to be, Simple Past (regular and

irregular verbs), Countable and Uncountable
Nouns, Comparative and Superlative Adjectives,
Future Forms, Present Perfect, Past Continuous,
Modal Verbs.

Tente responder oralmente ou por escrito todas as 30 perguntas


Marque I can answer it easily

Se você conseguir responder plenamente

Marque I can’t answer it confidently

Se você teve dificuldades para entender a pergunta, mas conseguiria

responder brevemente

Marque I have no idea

Se você não entender a pergunta ou não souber como respondê-la.



01. Where were you born?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

02. What was your favorite cartoon when you were a child?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

03. Where did you use to spend your vacation when you were a kid?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

04. What did you do in your last vacation?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

05. Who used to take care of you when you were a child?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea



06. What do you usually have for lunch on Sundays?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

07. How do you like to spend your free time?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

08. What do you do before going to bed?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

09. How many close friends do you have nowadays? Why?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

10. Who does the housework in your house? How often?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea



11. How will you celebrate your next birthday?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

12. What is the weather like in your city later today?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

13. What will you eat and drink for your next meal?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

14. What are your plans for your next vacation?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

15. What are you going to do this weekend?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea



16. What should people spend less money on?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

17. What presents do you usually get on your birthday?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

18. Do you prefer having more free time or sleeping better?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

19. Where is the best place you've ever been to?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

20. Which is the most attractive part of your city?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea



21. Have you ever been abroad?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

22. Hare you ever talked to a foreigner in English?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

23. How long have you studied English so far?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

24. Have you ever forgot your birthday?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

25. Have you ever called your best friend after midnight?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea



26. If you saw a child crying in the park, what would you do?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

27. What is something that you believe everyone should know?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

28. Think about a habit you do every day to feel happy.


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

29. Could you live far from those who you love for more than a

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

30. How do you see yourself 5 years from now?


__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea


Level A2 / B1

Resultado do Teste

Das 30 questões apresentadas, escreva quantas você marcou cada uma

das alternativas abaixo:

(____) I can answer it easily.

(____) I can’t answer it confidently.
(____) I have no idea.

✓ Se você marcou 20 questões ou mais com I have no idea, sugerimos

que você dê continuidade ou inicie seus estudos no nosso curso
Premium. O curso Premium traz lições semanais de gramática,
vocabulário, leitura, escrita, compreensão oral e conversação, que
permitem ao aluno atingir o nível intermediário B1 em 45 semanas.


01. Where were you born?

I was born in….. (city/ country)

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

02. What was your favorite cartoon when you were a child?

It was… Mickey/ Chaves/ etc.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

03. Where did you use to spend your vacation when you were a kid?

I used to spend my vacation on the beach with my family when I

was a kid.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

04. What did you do in your last vacation?

I stayed home because of the pandemic/ I went to my beach house/

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

05. Who used to take care of you when you were a child?

My mom used to take care of me/ It was my dad… grandma…

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea




06. What do you usually have for lunch on Sundays?

I usually have barbecue/ pizza/lasagne on Sundays.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

07. How do you like to spend your free time?

I like to spend my free time playing soccer/ dancing/ reading.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

08. What do you do before going to bed?

I normally take a shower and brush my teeth.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

09. How many close friends do you have nowadays? Why?

Maybe five good friends, but I have more regular friends.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

10. Who does the housework in your house? How often?

My husband and I do it every day. It never ends.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea




11. How will you celebrate your next birthday?

I hope I can celebrate with my family and friends in Brazil.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

12. What is the weather like in your city later today?

Now it’s sunny but cold. I think later today it will be even colder.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

13. What will you eat and drink for your next meal?

I have no idea! Perhaps some bread and coffee for the afternoon

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

14. What are your plans for your next vacation?

I haven’t got any plans at the moment. I may go to Spain.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

15. What are you going to do this weekend?

This weekend I’m gonna stay home and enjoy some peace and


16. What should people spend less money on?

I guess they should spend less money on things they already have.
But this is quite personal.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

17. What presents do you usually get on your birthday?

Well, it depends. My friends sometimes surprise me. I may get

flowers, chocolate, books, and other things they know I love.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

18. Do you prefer having more free time or sleeping better?

Well, both for me are very important. But if I don’t sleep well there’s
no need of extra free time, because I feel useless.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

19. Where is the best place you've ever been to?

I guess there are so many beautiful places, and they’re special for
different reasons. London is one of those.

20. Which is the most attractive part of your city?

Well, for me it’s Santa Luzia Sanctuary - because we have the most
beautiful view from there - you can see the town and the sea.


21. Have you ever been abroad?

Yes, I have.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

22. Hare you ever talked to a foreigner in English?

Yes, I have.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

23. How long have you studied English so far?

Well, that’s a good one. Twenty-five years I guess.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

24. Have you ever forgot your birthday?

Never. I love my birthday! I celebrate it for a week, like Carnival.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

25. Have you ever called your best friend after midnight?

Many times! That’s why we call them best friends, isn’t it?


26. If you saw a child crying in the park, what would you do?

I would try to help.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

27. What is something that you believe everyone should know?

The importance of childhood. Everyone’s childhood.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

28. Think about a something you do every day that makes you

I play with my kid.

__ I can answer it easily __ I can’t answer it confidently __ I have no idea

29. Could you live far from those who you love for more than a
I already do. I live in Portugal and my family and most friends live in
Brazil. But far from my nuclear family, I guess, well. I don’t know.

30. How do you see yourself 5 years from now?

Five years from now? Still teaching, talking to other teachers, being
the passionate mom I am. Traveling. Reading. Yes. That’s it.

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