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J Appl Phycol (2018) 30:1157–1166

Factors affecting morphological transformation and secondary

attachment of apexes of Chondracanthus chamissoi
(Rhodophyta, Gigartinales)
Catalina Y. Rodríguez 1 & Ricardo D. Otaíza 1,2

Received: 28 April 2017 / Revised and accepted: 1 October 2017Published online: 7 October 2017
# Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2017

Abstract Fragments of Chondracanthus chamissoi have the in cultivation techniques of C. chamissoi, but it could also be
capacity of secondary attachment. In the laboratory, apexes of used in repopulation or restoration programs of this species.
upright branches of C. chamissoi placed 1–2 mm and parallel
to horizontal substrata underwent morphological transforma- Keywords Apex transformation . Secondary attachment .
tion prior to becoming attached, changing from thick and Vegetative reproduction . Light intensity . Calcium . Substrate
blunt to elongated and cylindrical and from straight to curved selection
towards the substratum, where they eventually produced sec-
ondary attachment discs. When transformation occurred,
signs could already be observed after 3 days of incubation. Introduction
Several factors that could affect transformation and attach-
ment were tested. The vertical or horizontal orientation of In seaweeds, reproduction occurs mainly via gametes and
the fragments, the angle of incidence of light, and the phase spores. These unicellular structures are released to the water
of the life cycle had no effect on transformation, whereas the column, where they disperse and eventually become attached
presence of reproductive structures had a negative effect com- to a substratum and grow into a new individual (Hoffmann
pared to vegetative fragments. Low light intensity and low 1987; Santelices 1990; Clayton 1992; Norton 1992). Also,
water flow favored the transformation response. Calcareous whole thalli or fragments can produce secondary attachment
substrata (bivalve shells and coralline crusts) produced the structures, such as rhizoids (Perrone and Cecere 1997) or sec-
highest frequency of transformation and other solid substrata ondary attachment discs (Pacheco-Ruíz et al. 2005; Otaíza and
(glass slides, rock, and sea-squirt tunic) followed in the rank- Fonseca 2011), becoming fixed to the substratum and thus
ing, but fleshy seaweeds (Ulva sp., Sarcothalia crispata, and generating new individuals (Destombe and Oppliger 2011).
C. chamissoi) failed to produce any response. Thus, the ex- Both spores and fragments have been used in cultivation
perimental upright branches developed features and reactivity techniques of red seaweeds. For example, spores may be in-
similar to basal branches when the former were placed in oculated on oyster shells or nets for cultivation of species of
conditions similar to those where the latter occur in the natural Porphyra/Pyropia (Redmond et al. 2014). Fragments have
environment. Vegetative reproduction has been incorporated been used in various ways. Free floating fragments of different
species have been used in tank cultivation of Chondrus
crispus (Neish et al. 1977; Redmond et al. 2014). Fragments
of Gracilaria chilensis are seeded by partly burying them in
* Ricardo D. Otaíza
sediments (Santelices and Doty 1989; Buschmann et al. 1995), and fragments of species of Eucheuma/Kappaphycus
are intertwined on ropes for cultivation on shallow waters
Departamento de Ecología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad (Doty 1987). Secondary attachment of fragments to different
Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Concepcion, Chile substrata has also been proposed for cultivation techniques for
Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Ambientes Sustentables Gelidium and Chondracanthus species (Salinas 1991;
(CIBAS), UCSC, Concepcion, Chile Macchiavello et al. 2003; Pacheco-Ruíz et al. 2005). For the
1158 J Appl Phycol (2018) 30:1157–1166

latter strategy, knowledge of the factors that affect secondary C. chamissoi. The most relevant factors may be used to
attachment can be used to improve cultivation methods. favor attachment of fragments in culture.
In Chile, Chondracanthus chamissoi (C. Agardh) Kützing
(Rhodophyta, Gigartinaceae) has been harvested for the ex-
traction of carrageenan and, more recently, an increasing in- Materials and methods
terest in cultivation of this species has arisen as it is now also
exported to Asia as food for humans (González et al. 1997; Thalli of Chondracanthus chamissoi were collected from a
Hoffmann and Santelices 1997; Bulboa and Macchiavello natural bed at Ramuntcho (36°45′06″S 73°11′04″ W),
2006; Ávila et al. 2010). Geographically, it ranges from Región del Biobío, in south central Chile, between April and
Paita, Perú (5° S) to Ancud, Chile (42° S) (Ramírez and June, 2014, and immediately taken to the Marine Biology
Santelices 1991; Hoffmann and Santelices 1997), although Station of the Universidad Católica de la Santísima
recent molecular evidence suggests that it is also present in Concepción, located in the nearby town of Lenga. On each
the Northwest Pacific and France (Yang et al. 2015). Locally, occasion, thalli were sorted and selected for different
it occurs in low intertidal pools and extends to a depth of 15 m experiments.
(Hoffmann and Santelices 1997) growing mainly on rocks, Six different experiments were conducted, all with a similar
mollusk shells (Vásquez and Vega 2001; Macchiavello et al. setup. Straight fragments, 50 mm long, obtained from lateral
2003; Fonck et al. 2008), and on patches of the sea-squirt branches that included the apex, were cut each from different
Pyura chilensis (Pers obs.). It has a triphasic Polysiphonia C. chamissoi plants. Except when indicated, these fragments
type, life-cycle with alternating isomorphic generations of ga- had no visible reproductive structures, but the remaining blade
metophytes and sporophytes (Hoffmann and Santelices 1997; allowed the identification of the type of free-living individual
Ávila et al. 2010). Thalli consist of usually 15–20 cm long, (tetrasporophyte, or male or female gametophyte). In the ex-
narrow blades with some lateral branches, and numerous short perimental setup, these fragments were kept in position by
pinnules growing distichously along the margins of the main trapping their base between two 25 × 75 mm glass-slides
axes and lateral branches (Hommersand et al. 1993; Hoffmann (for microscopy) held together by pieces of PVC tubes and
and Santelices 1997) (Fig. 1a). The lowest branches of the using cellulose tissue as padding to prevent the border of the
main axes, unlike the rest of the branches, are cylindrical glass-slide from severing the fragment. During the experi-
and curve towards the substratum (Fig. 1b), where they form ments, the fragments were put in 20 × 30 × 25 cm glass
secondary attachment discs. The tips of the upright branches aquaria with fresh, circulating seawater at a temperature of
and pinnules can also form secondary attachment discs when 12 ± 1 °C, photoperiod of 12:12 (light:darkness), irradiance
they come in contact with some hard substrata (Macchiavello of 50–60 μmol photons m−2 s−1 obtained from natural light
et al. 2003; Fonck et al. 2008; Sáez et al. 2008; Otaíza and supplemented with cool white, day light tubes illuminating
Fonseca 2011). It has been described that calcareous substrata only from above, except when indicated otherwise, and per-
enhance the production of secondary attachment discs in manent aeration.
C. chamissoi (Macchiavello et al. 2003; Fonck et al. 2008; The first three experiments were aimed at defining some of
Sáez et al. 2008; Otaíza and Fonseca 2011), and also in the conditions for the following three experiments (see first
C. squarrulosus (Pacheco-Ruíz et al. 2005) and Gelidium and second column in Table 1). In the first experiment, we
spp. (Salinas 1991; Juanes and Puente 1993; Santelices and evaluated the effect of the orientation of the fragments and the
Varela 1994). angle of light incidence on the fragment to assess potential
Our preliminary observations showed that before the effects of the orientation of the fragments with respect to in-
secondary attachment structures are produced, the tip of cidence of light. Eight replicate fragments, cut from different
branches and pinnules of C. chamissoi undergo a morpho- female plants, were placed in one of two orientations: verti-
logical transformation when placed in proximity to the cally (with the tip directed upwards) or horizontally, in com-
substratum. Additionally, some substrata did not elicit a bination with two angles of incidence of light: frontally on the
response. The aim of this study was to test the effect of tip or laterally over the surface of the fragment. Thus, four
some factors that may affect secondary attachment of treatments were included combining the two positions with
C. chamissoi. First, we evaluated whether the angle of in- the two directions of incidence of light. At all times, the frag-
cidence of light and the orientation of the fragments had an ments were kept away from the bottom and sides of the aquar-
effect on the morphological transformation of the apexes. ium. Black shading net was used to prevent reflection of light
Then, we compared among fragments of different types of from the internal lateral surfaces and bottom of the aquarium.
free living individuals and of reproductive state of the thal- In the second experiment, we compared fragments of different
li to reduce variability in the following experiments. phases of the life cycle. Eight replicate fragments from each of
Finally, we evaluated the effect of light intensity, water the three types of free-living individuals (tetrasporophytes and
flow, and type of substratum on the attachment process in male and female gametophytes) were setup as indicated
J Appl Phycol (2018) 30:1157–1166 1159

Fig. 1 Chondracanthus chamissoi from Ramuntcho, south central Chile. produced from the most basal portion of the upright blade. c Image of a
a Blade of C. chamissoi detached from the basal disc, showing basal whole blade of C. chamissoi placed on a concrete brick (not from this
branches curved towards the substratum [→] and the upright branches study) where transformation and attachment reaction can be seen in the
of different order with pinnules on the margins. b Basal portion of apexes of most of the pinnules. d Tips of two fragments showing apex
C. chamissoi showing the basal disc [→] and the basal portion of an after 15 days in cultivation where the change in morphology and
upright blade. Some cylindrical branches that curve towards the curvature of the tip can be seen. The scale in a and b is 10 mm; the
substratum [►] originated from the basal disc, while others [>] are scale in d is 1 mm

above, except that the fragments were placed horizontally at Photographs were digitally analyzed (ImageTool 3.0,
1–2 mm from the surface of rocky (granite) boulders. In the UTHSCSA, USA). Growth of the apex over the 15-day
third experiment, we compared vegetative and reproductive period was evaluated as the increase in length in the seg-
fragments. Only female thalli were used in two treatments: ment between the tip of the apex and the base of the nearest
fragments with or without visible cystocarps (reproductive pinnule (used as the reference point, usually 4–8 mm) iden-
and vegetative, respectively), with 16 replicates of each con- tified in the first photograph. Relative growth rate of each
dition. Fragments were setup horizontally over boulders as in apex was calculated with the equation: RGR = 100 × ln (Lt/
the second experiment. L0)/t, where RGR is the relative growth rate, Lt is the
These initial experiments were evaluated every 3 days for length of the segment at day 15 of the experiment, L0 is
15 days. On each occasion, all apexes were individually the initial length of the segment, t is the time period,
checked and photographed from the side, including a ruler 15 days in these cases, and it was expressed as % day−1.
as reference. Three aspects were used to describe the transfor- Also, a curvature index was obtained as the ratio between
mation of each apex: a curvature in the new growth at the tip the arc and the chord of the distal most 3 mm of the apex
of the fragment, the orientation of this new growth (towards after 15 days of the experiment; a value of 1 identified a
the substratum or in another direction), and a change in shape straight apex.
of this new growth, becoming clearly cylindrical (Fig. 1c, d). Based on the results of these initial experiments, two new
After 15 days in the experiment, the frequency of transforma- experiments were set up to evaluate the effect of light intensity
tion of apexes was calculated. Given that the second and third and water flow on the transformation of apexes of
experiments included boulders as substrata, the frequency of C. chamissoi. The setup was the same as the initial experi-
apexes that became attached to the surface of the substratum ments, except that 20 replicate fragments were used in each
was also evaluated. treatment, only sporophytic branches without reproductive
1160 J Appl Phycol (2018) 30:1157–1166

Table 1 Summary of the results of the six experiments done in this frequency of transformation of the apexes, and frequency of attachment)
study in relation to transformation and attachment of apexes of at the end of each experiment. Results of statistical analyses are also
Chondracanthus chamissoi. We indicate the experimental design indicated (ANOVA for the specific growth rate and curvature index, χ2
(factors, treatments, and number of replicates in each treatment) and the for the frequency of curvature, of transformation, and of attachment; ns
results of the response variables (specific growth rate, curvature index, non-significant, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001)

Treatment Replication Specific Curvature Frequency of Frequency of

growth rate index transformation (%) attachment (%)

Experiment 1: angle of incidence of light, fragment orientation

Light from above—horizontal fragment n=8 3.1 ± 0.3 ns 1.00 ± 0.00 ns 0 0
Light from above—vertical fragment 4.4 ± 0.5 1.00 ± 0.00 0 0
Light from the side—horizontal fragment 3.7 ± 0.3 1.00 ± 0.00 0 0
Light from the side—vertical fragment 3.5 ± 0.4 1.00 ± 0.00 0 0
Experiment 2: phase of the life cycle
Female gametophyte n=8 3.3 ± 0.3 ns 1.06 ± 0.02 ns 75.0 ns 38 ns
Male gametophyte 3.4 ± 0.4 1.05 ± 0.01 87.5 38
Tetrasporophyte 4.6 ± 0.6 1.09 ± 0.02 100 50
Experiment 3: reproductive state
Vegetative n = 16 4.2 ± 0.2*** 1.13 ± 0.03*** 93.3*** 33*
Reproductive 3.2 ± 0.2 1.01 ± 0.01 14.3 0
Experiment 4: light intensity
Low (8 μmol photons m−2 s−1) n = 20 4.1 ± 0.3*** 1.20 ± 0.03** 100* 50*
High (80 μmol photons m−2 s−1) 6.7 ± 0.4 1.08 ± 0.02 68.4 11
Experiment 5: water-flow
Low (0.2 mL min−1) n = 20 4.1 ± 0.2* 1.14 ± 0.03* 100 ns 50*
High (14 mL min−1) 4.9 ± 0.3 1.06 ± 0.02 75.0 12
Experiment 6: type of substratum (first version)
Bivalve shell n=8 5.8 ± 0.5 ns 1.12 ± 0.04*** 100*** 86*
Granite rock 5.0 ± 0.2 1.14 ± 0.01 100 29
Sea-squirt tunic 4.8 ± 0.4 1.16 ± 0.02 100 25
Glass slide 4.7 ± 0.3 1.09 ± 0.02 85.7 14
Chondracanthus chamissoi 5.4 ± 0.3 1.01 ± 0.01 0 0
Experiment 6: type of substratum (second version)
Granite rock n=8 4.6 ± 0.2 ns 1.14 ± 0.01*** 100 38**
Corallinaceae 4.6 ± 0.2 1.13 ± 0.01 100 67
Ulva sp. 5.4 ± 0.4 1.06 ± 0.01 0 0
Sarcothalia crispata 5.2 ± 0.2 1.02 ± 0.01 0 0
Chondracanthus chamissoi 5.2 ± 0.2 1.01 ± 0.01 0 0

structures were included, and they were placed horizontally on microscopy, and thalli of C. chamissoi. In the second version,
the substratum. In experiment 4, two levels of light intensity the substrata used were granite rock, encrusting coralline algae
were used: 10 and 80 μmol photons m−2 s−1. Likewise, in (Corallinaceae) growing on rock, blades of Ulva sp., blades of
experiment 5, two levels of water flow were also used: 0.2 Sarcothalia crispata, and, again, thalli of C. chamissoi. Eight
and 14 mL min−1. In both of these experiments, granite boul- replicate fragments were used for each type of substratum in
ders were used as substrata. each version, and they were placed horizontally at a distance
In the last experiment, experiment 6, we evaluated the ef- of 1–2 mm over the substrata. Only sporophytic branches
fect of the type of substratum on the transformation and at- without reproductive structures were used.
tachment of the apexes of C. chamissoi. The experiment was These last three experiments were evaluated every 3 days,
done twice with some different substrata. In the first version, for 12 days. The response variables were the same and were
the substrata used were bivalve shells (Venus antiqua), granite evaluated in the same way as for the second and third exper-
rock, sea-squirt tunic (Pyura chilensis), glass-slides for iments, except that they considered a period of 12 days.
J Appl Phycol (2018) 30:1157–1166 1161

Statistical analyses because apexes were distant from any substrata. These apexes
grew, but showed no response associated with morphological
The specific growth rate and the curvature index were ana- transformation, remaining straight, and without a change of
lyzed with one- or two-way ANOVA, depending on the ex- shape (Table 1).
periment, with prior testing of normality using Shapiro-Wilk’s In the remaining experiments, many apexes underwent
test and homoscedasticity using Cochran’s test (Underwood morphological transformation. No significant differences in
1997; Zar 1999; Quinn and Keough 2002). When necessary, the curvature index or in the frequency of transformation were
logarithmic transformations were successful to comply with detected in experiment 2 among apexes of the three free-living
the assumptions of ANOVA. Significant results were explored types of thalli (F2,21 = 1.06; p = 0.36 for the curvature index,
with the a posteriori Tukey’s HSD test (Zar 1999). In all anal- and χ22 = 2.32, p = 0.87, for the frequency of transformation).
yses, the significance level considered was α = 0.05. In contrast, in experiment 3, vegetative apexes showed a sig-
The frequency of transformation and frequency of apexes nificantly greater curvature index (F1,27 = 22.89; p = 0.0001)
that attached to the substratum were analyzed with Pearson’s and greater frequency of transformation than reproductive
χ2, applying Yates correction for continuity (Zar 1999) and apexes (χ21 = 18.29, p < 0.0001). Based on these results, the
grouping some classes when necessary. When a fragment be- remaining three experiments were set up using branches with-
came detached or discolored during an experiment, data from out reproductive structures, obtained from sporophytic thalli.
the fragment were not considered in the analyses and the de- Morphological transformation of the apexes occurred in
grees of freedom were corrected. both levels of light intensity (experiment 4). Apexes in lower
To determine whether the morphological transformation of light intensity showed a significantly greater curvature index
an apex favored its attachment to the substratum, data of cur- (F1,33 = 12.07; p = 0.0014) and frequency of transformation
vature index and occurrence of attachment by the end of each (χ21 = 4.08, p = 0.044) than apexes in higher light intensity.
experiment were analyzed with logistic regressions. The prob- As for light intensity, morphological transformation of the
ability of error in the regression was determined with the like- apexes was observed in both levels of water flow (experiment
lihood ratio after the evaluation of goodness of fit with 5). The curvature index was significantly greater in apexes
Hosmer and Lemeshow’s test (Hosmer and Lemeshow exposed to lower water flow (F1,28 = 5.36; p = 0.028), al-
1989; Quinn and Keough 2002). though at the end of the experiments, the frequency of trans-
formed apexes did not differ between treatments (χ21 = 2.16,
p = 0.14). This suggests that water flow does not affect the
Results frequency of transformation, but that it does affect the degree
to which apexes curve.
Growth Morphological transformation was different in apexes
placed in close vicinity with different types of substrata (ex-
All of the apexes used exhibited growth during the experi- periment 6). In the first version of this experiment, transfor-
ments, indicating that the incubation conditions were appro- mation occurred in all apexes placed in close vicinity to bi-
priate. Specific growth rates varied between 3.1 ± 0.3 and valve shells, granite rock, and sea-squirt tunics, and in most of
6.7 ± 0.4% day−1 (Table 1). These values are within the range the apexes placed close to glass, but no transformation was
described for C. chamissoi (González and Meneses 1996; observed in the apexes placed close to thalli of C. chamissoi
Bulboa and Macchiavello 2001; Bulboa et al. 2008; Fonck (Table 1). At the end of this experiment, there were significant
et al. 2008; Sáez et al. 2008; Ávila et al. 2010; Bulboa et al. differences among treatments in the curvature index
2010) and C. squarrulosus (Cabello-Pasini et al. 2003). (F4,32 = 8.23; p < 0.0001) as well as in the frequency of
Significant differences between treatments in specific growth transformation (χ21 = 26.73, p < 0.0001). In the second ver-
rates were obtained in three of the experiments. In the third sion of experiment 6, transformation was observed in all apex-
experiment, growth was greater in vegetative than reproduc- es placed in close vicinity to granite rock and calcareous cor-
tive apexes (F1,27 = 19.68; p = 0.0001); in the fourth experi- alline crusts, but in none of the apexes placed on Ulva sp.,
ment, it was greater in higher than lower light intensity S. crispata, or C. chamissoi. Differences among treatments at
(F1,33 = 27.42; p < 0.0001), and in the fifth experiment, it the end of the experiment were significant for the curvature
was greater in higher than lower water flow (F1,28 = 5.20; index (F4,27 = 35.67; p < 0.0001) and for the frequency of
p = 0.03) (Table 1). transformation (χ21 = 17.03, p < 0.0001).
Our results show that the morphological transformation
Morphological transformation of the apex was initiated very soon after the experiments were set up.
The change in shape could already be noted at the first eval-
The first experiment, which included orientation of the apexes uation, 3 days from the start of the experiment, in at least some
and the angle of light incidence, was different from the rest treatments of all the experiments that included a substratum
1162 J Appl Phycol (2018) 30:1157–1166

(Fig. 2). In experiments where rocky or calcareous substrata the apexes that were transformed, and none that were not
were used, the curvature index tended to increase steadily in transformed, became attached during the experiments (15 or
most treatments (Fig.2a–d). In contrast, where fleshy sea- 12 days). Experiments 2 to 5 used only rocky substrata, and
weeds were used as substrata, some apexes showed a curva- attachment occurred. In the first version of experiment 6, at-
ture, but it was not as immediate as in other treatments, mostly tachment occurred in most fragments placed over bivalve
after 9–12 days (Fig. 2e, f). Also, these apexes did not curve shells and also in some placed on rock, sea-squirt tunics, and
towards the substrata, and were not considered to be glass, but it was not observed in the apexes placed on thalli of
transformed. C. chamissoi (see Table 1). Thus, there were significant dif-
ferences in the frequency of attachment among these substrata
Attachment (χ24 = 10.38, p = 0.034). In the second version of this exper-
iment, attachment was frequent on calcareous algae and rock,
Attachment of the fragments to a substratum during the ex- but did not occur in the treatments with fleshy seaweeds (Ulva
periments occurred only in treatments where the apexes be- sp., S. crispata and C. chamissoi; χ24 = 8.78, p = 0.003).
came morphologically transformed (Table 1). In experiment 2, The curvature index was a good predictor of attachment.
there were no significant differences in attachment among the Logistic regressions relating the occurrence of attachment dur-
three types of thalli (χ22 = 0.34, p = 0.99), whereas in exper- ing the experiment with the curvature index were significant
iment 3, more apexes became attached in vegetative than in for all the experiments. In the experiments where substrata
reproductive fragments (χ21 = 4.83, p = 0.028). There was were used, more apexes became attached as the curvature
attachment of fragments to the substrata in both treatments index increased (Table 2, see an example in Fig. 3).
of experiments 4 and 5, although the frequency of attachment
was significantly greater in apexes in lower light intensity
(χ21 = 6.63, p = 0.010) and in lower water flow (χ21 = 5.45, Discussion
p = 0.0196).
Attachment occurred on some types of substrata, but not on The tips of branches of Chondracanthus chamissoi have the
others. Considering all of the experiments, more than 80% of capacity for secondary attachment. González et al. (1997)

Fig. 2 Curvature index (mean ± 1.25 a Female gametophyte

1.25 b Vegetative thalli
standard error) for apexes of Male gametophyte
1.20 1.20 Reproductive thalli
Chondracanthus chamissoi in Tetrasporophyte
different experiments. a 1.15 1.15
Experiment 2, comparing the
phase of the life cycle of the 1.10 1.10
fragments. b Experiment 3,
comparting reproductive state of 1.05 1.05
the fragments. c Experiment 4, 1.00
comparing two levels of light 0 3 6 9 12 15 0 3 6 9 12 15
intensity. d Experiment 5,
comparing two levels of water 1.25 c Low light intensity
1.25 d Low water flow
flow. e and f Experiment 6 (first High light intensity High water flow
1.20 1.20
and second version, respectively)
Curvature index

comparing different types of 1.15 1.15

1.10 1.10

1.05 1.05

1.00 1.00
0 3 6 9 12 15 0 3 6 9 12 15

1.25 e Rock 1.25 f Rock

Bivalve shell Coralline crusts
1.20 1.20
Glass slides Ulva sp.
Sea-squirt tunic Sarcothalia crispata
1.15 1.15
C. chamissoi C. chamissoi
1.10 1.10

1.05 1.05

1.00 1.00
0 3 6 9 12 15 0 3 6 9 12 15
Time (days)
J Appl Phycol (2018) 30:1157–1166 1163

Table 2 Results of the logistic regressions used to relate the attachment Our results also indicate that the transformation of the
of apexes of Chondracanthus chamissoi and the curvature index in the
apexes was affected by some of the experimental factors tested
experiments where transformation of apexes was observed. The χ2
statistic and the probability are indicated and not by others. Results of experiment 1 indicate that the
angle of incidence of light on the fragments and orientation of
Experiment Logistic regression results the apexes were not related to the morphological transforma-
Exp. 2. phase of the life cycle (χ21 = 22.50, p < 0.0001)
tion and that, in the absence of contact with a substratum or
Exp. 3. reproductive state (χ21 = 25.22, p < 0.0001)
other stimuli (e.g., the presence of calcium), transformation
did not occur. These apexes grew normally during the exper-
Exp. 4. light intensity (χ21 = 31.57, p < 0.0001)
iment (Table 1), and their morphology did not change.
Exp. 5. water-flow (χ21 = 22.35, p < 0.0001)
Therefore, the responses observed in the remaining experi-
Exp. 6.1. type of substratum (χ21 = 11.68, p = 0.001)
ments were not due to these two factors or other conditions
Exp. 6.2. type of substratum (χ21 = 18.88, p < 0.0001)
of the experimental setup.
Transformation was not affected by the type of free-living
thalli (experiment 2) (Sáez et al. 2008), but the reproductive
proposed that drifting fronds of C. chamissoi could reattach
state (experiment 3) was important (Table 1). Non-
and generate new plants and, thus, be particularly important
reproductive branches may have been younger or energy
for the maintenance of the populations. Subsequent studies
may have been allocated mainly to growth, producing a rapid
reported that thalli of C. chamissoi reattached to different sub-
transformation response. In contrast, branches with develop-
strata in the field (Macchiavello et al. 2003) and in the labo-
ing reproductive structures may have allocated energy mainly
ratory (Fonck et al. 2008) and described the formation of
to the local production of spores to the detriment of growth
secondary attachment discs (Sáez et al. 2008; Otaíza and
(Salinas 1991; Destombe and Oppliger 2011) and the trans-
Fonseca 2011) as had been done for C. squarrulosus
formation response. In fact, these reproductive apexes had the
(Pacheco-Ruíz and Zertuche-González 1999; Pacheco-Ruíz
second lowest growth rate among the treatments in the differ-
et al. 2005). It has also been shown that the secondary attach-
ent experiments (see Table 1).
ment discs can produce new upright shoots (Pacheco-Ruíz
Earlier experimental results had shown that fragments from
et al. 2005; Fonck et al. 2008; Sáez et al. 2008).
different parts of the thallus showed different production of
Our results expand on the results reported by some of the
attachment structures. Otaíza and Fonseca (2011) found that
above mentioned authors. They indicate that secondary at-
apexes of basal branches produced these structures in greater
tachment of C. chamissoi can include a morphological trans-
proportion than those of lateral branches and pinnules. Apart
formation of the apexes. Initially, the tips of the experimental
from the apexes, Fonck et al. (2008) indicated that secondary
fragments were straight, thick, and blunt but, once they were
discs could be produced throughout the surface of the thallus
placed experimentally close to appropriate substrata, the
fragment, which explained the formation of multiple second-
growing tips rapidly became elongated and cylindrical, and
ary discs found in some of their experimental fragments
they tapered and curved, bringing the apexes in contact with
(Fonck et al. 2008; Sáez et al. 2008). Our observations of
the substratum (Fig. 1c, d). Thus, if apexes are short of direct
C. chamissoi indicate that, besides the apex of branches and
contact with the substratum, they can elongate and also be-
pinnules, attachment structures can be formed from the tip of
come attached.
pinnules located on the sides of the blades and also from the
tip of spines that are sometimes present in rows on the surface
of some blades. This could also explain the report of multiple
secondary discs found by Fonck et al. (2008) and Sáez et al.

(2008). Secondary attachment has also been reported from the

tips of branches of Solieria chordalis (Floc’h et al. 1987).
Similarly, Perrone and Cecere (1997) showed that secondary
attachment structures were formed on the tips of branches that
contacted the substratum, and also from regenerating surfaces
0 of experimental cuts on the fragment in Solieria filiformis.
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Thus, attachment structure formation in C. chamissoi appears
Curvature index to happen from the tip of branches, pinnules, and spines (see
Fig. 3 Occurrence of attachment of apexes of Chondracanthus also Salinas 1991) where rapid growth from an apical meri-
chamissoi in relation to the curvature index in experiment 3 (under high stem is occurring.
and low light intensities). All 40 apexes used in that experiment are
shown (some points overlap). Attachment occurred only in a few
Experiments 4 and 5 indicated that low light intensity and
apexes under high light intensity and in 50% of those in low light low water flow favored morphological transformation and at-
intensity tachment of the apexes (Table 1). Similar responses have been
1164 J Appl Phycol (2018) 30:1157–1166

reported for other seaweeds. Low light intensity favored the would likely have effects on the morphology of the thalli.
formation of attachment structures (e.g., Buggeln 1981; This has not been observed for C. chamissoi, but this type of
D’Antonio and Gibor 1985; Perrone and Cecere 1997; morphology has been described in Solieria chordalis (Floc’h
Fonck et al. 2008), whereas high light intensity promoted et al. 1987). Thus, C. chamissoi can reattach to a wide range of
upright axes (Buggeln 1981; Salinas 1991). On the other solid substrata, both natural and artificial (Table 1, see also
hand, rhizoid-like processes may be induced by the reduction Bulboa et al. 2005; Otaíza and Fonseca 2011), but show a
of some nutrients (Buggeln 1981), which can happen with low distinct selective response against fleshy seaweeds.
water flow, and rhizoid initiation may be stimulated by ab- Our results in experiment 6 also indicated that the apexes of
sence of water flow (Salinas 1991). In seaweeds like C. chamissoi have a remarkable capacity to perceive stimuli
C. chamissoi, the basal part of an attached individual is sub- from the surrounding environment and display a rapid
jected to lower light intensity than the upright branches due to response. Fonck et al. (2008) found that almost 90% of the
self-shading and also to lower water flow due to proximity to fragments of C. chamissoi placed in aquaria with shell frag-
the ocean floor. Therefore, growth of basal branches towards ments formed secondary attachment discs in 20 days, but
the substratum is consistent with the conditions where they many were already attached at the moment of the first control,
grow. Interestingly, low light intensity and low water flow after 5 days of incubation. Similarly, Sáez et al. (2008) found
induced transformation of the apex of upright branches, giving that an average of 54% of the fragments placed in aquaria with
them morphological and functional characteristics of basal shells formed secondary attachment discs in 20 days, but some
branches. Therefore, in the natural environment, tips of were already attached at day 5 of their experiments. Otaíza
drifting thalli or fragments will be induced to undergo mor- and Fonseca (2011) found that after 8 days of incubation,
phological transformation when they settle or become trapped more than 80% of the apexes had at least initiated formation
in spots with reduced light and water flow, such as in crevices of these structures and 12% had already attached to the sub-
or under boulders. stratum in calcium addition treatments. Our results show that
The results of experiment 6 showed that the type of sub- initiation of transformation was already visually detectable
stratum had a strong effect on the frequency of morphological during the first control, after 3 days of incubation (Fig. 2).
transformation and attachment of the apexes of C. chamissoi Similar values have been recorded for other species. Floc’h
(Table 1). All of the apexes tested on calcareous substrata et al. (1987) found that many fragments of Solieria chordalis
(bivalve shells and coralline algae) were morphologically produced attachment discs after 2 weeks in culture. Khou et al.
transformed and most became attached during the (2007) found that Caulerpa filiformis can produce rhizoids in
experiments. This result is in agreement with other studies. 5 days. Perrone and Cecere (1997) found that when explants
Fonck et al. (2008) found that a greater proportion of the thalli of Solieria filiformis were forced into contact with the substra-
attached to shell gravel than to stones in laboratory experi- tum, rhizoids attached within 5 days. In responses to light,
ments, while Macchiavello et al. (2003) showed that attach- growth reactions can be very fast, and can take only a few
ment to shells was frequent in the field, in agreement with minutes to initiate a change (Buggeln 1981). An attachment
result of C. squarrulosus (Pacheco-Ruíz et al. 2005). Even response that requires a few days to develop may be too slow
the addition of dissolved calcium to the growth medium fa- to be considered adaptive, but it must be considered that frag-
vored attachment of branches of C. chamissoi (Otaíza and ments may become progressively stimulated to attach while
Fonseca 2011). A similar effect of calcium has been described adrift (Khou et al. 2007) such that, after being fully stimulated,
for other red seaweeds (Salinas 1991; Juanes and Puente a short quiet period may be enough for attachment to occur.
1993; Santelices and Varela 1994; Perrone and Cecere We cannot offer a mechanism to explain the transformation
1997). Calcium also has positive effects in the attachment of and attachment response in C. chamissoi. Different environ-
spores of red seaweeds (Santelices and Aedo 2006). In the mental variables may represent cues for, or inhibitors to, the
remaining solid substrata (rock, glass, and sea-squirt tunics), response. The nature of these cues may be either physical
apexes also showed a high frequency of transformation, but a (e.g., light intensity or light wave length, Lüning 1990), chem-
more reduced frequency of attachment during the experiment. ical (e.g., concentration of calcium, Salinas 1991), or biolog-
Except for glass, the solid substrata used represent natural ical (e.g., biofilms, Joint et al. 2007; Singh and Reddy 2014;
substrata present where C. chamissoi is generally found exudates of fleshy seaweeds, Santelices and Varela 1993).
(Vásquez and Vega 2001; Macchiavello et al. 2003; Pers. The factors that favor transformation of the apexes appar-
obs.). In contrast to the solid substrata, the living tissue of ently stimulate the transformation of branches and pinnules
the fleshy seaweeds Ulva sp., S. crispata, and C. chamissoi into basal branches. The reverse may also occur: basal
failed to produce any response. This is in agreement with the branches may be transformed into upright thalli if exposed
fact that C. chamissoi does not grow as an epiphyte on fleshy to high light intensity and water flow.
seaweeds. Also, apexes of C. chamissoi attaching to their own The capacity of apexes of C. chamissoi to becoming fixed
thalli would produce an entanglement of the blades, which to the substratum by producing secondary discs that can
J Appl Phycol (2018) 30:1157–1166 1165

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Acknowledgements We are grateful to P. Neill for suggestions on the Gigartinales) thalli. J Appl Phycol 20:311–314
manuscript. This study was part of the thesis presented by the first author González J, Meneses I (1996) Differences in the early stages of develop-
as partial fulfillment of the Marine Biology Program at the Universidad ment of gametophytes and tetrasporophytes of Chondracanthus
Católica de la Santísima Concepción. chamissoi (C.Ag.) Kützing from Puerto Aldea, northern Chile.
Aquaculture 143:91–107
Funding information Funds for this research were provided by the González J, Meneses I, Vásquez J (1997) Field studies in Chondracanthus
Facultad de Ciencias, UCSC. chamissoi (C. Agardh) Kützing: seasonal and spatial variations in life-
cycle phases. Biología Pesquera (Chile) 26:3–12
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