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Gap Bridged by Study

After reviewing all the literature and studies mentioned above, it can be

noted that mathematics has always been viewed as a problem area for pupils

since it was introduced in the curriculum. The low level of proficiency in

mathematics of the pupils around the world, most especially in the Philippines is

visible in the scores and ratings in evaluation and assessments given by

International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA)

and Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Knowing the

numerical literacy of the pupils before the pandemic, the situation become out of

hand when the pandemic happened and distance learning is implemented. As

the re-opening of face-to-face classes starts it the numerical literacy problems

arise and become more evident. The literature and studies illustrate how distance

learning contributes to the numerical literacy deficiency of the pupils, how it lacks

in many teaching-learning aspects and how it become a factor that hinders the

academic achievement of the pupils.

However, this study is different from the previous studies since the

researchers focused on the challenges encountered in numerical literacy of

randomly selected grade 6 pupils of Camalig North Central School after the two-

year distance learning and what could be the possible remedies to apply in order

to heighten and strengthen the numerical literacy of the pupils and prevent more

numerical problems. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the researchers decided to

take precautionary measures that resulted in a limited number of participants of

the study. Distance learning is still being implemented because of this. The
researchers believe that this will be a great opportunity not only for the

researchers and students but also to the teachers and parents for this will

measure the numerical proficiency of the learners who are considered greatly

affected by the transition of learning modality that may result to highly specific

feedback on what the teachers and parents should focus on when teaching their

pupil or child.

Many researchers have examined, studied and investigated on what are

the effects of distance learning to the educational achievement of the learners,

what are the weaknesses of the distance learning method, why does distance

learning ineffective especially when teaching mathematics. Some of the research

or studies stated that distance learning does not meet the interaction, teaching

math needs or requires. Hence, the researchers further studied what are the

different challenges in numerical literacy encountered by the pupils, what are the

effects of these challenges in the pupils’ academic performance and what

remedies can be done to overcome the challenges in numerical literacy. This is

the gap bridged by the study.

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