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“4 \ 9. Talking Dorit rar eennommeonemeomenae aloud adverb in a voice that other people can hear announce verb to declare something or to tell everyone about something answer verb to say something to someone who has asked a question argue verb to have an angry conversation with someone argument noun an angry conversation ask verb to use a question to get information from someone call verb to say something aloud to someone who is a distance away Rai A Vocabulary chat 4 noun a situation in which two or more people talk 2 verb to have a friendly conversation comment 1 noun a few words in which you say what you think about something 2 verb to make a comment conversation noun a situation in which two or more people talk and listen to each other declare verb to state something with authority or so that a lot of people can hear discuss verb to have a conversation about something, usually in order to solve a problem or make a decision explain verb to talk about something in a way that helps people understand it 1 Scanned by CamScanner mention verb to say a particular thing, usually while you are talking about something else murmur verb to say something in a quiet voice out loud phrase aloud quarrel 1 noun a fight with words 2 verb to fight with someone using words read out to read something aloud or in a loud voice remark 1 noun a few spoken words, especially a comment 2 verb to make a remark repeat verb to say something again reply verb to say something to someone who has asked a question nR say verb (says, saying, said, said) to make a particular word or words when you speak shout verb to say something in a loud voice ‘speak verb (speaks, speaking, spoke, spoken) to use your voice to make words ‘state verb to say something in a definite or Official way ‘statement noun something stated or said talk verb to speak, especially to another person tell verb (tells, telling, told, told) to give information to someone voice noun the sound you make through your throat and mouth when you speak or sing whisper verb to say something quietly without using your proper voice Scanned by CamScanner Cy Choose the correct answer for each blank and write its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets provided. 1. You should not ____ things like that to your parents. (1) speak (2) say (3) talk (4) state () The president will make a_______ at the press conference this afternoon. (1) remark (2) comment (3) statement (4) announcement ( ) Please _____ what you said. | did not hear you properly the first time. (1) repeat (2) shout (3) read out (4) explain ( ) The sick man ________ something, but the nurse could not hear what he was saying. (1) called (2) murmured (3) spoke (4) mentioned ( ) | forgot to _______ that | would be late. (1) mention (2) comment (3) remark (4) state ( ) Stand up when the teacher ______ out your name. (1) reads out (2) says (3) shouts (4) calls () Jack _______ quite clearly that he had never seen the man before. (1) remarked (2) murmured (3) whispered (4) stated () B Scanned by CamScanner | do not have anything important to tell you. | just called for a (1) conversation (2) discussion (3) chat (4) talk ( ) ‘Where are you going?’ he asked in a loud (1) voice (2) noise (3) murmur (4) call ( ) Read the address ______. | will look for the street on the map. (1) loudly (2) aloud (3) ina loud voice (4) loud () Cy Choose the most suitable answer to replace the underlined word(s) and write its number in the brackets provided. 4 74 ‘Is there anyone there?’ | called, but no one answered. (1) asked (2) shouted (3) replied (4) spoke ( ) He refused to talk to her because she had upset him. (1) say (2) reply (3) chat (4) speak ( ) My uncle announced that he was emigrating to Australia. (1) declared (2) said (3) explained (4) stated ( ) The children were quarrelling about which TV programme to watch. (1) talking (2) speaking (3) chatting (4) arguing () Sally remarked that the room would took brighter if the walls were painted white. (1) mentioned (2) commented (3) replied (4) said ( ) Scanned by CamScanner Cee Choose the correct answer for each blank and write its number in the space. Sam Lee (1)______ (1. asked 2. told 3. remarked to 4. questioned) his mother, ‘How do computers work?" Mrs Lee was at the sewing machine, making some new curtains for the dining room. ‘I am busy,’ she (2) _____ (A. talked 2. announced 3. stated 4. replied). ‘Go and ask your father.’ Sam suspected that his mother did not know, but he did not say so. He found his father in the garden, pruning the fruit bushes. ‘Can you (3) ____ (1. explain 2. tell 3. mention to 4. discuss with) me how computers work?’ asked Sam. ‘I could try,’ said Mr Lee, ‘but you probably would not understand. There is a good article about computers in the children’s encyclopedia. Go and read that instead.’ Sam went to the study, where his sister Sally was doing her homework. He looked up the article in the encyclopedia, but it was very complicated. ‘(4) (1. Shout 2. Speak 3. Read out 4. Say) any parts you do not understand,’ said Sally, ‘and | will (5) _____ (1. explain 2. tell 3. whisper 4. declare) them to you.’ At last Sam had found someone in his family who was willing and able to help him. 75 Scanned by CamScanner ay Fill each blank with the ward(s) you think best. Do not use the same word(s) more than once. The school library is supposed to be a quiet place. If you want to have a (1)________in there, you have to (2)__-— S00 Jane and | decided that it was probably not the best place to work on our art project together. We were designing a poster for the school play, and we needed to (3) ____________ what pictures to use, and where we should put the various pieces of information, such as the date and time of the performances and the price of tickets. Having found an empty classroom, we went in and pushed some of the tables together so that we could spread out the poster. We had just Started work when a teacher strode in, very angry. ‘Who gave you permission to come in here and move the furniture around?’ he (4) “Nobody,” replied Jane. ‘We just wanted a place to work where we could (5) sin our normal voices,’ 76 Scanned by CamScanner

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