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What is anaesthesia?

Spinal anaesthesia
Anaesthesia is a medical procedure to
make a patient comfortable during surgery. Spinal anaesthesia involves injection of
A doctor specially trained in anaesthesia local anaesthetic into the spinal fluid. It
normally performs this procedure. produces profound numbness and lack of
movement in the lower part of the body.
What are the different types of The local anaesthetic is introduced via a
lumbar puncture using a special fine
needle after local anaesthetic is placed into
the skin of the lower back.
Anaesthesia is broadly divided into general
anaesthesia where the patient is
unconscious and regional anaesthesia,
where only a part of the body is made
insensible (without feeling). In practice,
the two techniques are often combined. For
many procedures such as endoscopies, full
unconsciousness is not required. These
techniques may be called deep sedation or
monitored anaesthesia care. It is unusual
for the patient to have any recollection
during these procedures.

General anaesthesia
This involves drugs to produce
unconsciousness given via the lungs as a
gas or via the veins. The breathing is
usually controlled through a device in the This diagram shows the position of the
back of the throat called a laryngeal mask needle for spinal anaesthesia within the
or via a tube in the windpipe. The muscles spine. Some of the bony coverings have
may sometimes be paralysed to reduce been removed to picture the spinal space.
muscle tension, in which case the
breathing is taken over by a ventilating Lumbar puncture has had a reputation for
machine. Often anaesthesia is commenced being an uncomfortable experience
via the intravenous route and however with modern techniques and
supplemented intravenously during gas needles it is often painless after the local
anaesthesia. anaesthetic is injected.

Regional anaesthesia Epidural anaesthesia

Regional anaesthesia is the use of local Epidural anaesthesia involves the
anaesthetics to produce numbness over an identification of the epidural space in the
area of the body, most often in the limbs spine and the injection of local anaesthesia.
although sometimes in the abdomen. The onset of anaesthesia is slower than
Common types are spinal, epidural and with spinal anaesthesia and it is
nerve block anaesthesia infrequently used alone. Most commonly a
fine tube called an epidural catheter is catheters may also be placed and
passed into the epidural space to give pain prolonged pain relief provided by infusion.
relief after the operation, usually with
major surgery. This is called epidural Common Problems
analgesia. Placement of an epidural is very
similar to a spinal anaesthetic. Epidural Post operative Nausea and Vomiting
infusions are often used after major
surgery for pain relief. Using the epidural Nausea and vomiting can be side effects of
your anaesthetist can give you better pain anaesthesia, but can also simply be related
relief than with other techniques. This is to the operation. The rate has reduced with
especially important if you have other modern anaesthesia and a number of
illnesses and after major surgery. special techniques are available to reduce
the risk.

Sore throat

During general anaesthesia it is usual to

have a device passed through the mouth to
control the breathing. This procedure
commonly leads to some soreness of the
throat post-operatively due to the dry
anaesthetic gases.

Back discomfort

Anaesthetic techniques that involve an

injection in the back may produce some
temporary bruising and potential soreness.
Positioning for surgery may also lead to
back ache.
This diagram shows the position of an
epidural needle and catheter relative to the Headache
spine. The catheter is usually left in
position for pain relief by infusion. After spinal and epidural anaesthesia there
is a small risk of a headache related to the
Nerve block anaesthesia technique. This is called post dural
puncture headache and the risk is generally
Nerve block anaesthesia is often combined less than 1 in 100. Sometimes the
with general anaesthesia to give long headache needs another injection in the
lasting pain relief post operatively, it can back to cure it. Other causes of headache
also used to produce anaesthesia suitable after anaesthesia and surgery include
for surgery. An injection is made near caffeine withdrawal, stress and fasting.
major nerves to produce the local
anaesthetic block. Although permanent
nerve damage is very rare following nerve
blocks temporary tingling or other unusual
sensation in the limb may occur. Fine
Rare Problems Dental damage

Heart and breathing disorders Instruments and devices in your mouth

may lead to damage to the teeth,
Surgery, especially major surgery, places a particularly when you are waking up. Your
strain on the body. This is particularly so if anaesthetist will inspect your teeth pre
you have other illnesses such as heart or operatively to assess this risk.
lung disease. Your anaesthetist needs to If you have any questions regarding your
assess your health prior to your anaesthetic anaesthetic or post operative pain relief
to minimise this risk. It is important to fast please discuss these with your anaesthetist
as instructed before anaesthesia to empty during your pre-anaesthetic consultation
your stomach of food. This may otherwise
cause problems by getting into your lungs Anaesthetic Fees
during the anaesthetic. You should take
your medications as normal before All members of the Wangaratta
anaesthesia, if you are diabetic you should Anaesthetic Group determine their own fee
receive special instructions. Stopping rate individually. Estimates of anaesthetic
smoking for even 6 weeks before fees are available pre operatively through
anaesthesia will reduce complications both the practice on 03 57230900, via email
during anaesthesia and after the surgery. or in person at
the office within the Wangaratta Private
Nerve damage Hospital. We aim to post out written
quotes as early as possible.
Anaesthetic rebates under the government
Permanent nerve damage after anaesthesia MBS have reduced in real terms over the
is very rare, either with general or regional years and private health fund rebate rates
anaesthesia. Nerve damage may also be vary widely.
related to surgery or the position during the Many anaesthetic services will be
operation. The risk of permanent nerve associated with a gap between the rebate
damage after epidural injection is and the account. If you have any concerns
estimated at one in ten to twenty thousand about your bill please discuss them with
and much lower than this after spinal your anaesthetist.
injection. Nerve bruising may occur with
nerve blocks (about 1 in 60), 99.9% of Quality
these recover within a few weeks.
Wangaratta Anaesthetic Group is
Unintended awareness committed to quality practice. All
members participate in the College of
Some anaesthetic techniques such as Anaesthetists maintenance of professional
regional anaesthesia or intravenous standards program and local risk
sedation do not necessarily prevent you management programs. Regular quality
remembering the procedure. Your assurance meetings and audits are held. In
anaesthetist will however always aim to Wangaratta we actively train junior
ensure that you are comfortable. anaesthetists, other junior doctors and
Unintended memories of your operation medical students.
are extremely rare and protocols and
techniques are used to reduce the risk of Prepared November 2006
this happening. Dr Peter Hebbard

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