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Miguel is a boy who dreams of becoming a musician, but his family forbids him because his
great-great-grandfather, a musician, abandoned them, and they want to force Miguel to
become a cobbler, like all the members of the family. By accident, Miguel enters the Land of
the Dead, where he can only leave if a deceased relative gives him his blessing, but his
great-great-grandmother refuses to let him return to the living unless he promises not to be a
musician. Because of this, Miguel escapes from her and begins to search for his

I loved it because it's not a movie that is full of songs every 5 or 10 minutes, it does it when it
really has to, that's in the scenes and the dedications (like Miguel's to Mama Coco on his
father's side), they don't sing in things where it would be very ridiculous like almost all Disney
live-action (which are trash), I think the part about not being a musician was just to be able to
put songs in.... but, surprise, it worked very well because as such the plot is about a family
that won't let a young man open his wings, even if it was "for his own good", so Miguel wants
to try to convince them and even abandon his family for the same reason (which he will
regret in his journey through the world of the dead), the most important thing is your family,
you can not abandon the family), a situation that is very common in the world, several
families wishing the best for their children meddle too much trying to impose a future, future
that maybe that child will not like, many do not know that they push their children away, not

The only bad thing is the stereotype, not all musicians in Mexico are mariachis, playing
guitar is common and I leave that to them, but there are also different types of music
common in Mexico (although it is understood that it is the most representative here), I also
did not like the way they created Santa Cecilia, that is, the architecture I love because it is
the most common, but the thing is the streets, a magical town usually has more traditional
soil like rock or pattern (not asphalt or chapopote, less dirt), the clothing is fine, they use the
traditional one: Mama Coco wears something that many older people of indigenous origin
wear. .. the Huipil, it is a kind of blouse that many indigenous women wear, white,
embroidered and with frills from the neck to under the chest, she wears a long skirt, her
shawl, it is an image that not everyone knows from Mexico.

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