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Finger cold-induced vasodilation test does not

predict subsequent cold injuries: A lesson from the
2018 Canadian Forces Exercise

Wendy Sullivan-Kwantes, Katy Moes, Robert Limmer & Len Goodman

To cite this article: Wendy Sullivan-Kwantes, Katy Moes, Robert Limmer & Len Goodman
(2019) Finger cold-induced vasodilation test does not predict subsequent cold injuries:
A lesson from the 2018 Canadian Forces Exercise, Temperature, 6:2, 142-149, DOI:

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Published online: 22 Feb 2019.

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2019, VOL. 6, NO. 2, 142–149


Finger cold-induced vasodilation test does not predict subsequent cold injuries:
A lesson from the 2018 Canadian Forces Exercise
Wendy Sullivan-Kwantes, Katy Moes, Robert Limmer, and Len Goodman
Department of National Defence, Toronto Research Centre, Research and Development, Toronto, ON, Canada


A cold–induced vasodilation (CIVD) test was administered to 113 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Received 5 November 2018
soldiers (age 25.6 ± 6 yrs) during pre-deployment to a Canadian Arctic training exercise. The Revised 8 January 2019
incidence and rates/types of subsequent peripheral cold injuries, as well as the relationship of Accepted 10 January 2019
CIVD responses against other hypothesized/reported risk factors (smoking, gender, age, ethnicity KEYWORDS
and prior cold injury), were analyzed. Although there was a wide range of CIVD RIF (resistance Arctic; cold weather injuries;
index to frostbite) scores (mean = 5.0 ± 1.5), there were no systematic relationships between RIF frostbite; cold-induced
and injury type/location and rate, and the other risk factors analyzed. The absence of physiological vasodilation; Canadian
links to cold injury occurrence suggests that in a military cold deployment setting, other factors Armed Forces; military
are in play, which might include clothing, training, leadership and doctrine. These factors should operations; cold
be examined in future work.

Introduction layering knowledge, energy conservation strate-

gies, and CWI symptom reporting). However,
Incidences of cold weather injuries (CWI), including
other, non-modifiable inherent physiological
frostbite and frostnip (precursor tissue injury to frost-
risk factors may also contribute, such as inter-
bite) during military operations has been a medical
individual differences in cold-induced vasodila-
issue that dates back decades, and continues to be
tion (CIVD) response [6].The CIVD reflex is an
a challenge for Canadian Armed Forces members
acute autonomous local neuro-cardiovascular
participating in Arctic field exercises during the win-
adaptation which involves the cyclic opening
ter months [1–4]. CAF units deployed to the north
and closing of arterio-venous anastomoses
often face extreme cold weather, frequently experien-
located in the fingers and toes, allowing blood
cing daily lows approaching −35°C and below, with
flow to periodically enter the peripheral tissues,
wind chill equivalent temperatures lower than −60°C
maintaining blood flow, and thus, minimizing
[5]. These conditions can make even simple tasks,
cold- induced tissue freezing [1].
such as erecting shelter, preparing and consuming
In 2005, Daanen & Van Der Struijs [6] charac-
rations, and operating specialized equipment (espe-
terized peripheral tissue’s ability to withstand cold
cially equipment requiring fine motor dexterity and
exposure by re-introducing the concept of
thus un-gloved hands) extremely challenging.
a “resistance index” (RIF) of frostbite based on
Since 2016, data has been collected on the
the CIVD response. The authors observed that
health risks and human performance challenges
low RIF values were linked to high occurrence of
on Arctic exercises and notably, a high incident
local cold injuries during military deployments,
rate of cold weather injuries [3] was found. Many
and suggested that the CIVD test and resultant
modifiable risk factors can contribute to CWI,
RIF score could be employed as a risk tool to
such as inadequate protective clothing (which
predict an individual’s risk of incurring frostbite.
has not improved markedly over this time frame
They also reported that RIF scores were higher (i.e.
for CAF members in Arctic deployments), as well
better) in Caucasians and smokers and that sub-
as behavioral factors (e.g., successful clothing
jects who experienced higher pain after 10 min

CONTACT Wendy Sullivan-Kwantes;

© 2019 Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC).

(min) of immersion had lower RIF scores and third finger of the left hand. It was secured to the
therefore were possibly at risk for cold injuries. middle of the palmar surface of the distal phalanx
Since CIVD is presumed to play a role in provid- using a single layer of transparent, waterproof tape
ing protection against CWI’s [1,6], it follows that (3MTMTransporeTM Surgical Tape). The thermistor
the utilization of the RIF might have application in was connected to a portable data logger capable of up
a military context by predicting the predisposition to 8 independent signal inputs (ACR Systems
of individual soldiers for incurring CWIs during Incorporated SmartReaderPlus 8 Surrey, British
military exercises in extreme cold conditions. Columbia), and one logger was shared for groups of
Recognizing the differences in their study popula- up to six participants. Temperature data obtained
tion, the Arctic clothing used, the operational tasks from the thermistors was measured and stored at
(intensity and types), and duration of cold exposures, a rate of once every 8 seconds.
the main purpose of this study was to replicate the Each participant was assigned an individual dou-
work of Daanen & Van Der Struijs [6] in a Canadian ble-walled polystyrene foam cup filled with small ice
operational context, and test the hypothesis that RIF cubes (1cm3) and cold water, to create a volume of
scores predict who would sustain a CWI during an approximately 400 ml of a 0–0.5°C ice slurry, accord-
extreme cold exposure deployment. ing to the methods described by Daanen and Struijs
[6]. Following five min of baseline temperature mea-
surement, participants submerged their finger past
Methods the proximal interphalangeal joint, with their elbow
This study was granted approval by the Human supported such that their wrist and hand were sus-
Research Ethics Committee of Defence Research and pended in a relaxed and comfortable position. Every
Development Canada (DRDC), Toronto Research two min, each participant stirred their own ice slurry
Centre (TRC). bath using their free hand and a provided pen, to
113 volunteers were recruited from the Canadian ensure uniform temperature throughout the ice slurry
Armed Forces (CAF) OPERATION NUNALIVUT solution [1]. Every five min, they rated their level of
2018 (OP NU 2018) training exercise, and any mem- finger pain using a Numeric Pain Distress scale [6],
ber aged 18–65 without pre- existing health conditions which is a 10-point scale from “0” (no pain) to “10”
or previous cold-induced injury involving the hands (unbearable pain). Participants were instructed to
and fingers was eligible to participate. Volunteers read maintain submersion for 30 min, but were
the study information and were given the opportunity free to withdraw their finger if the test became
to ask questions before providing written, voluntary intolerable. After 30 min, participants were instructed
consent to participate in the thirty minute CIVD test. to withdraw their finger from the water bath, but
Participants were assured that while pain, numbness, temperature and pain scale ratings were measured
and discomfort are normal responses, the chance of for another 10 min.
permanent finger tissue damage as a result of the Approximately one month following the baseline
CIVD test is very remote [6,7]. Prior to beginning CIVD screening test, participants embarked on the
the CIVD test, all participants completed a short sur- OP NU 2018 training course in northern Nunavut,
vey regarding their previous cold weather experiences. Canada. This exercise involved a six day field sur-
All CIVD testing was performed at Canadian vival component, during which participants were
Forces Base (CFB) Shilo, MB, CA in a temperature- outside for 14–18 hours per day, completing var-
controlled room (22 ± 1°C), set up with tables to ious manual tasks, commuting on snowmobile, and
accommodate 30 participants at one time. The nights were spent in either snow shelters or small
volunteers reported to the indoor testing site in the heated tents. Over the 6-day field exercise, the
morning after consuming a normal breakfast., Upon average daily high was – 30.3°C, the average daily
arrival, oral temperature was measured to rule out low was −39.8°C, and average windchill equivalent
fever (>37.8°C). temperature was – 44.6°C [13] During the course,
The CIVD procedure used is well documented participants were monitored by field medics and
[1,6–12]. A thermistor (ACR Systems Incorporated any suspected CWI was referred to the course med-
Surrey, British Columbia) was attached to the ical officer for diagnosis. In the event of injury, the

location, severity and mechanism of injury and Where:

other details were recorded by the participant and Tmin = the minimum skin temperature prior to
medical team. All cold weather injuries were CIVD response
recorded, but injuries to the fingers and toes were Tmin ≤ 1.55°C = 1 point
of particular interest, as the CIVD response only 1.55°C < Tmin <4.05°C = 2 points
occurs in the extremities (9). Tmin ≥ 4.05°C = 3 points
Individual CIVD response curves for each
volunteer’s CIVD test were constructed from the Tonset = onset time of CIVD (determined by exam-
raw finger thermistor temperature data, and ining graphs and consensus by investigators)
plotted as a function of time (min) (Figure 1). Tonset > 11.5 min = 1 point
These data were then used to calculate 11.5 min >Tonset > 7.5 min = 2 points
a Resistance Index of Frostbite (RIF) ratings, as Tonset < 7.5 min = 3 points
described by Yoshimura and Iida [7] and Daanen
and van der Struijs [6], and modified slightly. The Tmean = mean finger temperature from minute 5–30
rational for modifying the RIF was to ensure that Tmean ≤ 4.0°C = 1 point 4.0°C>
all values of Tmin, Tonset, and Tmean are included in <Tmean < 7.05°C = 2 points
the calculation for the number of points. For Tmean ≥ 7.05°C = 3 points
example, in the ranges noted in previous papers,
RIF scores could range from 3–9, with 3 being the
values for Tmin between 1.5 and 1.6 would not be
weakest response to cold (high risk of frostbite),
included. The modifications were as follows:
and 9 being the strongest reaction (low risk of
The three variables utilized to construct the RIF
Statistical analyses were performed using
RIF ¼ Tmin þ Tonset þ Tmean GraphPad Prism (version 7.00 for Windows,
GraphPad Software, La Jolla California USA,

Figure 1. Fingertip temperature response to 30 mins of immersion in ice slurry. Tmin= minimum finger temperature before CIVD
reaction; Tonset= time immersed before CIVD reaction begins; Tmean= average temperature from 5−30 mins of immersion. RIF is
calculated using Tmin, Tonset, and Tmean.
TEMPERATURE 145 An alpha level of 0.05 was withdrew from the test (two due to discomfort;
used for all statistical analyses. The differences in two due to scheduling conflicts) and are not
RIF scores between injured and non-injured included in the final analysis. All but one of the
between RIF scores and incidence of CWI was participants was male. The mean RIF score of all
determined using a t-test. A one-way analysis of the participants was 5.0 ± 1.5.
variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the Ratings of pain were highest 5 min after finger
response pattern between CWI location and RIF immersion and decreased over time, with a small
score. Additional ANOVAs were used to examine increase initially after withdrawal at 35 min (Figures
the differences between RIF scores and smoking 1 and 2). Pain rating correlated weakly and negatively
behaviour, ethnicity, and military rank. with RIF scores, with strongest correlations shown at
A Pearson’s product-moment correlation coeffi- 35 min (r =−0.445) and 40 min (r =−0.290).
cient (PPMCC) test was used to estimate the cor- 34 participants declined to identify their ethni-
relation between RIF and age, as well as RIF and city. A t-test was performed to compare RIF scores
oral temperature. An ANOVA test was used to the remaining participants (n =75, Mean RIF =
examine the changes in Borg Pain Rating through- 5.2 ± 1.5) with the total group mean (n =109,
out the 40-minute test. A PPMCC test was used to Mean RIF = 5.0 ± 1.5), and no significant differ-
examine the correlation between pain ratings ence was found. Of those who provided their eth-
and RIF. nicity, 60 identified as Caucasian. In the Non-
Two survey questions were used to examine the Caucasian group (n =15), 5 responded as Asian,
relation between self-assessed cold tolerance and 4 as Aboriginal, 4 as mixed ethnicity, and 2 as
RIF. Question 1 (How do you generally feel in the African descent. A t-test was then performed to
cold?) used a 4-point scale between 1 (“Very examine differences in RIF between Caucasian and
Uncomfortable”) and 4 (“Very Comfortable”), for Non-Caucasian participants, which revealed no
5 different locations (whole body, ears, toes, fin- significant difference. An ANOVA, followed by
gers, and face). The ratings from each location Tukey’s multiple comparisons test, was done to
were totaled, and then compared to the RIF score examine differences between the subgroups within
using a PPMC. Question 3 inquired, “Are you the Non-Caucasian participants, and found no
exceptionally sensitive to the cold?”. A t-test was significant differences.
used to compare the RIF scores of those who 104 participants completed the survey in its
answered “Yes” with those who answered “No”. entirety. A t-test found no difference in RIF between
those who answered “No” to the question #3 regard-
ing sensitivity to cold (n =92, RIF =5.0 ± 1.5) and
those who answered “Yes” (n =13, RIF =4.7 ± 1.0).
109 of 113 participants completed the CIVD test A PPMCC found no significant correlation between
(Mean age = 25.6 ± 5.8 years). Four participants RIF and total comfort score in Question 1 (r =−0.08).

Figure 2. Borg pain rating every 5 min during 30 min of finger immersion (0–3 mins) and 10 mins of recovery (30–40 mins).

Table 1. Mean resistance index to frostbite (RIF) scores. basis by implementing either extra cold weather pro-
N RIF (Mean ± SD) tection or other technical or administrative/training/
All Participants 109 5.0 ± 1.5
doctrinal measures. The other key finding however is
Injury Status
Injured 40 5.1 ± 1.5 the overall rate of CWIs in the study – a 33% casualty
Uninjured 69 4.9 ± 1.4 rate. We suspect that this magnitude of injuries in
Injury Severity
Frostbite 34 4.9 ± 1.4 a temperate temperature deployment would be gen-
Frostnip 6 5.7 ± 2.0 erally considered unacceptable by most militaries.
Injury Location
Non-Extremity 26 5.2 ± 1.7
All Extremities 14 4.9 ± 1.3
Feet 1 4.0 ± 0.0
Hands 9 5.3 ± 1.2
Both Hands and Feet 4 4.3 ± 1.3 As we have presented in this study, the RIF-value
Smoking Behaviour of the 14 soldiers that were diagnosed with a CWI
Smoker 47 5.3 ± 1.6 on the extremities was 4.9 ± 1.3. The RIF- value of
Non-Smoker 62 4.8 ± 1.3
Rank the 69 soldiers that were not diagnosed with
Junior NCM 94 5.0 ± 1.5 a CWI was 4.9 ± 1.4. These values were not sig-
Senior NCM 12 5.0 ± 1.3
Junior Officer 3 4.7 ± 0.6
nificantly different. These results conflict with pre-
Ethnicity vious findings from Daanen and van der Struijs [6]
Caucasian 60 5.0 ± 1.5 who reported significantly lower RIF scores in
Non-Caucasian 15 5.9 ± 1.3
Asian 5 5.0 ± 1.0 marines who suffered cold injuries vs. those who
Aboriginal 4 6.5 ± 1.7 did not. RIF scores also did not appear to correlate
Mixed ethnicity 4 6.5 ± 1.3
African 2 6.0 ± 0.0
with injury severity, as there was no significant
Declined to Answer 34 4.7 ± 1.2 difference between those who experienced frost-
bite (N =34, RIF =4.9 ± 1.4) and those who experi-
enced frostnip (N =6, RIF =5.7 ± 2.0).
Of the 109 participants for whom RIF scores
The CIVD response has been shown in tempera-
were calculated, 40 experienced a CWI during the
tures as high as 8°C [14], but in extremely cold and
Arctic training exercise. Mean RIF scores are
windy conditions, the CIVD mechanism may be
shown in Table 1. No significant difference was
unable to prevent freezing and subsequent CWIs
found between the RIF scores of injured and unin-
[15]. Wilson et al. [15] examined the effects of dif-
jured participants . Of the 40 injuries, 14 were
ferent air temperatures and wind speeds on the
sustained in the extremities (hands and feet).
CIVD response in the finger, and found that none
When RIF scores were compared across injury
of their participants exhibited CIVD at air tempera-
locations, no significant differences were found.
tures below −16°C. In the present study, the partici-
No significant difference was found based on
pants spent six days in northern Nunavut, Canada,
smoking behaviour or military rank. No signifi-
experiencing daily temperatures ranging from −23°C
cant correlation was found between RIF and age
to −43°C, with wind chill equivalent temperatures of
(r =0.003), RIF and number of cigarettes smoked
less than −50°C [13] In addition, many of their
per day (r =0.226), or RIF and oral temperature
operational tasks exposed them to higher wind
(r =0.114).
speeds (long snowmobile trips), and compromised
personal protection (removing gloves to perform
fine-motor tasks). It is possible that in this scenario,
the cold exposure was too great to be mitigated by
The goal of the current study was to test whether the the CIVD response, thus negating the predictive
RIF could serve as a tool to predict susceptibility to potential of the individual RIF scores.
peripheral CWIs during CAF Arctic Operations with Park and Lee [16] found that self-identified cold
the intention of helping to reduce the incidence of intolerance significantly correlated with a weaker
CWIs during future Arctic Operations. The institution CIVD response. Similarly, Daanen and van der
of the RIF rating would complement other methods of Struijs [6] noted that those with a low RIF score
preventing CWIs – perhaps even on an individual tended to be aware of their susceptibility to CWIs.

Even though these subjects avoided hazardous situa- reported significant differences in RIF [6, 24] and
tions, they were more at risk. In our study, the risk CIVD response [25–27] across difference ethnicities,
avoidance may also be a plausible explanation for the with weaker CIVD responses typically being found in
absence of a relationship between RIF and CWI non-Caucasians. In the present study, the population
incidence. If those with low RIF scores are aware of was predominantly Caucasian (N =60), which may
their poor response and heightened risk, they may have masked potential significant differences with
behave more cautiously to avoid situations that may the underrepresented non-Caucasian group (N =15).
elicit a CWI. However, the relevant survey questions For instance, previous studies have reported lower
in the present study showed no relationship between CIVD responses in individuals of African descent
RIF and self-assessed cold sensitivity. [27,28], but the present study had only two partici-
The CIVD test was performed in fingers, while cold pants of African descent, and found no significant
injuries also occurred at other body locations like the difference from the Caucasian group.
toes. It has been shown that the physiological beha-
viour of fingers and toes is often unrelated [17] and
Pain ratings
therefore the CIVD test in the fingers may not have
been specific enough for other cold injuries [12]. Pain is known to vary during typical CIVD tests,
Additionally, a total of 40 soldiers were diagnosed peaking during vasoconstriction and decreasing
with CWIs (mean RIF =5.1 ±1.5), however, only the during vasodilation [29]. The pain ratings given
extremity CWIs are relatable to the CIVD test, as during and after the CIVD test showed only
arteriovenous anastomoses exist only in the fingers a weak to moderate correlation with RIF. The
and toes [9]. Thus the relation between RIF and the 26 strongest correlations were shown at 35 min
soldiers who were diagnosed with CWIs on the face, (r =- 0.45) and 40 min (r =−0.29). All correlations
head, and/or neck cannot be assessed in this study. were negative, meaning higher pain ratings corre-
lated with lower RIF (higher risk). Daanen and
van der Struijs [6] also found moderate negative
correlations between pain and RIF, noting that
The relationship between smoking and RIF was pain could be taken as a warning sign before
assessed due to the well-documented peripheral a CWI occurs.
vasoconstriction that occurs temporarily after
tobacco smoking [18]. Previous studies have reported
impaired rewarming in smokers [19,20]. Interestingly,
Daanen and van der Struijs [6] reported increased RIF This study only included one female participant, thus
scores in smokers compared to non-smokers. In the sex-related differences in RIF were not examined.
present study, there was no significant difference in While this may be a limitation, a previous study [11]
RIF scores between smokers and non-smokers, and found CIVD response was not influenced by sex.
no correlation with number of cigarettes smoked Participants were permitted to smoke and consume
per day. Despite being permitted to smoke ad libitum caffeine ad libitum until arrival for the CIVD test. As
until arrival for the study, the acute vasoconstriction described above, previous studies have demonstrated
resulting from tobacco smoke did not appear to influ- the acute vasoconstriction and CIVD responses of
ence the CIVD response. Of the 40 participants who smoking. While no difference in RIF was found
suffered a CWI, 22 were non-smokers and 18 were between smokers and non- smokers, the acute effects
smokers, indicating smoking did not increase inci- of smoking were not controlled in this study. Kim
dence of CWI in this study, contrary to previous et al. [30] also noted a diminished CIVD response
reports [21–23]. following caffeine consumption, which may have
impacted the RIF scores seen presently. Future studies
should ensure a uniform period of pre-study smoking
and caffeine abstinence in all subjects.
There was no significant difference in RIF based on Despite a large sample size and a wide distribu-
self-identified ethnicity. Previous studies have tion of CIVD responses, this study did not find

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