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The American Journal of Surgery 187 (Suppl to May 2004) 56S– 64S

Tissue and cellular approaches to wound repair

Pablo A. Jimenez, M.D.a,*, Sydney E. Jimenez, M.D.b
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, One Health Plaza, East Hanover, New Jersey 07936, USA
Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Tissue engineering can be defined as the use of biomaterials cytes and fibroblasts incorporate into biologic collagen ma-
with or without small molecules, cells, genes, or gene prod- trices or synthetic bioabsorbable scaffolds before implanta-
ucts to maintain, replace, or repair organ function with the tion and serve to enhance or promote tissue repair processes.
objective of correcting the underlying pathology.
This new field of medicine is based on the use of engi-
neered cells, tissues, and synthetic materials that can poten- The stem cell concept
tially extend and improve a patient’s life. At the present
time, treatments for organ or tissue loss include organ trans- A stem cell is an undifferentiated cell with the capacity
plants, surgical reconstruction, the use of mechanical de- for self-renewal that gives rise to ⱖ1 highly differentiated
vices [1,2], and, recently, cellular therapy. cell type [3]. Stem cells are derived from either embryonic
The research and development of tissues and cell-based cells, referred to as pluripotent stem cells, or from fetal and
products have taken many approaches to advance the field adult tissue, both referred to as multipotent stem cells [4].
of regenerative medicine. This involves the use of ⱖ1 cell Embryo-derived stem cells are pluripotent, capable of
lines and the inclusion of an extracellular matrix, thus form- giving rise to most tissues. They can be derived from the
ing a tissue architecture, which allows communication inner cell mass of the preimplantation blastocyst or primor-
through cell-to-cell interactions and cell-to-matrix interac- dial germ cells of embryos and are used for the development
tions. Such interactions are essential for providing tissue of many cell-derived products because of their unique abil-
support and functionality through the release of a variety of ity to divide for an indefinite period of time in cell culture
cytokines and growth factors. and to give rise to many lines of specialized cells.
Fetal stem cells, like adult-derived stem cells, are mul-
tipotent stem cells derived from either fetal or adult tissues,
Therapeutic approaches for cellular and tissue therapy which possess a high degree of plasticity. These cells can be
obtained from mesodermal tissues, such as muscle and bone
Three general strategies are currently used in the devel- marrow, including hematopoietic, mesenchymal, and endo-
opment of tissue-engineered products. The first strategy thelial stem cells, as well as ectodermal and endodermal
involves the use of cells without matrix. When transplanted, tissues, including neural, epidermal, intestinal, liver, and
these cells restore function to an injured organ or organ pancreatic stem cells [4]. Multipotent stem cells are the
system. Stem cell therapy and autologous cell transplant are result of further specialization of pluripotent cells into par-
examples of this approach. The second strategy involves the ticular cell lines, such as blood and skin. Both fetal and
development of synthetic polymers or biomaterials that act adult-derived stem cells are being successfully developed
to restore organ system function when used alone (ie, syn- for multiple indications, including cardiomyocyte replace-
thetic scaffold materials) or with the addition of proteins, ment for heart conditions, chondrocyte replacement for os-
such as growth factors and cytokines, which may be re- teoarthritis, and neuronal replacement, which has led to
leased in a controlled fashion. The last therapeutic approach symptom reversal for Parkinson and Huntington diseases
involves the use of cells within a 3-dimensional matrix. For [5]. Recently, multiple studies have demonstrated that adult
example, bilayered skin substitutes composed of keratino- stem cells possess a broader developmental capacity than
was previously thought. The plasticity of adult-derived stem
* Corresponding author. Tel.: ⫹1-862-778-7518; fax: ⫹1-973-781-
cells was illustrated when brain-derived adult neural stem
6747. cells from mice contributed to the formation of a chimeric
E-mail address: chick and mouse embryo and gave rise to all germ layers

0002-9610/04/$ – see front matter © 2004 Excerpta Medica, Inc. All rights reserved.
P.A. Jimenez, S.E. Jimenez / The American Journal of Surgery 187 (Suppl to May 2004) 56S– 64S 57S

[6]. Although adult-derived stem cells have shown this because cells are anchorage dependent and require an ap-
broad developmental capacity, additional studies are needed propriate milieu of mechanical strength, material support,
to confirm the in vitro and in vivo fate of these cells. controlled porosity, and interconnected channeling [13]. In
The bone marrow contains a population of stem cells. addition to cell delivery, synthetic scaffold materials are
These cells include hematopoietic stem cells, which give used to manufacture acellular functional tissues or cell en-
rise to blood and lymphoid cells; mesenchymal stem cells, capsulation materials. These materials may contain growth
or marrow stromal cells, which regenerate bone and marrow factors as well as protein hormones, antibodies, antigens,
cells (adipocytes, reticular cells); and endothelial stem cells and DNA that are released from the scaffold in a controlled
[7]. Bone marrow– derived mesenchymal stem cells have manner [14], promoting the migration, proliferation, and
been used to derive a range of cell types, including hepa- differentiation of resident cells, thereby restoring function
tocytes and neurons [8]. Thus, although mesenchymal stem to the injured tissue [15,16]. Examples of a synthetic matrix
cells are potentially less plastic than embryonic stem cells delivery system include the use of human keratinocytes or
and possess a predetermined differentiation capability, they fibroblasts grown on polyethylene-coated silica beads en-
may be reprogrammed to derive new cell types through closed in fine mesh fabric to enhance skin wound healing
extracellular signaling processes that revert precursor cells [17]. Hydrophilic acellular polymers (polyethylene glycol)
to multipotential stem cells. For example, oligodendrocyte have been used experimentally to seal damaged nerve mem-
precursor cells can be reprogrammed to revert to multipo- branes, leading to the partial recovery of damaged nerve
tential neural stem cells and give rise to various neural fibers in spinal cord injury [18]. Biodegradable materials,
tissues, including neurons, astrocytes, and mature oligoden- which disappear from the implantation site after controlled
drocytes [9]. release, have also been used to release a variety of mole-
Advancements in new cell culture techniques and a cules [19]. Fibrin sealant products including Tisseel (Baxter
growing knowledge about optimal oxygen levels are en- BioScience, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) are used as a
hancing the development of commercial quantities of stem vehicle for the delivery of cells, including keratinocytes,
cells. Lowered oxygen levels (3%) in cell culture have been fibroblasts, and peptides [20 –22].
shown to reduce apoptosis, increase the number of central
nervous system precursors, and increase differentiation
rates, all of which have resulted in a significant increase in Development of cell-based products
cell yield [10].
The potential therapeutic uses of stem cells in the ad- The development of cell- and tissue-based products is
vancing field of regenerative medicine currently under de- complex and requires some unique considerations that differ
velopment include cell transplantation, the development of from traditional therapeutic approaches to wound repair
bioartificial tissues, and the induction of resident stem cell involving small molecules, proteins, and antibodies. Safety
proliferation and differentiation [4]. There are, however, assessment and characterization of the cell line under de-
many safety and ethical issues associated with the use of velopment are aspects requiring special attention. A screen-
stem cells. Uncontrolled plasticity and proliferation with the ing donor program must be in place to minimize the poten-
potential for teratocarcinomatous formation and epigenetic tial for blood-borne pathogens, along with a system to detect
instability [11], along with immunorejection and contami- and eliminate contaminants, such as latent viruses. Full
nation, are some of the disadvantages associated with this characterization of cell lines by establishing identity, purity,
approach [12]. At the present time, only differentiated so- and potency must be performed while establishing cellular
matic cells are available for commercial use, including al- proliferation and differentiation patterns, which are funda-
logeneic-derived keratinocytes and fibroblasts (Apligraf for mental to understanding and minimizing oncogenic poten-
wound healing; Novartis, East Hanover, NJ), autologous- tial and establishing the correct cell phenotype. The poten-
derived keratinocytes (EpiDex [MODEX Thérapeutiques tial for rejection of allogeneic cells by the recipient’s
SA, Lausanne, Switzerland] and Epicel [Genzyme Biosur- immune response and the use of immunosuppression ther-
gery, Cambridge, MA] for epidermal repair), and chondro- apy must also be addressed early in the development pro-
cytes (Carticel for osteoarthritis; Genzyme Biosurgery). cess. Finally, manufacturing and storage of the final prod-
uct, by cryopreservation or other techniques that maintain
cell viability and efficacy, must be in place. The final goal
Use of a matrix in tissue engineering in the production process is to obtain a highly controlled and
robust manufacturing process, meeting regulatory guidance.
Matrices, consisting of biodegradable inert or organic Cellular-derived tissue-engineered products may consist
materials, such as collagen or polylactic acid, are used as of single cell lines (eg, chondrocytes, keratinocytes, or do-
encapsulation materials to deliver cells, growth factors, or paminergic neurons) or multiple cell lines. These products
small molecules to repair tissue injury. consist of fully mature cellular structures, such as keratin-
For cellular-derived products, the use of an optimal ma- ocytes or fibroblasts within an acellular matrix. These cells
trix is vital to the integrity of cell maintenance and growth, are capable of cross-talk between cell lines, which is vital to
58S P.A. Jimenez, S.E. Jimenez / The American Journal of Surgery 187 (Suppl to May 2004) 56S– 64S

Table 1
Partial list of cytokines and growth factors produced from human keratinocytes and fibroblasts

Keratinocytes Fibroblasts

● IL-1␣ and IL-1␤ [23,24] ● KGF-1, -2 (FGF-7, -10) [25–27]

● IL-1ra [24] ● TGF-␤1, -2, -3 [28–30]
● IL-1, -3, -6, -8, -10, -18 [24,31–35] ● CTGF [36,37]
● G-CSF, M-CSF, and GM-CSF [24] ● FGF-2 (basic) [38]
● TGF-␣, -␤1 [24,39–43] ● PDGF-A [25,44]
● PDGF [24,27,45] ● IGF-1 [25]
● VEGF [27,46–48] ● VEGF [25,47]
● TNF-␣ and -␤ [24,30] ● HGF [25]
● INF-␥ [24] ● IL-6, -8 [25]
● IGF-1 [27] ● TNF-␣ [25]
● b-FGF [24], FGF-22 [42] ● GM-CSF and G-CSF [25,33,34]
● FGF-22 [42]
● IGF-1 [27]

b-FGF ⫽ basic fibroblast growth factor; CTGF ⫽ connective tissue growth factor; FGF ⫽
fibroblast growth factor; G-CSF ⫽ granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; GM-CSF ⫽ granulocyte/
monocyte colony-stimulating factor; HGF ⫽ hepatocyte growth factor; IGF ⫽ insulinlike growth
factor; IL ⫽ interleukin; INF ⫽ interferon; KGF ⫽ keratinocyte growth factor; M-CSF ⫽ monocyte
colony-stimulating factor; PDGF ⫽ platelet-derived growth factor; TGF ⫽ transforming growth
factor; TNF ⫽ tumor necrosis factor; VEGF ⫽ vascular endothelial growth factor.

the therapeutic response leading to the regulation of gene host by binding to the surrounding tissue, aggregating cells,
expression and subsequent growth factor or cytokine re- and may act as a DNA delivery system by containing viral
lease. As depicted in Table 1 [23– 48], both keratinocyte and vectors or plasmids, which release growth factors that en-
fibroblast cell lines used as biologic drug delivery systems hance repair processes. Acellular matrices have been shown
secrete a number of potentially beneficial molecules for skin to stimulate angiogenesis and modulate endogenous growth
repair. In addition, modified cells may be constructed by factor functions. Some examples of acellular components
inserting particular genes to produce either a desired agent used in the manufacturing process include fibrin, fibronec-
or to control the duration and level of biologic effect re- tin, hyaluronic acid, porcine tissue, bovine collagen, and
quired to achieve a therapeutic response. For example, decellularized cadaver dermis. Fibrin glue is often used in
ex vivo modification of keratinocytes to overexpress plate- skin grafts and tissue-engineered skin replacement for mul-
let-derived growth factor (PDGF)–A has been shown to tiple reasons, including hemostasis, which prevents bacte-
enhance healing [49], and transplants of genetically modi- rial proliferation in blood clots [57].
fied fibroblasts secreting brain-derived nerve growth factor Acellular matrices may be used as DNA delivery sys-
in an animal model of spinal cord injury have been shown tems. For example, type I collagen matrix, containing an
to survive, cover the lesion, and promote the ingrowth of adenoviral DNA vector or plasmid-encoding human PDGF-A
axons [50]. Transduction levels of gene expression vary and PDGF-B, have been found to increase granulation tissue
according to the vector system used. Retroviral transduction formation, vascularization, and reepithelialization in animal
in keratinocytes, for example, has a transfection efficiency models of tissue repair [58]. Poly(lactide-coglycolide) ma-
of 40% to 80% [51,52], depending on the presence of stem trix containing a plasmid encoding PDGF-BB has also been
cells in cutaneous epithelium [53], which leads to long-term shown to enhance granulation tissue formation and neovas-
or permanent incorporation of the virus into the human cularization [59]. In addition, a collagen matrix containing a
chromosome(s). Alternatively, adenoviral gene transfer, plasmid-encoding parathyroid hormone has been used in
which has an improved 95% transfection efficiency, main- bone defects with positive outcomes [60]. Examples of
tains its episomal status, minimizing its integration into the unilaminar matrix products in this category include E-Ma-
human genome, maintaining stable gene expression for at trix (Encelle, Inc, Raleigh, NC), a biosynthetic acellular
least 2 to 6 weeks in vitro and at least 2 weeks in vivo xenograft; Oasis (Cook Biotech, Lafayette, IN), a porcine
[54 –56]. small intestinal submucosa acellular collagen matrix [46]; a
human cryopreserved decellularized dermis (LifeCell Cor-
poration, Branchbury, NJ); Integra (Integra Life Sciences
Tissue-engineered products for wound repair: a Corporation, Plainsboro, NJ), a bovine collagen and chon-
cellular approach droitin-6-sulfate with silicone; and EZ Derm (Brennan
Medical, Inc, St. Paul, MN), an acellular porcine xenoge-
Tissue-engineered wound-healing products may be cel- neic collagen matrix. Bilaminar matrix products, including
lular or acellular. Acellular matrix products interact with the Biobrane (Bertek Pharmaceuticals Inc., Research Triangle
P.A. Jimenez, S.E. Jimenez / The American Journal of Surgery 187 (Suppl to May 2004) 56S– 64S 59S

Park, NC), are constructed of a silicone film with knitted interactive wound dressing. OrCel is a bilayered, allogeneic
elastic nylon fabric embedded into the film. Most of these product consisting of both dermal and epidermal layers
products are commercially available; however, their role in supported within a bilaminar bovine type I porous collagen
surgical practice remains to be elucidated. matrix. This promising technology is advantageous because
it contains 2 cell types (keratinocytes and fibroblasts). OrCel
is currently indicated only for the treatment of epidermol-
Cellular approaches to wound repair ysis bullosa and skin donor site healing, whereas clinical
trials are underway for possible application in chronic
Cellular-derived products for wound healing contain liv- wounds. Dermagraft is a 3-dimensional, allogeneic, cryo-
ing cells, such as keratinocytes and fibroblasts, within a preserved human fibroblast– derived dermal substitute. It is
collagen or polyglactin mesh matrix. Autologous human approved only for diabetic foot ulcers. It is composed of
skin, such as split-thickness skin grafts used in burn living fibroblasts derived from neonatal foreskin, extra-
wounds, is considered the “gold standard” for the treatment cellular matrix, and a biodegradable scaffold [67,68]. The
of burns. However, successful outcome is limited by tissue fibroblasts contained in Dermagraft secrete growth factors
availability and the lack of controlled clinical trials on the including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF),
effectiveness of skin grafting [61]. In addition, donor-site PDGF-A, insulinlike growth factor (IGF)–1, granulocyte/
wound complications, including delayed healing, scarring, macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interleu-
pain, and risk of infection, are associated with autografts. kin (IL)-8, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)–␣, transform-
Ideally, a bioengineered skin substitute should restore the ing growth factor (TGB)–␤1, and matrix proteins involved
functional properties of both the epidermis, a product of in the wound-healing process [25,67,69]. Currently, it is
terminal keratinocyte differentiation, which reestablishes a approved for diabetic foot ulcers. However, because of the
barrier function, and the dermis, which allows for extracel- limited clinical trial data available, its real clinical effec-
lular matrix synthesis, remodeling, and keratinocyte growth tiveness needs to be elucidated.
and differentiation. Autologous-derived cellular products Apligraf is a living bilayered skin construct. Similar to
normal skin, it consists of an epidermis and a dermis. The
include, among others, the use of cultured epithelial grafts
epidermis of Apligraf consists of a basal and all suprabasal
through the Green technique [62], EpiDex, and Epicel.
keratinocyte layers. Basal keratinocytes are shown to divide
Cultured epithelial grafts provide an epithelial covering for
with a mitotic rate similar to human skin. The suprabasal
extensive burn wounds within 2 weeks. While the cultured
epidermis displays keratinocyte morphology similar to that
epithelial graft is prepared, the patient’s wounds are covered
of normal skin, with well-defined spinous and granular
with allogeneic cryopreserved cadaver skin. Autologous
layers and a cornified layer containing basket-weave kera-
keratinocytes are obtained through a biopsy specimen and
tinocytes [70]. The dermal layer contains human fibroblasts
cultured on a layer of feeder fibroblasts. A functional dermis
supported by an extracellular collagen matrix composed of
is obtained after 3 to 5 years [63,64]. EpiDex consists of
both bovine and human collagen. It does not contain mela-
autologous skin cells that are derived from the outer root nocytes, macrophages, lymphocytes, Langerhans cells,
sheath of plucked anagen human hair follicles to produce blood vessels, hair follicles, or sweat glands. Apligraf has
keratinocyte sheets [65]. EpiDex is a product based on the FDA approval for the treatment of venous stasis ulcers and
finding that adult pluripotent stem cells are located in the diabetic foot ulcers. In addition to chronic wounds, this
bulge of hair follicles of humans and may be used to product has also been used to treat a variety of acute
promote wound-healing processes [66]. Epicel is derived wounds, including donor sites, surgical excisional wounds,
from autologous skin after biopsy that is expanded in cul- and epidermolysis bullosa [71–74].
ture for 2 to 3 weeks to obtain epidermal cells. Both Epicel Although the mechanism of action of cellular bilayered
and EpiDex are permanent epidermal skin grafts that pro- skin products remains to be elucidated, it is believed that
vide wound coverage and promote formation of granulation Apligraf creates a microenvironment that stimulates healing
tissue. Other approaches provide a dermal equivalent that in chronic wounds. This means that it provides a physical
increases the viability of the epidermal layer through dy- and biological barrier against wound infection and behaves
namic dermal– epidermal interactions, allowing for extra- as cellular therapy through the expression of proteins that
cellular matrix synthesis, remodeling, and keratinocyte are known to be induced in response to injury and to have
growth and differentiation. a function in wound healing.
Allogeneic products include, among others, Apligraf, Immunostaining for matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)
OrCel (Ortec International, New York, NY), and Derma- indicates that Apligraf keratinocytes produce MMP-2 and
graft (Smith and Nephew/Advanced Tissue Sciences, Lon- MMP-9, which are involved in regulating keratinocyte mi-
don, United Kingdom). They are available without the need gration [75] and may contribute to the elimination of non-
of a biopsy. This type of product, using living cells within viable tissue. The presence of tissue inhibitory factors of
a matrix to cover the wound bed, has been defined by the MMP, such as tissue inhibitor of MMP-2 (TIMP-2) has also
United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an been demonstrated in Apligraf dermis, thereby suggesting
60S P.A. Jimenez, S.E. Jimenez / The American Journal of Surgery 187 (Suppl to May 2004) 56S– 64S

Fig. 1. Potential mechanism of action during initial phase of wound healing in chronic wounds with Apligraf. bFGF ⫽ basic fibroblast growth factor; FGF ⫽
fibroblast growth factor; GM-CSF ⫽ granulocyte/monocyte colony-stimulating factor; IGF ⫽ insulinlike growth factor; IL ⫽ interleukin; MMPs ⫽ matrix
metalloproteinases; PDGF ⫽ platelet-derived growth factor; TGF ⫽ transforming growth factor; TNF ⫽ tumor necrosis factor; VEGF ⫽ vascular endothelial
growth factor.

regulatory activity between MMPs and TIMPs. Separation When a wound is created on the epidermal surface of
of the Apligraf dermis from the epidermis results in en- Apligraf, the product achieves complete healing with reepi-
hanced production and activation of MMP-9 by the epider- thelialization and granulation tissue deposition 5 days after
mal layer, and secretion of latent and active MMP-2 by the wounding. The proliferative potential of Apligraf keratino-
dermal layer. Moreover, the incubation media of the sepa- cytes is greater than that of normal adult skin, as suggested
rated epidermis demonstrates stronger MMP activity than by the immunostaining of the cell proliferation marker Ki67
intact Apligraf or its dermal component. These observations antibody. The increased regenerative capability observed in
suggest that epidermal– dermal interactions suppress epider- Apligraf keratinocytes may be related to the origin of the
mal gelatinase activity. Because TIMPs and fibronectin are cells from human foreskin, which has been reported to
expressed in the Apligraf dermis, the presence of an MMP contain keratinocyte stem cells [77]. Similar to normal skin,
regulation system within the tissue-engineered product is Apligraf epidermis showed Ki67-positive cells in the basal
strongly suggested [76]. layer of keratinocytes; however, the intensity was signifi-
One potential advantage of a product that contains fully cantly increased in Apligraf. This finding suggests that
differentiated cells is the ability to self-heal when injured. although skin constructs such as Apligraf may have a his-
P.A. Jimenez, S.E. Jimenez / The American Journal of Surgery 187 (Suppl to May 2004) 56S– 64S 61S

Fig. 2. Potential mechanism of action during the late phase of wound healing in chronic wounds with Apligraf. bFGF ⫽ basic fibroblast growth factor; FGF
⫽ fibroblast growth factor; GM-CSF ⫽ granulocyte/monocyte colony-stimulating factor; IGF ⫽ insulinlike growth factor; IL ⫽ interleukin; MMPs ⫽ matrix
metalloproteinases; PDGF ⫽ platelet-derived growth factor; TGF ⫽ transforming growth factor; TNF ⫽ tumor necrosis factor; VEGF ⫽ vascular endothelial
growth factor.

tologic appearance similar to normal skin, the metabolic (involved in epidermolysis bullosa simplex) and ␤-defen-
pathways and cellular activities are highly enhanced in sin-2 (natural antibiotic) have been recently demonstrated in
Apligraf. Apligraf using this approach [78].
Stimulators of extracellular matrix formation, including
TGF-␤ and PDGF, are expressed in Apligraf. The level of Mechanism of action of cell-based wound-healing
expression is similar to that seen in newly formed granula- products
tion tissue.
Gene expression (messenger RNA) profiling using gene The mechanism of action of cell-based wound-healing
chips can be used to study the differences in gene expres- products in chronic wounds is poorly understood. The cells
sion in cellular-based products. This profiling may help to contained in the Apligraf grow and proliferate, producing
further elucidate Apligraf’s mechanism of action through growth factors, collagens, and extracellular matrix proteins,
the discovery of gene patterns and the proteins expressed, which stimulate reepithelialization, formation of granula-
which may in turn serve as markers of both efficacy and tion tissue, angiogenesis, and neutrophil and monocyte che-
toxicity. For example, high expression levels of keratin-14 motaxis. Extensive clinical experience suggests that Apli-
62S P.A. Jimenez, S.E. Jimenez / The American Journal of Surgery 187 (Suppl to May 2004) 56S– 64S

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