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European Journal of Pharmacology 700 (2013) 165–172

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Molecular and cellular pharmacology

Pentoxifylline improves cutaneous wound healing in streptozotocin-induced

diabetic rats
Saeed Babaei, Mohammad Bayat n, Mohsen Nouruzian, Mehrnoush Bayat
Cellular and Molecular Biology Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Article history: Worldwide, 15% of the 200 million diabetics suffer from diabetic wounds. In 1997, the cost for
Received 12 July 2012 amputation of toes and limbs that resulted from infected diabetic foot ulcers ranged from $25,000–
Received in revised form $40,000 per incident. Increasing numbers of research have shown the positive influence of pentoxifyl-
28 October 2012
line (PTX) on healing skin wounds. In this study, we evaluate the effect of systemic PTX (25 mg/kg bid)
Accepted 14 November 2012
Available online 3 December 2012
on wound healing in 80 diabetic rats (DB) by secondary intention. Wounds (20 mm  5 mm) were
identically inflicted on the skin area of the backs of all rats. On day 15 following surgery, a band of skin
Keywords: (4 mm  60 mm) that contained wound was extracted for biomechanical testing. For histologic
Pentoxifylline analysis, both experimental (DB þ PTX) and control, receiving distilled water (DB þ DW) groups were
Wound healing
further subdivided into day 3 and 7 groups. Rats were sacrificed three and seven days after surgery, and
a sample from each wound was taken. All specimens were sectioned stereologically and stained with
Diabetes mellitus
Rat H&E. Cell counts were performed by stereological methods. Semi-quantitative evaluation of matrix
metalloproteinases (MMPs) and inhibitor-1 was performed by Reversed Transcription-PCR and UVI TEC
software. For statistical analysis we used student’s t-test. Collectively, the results of this study
demonstrate that there was significant improvement with PTX in all biomechanical parameters.
Histologically, PTX reduced inflammation by day seven. Quantitatively, by day five, PTX reduced
expression of MMPs and increased TIMP-1 expression. These findings revealed that PTX significantly
improved wound healing indices in streptozotocin-induced DB.
& 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction normoglycemic rats (Andriessen and Oxlund 1987; Bitar, 1998).

Simpson has reported that altered blood viscosity in diabetic
The prevalence of diabetes mellitus has increased tremendously patients produces significant changes in microvascular flow patterns
world-wide. Complications arising from diabetes have become resulting in ischemia in the absence of a specific anatomical lesion
serious public health issues, of which one such complication is (Simpson, 1985). These abnormalities are presumed to be the cause
impaired wound healing. Currently, 15% of the 200 million diabetes of numerous problems for diabetics such as choroidal blood flow,
suffer from wounds that do not easily heal (De Fronzo et al.,1992; neuropathy, and wound healing (Simpson, 1985).
Groop et al., 1993). Complications arising from diabetes have Dose-dependent administration of pentoxifylline (PTX) (Falanga
become serious public health issues, of which one such complication et al., 1999) interferes with inflammation by increasing blood flow
is impaired wound healing (Brem and Tomic-Canic, 2007). Healing and modulating or blocking the inflammatory actions of interleukin-1
impairment in diabetes is characterized by delayed cellular infiltra- (IL-1) and TNF-a on neutrophils, monocytes and macrophages
tion and granulation tissue formation, decreased collagen organiza- (Poulkaris et al., 1999). PTX inhibits the amount of free intracellular
tion, diminished blood flow, increased blood viscosity and reduced calcium in polymorphonuclears, improves ocular blood flow in
angiogenesis (Goodson and Hunt, 1977; Bohlen and Niggl, 1979; patients with diabetic retinopathy (Sebag et al., 1994) and possibly
Sebag et al., 1994). Studies have shown that wound healing in diminishes tissue damage caused by neutrophils under various
diabetic rats (DB) following full-thickness skin excisions is signifi- conditions (Sullivan et al., 1988).
cantly delayed with decreased tensile strength in comparison to Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a group of proteolytic
enzymes that collectively degrade most, if not all, components of
the extracellular matrix (ECM). Recent studies have explained the
potential role for MMPs in inflammation, tissue destruction and
Correspondence to: Cellular and Molecular Biology Research Center, Shahid
scar formation (Kang et al., 2005). This capability is necessary for
Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Tel./fax: þ 98 2122439976. active remodeling of connective tissue in fetal development,
E-mail addresses:, (M. Bayat). cancer invasion and metastasis, as well as wound healing.

0014-2999/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
166 S. Babaei et al. / European Journal of Pharmacology 700 (2013) 165–172

PTX may affect some cytokines such as,Tumor necrosis factor-

a (TNF-a), IL-1, interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-8 (IL-8), VEGF and
TGF-b1 (Poulkaris et al., 1999; Zhou et al., 2009; de Campos et al.,
2008; Sullivan et al., 2001; Vuković and Lapcevic, 2006). These
cytokines impact the quantitative expression of MMPs and their
inhibitors (Subramaniam et al., 2008; Yager et al., 1996; Blakytny
and Jude, 2006; Ferrari et al., 2010). In this study we investigate
the effects of PTX on wound healing in streptozotocin-induced
diabetic rats.

2. Materials and methods

This study was approved by the Medical Ethical Committee at

Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Fig. 2. Pattern of open wounds on the backs of the rats.
(protocol no. 89-01-91-7397). Eighty male Wistar rats that
weighed 250–350 g were obtained from Pasteur Institute of Iran.
Rats were maintained one per cage with free access to food and
water in a room with controlled humidity and temperature (22–
24 1C) on a 12-h light/dark cycle.

2.1. Induction of type 1 diabetes mellitus

Eighty rats, after a 12-h fast, each were given single intraper-
itoneal injections of streptozotocin (Zanosar Pharmacia & Upjohn
Co., Kalamazoo, Ml 49001, USA) at a dose of 55 mg/kg body
weight in distilled water (DW). Seven days after the streptozoto-
cin injection, blood glucose measurements (Biomine, Rightesttm
GM300, Biomine Corporation, Switzerland) were taken from tail
blood. Type one diabetes was defined for each animal if blood
glucose levels were consistently above 300 mg/100 ml one week
after the injection (Karasoy et al., 2002; Vuković and Lapcevic, Fig. 3. Excised skin strip (4 mm width and 60 mm length) for biomechanical
2006). During this period diabetic rats (DB) showed clinical signs testing.
of diabetes mellitus such as polyuria, polyphagia and weight loss.
After 30 days of consistent hyperglycemia, animals were consid- 2.3. Pentoxifylline (PTX) administration
ered eligible for the remainder of the study. During the study
blood glucose levels for all rats were measured every three days. PTX (Sigma–Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) was administered at a
dose of 25 mg/kg (bid) until the end of each analysis (biomecha-
2.2. Wounding model nical test, histologic examination,and semi-quantitative evalua-
tion of MMPs-1, -3 and TIMP-1 expressions) in this study. PTX
To provide the incisional wound (day 0) each animal was was resumed seven days before the onset of the above mentioned
anesthetized with ketamine (50 mg/kg) and daizepam (5 mg/kg). analysis of the study.
The backs of the rats were shaved and a full-thickness incisional
wound (20 mm  5 mm; Fig. 1) was made to the level of the
panniculus carnosus muscle (Figs. 1 and 2). Wounds were not 2.4. Macroscopic assessment
sutured or covered, but were allowed to heal by secondary
intention. The wounds were inflicted in the same manner for Body weight and blood glucose levels were measured on the
all rats. day of surgery (day 0) and every three days after surgery until the
end of each analysis (biomechanical, histologic, semiquantifica-
tion of MMPs and TIMP-1 gene expression).

2.5. Biomechanical test

On day 15, fourteen diabetic (experimental: n ¼7; control:

n¼7) rats were sacrificed. Strips of skin that included the healed
wounds (60 mm  4 mm) oriented perpendicular to the long axis
of the body were uniformly excised (Fig. 3) All skin strips were
immediately placed on a material testing machine (Zwick-Roell, Z
25-ph1F, Germany) for evaluation of the biomechanical para-
meters. Specimens were held in jaws and stretched at a constant
speed of 6 cm/min until the skin strips were ruptured.
Load–deformation curves and related parameters [work-up to
maximum force (W up to F max-Nmm) and maximum stress
(Rm-N/mm2)] were analyzed by computer to compare biomecha-
Fig. 1. White line shows the place of open wound which was consistent for nical test parameters in the experimental (DMþ PTX) and control
all rats. (DMþDW) groups.
S. Babaei et al. / European Journal of Pharmacology 700 (2013) 165–172 167

2.6. Tissue extraction and histologic examination to construct a cDNA library with the Uni-ZAP XR Vector Kit
(Stratagene, Los Angeles, CA). This library was screened with size-
On days three and seven rats were sacrificed by intraperitoneal selected (  195–220 bp) RT-PCR products.
overdoses of pentobarbital. The complete area of the wound that For RT-PCR, poly (A)þRNA from the wound area was reverse-
consisted of the incision area and adjacent normal skin was transcribed using an oligo (dt) primer. The provided cDNA was
excised. Excised tissues were fixed in formalin (pH 6.8) and amplified using a set of degenerated primers that corresponded to
embedded in paraffin. Sectioning was performed according to the cysteine-switch and zinc-binding domains of rat-related MMPs
stereological methods (Amadeu et al., 2003; Kristiansen and and TIMP-1. In brief, the reaction solution was composed of
Nyengaard, 2012; Nepomnyashchikh et al., 2011). Stereological premixed PCR buffer and a final concentration of 300 nM each of
methods are precise techniques used to obtain information about the following forward and reverse primers: TIMP-1 forward
three-dimensional structures based on observation of two- (50 -TTTGCATCTCTGGCCTCTG-30 ) and reverse (50 -CATCTTGATCTCA-
dimensional sections. In this study we obtained 20  2 (doubled) TAACGC-30 ); MMP-1 forward (50 -TTTGATGGACCTCAATAT-30 ) and
(5 mm thickness) sections from the healing wounds of each rat. reverse (50 -CATTAGTGCTCCTACA-30 ); MMP-3 forward (50 -GAT-
The 5 mm sections were stained with H&E and observed by TAATGGAGATG-30 ) and reverse (50 -CAGCATTGGCTGAGTG-30 ); and
stereological methods. We chose 150 random fields for each GAPDH forward (50 -AAACCTGCCAAGTATGATG-30 ) and reverse
group (n ¼7) (totally 3.15 mm2) and used a 10  100 objective (50 -GCATCAAAGGTGGAAGAATG-30 ) plus the cDNA mixture (25 ng),
lens (NIKON Eclipse E2000-Video camera DS-Fi1, Japan) to cap- which was mixed to a total volume of 25 ml. The conditions for RT-
ture about 5000 photos that were used to count cells by stereo- PCR were as follows: 94 1C for 5 min; 94 1C for 30 min; followed by
logical methods (Fig. 4). Quantitative evaluation of tissue 30 cycles of shuttle heating at different temperatures for the
elements (neovasculars and blood vessels) were based on counts different genes; 72 1C for 1 min; and 72 1C for 5 min. All PCRs were
obtained in vertical sections (Amadeu et al., 2003). Blood vessels run in duplicate and the relative quantify of each mRNA was
and neovasculars were identified by the presence of blood cells in normalized to the relative quantify of GAPDH determined by the
their lumens. We used the camera’s scale to measure the thick- specific endogenous control primers.
ness of the regenerated epithelium. For electrophoresis, we used agarose gel and cybergreen staining.
After electrophoresis, gels were photographed with an SYN GENE
2.7. Semi-quantitative evaluation of MMP-1, -3 and TIMP-1 instrument. UVITEC software (
expressions html) was used for calibration and semi-quantification of gene
Full-thickness adjacent wound tissue from all experiment and
control groups were extracted (1 mm3) on days-one, -three and -
five following surgery and maintained in tagged 1.5 ml eppendorf 2.8. Statistical analysis
tubes at 20 1C. Extracted tissues were homogenized in 4 M
guanidinium thiocyanate (Merck, Germany) for protein denatura- For all experiments we used SPSS version 16 (Kolmogorov
tion; the RNA was kept soluble. Smirnov, Leven’s test and student’s t-test for independent samples)
Total RNA was purified by centrifugation at 35,000  g (Beck- for statistical analysis of the macroscopic, biomechanical and histo-
man Instruments, CA) through 3 ml of 5.6 M chloroform and logic tests, and semi-quantitative evaluation of MMP-1,3 and TIMP-1
extracted by the single-step method (Chomczynski and Sachi, expressions. P-values less than 0.05 were considered statistically
1987). RNA was precipitated by the addition of alcohol, after significant. Data were expressed as mean7standard error of mean
which the supernatant was extracted. We used the extracted RNA (S.E.M.).

3. Results

3.1. Macroscopic analysis

Rats’ weights and blood glucose levels were measured every three
days. In both the experimental and control groups their weights and
blood glucose levels changed permanently, but were not significant
(P40.05). A total of 5 DB died during the first week following
streptozotocin injections and were replaced by new animals.

3.2. Biomechanical test

PTX administration improved the skin biomechanical indices

(W up to Fmax-Nm and Rm-N/mm2) 15 days after surgery in the
experimental groups compared to the control groups. Table
1 shows the results of the biomechanical test. Biomechanical
indices between experimental and control groups were signifi-
cantly different (Po0.05).

Fig. 4. Stereological method used to obtain information about three-dimensional

structures based on observation of the two-dimensional sections. Photography of 3.3. Microscopic analysis
a random histologic section is conformed by a special grid (containing plenty of
rectangular frames) for ease in counting and distinguishing the tissue elements. In
this method only all elements that are within each frame or conformed with Microscopic pictures of the wound areas and adjacent normal
continued lines of frame would be counted. skin are shown in Figs. 5–8.
168 S. Babaei et al. / European Journal of Pharmacology 700 (2013) 165–172

Table 1
Comparing of biomechanical indexes between experimental and control groups
based on Mean 7SEM, control group (DBþ DW) experimental group (DB þPTX).
Biomechanical indices between experimental and control were significantly
different (independent sample t-test, P o 0.05).

GROUPS Work up to Fmax- Student Rm-N/mm2 Student

Sample Nmm Sample

(mean7 SEM) t-Test (mean 7 SEM) t-Test

Group I 101.99 746.7 P ¼ 0.04 1.84 7 0.44 P ¼ 0.000

GroupII 17.77 79 0.57 7 0.14
(DB þDW)

Fig. 7. Day seven after infliction of the would shows evidence of wound
contraction with healing tissue that includes fibroblasts and blood vessel pro-
liferation, which are predominant in H&E-stained section. Arrow notes the
wound’s surface.

Fig. 5. Day three after infliction of wound shows complete formation of healing
tissue. (H&E; arrow refers to the wound’s surface).

Fig. 8. Day seven after infliction of the would shows lack of wound contraction in
comparison to the DB þ PTX group, with less healing tissue (including fibroblast
and blood vessels). (H&E; arrow refers to the surface of the wound).

Fig. 6. Day three after infliction of the wound shows the presence of a fibrin mesh
and incomplete formation of healing tissue. (H&E; arrow refers to the wound’s Fig. 9. Statistical analysis of histologic quantification of different elements of
surface). wounded area and adjacent normal skin on 3rd day after surgery in experiment
(PTX) and control (DW) groups, provided by stereological methods and based on
Mean7 S.E.M.
3.3.1. Quantification of fibroblasts
On the third day following surgery, stereological quantification
of fibroblasts showed increased numbers of these cells in the 3.3.2. Quantification of neutrophils
control group (DBþDW), which was significant (P ¼0.000; Fig. 9). By the third day after surgery, stereological quantification of
By the seventh day post-surgery, stereological quantification of neutrophils showed increased numbers of these cells in the
fibroblasts showed increased numbers of these cells in the experi- control group (DBþDW), which was significant (student sample
mental group (DBþPTX), which was significant (P¼0.000; Fig. 10). t-test, P¼0.000; Fig. 9).
S. Babaei et al. / European Journal of Pharmacology 700 (2013) 165–172 169

Fig. 11. TIMP-1 on day-one in the control and experiment groups. Gene bands
expressed in the 198 bp region, comparing rainbow marker.

Fig. 10. Statistical analysis of histologic quantification of different elements of the

wound area and adjacent normal skin seven days after surgery. (stereological
methods, based on mean 7 S.E.M.).

Fig. 12. MMP-1 on day-one in the control and experiment groups. Gene bands
expressed in the 200 bp region, comparing rainbow marker.
By the seventh day following surgery, stereological quantification
of neutrophils showed increased numbers of these cells in the
control group (DBþDW), which was significant (P¼ 0.873; Fig. 10).

3.3.3. Quantification of macrophages

Stereological quantification of neutrophils showed increased Fig. 13. MMP-3 on day one in the control and experiment groups, showing gene
numbers of these cells in the control group (DBþDW) on the third bands expressed in the 134 bp region, comparing rainbow marker.
and seventh days following surgery, both of which were significant
(P¼0.000 for day 3; P¼0.04 for day 7; Figs. 9 and 10).

3.3.4. Quantification of neovasculars and blood vessels

Stereological quantification of neovasculars and blood vessels
Fig. 14. GAPDH gene bands on day-one in the control and experiment groups that
from the third and seventh days following surgery showed
expressed in 150 bp regions, comparing rainbow marker.
increased numbers of these cells in the control group (DBþDW),
both of which were significant (P¼0.000; Figs. 9 and 10).

Table 2
Effect of pentoxifylline administration on MMP-1 mRNA expressin in experimen-
3.3.5. Quantification of epithelium thickness tal and control diabetic rats on days 1, 3 and 5. All mRNA expression levels were
On the third day post-surgery, stereological quantification of normalized by GAPDH. All data are shown as mean 7 S.E.M., control group
(DBþ DW) experimental group (DBþ PTX). There was a significant difference in
epithelium thickness showed either decreased or no epithelium in
quantitative expression of MMP-1 mRNA in the DB þ PTX and DBþ DW groups on
the control group (DBþDW), which was not significant (P ¼0.27; day five (independent sample t-test, P ¼0.031).
Fig. 9).
However, on day seven following surgery, stereological quan- Day-mRNA Groups Volume
tification of the epithelium thickness showed a significant
increase in thickness in the experimental group (DBþPTX), which
was significant (P ¼0.000; Fig. 10). Day 1, MMP-1 DBPTX 29.85 73.52
DBDW 20.01 72.62
Day 3, MMP-1 DBPTX 13.89 756.99
DBDW 157.11769.38
3.4. Quantification of MMPs-1, -3, and TIMP-1 Day 5, MMP-1 DBPTX 49.53 71.68
DBDW 68.37 74.59
Figs. 11–14 show mRNA from different genes (MMP-1, MMP-3
and TIMP-1) following RT-PCR.
Semi-quantitative expressions of mRNA from different genes
Table 3
as measured by RT-PCR and UVITEC software are presented in Effect of pentoxifylline administration on MMP-3 mRNA expressin in experimen-
Tables 2–4. tal and control rats on days 1, 3 and 5. All mRNA expression levels were
A significant difference existed in quantitative expression of normalized by GAPDH. All data are shown as mean 7S.E.M. Significant difference
MMP-3 mRNA between the experimental (DBþ PTX) and control existed in quantitative expression of MMP-3 mRNA between the experimental
(DBþ PTX) and control (DBþ DW) groups on days three (independent sample t-
(DBþDW) groups on days three (independent sample t-test;
test; P ¼ 0.025) and five (independent sample t-test; P ¼0.034).
P¼0.025) and five (independent sample t-test; P¼ 0.034).
There was a significant difference in quantitative expression of Day-mRNA Groups Volume
MMP-1 mRNA in the DBþ PTX and DBþDW groups on day five
Mean7 SEM
(independent sample t-test, P¼0.031).
There is significant difference in quantitative expression of Day 1, MMP-3 DBPTX 49.05 7 2.93
MMP-3 mRNA in experimental (DBþPTX) and control (DBþDW) DBDW 51.72 7 2.88
groups on day five (P ¼0.03). Day 3, MMP-3 DBPTX 77.51 7 6.41
There was a significant difference in quantitative expression DBDW 11.55 7 1.28
Day 5, MMP-3 DBPTX 44.55 7 1.72
of TIMP-1 mRNA in the experimental (DBþPTX) and control DBDW 65.87 7 5.04
(DBþDW) groups on day five (P¼0.021).
170 S. Babaei et al. / European Journal of Pharmacology 700 (2013) 165–172

Table 4 growth factors and fibroblasts extra proliferation it may has an

Effect of pentoxifylline administration on TIMP-1 mRNA expressin in experimental important role in reorganization of fibroblasts and collagen fibers,
and control diabetic rats on days 1, 3 and 5. All mRNA expression levels were
preventing scar formation. These effects may be the reason for
normalized by GAPDH. All data are shown as mean 7S.E.M. There was a significant
difference in quantitative expression of TIMP-1 mRNA in experimental (DBþ PTX) improvement in biomechanical parameters seen in the current
and control (DBþDW) groups on day five (independent sample t-test, P¼0.021). study (Karasoy et al., 2002).

Day-Gene Groups Volume 4.2. Histologic analysis

Mean7 SEM
Based on stereological methods, PTX caused significant reduc-
Day 1, TIMP-1 DBPTX 20.29 7 2.31 tions in fibroblasts on both the third and seventh days following
DBDW 20.61 7 2.22 surgery. Therefore it is possible that PTX may inhibit fibroblast
Day 3, TIMP-1 DBPTX 56.98 7 5.14
proliferation and migration. As mentioned above PTX induces
DBDW 46.59 7 5.37
Day 5, TIMP-1 DBPTX 77.007 5.13 reduction of TGF-b1 production, this reduction inhibits progression
DBDW 56.56 7 5.38 of fibrosis and MMP activity (Zhou et al., 2009). It has been reported
that neutrophils and activated monocytes release TNF-a with strong
Note: Control group (DB þ DW), experimental group (DB þPTX) mitogenic effects on fibroblasts (Mirshahi et al., 1995) that may
either directly or indirectly inhibit production and secretion of IL-1
4. Discussion and TNF-a, inhibit calcium release in neutrophils and inhibit
neutrophil degranulation, which is followed by a reduction in
4.1. Biomechanical test secretion of both TNF-a and TGF-b1. Both are important motivators
for fibroblast proliferation (Sebag et al., 1994; Sullivan et al., 1988;
The results of numerous recent studies have shown the Lin and Yeh, 2010). These cytokines are the main mediators in the
distinct effects of diabetes mellitus on the wound healing process. production of granulomatosis (with signs of fibrosis) in sarcoidosis
Most importantly, these results have shown reductions in col- (Vuković and Lapcevic, 2006; Lin and Yeh, 2010).
lagen organization; diminished blood supply; defects in leukocyte In this study PTX significantly reduced the number of macro-
function; unbalanced production of growth factors, cytokines and phages in the experimental group. Activated tissue macrophages are
proteases; increased blood viscosity; delays in inflammatory cell produced in response to chemokines, cytokines, growth factors, and
infiltration; and the conversion from acute to chronic inflamma- soluble fragments of the ECM components that have been produced
tion (Goodson and Hunt, 1977; Bohlen and Niggl, 1979; Sebag by proteolytic degradation of collagen and fibronectin (Diegelmann
et al., 1994; Pradhan et al., 2011; Jeffcoate et al., 2004). and Cohen, 1997; Diegelmann and Evans, 2004). The long-term
Recent studies in DB have shown significant delays in wound presence of macrophages in the wound area causes unwanted
healing and the biomechanical parameters of skin after wounding degradation of the ECM and a delay in wound healing. Cytokines,
in comparison to healthy rats (Andriessen and Oxlund, 1987; in addition to interleukins and growth factors, are important in the
Bitar, 1998; Karasoy et al., 2002; Brem et al., 2009). In some progression of inflammation, release of mediators and their activa-
studies, diabetic patients had decreased blood viscosities that tion, and chemotaxi (Liechty et al., 1998). Among these, IL-6 is
resulted in serious problems with tissue microcirculation and responsible for monocyte and macrophage chemotaxi and activation
caused hidden ischemia in tissues which has been noted to be the (Liechty et al., 2000). TGF-b1 is known as a macrophage chemotaxi
source of diabetic retinopathy, defects and delays in wound modulator (Nall et al., 1996) and is released by platelets. Based on
healing, and quantitative reduction in biomechanical indices research, PTX is a TGF-b1 inhibitor that reduces IL-6 secretion (Zhou
(Tamariz et al., 2008; Andriessen and Oxlund, Bitar, 1998). et al., 2009). These results enable an understanding of why PTX
In the current study, PTX significantly improved the biomechani- reduced macrophage condensation in the experimental group
cal indicies of the experimental group. In a study by Karasoy et al. (Vuković and Lapcevic, 2006; Burgeson and Christiano, 1997).
(2002), the administration of 10 mg/kg PTX did not improve biome- Despite factors that motivate vascularization (oxygen pres-
chanical indices in the diabetic group. According to research the effect sure, reduced pH, and increased lactate) (Brem et al., 2009), VEGF
of PTX on inflammation has been determined to be dose-dependent that is released by platelets and other inflammatory cells plays an
(Sebag et al., 1994; Sullivan et al., 1988; Lin and Yeh, 2010). important role in neovascular formation. In this study we have
A study by Tireli et al. (2003) used the same dose as PTX in this noted a reduction in blood vessels and neovasculars, which was
study. Those researchers noted that administration of PTX improved significant on day seven.
healing indices of ischemic tissue of small intestine anastomosis. The Recent studies have shown that on days 7 and 14 after PTX
reason for this improvement was a reduction in neutrophils, followed administration, there was an increased half-life of the variety of
by a reduction in free radicals and proteolytic enzymes that degrade VEGF mRNA isomers (120, 164 and 188) and their proteins (Zhou
the ECM. A study by Bayat et al. evaluated the effect of PTX on skin et al., 2009). In another study PTX increased the peritubular
flaps by comparing electron microscope sections between the experi- capillary network (Woessner and Nagase, 2000). In the current
mental and control groups. In the control group inflamed mitochon- study, PTX decreased angiogenesis in DB.
dria, numerous cytoplasmic pinocytotic vesicles, and thickened It is possible that wound healing in diabetes is characterized
cytoplasmic membrane were visualized, however these changes were by delays in cellular infiltration and granulation tissue formation,
not seen in the PTX-treated groups (Bayat et al., 2006). The results of and reduced angiogenesis (Goodson and Hunt, 1977; Bohlen and
different studies have shown that PTX induces peripheral blood Niggl, 1979; Sebag et al., 1994). This necessitates a need for
monocytes and alveolar macrophages that inhibit production of additional research on the effect of PTX administration on
TNF-a and increase production of TIMPs (Tireli et al., 2003). In a diabetic wounds. PTX should be administered for a longer period
recent study PTX reduced production of TGF-b1. This reduction has of time or a higher dose with the intent to determine the distinct
been shown to prevent the conversion of an acute inflammation into effect of PTX on angiogenesis.
a chronic inflammation (Zhou et al., 2009). This study has reported In the present study PTX reduced the thickness of the epithelium
that PTX reduced neutrophil chemoattractants by 50%. on the third day after surgery. This was expected because PTX,
As with a recent study we found that PTX diminished mast cell according to recent studies, reduced expressions of TNF-a, IL-1, and
degranulation (unpublished data), thus inhibiting the secretion of IL-6 (Burgeson and Christiano, 1997; Vuković and Lapcevic, 2006).
S. Babaei et al. / European Journal of Pharmacology 700 (2013) 165–172 171

The latter has been shown to reduce KGF expression (Vuković and References
Lapcevic, 2006). On day seven PTX increased the thickness of the
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