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TKAM Comprehension Questions

Answer each question or statement using complete sentences. CITE the page number that provides this

Chapters 1

1. Describe in detail Finch's Landing.

2. Why is Atticus different from the rest of his family?

3. What had happened to the Atticus' first two clients?

4. In what town and state does Atticus practice law?

5. Who are Alexandra and Jack to Scout?

6. What were the summertime boundaries when Scout was six and Jem was ten?

7. What is Dill’s real name and where does he live most of the time?

8. Who comes up with the idea of making Boo come out?

9. What is unusual about the Radley house?

10. What had Boo done which got him into trouble with the law?

11. What happened to Boo as a result of him getting into trouble?

12. Who is Miss Stephanie Crawford?

13. Who is Miss Caroline Fisher?

14. What is the Dewey Decimal System according to Jem?

15. How does Miss Caroline insult Walter Cunningham?

16. What is Scout’s real name?

17. What is Jem’s real name?

18. What three mistakes does Scout make her first day at school?

19. How do the Cunninghams pay their debts?

Answer each question or statement using complete sentences.

Chapters 3-4

1. Who invites Walter Cunningham home for lunch?

2. What does Walter do during lunch?

3. What lesson does Calpurnia try to teach Scout about Walter?

4. Why does Miss Caroline scream and point a finger at Burris Ewell?
5. What strategy does the Ewell family have regarding the children's education?

6. How does Cal show she cares for Scout and Jem?

7. What compromise does Atticus make with Scout regarding school?

8. What does Atticus mean when he tells Scout, “you never really understand a person until you climb into
his skin and walk around in it”?

9. On her way home from school, what does Scout first find in oak tree knothole?

10. What do Scout and Jem find together in the tree?

11. What is a “hot steam”?

12. Where does Scout end up when Jem rolls her in the tire?

13. What new game do the children play?

14. What finally stops them from playing the game?

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