Last PGC - FDR PGC Looking Back

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Activity Overview This session offers us the opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the things we have shared and all the memories from PGC. In this activity, we will: + Reflect on the year in PGC + Say farewell + Think about what we will take with us from this experience 2 | cenrenror surronrve scroots Essential Questions: What do we appreciate about this group? What will we miss most about PGC and one another? What have I gained from PGC that | canuse as I move forward? Why is it so important to acknowledge closure when a group ends? Directions 1. We are going to take some time to think about what this group experience has meant to us 2. Go to slide #3 on the Jamboard and create a sticky note that finishes the sentence, reflecting on this semester in PGC. 3. Repeat this process for slide #4 On slide #5, choose one of the sentence starters. Complete that sentence on slide #6 by posting your new sticky note on the class Jamboard. 2 | cenrer For surrornve soHooLs I really liked... This year was... In this group, I felt... ‘eflections * What's it like for you to take the time to bring this experience to a close together? * Where else in your life do you get to reflect on shared experiences? Where do you wish that you could do so?

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