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Module Code & Module Title

CC5004NI Security in Computing

Assessment Weightage & Type

10% Weekly Assignment

Year and Semester

2021-22 autumn / 2021-22 spring

Student Name: Nischita Paudel

London Met ID: 20049186
College ID: NP01NT4S210092
Assignment Due Date: 3rd December
Assignment Submission Date: 3rd December

I confirm that I understand my coursework needs to be submitted online via Google Classroom under the
relevant module page before the deadline in order for my assignment to be accepted and marked. I am
fully aware that late submissions will be treated as non-submission and a marks of zero will be awarded.
Tutorial 05 – Security in Computing (Cryptography – Part III)

Question 01. Briefly mention the general characteristics of the SDES algorithm.
ANS: The general characteristics of SDES or Simplified Data Encryption Standard
algorithm are as follows:
 Plain text are of 8 bits blocks.
 Cipher text are of 8 bits blocks.
 The key is of 10 bits.
 There are two rounds for key generations.
 The round keys are generated using permutation and left shifts 1 and 2
 (LS-1, LS-2)
 Encryption takes place using Initial Permutation, Round Function
 (Complex function) and Switching.
 Decryption takes place in similar steps to the encryption except, the round keys
are used in opposite order.

Question 02. Write down the round key generation algorithm for the SDES algorithm.
ANS: The round key generation algorithm for the SDES algorithm are:
Step 1: Apply Permutation 10 (P10) to the key 10-bit key
Step 2: Apply Left circular shift 1 (LS-1) to the output of P10 from Step 1.
Step 3: Apply Permutation 8 (P8) to the output of LS-1 from Step 2. It gives the first
8-bit key K1.
Step 4: Apply Left circular shift 2 (LS-2) to the LS-1 generated from Step 2.
Step 5: Apply Permutation 8 (P8) to the output of LS-2 from Step 4. It gives the second
8-bit key K2.

Question 03. Briefly elaborate the encryption steps for the SDES algorithm.
ANS: The encryption steps for SDES algorithm are:
Step 1: Initial Permutation (IP) is applied on the plain text.
Step 2: A complex function fk (L, R) = (L XOR F(R, Sk), R) is used with key 1.
Step 3: A simple permutation function that switches (SW) the two halves of data is
Step 4: A complex function fk (L, R) = (L XOR F(R, Sk), R) is used with key 2.
Step 5: Initial Permutation Inverse (IP^-1) is applied to get the cipher text.

Question 04. Why is it necessary to use E/P on the 4-bit halves of the plain text during
the encryption process of the SDES algorithm?
ANS: Expansion/Permutation (E/P) is required to convert the 4-bit halves into 8-bit
output, which is needed by plain text.

Question 05. In what way do you think can we decipher the cipher text to the original
plain text, which is produced using the SDES algorithm?
ANS: Following the stages of the encryption process, except the round keys are used in
the opposite order, the cipher text created by the SDES method can be decrypted to the
original plain text. The encrypted text block is first permuted, and then the difficult
function is applied as in round one with key two, and the switching is completed.
The difficult function is used again with key one in round two, and then the plain text is
obtained using Initial Permutation Inverse (IP-1).

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