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Academic Research Report

Name: Pham Vu Tam Nhan - Daniel

Broward College Vietnam

GEB2112U - Entrepreneurship

Instructor: Dr. Anh Pham - Steve

Date: September 16th, 2022




This report will cover how an individual business can turn into entrepreneurship, especially in
the craft industry, through Self-Directed Learning aka SDL. It analyzes vital information and

methods that can foster innovation for small businesses that attempt to bring their business to
another level. Moreover, the report discusses how small businesses become craft
entrepreneurship. Through this report, readers can have an overall sight of SDL, methods that
artisans use to innovate their business, and the basic sources that people can get knowledge from.
This academy report can help readers realize the gap between theory and reality and a close
connection between self-directed learning and entrepreneurship.

Table of contents

Abstract 2
Introduction 3
Analysis 3
Recommendations 5
References 7


The article starts with craft entrepreneurship, which brings the necessary knowledge about craft
entrepreneurship, such as the overview and benefits of the craft industries and the development
potential of craft entrepreneurship. The second part, the importance of SDL’s expertise to
become craft entrepreneurship, emphasizes how critical education the artisan needs to follow and
implement in the entrepreneurial process. The third part, how connections between craft industry
and SDL have created the craft opportunities and new venture creation that all follow cycles of
SDL is “assess knowledge gaps - act - review outcomes - learn.”

The reason for writing the report is to explore the SDL model, which is not fresh but is
increasingly being used extensively recently. This article shows the practical application of this
SDL model through craft entrepreneurship. Thereby we can learn more about its applicability,
and the knowledge that can help us better understand how to build an enterprise or how to
transform our expertise into entrepreneurship. The first analysis is the purpose of using SDL in
the transformation of craft expertise to craft entrepreneurship. The second analysis is the
structure to clarify SDL. In the final analysis, the writer evaluates the information such as the
definition of craft entrepreneurship and its future, then the definition of SDL, and the final
showing the influence of SDL in entrepreneurship.


Point 1 - Purpose
The author in the article gives advice on how to shift careers to become a craft entrepreneur and
the values of various professions while taking the financial viability of the company. To produce
and serve products to customers rapidly and effectively, work on a plan-based project or
procedure via self-directed learning in place of instruction. It allows them to learn from their own
experiences or from engaging with others, particularly in situations when enterprises must
compete with more powerful rivals or deal with consumer issues. Eventually, discussing self-
management and self-monitoring, which the company must employ in order to organize,
implement, monitor, and regulate all company activities.

Point 2 - Structure
The author has mentioned some parts which create a shift in becoming a craft entrepreneur. First
is the history of craft major that begins in a small city - a root for an artisan’s innovation. Next,
the author declares that there are two ways to receive knowledge on Self-Directed Learning that
are instructional - the knowledge that people can get from classrooms and interactive - the
knowledge through their own experiences or communication with others in unplanned structures,
and the second pathway attracts most researchers. For researchers, there are three important
components that create innovation in craft entrepreneurship. Ultimately, the audience can see
they have different ways to achieve their goals by numerous transitions. Their knowledge is built
up from their interaction with friends, partners, and family.

Point 3 - Vital Information

3.1 Define craft entrepreneurship and its future
Craft entrepreneurship is the process of traditional creativity, taking advantage of local
cultures and natural assets in their place of origin to make the products. It is creative industries
that exploit and use skills without expanding their business. Artisan's direct exposure remains the
most important component of the finished product. They rely on general resources that contribute
to new ideas, innovation, and value to their products (UNESCO stated). The craft industry has a
bright future because of its capacity to endure the economic crisis along with tourism and
services. The advantages of artificial help the nation reduce poverty, provide jobs, support
cultural diversity and inclusion. Handicraft products get value in many aspects, such as
aesthetics, art, creativity, attached to culture, decoration, and tradition. For example, Vietnamese
lotus silk is one of the most expensive fabrics globally. It brings a good profit with the price
being ten times more than regular silk (Evivatour). Many craft businesses fail because of the
limit of opportunity, the manager skill of the artisan. And the Main Stress of America movement
program emphasizes the value of the craft business (MainStreet America). Hence, the small
legacy cities have the opportunities for the craft company even though they might be comparable
with larger legacy cities.
3.2 Definitions of SDL
SDL is the learning process in which the learner takes primary responsibility in planning,
implementing, and evaluating a learning project. The self-directed includes three overlapping

dimensions. The foremost element is “self-management” which refers to external resources that
can lead artisans to notice and be familiar with the entrepreneurship environment, they need to
control the task or the learning activities and adopt the environment in support of goal-directed
actions. The second element is “self-monitoring”, which means artisans have responsibilities for
evaluating their results to see how they change in the whole improvement. Combining their
previous knowledge with a novel one and applying it in their future entrepreneur. And the last is
“motivation” that fosters them to implement and achieve it.

A successful entrepreneur starts with education, humility, and a lot of perseverance.

(N.A.Hassan). There is no doubt that SDL is important for craft business because it can affect the
entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs can get economic and social knowledge through education, they can
comprehend competitors, markets, and customers. Then develop their management system,
generate jobs, maintain continuity and stability in their employment. Hassan emphasizes that
learning is lifelong, it is the answer to a bold and bright future because education is synonymous
with success.
3.3 The connections between SDL and entrepreneurship.
The operational efficiency in entrepreneurship is the building up and changing over time.
Currently, the entrepreneur should be proactive in learning and adapting to new market trends
and skills. And one of the key goals of SDL is self-monitoring that the entrepreneur's
responsibility for its products is the evaluation of knowledge and products from itself or
customers throughout the process to generate relevant products fusing with the current market.
With increasing competition in so many sectors today, if entrepreneurs do not change themselves
and self-improve, they will stagnate and face business rejection. SDL provides knowledge
enhancement, it gives entrepreneurs the ability to face challenges and future growth
opportunities. The economic changes created by new technologies and automation and new
concepts have motivated entrepreneurs to create new ways of development. SDL is not only an
academic model but also a skill that entrepreneurs need to help develop their business and


I have considered that motivation is one of the first factors. It promotes the SDL process
more effectively, thereby inducing a mastery of its skills to create the product. From there,
creating an iterative process for products, these attributes force the second element of self-
management, is the opportunity to thrive by listening to the product's perception of both positive
and negative directions that can help them develop products that fit to the market. The authors
Jeff, Mary, and George have controlled over their resources, tasks and vision. This process gives
them the advantage of creating familiar markets for them and assumptions about market
opportunities for their businesses. All three script writers have conducted a similar thing: self-
assessing their skills, products. That helps them increase their understanding of the market’s
needs and their products that can help them create better and more unique products. All aspects
that I mentioned show that SDL is theoretical and it can be applied in practice to create familiar
markets, the motivation to continue with the profession, create awareness and grow businesses to
survive for craft entrepreneurship. People have to remember that all three components of self-
management; self-mentoring and motivation cannot be missing in a whole process.

In conclusion, the SDL plays a role in promoting handicraft entrepreneurship in craft
communities in these cities. The academic research captures the main aspects of SDL as
individuals transition from craft to entrepreneurship. The findings from this study need to be
further surveyed to develop theoretical SDL about manual entrepreneurship, which suggests the
discovery and exploitation of SDL for more detail, then implications for practice. Therefore, as
an entrepreneur, no matter a long-term business or a beginner, they must all carefully prepare our
knowledge and acquire the knowledge to solve problems with the above competitors' business
marketing. Entrepreneurs can learn from interacting with seniors, professional artisans or
enrolling in school by academic program. Through this lesson, we can create a management
system, create jobs and stabilize jobs that create motivation, confidence and creativity.


Dehyouri, Sahar, and Jamal F. Hosseini. “THE ROLE OF SELF-DIRECTED

“Entrepreneurship.” Entrepreneurship: types of entrepreneurship, 2021,
Garrison, D. Randy. “Self-Directed Learning: Toward a Comprehensive Model.” 1997,
Tj Carter. “What Is Self Directed Learning.” 2009,

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