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✍ 04.

Spiritual battle+Trend of God’s work

Part1: Spiritual Battle

Bros and sis’~~We are gonna be having a very important truth to share today. But before we get started, I’d like to
ask you something.

Since the Lord has returned, He is Almighty God, more and more of God’s sheep come before Him one by
another.😇 This is the result produced by His new word in the last days😇😇
BUT!! In the course of believing in Almighty God, do you run into some disturbance as belows?😧feel freely to
a. poor network;
b. very busy work;
c. very tired and sleepy when we read God's word or join the fellowship;
d. we would like to focus on the fellowship, but the message comes up, or our friends call us;
e. some disturbance from family or people around trying to stop us from seeking the new work of Almighty God
f. the children cry;
g. we just quiet our hearts before God, suddenly we’d like to play games or watch TV;

Amen!!! l do feel all of you~~~ And it seemed that almost all of us experienced it before 🙋♂ Maybe you might find
it weird Wha’s going on with us ? That would be the topic we will be having for today!!!!

Let us read a passage from Almighty God na. 📖

🔥🔥Almighty God says,
“God works, God cares for a person, looks upon a person, and Satan dogs His every step. Whoever God favors,
Satan also watches, trailing along behind. If God wants this person, Satan would do everything in its power to
obstruct God, using various evil ways to tempt, harass and wreck the work God does in order to achieve its hidden
objective. … Satan is at war with God, trailing along behind Him. Its objective is to demolish all the work God
wants to do, to occupy and control those whom God wants, to completely extinguish those whom God wants. If
they are not extinguished, then they come to Satan’s possession to be used by it—this is its objective.

🔥🔥Almighty God says, “In every step of work that God does within people, externally it appears to be
interactions between people, as if born of human arrangements or from human interference. But behind the
scenes, every step of work, and everything that happens, is a wager made by Satan before God, and requires
people to stand firm in their testimony to God. Take when Job was tried, for example: Behind the scenes, Satan
was making a bet with God, and what happened to Job was the deeds of men and the interference of men. Behind
every step of work that God does in you is Satan’s wager with God—behind it all is a battle.”

AMEN!! Now we may know that accepting God’s new work and gaining this final salvation isn’t easy as well, when
God is saving us and bringing His new work and word to man in the end time, Satan is doing its utmost to disturb
us with all kinds of manners at the same time😰

😭In the last days, the spiritual battle is intense. Satan doesn’t want us to receive God’s salvation, so it tries to use
all manner of people, events and things to disrupt our normal relationship with God.

From the outside, we’re busy with work or study, but in fact in the spiritual world, Satan is using this to disturb
you so that you will have no time to attend meetings and pursue the truth.😰😰 Slowly, you will get further and

further away from God, lose God’s care and protection and eventually be captured by Satan. We must be able to
discern Satan’s vicious motives.😣😣😣

Almighty God’s words says, “‘On earth, all manner of evil spirits are endlessly on the prowl for a place to rest, are
ceaselessly searching for the corpses of men to eat up. My people! You must remain inside My care and
protection. Never behave dissolutely! Never behave recklessly! Rather, offer up your loyalty in My house, and
only with loyalty can you mount a countercharge against the devil’s cunning. Under no circumstances must you
behave as in the past.’”

AMEN!!So true😱 Ever since mankind was corrupted by Satan, God has been working continuously to save
mankind, while Satan has been trying everything to disturb and disrupt God’s work. Satan uses all kinds of people,
events and things in our lives to disrupt us—it either brings mishaps into our homes or targets and attacks our
weak points, in the vain hope of dragging us back into its camp and finally making us lose God’s salvation and be
destroyed by God along with it.

You know😓Maybe we don’t really consider this is something big. You may say that“Well, I’m really too busy to
join the fellowship and read Almighty God’s new word. I have too much work and activities to finish up. I can’t
really join.” 😓😓

😓😓From the outside, it appears to be the actual situation but in fact Satan’s disturbance is behind this. Satan
tries to use this method to take over your heart, so that you have no time to worship God. You may only see it as
missing several meetings because you were busy and it’s nothing serious, but Satan’s sinister motives are to make
you become more and more distant from God💔, become less and less willing to attend meetings and read God’s
words, and even lose interest in believing in God💔. Actually the more we missed out the fellowship the less we
have the eager to join and make up, and it ends up that it is no big for us without joining the fellowship 😭😭 in the
end it turns out that we will lose God’s care and protection and be devoured by Satan little by little.💔💔😣
dear brothers and sisters, , after sharing all of these, do we find ourselves in this?😟 Have you experienced any
spiritual battle recently? feel free to share, dears~~~
Amen, I am so moved😭😭 we all can relate!!!

Part 2 Busy

In this world, everyone is busy: some are busy with family matters, some are busy with their careers, some are
busy with school, some are busy with earning money, some are busy with agricultural work because of the
farming season, and so on. It seems that everyone has been so busy their whole lives, physically and mentally
exhausted. Sometimes we take a pause and think: Should we spend our whole life being busy like this? Then why
can we not feel true peace and joy in our lives? So what is the value of our lives? Many wealthy people have been
busy all their lives, yet they are just as helpless in the face of illness—they have nothing to rely on, no peace, and
just fear of death.
I remember the Bible says, "Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain
woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet,
and heard his word. But Martha was encumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, do you
not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. And Jesus answered and
said to her, Martha, Martha, you are careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary
has chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her" (Luke 10:38-42).

Martha was enthusiastic and busy in doing things, yet she did not pay attention to listening to the Lord Jesus'
preaching and the words of God. Therefore, no matter how much she worked, she did not receive the Lord’s
praise, and besides, she was caught in her busyness and troubled by worries. However, Mary, from the outside,
didn’t do anything for the Lord, but she yearned for the Lord’s words, focused on quieting her heart before the
Lord and listening to His sermon, and kept in mind the Lord’s requirements, so the Lord Jesus said: “Mary has
chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her."

In fact, God's will is not to let us just do services hard, or to be shackled by busyness, but He wants us to gain the
truth. In our belief in God, only by pursuing to gain the truth can we get God's approval. This is the most
fundamental. Especially now that catastrophes are happening across the world, and more and more people feel
fear and live without peace. Many of us tell ourselves to have faith, but if we are just like people who don’t believe
in God and are busy with all kinds of worldly things all day, can we really be protected by God in disasters?
Probably not. So how can we be protected by God in disasters? This topic is so important, because if we don't seek
it but are busy with all kinds of affairs, just like Martha, then we won't receive God's approval, and we will only
fall into disaster. God praised Mary who chose to prioritize listening to God's words and the preaching of the Lord
Jesus. So do you want to join a sermon about how to be protected by God in disasters?

Brothers and sisters, you probably feel tired because you are so busy at work, right? In fact, I used to be the same
as you. I was often scolded by my boss and ridiculed by my colleagues at work. I was so exhausted after working
18 hours a day. Have you thought about it? Should people just live like this all their lives? How can we not be so
tired? The Lord Jesus prophesied that when He returns, He will take us back to the heavenly home, where there is
no need to work and no fatigue and people live in God's blessing all day long. Do you desire such a kind of life?

Many brothers and sisters are envious of people living in the United States, thinking that in the United States, the
jobs are good, the salaries are high, and the living conditions are good. But through the huge disaster—the recent
global pandemic, I guess many people will not think that way anymore, because the number of deaths and the
number of infections in the US are far higher than other countries. I am also surprised: The United States is a
Christian country, but why are there so many people (including many Christians) infected with the virus and are
not protected by God? ? This is really worthy of our reflection. In fact, in the United States, many Christians just
believe in God verbally, and they are usually busy with their work, family, and life, focusing on pleasure, just
enjoying the grace of God, and not focusing on seeking God’s will for His work in the last days. Many celebrities
and those with wealth and social status are unfortunately infected or even died. They have good jobs and high
status, but in the end, neither of these can save them from disaster. Just as the Bible says, "For what shall it profit
a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
(Mark 8:36-37)

🍀Almighty God says, “People spend their lives chasing after money and fame; they clutch at these straws,
thinking they are their only means of support, as if by having them they could live on, exempt from death. But
only when they are about to die do they realize how distant these things are from them, how weak they are in the
face of death, how easily they shatter, how lonely and helpless they are, with nowhere to turn. They realize that
life cannot be bought with money or fame, that no matter how wealthy a person may be, no matter how lofty their
position, all are equally poor and insignificant in the face of death. They realize that money cannot buy life, that
fame cannot erase death, that neither money nor fame can lengthen a person’s life by a single minute, a single

🍀God has accommodated us to the point where we are patient. We are blessed by God. We don’t have to sacrifice
our lives like the saints in the past, And no one has ever asked us to give anything to God. Instead, just let us enjoy
God’s words for nothing. God has given us this. Breath of breath, God gave us 168 hours a week, only let us spend a
little time to God, people are not reconciled.
😊😊Dears, are you willing to give 2 hours every other day to learn God’s new words ?
a. yes
🎉🎉In fact, when we spend time worshiping God, we don’t waste our time, on the contrary, we can gain God’s
enlightenment and can do other things better and effectively. Otherwise, we will feel more n more tired and
stressed without Gods blessing .
God is righteous, His work is always moving forward without waiting for anyone who always says“I’m busy, I’m
not ready yet, wait until I finish pursuing my own interests...” 😲😲So dears~ Do you think God will always wait for
those who are busy without giving time for God?

That’s right, answer is NO!!! He always carries out his work according to His plan!!! 🌞 Just like Almighty God says,
🔥“The work of God surges onward like a mighty wave. No one can detain Him, and no one can halt His march.
Only those who listen carefully to His words, and who seek and thirst for Him, can follow His footsteps and
receive His promise. Those who do not shall be subjected to overwhelming disaster and well-deserved
🍀God’s heart shed tears and blood for the sake of mankind... . God has always used his sincerity to persuade
mankind. If God can’t wake up people’s hearts in any way, then there is nothing to do ...In the end, no matter
what happens, everyone must praise that God is righteous, because God has given us enough opportunities and

Part 3: The importance of accepting end time work

We got a question here again, now we know how important it is to join the fellowship!! BUT!!

Some people might think even l don't have time for this fellowship, but l still go to church on sunday and alway
pray before bed. l still can be purified by God and enter His Kingdom, because God knows my heart! Do you agree
with such statement? ❓?
It is big NO!!! Thank God, you all get it 😘😘! As we all know that the work of God in the age of grace was mainly for
redemption. Now the Lord has returned with His new word and work. This is the final stage where we can be
finally purified by reading and experiencing Almighty God’s new word in this age of kingdom. That’s why reading
the new word of Almighty God here is really important for you and me!

Let’s read one passage of Almighty God’s word to know better why the fellowship here about His new word is
really so important for us!
Almighty God says, “The work done by God during this age is chiefly the provision of the words for the life of man;
the exposure of man’s nature essence and corrupt disposition; and the elimination of religious notions, feudal
thinking, outdated thinking, and the knowledge and culture of man. These things must all be cleansed through
being exposed by God’s words. In the last days, God uses words, not signs and wonders, to make man perfect. He
uses His words to expose man, to judge man, to chastise man, and to make man perfect, so that in the words of
God, man comes to see the wisdom and loveliness of God, and comes to understand the disposition of God, and so
that through the words of God, man beholds the deeds of God.”

AMEN!! From Almighty God’s word we come to understand that He is now doing the work of casting off all of our
corruptions and wrong conceptions of man in our heart. As well as revealing a lot of new words about some
practices in our life that we didn’t even know how to solve and to see through and to get over!! These are all the
truths expressed by Almighty God right now in His new word.

So if we don’t join the fellowship here in order to know more, can we finally be saved due to our ignorance of the
truth? Can we have our sinful nature gradually removed if we don’t even join the fellowship here and read
Almighty God’s new word?? NO, we can’t!!

Almighty God says, ”All disasters will befall one after another; all nations and all places will experience
disasters—plague, famine, flood, drought and earthquakes are everywhere. These disasters do not just happen in
one or two places, nor will they be over within one or two days, but instead they will extend over a greater and
greater area, and the disasters will become more and more severe. During this time all manner of insect plagues
will arise in succession, and the phenomenon of cannibalism will occur in all places. This is My judgment on all
nations and peoples. My sons! You must not suffer the pain or the hardships of the disasters. I wish for you to
soon come of age and take up the burden that lies on My shoulders as quickly as may be; why don’t you
understand My will? The work ahead will become more and more strenuous. Are you so hard-hearted as to leave
Me with My hands full, to work so hard on My own? I will speak plainer: Those whose lives mature will enter into
refuge and will not suffer pain or hardship; those whose lives do not mature must suffer pain and harm. My words
are clear enough, aren’t they? “

We can see, there are more and more disasters all over the world recently. it also is a reminder to us. God loves
us, He hopes we could cooperate with Him more to gain His salvation. This is the final stage of God’s work,
Almighty God will not work among us for a long time, if we do not cooperate more with Him, do not value His
words and practice truth, do not fellowship His words more, not to be purified and perfected by Him, we may
miss His promise.

we need to realize that we don’t have much time to be wasted, as Almighty God’s salvation work in the age of
kingdom is coming to an end! A group of overcomers have been made due to their thirsty heart while we still
ignore Almighty God’s new word over and over again💔💔💔

Part 4: Pay the price to gain life

Dear brothers and sisters, since you understand the importance of attending our fellowship and learning God’s
new word, I am sure all of you are willing to join with us. ☺☺ But I know some brothers and sisters have actual
difficulties, they have no data because of lack of money. Brothers and sisters, how to treat this environment,
should we stop seeking and investigating the true way because of this actual difficulty? How should we go through
this situation?

To understand it, let’s read some Almighty God’s words:

Almighty God says: “They want to gain God’s promises without paying any price at all. These are the extravagant
thoughts that mankind entertains. Gaining life itself without paying a price—but has anything ever been this easy?
When someone believes in God and seeks to enter into life and seeks a change in their disposition, they must pay
a price and achieve a state in which they will always follow God, no matter what He does. This is something that
people must do. Even if you follow all of this as a rule, you must always uphold it, and no matter how great the
trials, you cannot let go of your normal relationship with God. You should be able to pray, maintain your church
life, and never leave your brothers and sisters. When God tries you, you should still seek the truth. This is the
minimum requirement for a spiritual life. Always having the desire to seek, and striving to cooperate, applying all
of your energy—can this be done?”

Almighty God says, “If you do not seek out opportunities to be perfected by God, if you do not strive to pursue
being perfected, then you will ultimately be filled with remorse. Now is the best opportunity to be perfected—this
is the best time. If you do not earnestly seek perfection by God, once His work has concluded it will be too
late—you will have missed this opportunity. No matter how great your aspirations, if God is no longer performing

work, regardless of the effort that you put in, you will never be able to be perfected. You must seize this
opportunity and cooperate through the great work of the Holy Spirit. If you miss this opportunity, you will not be
given another no matter how much effort you put in.”

From Almighty God’s words we can see that we must pay the price to gain the truth and life. God is almighty,
everything is in His hands. God is also the practical God, in people’s mind, when we need help, God will do some
supernatural way to help us. People have this imagination, because they don’t understand that God is also
practical. So when we face the actual difficulties, such as can’t find a job, no money to buy data or food, we need
to pray to God for His help, at the same time, we need to cooperate with God from our own side, to find the way to
make money and buy the load.

God has no higher requirement for us. but we just need to join the fellowship to learn His new words.we need to
pay a little money to buy data to join the fellowship, but we can attain eternal life. Especially since so many
disasters have happened, God is our only refuge. We pay a small price but get a big blessing from God. That's
worth it.

Almighty God’s judgment work is the last stage of God’s three stages of work to save mankind. God's work is going
to end. If we miss the chance to catch the bus, we can wait for the next one, but if we miss the last chance to be
purified by God, we may miss the chance to enter into the kingdom of heaven. When God’s work finishes totally,
we will weep and gnash our teeth.
Brothers and sisters, would you like to pay the price to gain final salvation from God? 😃 Raise your hand up 🙋if
you are ready for it~

❓Some siblings may say that I also want to find a job, but it is really not easy, then how should we expereince this
situation ?Let’s read some words of God
(Mattew 6;25-34)The Lord said, "Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather
into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?...31 Therefore take no
thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?32 (For after all
these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.33 But
seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
From the Bible verse we can understand everything ,living or dead, is in God’s hands. God supplies and cares for
all living beings, even the little bird, it doesn’t need to worry about its food and everything, God has prepared for
it. Of course man’s everything is in God’s hands too, we should have faith in God and believe that if we rely on
God, God will feed us by His way. Just as the widow who received Elijah, she believed that Elijah is from God, and
made the bread to him with only little flavor and oil. Out of her imaginings, the only little flavor and oil never get
less. My brothers and sisters, you spend the data joining our fellowship, since your heart is sincere to seek the
truth, God will help and guide you to get more data, we should trust God. 😃☺
I want to share one sister’s experience with you.

In the beginning when she just came to Italy, she didn't know how to speak Italian, she had no friends, no
relatives here, she even had no work experience, but she really needed a job, so she could support her daily life.
She started to pay attention to job postings online. She tried to apply for a job to teach Chinese, but they all
required her to speak Italian fluently and have work experience. After some days, she still can't get a suitable job.
She was worried that she would have no food to eat and no place to sleep. She felt hopeless and helpless.She came
before God to pray, "Dear Almighty God, I just want to get a job to provide my daily life, so that I can quiet my
heart to believe in God and perform duty, but I have difficulties in finding a job, I don't want to earn much
money, but just want to have money to buy food and data , so that I can join the online fellowship and learn God's
new words. I do believe your heart is good. no matter what kind of work I will have, no matter when I will get a
job, I still praise your name. '' After praying to God, She read two passages of Almighty God's words.
🙇♀🙇♀Almighty God says: “You must have faith that everything is in God’s hands, and that humans are merely
cooperating with Him. If your heart is sincere, God will see it, and He will open up all paths for you, making
difficulties no longer difficult. This is the faith you must have” “You need not worry about anything while you
perform your duty, as long as you use all your strength and put your heart into it. God will not make things
difficult for you or force you to do what you are not capable of” (“Entry Into Life Is Most Important to Faith in God”
in Records of Chris)

🙇♀🙇♀Almighty God says: “Man’s heart and spirit are held in the hand of God, everything of his life is beheld in
the eyes of God. Regardless of whether or not you believe this, any and all things, whether living or dead, will
shift, change, renew, and disappear in accordance with God’s thoughts. Such is the way in which God presides
over all things.”
These two passages of words really give her more strength, She said after reading these passages, she understand
that God is the Almighty, everything is in God’s control, in God's Hand there is nothing is impossible, when we
truly rely on God, He will open a way for us, her faith in God becomes stronger. Every day before she goes out to
find a job , or before she calls to ask for a chance to interview, she prays to God and commits it in God's hand,
because she knows man's heart and mind is in God's control. To her great surprise, after some days, she got a
chance to teach Chinese in a school, that is the school which rejected her a few days ago, but they called her and
asked her to work there. She really feels God's Almightiness, and in this situation, God just wants to test our faith
and guide us to rely on Him but not ourselves. All the glory be to Almighty God!

My dear bro and sis, after hearing this testimony, If your faith becomes stronger?
Amen Amen, thank God! I do believe if our heart is sincere , if we truly rely on God. God will guide us to overcome
all the difficulties. ✨🌾🍁☘

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