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T-1/21 SOCIAI SCIENCE NAME__________

M.M.100 CLASS- IV ROLL NO_______
Q1 Long Questions: [5×4=20]
(I) Distinguish between Hills and Plains. Write any two points of each.
(Il) Write four features of Satluj basin.
(Ill) Write four ways to decrease the use of wood in our daily lives.
(IV) How do the discovery of fire help early human?
(V) What does the word Himalaya means ?Write two ways in which the Himalayas are useful to us.
Q2 Short Questions: [5×3=15]
(I) Write three major use of compass rose.
(Il) Write a short note on life in Brahmaputra basin.
(Ill) Write the name of any three types of work done by the Munda tries to earn money.
(IV) How invention of wheel has changed the life of early human in many ways?
(V) Write any three examples of the oral tradition of India.
Q3 Very Short Questions: [5×2=10]
(I) What are sand dunes ?How do they move from one place to another place?
(Il) What do you understand by the term customs ?Explain by giving an example.
(Ill) Write any one differences and one similarity between the Hindustani and Carnatic music.
(IV) How did the Sundarban gets its name?
(V) What do you understand by neighbouring countries?
Q4 Fill in the blanks: [10×1]
(I) ____;; is a popular festivals of Bihar.
(Il) The Himalayas lie between the river Indus and river _____.
(Ill) In a map water bodies are shown in ___colour.
(IV)Basva's father will sow ___ seeds in the field.
(V) The soil of the northern plains is fertile because of the ____ deposited by the river in this region.
(Vl) Nandita came to ____ for her mother treatment.
(Vll) Taste of water is _____.
(Vlll) Hills to the west of the Thar Desert___.
(IX) A river that join a larger river is known as its ______.
(X) A place where a birds lives with its young ones ____.
Q5 True /False: [10×1=10]
(I) India is is surrounded by water bodies on two sides. ( )
(Il) Munda tribe live in Chota Nagpur Plateau. ( )
(Ill) Early human made tools to hunt animals and to defend themselves. ( )
(IV) Babloo's house has no window. ( )
(V) Folk theatre is known as Nautanki in Maharashtra. ( )
(Vl) Nallamade is a village in Andhra Pradesh.( )
(Vll) Kunti is used to loosen the soil.( )
(Vlll) Chandigarh is the capital of Bihar.( )
(IX) The Himalayas have three parallel mountain ranges. ( )
(X) Abdul helping his father in the home
Q6 One word answer: [10×1=10]
(I) A transport which has no wheels and has to be pushed or dragged.
(Il) Where does the water in your school came from?
(Ill) An animal that is hunted and killed by animals for food.
(IV) A place of land that surrounded by water all sides.
(V) Which plateau is rich in minerals?
(VI) Which animals is called the ship of desert?
(VII) Keeping cows and buffaloes for selling milk and Milk products.
(VIII) National bird of India.
(IX) Rock from which metal can be taken out at seasonable cost.
(X) When steam and other material flow out from a volcano.
Q7 Define: [5×1=5]
(I) Culture (ll) Fossil (Ill) Peninsula Plateau (lV) Oasis (V) Flint Stone
Q8 Match the following: [5×1=5]
(I) A Plain __ dry area with little or no rainfall
(Il) Australia __ a building to keep historical objects safe
(Ill) A Desert __ words written on hard surface
(IV) Museum __ Island
(V) Inscriptions __ large area of flat land
Q9 Name any two:. [5×2=10]
(I) Two monuments of India.
(Il) Two main crops of the Deccan Plateau.
(Ill) Two valleys that lie in the middle Himalayas.
(IV) Two wild animals in Satluj basin.
(V) Two Island neighbours of India.
Q10Mark the following on the map: [5×1=5]
(I) Malwa plateau (ll)Shillong plateau (lll)Bundelkhand plateau (IV)Chota Nagpur Plateau (V)Deccan Plateau

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