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Learning Outcomes
Effective Communication
Listening Skills
Parts of Speech
Writing Sentences

know that we need a

As we al medium to convey information/message from one person to another per. nis
medium is known as communication.
In this unit, we will learn about basics of
communication and how to make the communication effective. Next, you
will learn aboutlistening skills. Then, you will learn about parts of
to write sentences and
speech. At the end of the
unit, you will learn how

Communication is
two-way process in which information or messages are communicated between individuals

through the use of words,

symbols, signs, or behaviour. The components of communication that help us
others are speaking, Iistening, reading, and comprehend
writing. To learn a language, four fundamental skills must be developed
which are listening, speaking, reading, and writing as shown:

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Speaking more than one language can help a person communicate effectively with
people all over the world. Learning
English, in addition to the language the person has been exposed to since birth, can assist one
communicate with
those who understand English. The
capacity to communicate effectively is a necessary talent in today's world. To
effectively communicate with individuals and customers, communication skills are required.
As shown in the following figure, communication requires a
sender who encodes and transmits a message across a
channel, and a receiver who decodes the message and provides feedback. Feedback is vital in communication since
it allows sender to determine whether or not the
receiver understood the message.

Communication Skills-V| 17


(Effective Communication
communicate messages
that are clear, concise and Ace
CIVe communication necessitates the ability to
the other person. We
A want to send to have two
straightforward statement rovides the exact idea that you
SEntences here. Which of the following do you believe is a clear statemen
dtement 1: A student tells his teacher, " have a football match on 30 November at 10 am so kindly allow
me to
write the exam on the next day"
Statement 2: A student tells his teacher, "I have a football match so kindly allow me to write ne exam on the next day

Now, let's consider the replies in each situation.

Statement 1: The teacher replied, "Ok. You may rite the exanm on the next day
Statement 2: The teacher replied, "You have already missed many days. If you cannot balance sports and studies, it

will be difficult for you to get good grades"

AS you can observe in the second statement, there is no need for the teacher to talk about the student's grades in
the current scenario. This could have been shared separately or in a different forum like a PTM.

An accurate statement is factual, in the sense that its correctness can be proved. Let us see more
The metro will arrive late at the Rajiv Chowk station by 5 minutes.
The metro will arrive late at the Rajiv Chowk station.
application for new job is incomplete: contact number and address is missing.
Your application for new job is incomplete.
As you can see, quantitative information is mentioned in the first line, which makes
the sentence accurate. Our
communication must be
clear, brief and accurate. Effective communication abilities enable us
to convey the message
accurately and completely. Confusion, frustration, lost
effort, and missed opportunities can all arise from a lack of
communication skills.

)Listening Skills
Every effective communication begins with active
listening. One of the most fundamental communication abilitues IS
the ability to listen. It is critical to learn to
pay whole attention to the person with
of the reasons why Ilistening attentively is crucial are whom you are conversing. o me
listed below:
We listen to gather information.
We listen to comprehend.

18 Touchpad Artificial Intelligence-XI

We listen to have fun, learn, develop and sustain relationships,
We listen to resolve issues.
Messages can be readily misconstrued if the ability to listen attentively is not present. As a result, communication
breaks down and the message's sender may become angry or irritated.

Active Listening
Active listening is an art that combines the desire to understand with the ability to support and empathise with
the speaker. It can have an impact on your job effectiveness, the quality of your relationships with others and, as a
result, your general well-being. Active listening enables you to comprehend the issues and contribute to developing

The following are some of the factors that influence active listening:
Eye Contact: Eye contact is a must while communicating. It is one of the most important parts of communication.
Maintaining eye contact with the person you're speaking with communicates to the speaker, "Yes, T'm talking
to you or listening to you." Avoiding eye contact could indicate that you do not want to hear what the person
speaking to you is saying. Avoiding eye contact may also depict lack of confidence.

with someone, keep your

Gestures: These show the speaker whether you are listening or not. While speaking
hands and feet still.

Communication Skills-IV 19
of your
diversions. To listen pro oroperly, you must
Avoiding distractions: You must first identify
the sources

mobile o r
turn it off while attending a meetine
on your
Reduceithe ringtone you should avoid reql-
physically remove all distractions.
Another example is that
to someone, for example, to avoid
checking your Instagram/Whatsapp messages.

in both circumstances, one must be

Providing feedback: Feedback can be either good or negative. However,
respectful so that the person receiving the input doesn't get hurt or insulted.

Phases of Active Listening

Active listening' is the best type of listening. It occurs when you hear, comprehend, respond to, and recall what is
being spoken. The following are the five phases or stages of active listening.

1. Receiving: It includes paying close attention.

2. Recognition: It is an informed agreement regarding something or someone.

3 Remembering: It refers to the retrieval or recollection of past information.

4. Evaluating: It is the process of determining the worth, quantity or
quality, significance of something o

5. Responding: It is the act of saying or doing anything in response to something spoken or done.

20 Touchpad ArtificialIntelligence-XIl
How can active listening be ensured?
To ensure active listening, use the acronym 'RESPECT:"
R- Remove (distractions)

E-Eye contact with the speaker

that you are paying close attention to the speaker through gestures
P-Pay attention and concentrate on what the speaker is saying
E-Empathise with the speaker's feelings. Empathy is the ability to share another person's feelings or experiences by
thinking about what it would be like to be in that person's shoes.
C-Clear up any doubts, ask questions.
T- Tune in to the speaker's timing, ie., wait for the speaker to complete before responding.

Barriers to Active Listening

You must have now understood the phases of active listening and various factors affecting active listening. Let us
now attempt to comprehend how to overcome barriers to active listening.
Factor How does a factor become a barrier? How can one overcome the barrier?

Being preoccupied When you are preoccupied, you Don't let your emotions take over your
may not pay close attention to what thoughts.
someone is sayinng.
Phones and digital devices should be kept
at a distance.
Audio and visual In a noisy location, you might not be To avoid misinterpretations and
distractions able to hear the other person clearly. distractions, create a suitable setting.
Previous experiences Based on previous experiences and Avoid establishing biases and maintain
or mindset encounters, you may have established objectivity when communicating with
biases or preconceptions.
Personal Personal feelings, such as
preconceived Allow the other person to finish their
considerations notions about the other person, may sentence before responding.
influence your listening.

Task I n t e r - D i s c i p l i n a r y

Scan the QR code visit the

or following link to watch the video: 5 SIMPLE WAYS to
After watching the video, the
answer following question: oRANGE
Write any two ways to
improve communication skills.
*"***'********* ..

1. State True or False:
a. An accurate message should be wordy
of listening.
b. Active listening' is the best type to

c a n lead
skills message
C. communication transmits
effective and
Or receiver who
requires a

across a channel. have

encounters, you may
e. experiences and
biases or preconceptions.
2. Fill in the blanks: and significance oe
f the
determine the worth
a. In the phase of active
D. Eye Contact is one ofthe most important parts
C. Feedback can be either or

lo listen properly, you must physically remove a

d ability to support and empathise with
with the
e. combines a desire to understand
the speaker.

'* ***"****

)Parts of Speech
Parts of speech are the classifications of words in any language that are based on their Tunction inside a sentence
hese are the 'building blocks' of any language. When we speak or write, we utilise sentences to explain ourselyes
As a result, sentences are
A 'sentence' is a combination of words that
conveys a complete meaning, thought, or action, for example, Mans
watches cartoons on TV
every day.
A collection of words' is a set of words that does not make
A sentence
perfect sense, for example, Mansi watches.
always starts with a
capital letter and finishes with a full stop,
For example: question mark, or an exclamation mark.
The teacher teaches Maths
in the classroom.
dropped the glass.
I am
studying hard for my exams.
Using Capital Letters
We all know that
every sentence starts with a
what to capitalise. capital letter. If you recall the
MINTS is a simple set of
rules that rules, 'MINTS,
simple toit's
assist you in
correctly capitalising words as shown figure

M-Months below.
1-the letter 'T
My favourite N-Names
month is August. Deepa and I are (people, places, things)
best friends. Rachna is
to see
going to Agra
the Taj Mahal.
My favourite book S-Start of Sentences
is Vampire Diaries We are
going to see
a movie.
Touchpad Artificial Intelligence-XII
Using Punctuation exclamation
or period,
comma, question mark,
gus, tnere
are l5 primary punctuation symbols o r signs. Full stop and bullet
mark, bracket, brace, ellipsis,
apostrophe, colon, semicolon, dash, hyphen, parenthesis, quotation
point are examples of punctuation.

Comma, Full StoP. Quotation Mark"

Jack is a clever, healthy Prof. Sharma teaches She said, "I am tired."

dog. Design Thinking

Question Mark? Apostrophe Exclamation!

What is your roll This is my teacher's Alas! I lost my wallet!
number? book.

Basic Parts of Speech

Parts of speech are the various types of words that humans use in sentences. Nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs,
adverbs are the basic parts of speech. Let us understand these.

Part of Speech Purpose Example Sentence

The monkey ran up the tree.
Noun Person, place, or thing Agra, monkey I am going to Agra.
The boy was crying.
Verb action/doing words ran, crying The cat ran after the mouse.

He was driving a red car.

Adjective describes a noun Red, long I have long hair.

describes the verb, The airplane was flying above

Adverb adjective, or another above, quickly the clouds.
adverb The cat drinks milk quickly.
She is speaking quite gently.
Pronoun replaces the noun she, he, it, you
You should brush your teeth.

The same word can be used as different parts of speech as shown below

Adjective All women must vote.

Noun My father lost his all in speculation.
Adverb She was all alone in the classroom.
Pronoun All voted against him in the election.

Supporting Parts of Speech

Along with the above main parts of speech, several words support them. These
Part of Speech Example Sentence
I carry an umbrella every day.
Articles a, an, the
The metro arrived late.

Skills-1V | 23

I was hungry, so ate the cake.

Part of Speech Example so
and, but, She is standing under the tree.
Conjunctions Connecting between,
words-of, Wow! What a beautiful dress!
Prepositions Snow relation between

Interjections Words express strong

Writing Sentences meaningful

idea. A nce is constructe

A sentence is a sequence of words
wo that collectively
the sentence. A sentence
that others
by stringing together a series of words. This means
or command. Writing is create

a statement,
of a subject and an object that conveys understandable to the reaael.

dirdhging sentences in a logical order that is sentence has different parts as shown below
sense. A
e s a
group of words that makes complete
Rahul drinks

Object-the receiver
Verb-expresses what
Subject-the person or of the action.
the action is.
thing performing the

Some other examples are:

Sentence Subject Verb Object

kicks the ball
Reema kicks the ball. Reema
He smokes a cigar
He smokes a cigar.
Kanika drives the car. Kanika drives the car

Types of Sentences-Classification I
Given below are different types of sentences.

Types of Sentences

Simple Sentence Complex Sentence Compound Sentence

Let us now learn about each of them in detail.

Simple Sentence
A simple sentence is one with only one subject and one
predicate or one with only one finite verb. For
She speaks loudly examples
My brother woke up early in the morning.
We won the match.

24 Touchpad Artificial Intelligence-Xll

Complex Sentence
A complex sentence is one that contains at least one independent clause and one dependent dlause. Complex
sentences are easy toidentify because they frequently use subordinating conjunctions to connect clauses, such as
because, since, or until. For examples:
Many people enjoyed the movie; however, Rohit did not.
He is happy since he retired.
When my aunt visits, the whole
family has fun.
Although she ran very fast, she did not catch the bus.

Compound Sentence
A compound sentence is one that contains at least two independent clauses linked together by a comma, semicolon,
or conjunction. An independent clause contains both a subject and a verb and constitutes a complete notion. For
Katniss in The Hunger Games' survived in the forest as she was an excellent archer.
She wants to lose weight, yet she eats chocolates daily.
He recently lost his mother, so he is feeling sad.

Types of objects
The object in a sentence can be either direct or indirect. Let us understand both.

Direct object a noun or pronoun receiving the action

generally preceded by the verb

does not depend on the indirect object

Indirect Object a noun/pronoun that receives the direct object.

generally preceded by prepositions

depends on the direct object

Let us understand using an example:

My cousin brought us freshly picked flowers.

Indirect object Direct object

Some more examples are:

Sentence Direct Object Indirect Object

He gave his son a present. present Son

The little boy drew his teacher a picture. picture teacher

chocolates me
My sister bought me some chocolates.
Types of Sentences-Classificatior
the two?
Active and Passive Sentences distinguish

How to
we use both active and passive sentences while speaking. Passive Sentence

Active Sentence verb + subject

Subject + verb + object acted upon.
is being
The subject
The subject performs the action on
The deer was killed by the
the object.
Example: The lion killed the deer. are sung by Gargi.
Lovely songs
Gargi sings lovely songs.

Some more examples are:

Passive S e n t e n c e

Active Sentence
The pigeon was killed by the cat.
The cat killed the pigeon.
From where was this bag bought by you?
Where did you buy this bag from?
A cake was made by Jai
Jai madeacake.

Types of Sentences-Classification III as shown in the table:

exclamatory, and imperative
nere are tour types of sentences: declarative, interrogative,
Exclamatory Sentence
Imperative Sentence
Declarative Sentence Interrogative Sentence

statement These sentences convey an

question An exclamatory
It conveys information It always asks a
order, instruction, request,
or expresses a fact. It and ends with a conveys a powerful
emotion, such as joy, or word of advice. It can be
always terminates with question mark (?).
terminated with a full stop or
a full stop (). This is grief, terror, or wonder. It
an exclamation mark (. orl).
the most typical type is always followed by an
exclamation mark ().
of sentence.
Examples Examples
Examples Examples
Yippee! I passed the test. Cook the vegetables.
We own a cat. Are you hungry?
Did she pass the exam? Alas! I lost my bag. Complete this work by
She has finished
reading that book. tomorrow.

is made up of sentences. When composing a paragraph, make sure all the sentences share
the same
A paragraph
idea. Make a new paragraph if you want to write something. For example, if you're writing about your
school, the
about the name, location, size, and other relevant information. You can use
first paragraph may include phrases
sentences in the following paragraph to describe what you enjoy about your school.

I study in Kendriya Vidyalaya in Ajmer, Rajasthan. It is located near the highway. It is a small school with few
excellent teachers. My school has around 200 students.

I enjoy going to school and learning new things. After lessons, I go to the playground and play football with my
also has a library. It is fantastic!
classmates. My school

26 | Touchpad Artificial Intelligence-XIl

AtAt a Glance
Communication two-way process in which information or messages are communicated
is a
individuals through the use of words,
symbols, signs, or behaviour.
To learn a language, four fundamental skills must be developed: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Communication requires a senderwho encodes and transmits a message across a channel, anda
who decodes the message and provides feedback.
eedback Is vital in communication since it allows you to determine whether or not the receiver
understood the message.
Our communication must be clear, brief, and accurate.
Effective communication abilities enable us to conveythe message accurately and entirely.
One of the most fundamental communication abilities is the ability to listen.
Active listening combines a desire to understand with the ability to support and empathise with the
Active listening can have an impact on your job effectiveness, the quality of your relationships with
others, and, as a result, your general well-being.
To ensure active listening, use the acronym 'RESPECT!
There are many barriers to active listening like biases, being preoccupied, and audio or visual distractions.
Parts of speech are the classifications of words in any language that are based on their function inside
a sentence.
A sentence is a combination of words that conveys a complete meaning, thought, or action.
In English, there are 15 primary punctuation symbols or signs.
Nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, and averbs are the basic parts of speech
A sentence usually consists of a subject and an object that conveys a statement, question, exclamation,
or command.
Sentences can be simple or complex, active or passive, declarative or interrogative or exclamatory or
When composing a paragraph, make sure the sentences all share the same idea.

Tick () the correct option.
1. Which of the following is NOT a step of active listening?
a. Evaluate b. Receiving

C. Feedback

Which of the following is a barrier to active listening?

d. Post
a. Eye contact b. Being preoccupied
C. Gestures
O d. Avoiding distractions
MINTS is a simple set of rules that assist you in correctly .

the words.
a. capitalising b. punctuating
C. joining
O d. interjecting
4. Hearing is
a. active b. passive
C. Neither (a) or (b) d. Both (a) and (b)

Communication Skills-IV 27
Which one of the following aptly detines a sentei

a. A combination of words

b. A group of simlar words

conveys a
moinationof words that

None of the above understana with the ability to

desire to
combines a
hstennG an ait that
Sertion (A): ActNe Is

Support and empathise with the speaker.

have an impact on yourjob errectivenESS
eason(R): Active listenmg can

the correct explanation of A

Doth A ànd R are true and R is

not the correct

explanation orA.
Both A and R are true but Ris

A Is true but R is false.

d. A is false but R is true.

When will aunt Suman visit us? is a

b. Imperative Sentence
a. Declarative Sentence d. Interrogative Sentence
Exclamatory Sentence

What does P in RESPECT for active listening' stand for?

a. Popularity
b. pin your ears back
Cpay attention and concentrate on what the speaker is saying
d. pay money to the speaker
involves listening, speaking, writing,
or transferring information in any
9 Which among the following
other form to understand others?
b . b. Concentration
a. Communication
d. Emailing
C. Talking
10. Communication requires a who encodes and transmits a message across a channel,
and a receiver who decodes the message and provides. wwwwww

a. sender, information b. sender, feedback

C. feedback, sender d. source, feedback

11. You work at the front desk of a telecom company. A customer approaches you while you are
working. The customer has a query regarding abill. What would you do? INCERT
a. Not pay attention to the customer O
b. Keep the work aside and help the customer
C.Continue doing your work while talking inattentively to the customer
d. Ask the customer to talk to someone else

12 Which of the following can be a barrier to active listening? [NCERT)

a. Noisy environment
b. Not maintaining an eye contact with. the speaker
c. Not being attentive
d. All of the above

13. Which of these sentences is capitalised correctly? NCERT

a. I am Hungry.
b. Divya
and sunil are
C.The bucket is Full of water. reading
d. She lives in
14. Which of these sentences is
punctuated correctly? [NCERT
a. Where are
b. Ihave a pen a notebook and a pencil.
c. Iam so happy to
see you! d. This is my house.
15. Which of these sentences
has/have both indirect and direct objects? NCERT]
Iam working on a presentation. b. She bought a blue pen.
C. The girls played cricket.
d. He wrote a letter to his sister.
16. Which of the following factor does not improve active listening? CBSE Sample Paper, 2022]
a. Eye contact
b. Being pre-occupied
C. Gestures
d. Giving feedback
17. MINTS' isa set of simple rules that helps in words correctly. CBSE Sample Paper, 2022]
a. Capitalize
b. Punctuation
C. Conjunction
d. Interjection
18. Which of the following is one of the steps of Active
Listening? ICBSE, 2022]
a. Concentrate

b. Absorb
C.Answer d. Trust
19 is the act of conveying meanings from one entity or group to another
through the use of mutually understood signs, symbols, and semiotic rules. [CBSE, 2022]
a. Dancing b. b. Teaching
C. Walking
O d. Communication

Solved Questions
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. . is important in communication as it helps to understand whether the receiver has understood
the message or not.
2 in English, there are. primary punctuation symbols or signs.

3. are the classifications of words in any language that are based on their function inside a
4. The stage of active listening refers to the retrieval or recollection of past information.

5. R' in RESPECT stands for

B. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. Complex sentences are easy to identify because they frequently use independent conjunctions.

2. A sentence usually consists of a subject and an object.

5. While practicing active listening, we should not ask questions to clear doubts as it disturbs the speaker.

4. Feedback must always be negative.

5. Phones and digital devices should be kept at a distance while practicing active listening.

C. Short answer type questions.

1 Define simple and complex sentences. Also, give examples.
Ans. A simple sentence is one with only one subject and one predicate or one with only one finite verb. Example

She loves dancing.

Communication Skills-IV| 29
dependendent clause.
Example: Most
A complex sentence contains at least
e however, Aditi had
uents had read the book;
2. are the non-verbal cues of active listening
i. Keep eyes on the speaker
i. Sit still and do not interrupt doubts
ii. Kaise your hand to ask any
on the other hand, is cm
3. Differentiate between hearing and listening.
sound with the ear.
Draln to process meanino
thing you
Hearing is merely the act of perceiving necessitates

intentionally choose to do. Listening

and sentences.
4. Why is active listening crucial in the workplace sharing
intormation with us. People will
be more
Ans. allows others to feel at ease while to honestly listen to what other
Ctive listening

frequently if we display our capacity others have to

interested in interacting with us
say. This can help to create new opportunities.
and complex sentences
5. aentity the following as simple, compound
Alisha and Jassi went to the park in the evening.
. Subhi went to the garden and plucked some
i. The house was so beautiful that Dad decided to buy it.
iv. Anjali can stay or leave.
V Although it was a sunny day, we did not go for a picnic.
Ans. Alisha and Jassi went to the park in the evening. (Simple)
Subhi went to the garden and plucked some flowers. (Compound)
i. The house was so beautiful that Dad decided to buy it. (Complex)
V. Anjali can stay or leave. (Compound)
V. Although it was a sunny day, we did not go for a picnic. (Complex)

D. Long answer type questions.

1. What are the five phases of active listening?
Ans. The following are the five phases of active listening.

a. Receiving: It includes paying close attention.

b. Recognition: It is an informed agreement regarding something or someone.
Remembering: It refers to the retrieval or recollection of past information.
Evaluating: It is the process of determining the worth, quantity or quality, significance of something or

e. Responding: It is the act of saying or doing anything in response to something spoken or done.
2. What do you understand by Feedback? Why is it necessary in communication?
Ans. Feedback is vital in communication since it
allows sender to determine whether or not the
the message. Feedback can be either receiver understO0u
good negative. However, in both circumstances, one must be
so that the person
receiving the input doesn't get hurt or insulted. respecu
3. What is communication? Explain the
purpose of sender and receiver in
Ans. Communication is a two-way process in which communication.
information or messages are
through the use of words, symbols, signs, or communicated between inu ividuals
behaviour. The components of
comprehend others are speaking, listening, communication na
must be developed: listening, reading, and writing. learn a lanquaqge, four
To skills
reading, and fundamen
Communication requires a sender who encodes and writing
decodes the message and transmits a message who
provides feedback. across a channel, ana
30 Touchpad Artificial Inteligence-XIl
4. Explain any two factors that influence active listening?

Ans. Following are the factors that influence active

Eye Contact
Eye contact is a must while communicating. It is one of the most important parts of communication.
Maintaining eye contact with the person you're speaking with communicates to the speaker, "Yes, I'm
talking to you or listening to you." Avoiding eye contact could indicate that you do not want to hear what
the person speaking to you is saying. Avoiding eye contact may also depict lack of confidence.

Avoiding distractions
You must first identify the sources of your diversions. To listen properly, you must physically remove al
distractions. Reduce the ringtone on your mobile or turn it off while attending a meeting or listening to
someone, for example, to avoid distraction. Another example is that you should avoid regularly checking

your Instagram/Whatsapp messages.

5. What do you understand by object in a sentence? Differentiate between direct and indirect object using suitable
Ans. Object is the receiver of the action performed by the subject in a sentence.
The object in a sentence can be either direct or indirect. Let us understand both.

Direct object a noun or pronoun receiving the action

generally preceded by the verb

does not depend on the indirect object
Indirect object a noun/pronoun that receives the direct object.
generally preceded by prepositions
depends on the direct object

Sentence Direct Object Indirect Object

He gave his son a present. present son

The little boy drew his teacher a picture. picture teacher

My sister bought me some chocolates. chocolates me

Unsolved Questions
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. An sentence conveys a powerful emotion, such as joy, grief, terror, or wonder

2. To learn a language, four fundamental skills must be developed:


3.. is a group of sentences.

4 Our communication must be clear, brief, and

5. A- sentence contains at least one independent clause and one dependent clause.

B. State whether the following statements are true or false.

1. An imperative sentence ends with a question mark.

2. MINTS is a simple set of rules that assist you in correctly capitalising words.

3 Communication is a one-way process.

Communication Skills-IV 31

4. with the
Maintain eye e

5. Effective nunication skills can
C. Short answer type questions.
1. characteristics of an active
LISt any 3
with exampie
2. Describe any two parts of speech and exClamatory:

3. List the barriers to active listening9 imperative,


4. statements as
ldentify the following
iBring me a glass of water.
i. My sister bakes delicious
ii. How beautiful is the painting!
iV. Would you like a glass of fresh juice?
V. He has hurt his left hand.
5. List any 2 advantages of active listening.

D. Long answer type questions. communication.

for effective
1. feedback is necessary
xplain hOw gestures and
2. DiTferentiate between active and passive sentence using
'RESPECT. Explain
in detail.
3. o ensure active listening, use the acronym
communication? Also enlist the reae

during interview
for effective easons
4. What body language should one maintain
why listening attentively is crucial?
MINTS is a simple set of rules
that assist you in correctly capitalicin
5. Explain giving few examples to show how

Lab Activity
1 Distribute sheets of paper to students. Tell all students to keep their eyes closed and not ask any
questions. Give step-by-step instructions to fold the paper into an origami shape of your choice. Now
all students will open their eyes and look at the shapes they created.
a. Are the shapes different even though you gave the same instructions?
b. Ask students if they could have done better if they had kept their eyes open and were allowed to
ask questions?
2. Make a poster to depict Teacher-Student conversation
using the acronym RESPECT. Display the poster
in the classroom and discuss with other students of the

1.d 2.b 3. a 4. b 5. c 6.b 7.d 8.c 9.a 10. b
11. b 12. d 13. d 14. d 15. d 16. b 17.a 18. b 19. d
A. 2.15 3. Parts of
B. 1. False 2. True
speech 4. remembering
3. False 5. removing distractions
4. False
5. True
32 Touchpad Atificial Inteligence-Xll

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