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Name: LÊ HẠNH DUNG Week: 5

Idea Preparation Sheet

Topic: Discuss your favorite movies to your friends

Questions for my friends

New Words Ideas

Outrage: sự phẫn nộ SOCIAL SETTING What?

Brutality: sự tàn bạo
Greetings Lead-in
Sexual violence: bạo lực tình dục

Underneath: bên dưới




Question 1: What is the name of the film? Was it an adaption?

- “Hope” released on 2013

- Yes, based on a true story in Korea

Question 2: What type of film?

Question 3: When did you see it?

- just on normal day, randomly pick one to see


Question 4: What is it about?

- The film is based on a true story, the infamous Cho Doo-Soon case in 2008,in

which an 8-year-old girl, named "Na-young" in the South Korean press,

was raped and beaten by a drunk 57-year-old man in a public bathroom.

- The court sentenced the man to only 12 years in prison, which caused outrage

in the country due to the brutality of the crime and the man's history of

physical and sexual violence.

Name: LÊ HẠNH DUNG Week: 5

Question 5: What’s your favorite scene in the movie?

- Her father hides underneath the costume of his daughter's favorite cartoon

character, Cocomong, in order to communicate with her. She is unaware of

who is underneath the costume, but she opens up to "Cocomong" and allows

him to give her a hug and he helps cheer her up.

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