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Name: ……Lê Minh Quang……………………………………… Week: …1………

Idea Preparation Sheet

Topic: Describe someone that you originally made a false assumption

Questions for my friends

New Words Ideas


Greetings Lead-in




Question 1: Who was he/she?

_ Her name is Sarah

Question 2: How + When did you first meet him/her?

_ I first met her when i got realize that she was teacher in Hutech.

Question 3: What did he/she look like?

_ She got yellow hair, very tall, yellow-skinned with square face.
Question 4: What was he/she like when you first met him/her?

_ She like friendly, kind person, helping when i first met her.

Question 5: What did he/she do that told you about his/her personality?

_ She told me about her personality is talking about how to relationship is very
firendly, make people understand.

Question 6: What false assupmtion did you make about him/her?

_ I make her misunderstand about she was American, but she told me that she

is Australian. How?

Question 7: What happened later that made you change your perspective

of him/her?

_ I made a change my perspective of her is i want to make a communication is

Name: ……Lê Minh Quang……………………………………… Week: …1………

perfer and no misunderstand again.

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